xDgamer has 157 879 games and 3 528 875 reviews in the database

Currently our website is on reconstruction. Please come back later.

xDgamer.net was made in order to help you browse around the huge world of games.

Explore new or find similar games, read reviews, get new friends.

You can achieve this with the help of our structured catalog:

  • Categories: single and multiplayer games, remote play, coop, PVP, PVE, split screen, controller support, etc...
  • Genres: action, adventure, RPG, casual, indie, MMO, free to play, strategy, racing, education, etc...
  • Tags: casual, anime, 2D, adventure, action, combat, turn based, retro, war, space, figth, shooter, arcade, FPS, etc...
  • As well as best games by year since 1997, free to play games, upcoming games, release calendar and much more.

Right now we are working really hard on reorganizing the website. It is going to be opened again in april-may 2024.

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