RPG Maker MZ - Wizards Pack (8 Elements)

RPG Maker MZ - Wizards Pack (8 Elements)
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Release date
28 July 2021
Full game

The "Wizard Pack (8 Elements)" for RPG Maker MV/MZ is a collection of graphic materials for "Wizard Characters" and "Magic Effects". This software has the same style as the default material, so you can incorporate it into your production with ease.

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RPG Maker MZ - Wizards Pack (8 Elements) system requirements


  • Additional Notes: System supporting RPG Maker MZ
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Steam APP ID
Fullgame appid
Windows PC
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Everything in the pack is as advertised. Very well put together for what is given.
The only thing I wish, and this is rampant in nearly all DLC for characters, is that the faces had 'emotions'.
You're only given the static closeup of the character's face for dialogue.
In my book, for dialogue chats, every character should have 8 basic emotes for their faces:

Normal - Happy - Sad - Surprised - Angry - Flirty - Disappointed - In Thought

There are others, but those normally cover every aspect of normal conversations.

As of now, I had to Photoshop edit the sets and hand craft each of these for each character I used.
Not really a deal breaker - after all anyone normally using these probably has some development skill sets already under the belt.

Highly recommended for anyone needing a few magical beings for their game.


Fantastic pack with everything included!
Animations(Effekseer particle)
Characters are complete, face, tv, tvd, sv, full body portait, matching weapons sheets. Male/female variants of each element type. Enemy/sv enemy images.
I highly recommend this pack!


I'm pretty pleased with this set. Given the developer's history, I half expected to open it and find lots of frame inconsistencies and glaring symmetry that suggests they only drew half a sprite then mirrored the other half with no thought for shading.
But the characters are well made.

I only see a minor issue with the portrait of the Male Wind User lacking a bold outline that all the other portraits have.
The enemy battlers come with a plain and charged element version, but the frames are different sizes. In some cases the element version is cropped differently, so "transforming" the enemy between the 2 versions means the character won't be standing in the same place.

The pack has Weapons graphics for all the characters. However a 3rd Party plugin (or text editor) will be required to use them because the MV and MZ editors have yet to fix the SV Weapon selection list.

The animations are mostly just remakes of the default spells. They only add a few new textures and have no new sound effects. In fact, if you plan on opening these animations in Effekseer you'll want want to copy and paste the default effect textures into the accompanying folder. There is a pdf that list what texture file the animations use.

Something I want to point out that might be overlooked is that some of the "Summon" animations use existing MZ enemies as textures. The 4 classical spirits: Gnome, Sylph, Undine, and Salamander. As well as a the "SF-Plasma" enemy and Trent.
Some of these texture files are actually higher quality than the versions in the Enemy folders because they are larger and uncompressed. The "Plasma" enemy doesn't have electric sparks, since that's part of the animation.

I guess it's also worth pointing out that there is no Light or Dark elemental "summons".
Given that the Light-users have an Eastern aesthetic, they probably could have use the Hakutaku enemy for light. And any number of demons for the dark summon. But I could understand the indecision.