
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
25 January 2018
Steam reviews score
97 (90 654 votes)
96 (6 255 votes)

Help Madeline survive her inner demons on her journey to the top of Celeste Mountain, in this super-tight platformer from the creators of TowerFall. Brave hundreds of hand-crafted challenges, uncover devious secrets, and piece together the mystery of the mountain.

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Celeste system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 1200 MB available space


Recommended requirements are not yet specified.
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You can download Celeste from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Matt Makes Games Inc. for $19.99. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

There are at least two options :

  1. download from official website — http://www.celestegame.com
  2. download from Steam — https://store.steampowered.com/app/504230
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I waited for this review until i finished farewell,
Im so glad i picked up this game.
this has to be one of the best games i have ever played.

difficulty is incredibly well designed, gameplay is fluid, story is wholesome and even influencing irl, music is incredible (by lena raine


if you love difficult games then this game will fit perfectly. not only is it difficult in the sense of learn off your mistakes its actually got a great story and looks great and cute too. solid 9.5/10. even good to replay a few times as i have on steam and my switch with about 10 or 20 hours on my switch

Peter Anime Owl
Peter Anime Owl

Celeste is one of my favorite games of all time and one of the best platformers I've ever played. It helped me recover from a breakup in early 2018 and has been a game I return to every few years to give another go. The controls are highly responsive, some of the best in the subgenre I've seen. I cannot recommend this game enough if you like 2D platformers.

The Powerballer
The Powerballer

good platformer, very informative as it taught me that trans people can double jump
truly inspiring.

tauon gaming
tauon gaming

this game is awesome, it has a great storyline and some really cool game mechanics. however, this review may be biased because i am transgender


so good. its very hard but once you get the hang of the controls its just a game of memorizing moves. finished thru chapter 7 with 1350 deaths. one of the best games ive ever played


This game made me want to throw my computer into the middle of a busy highway. 10/10 would recommend.

Dr Goomba Tower
Dr Goomba Tower

one of the most rewarding feelings ive ever felt beating a level, im sad that none of my friends have really played this game, you need to play it. It's extremely difficult, but it's not unfair. Play it. NOW


One of the best platformers out there; great music, self-contained levels, good post-game challenges, and mechanics that build on each other incredibly well. Don't miss out on this one~


This game means more than one could put into words.

Also, I'm talking to you. You know who you are.


beat game, left, came back half a year later, did every b side and beat farewell with moon berry in 2 days , good game


This game is too good and sucked up weeks of my life. Don't play unless you have a ton of time on your hands, or all of your waking hours not playing it will seem like hell. Good game 11/10


Story - 10/10
Gameplay - 10/10
Graphics - 10/10

I love the addition of not only non-canon bonus levels which are an optional challenge but also sequel levels taking place after the main story which are also extremely hard if you want to see more of the game.


Fantastic game. It took me some time to learn to love the visual style, but everything else - controls, level design, story, and oh god the music - is absolutely masterful. There's a staggering amount of content too - after you finish the main story (which is epic in its own right) you have about twice as much again in completely new levels.

It's also very hard. But that's one of the main reasons it's so good.


This is a game that I personally really enjoyed, but I can see why it turns some people off. This game will probably NOT work for you if you:

    • are easily frustrated by dying
    • are colorblind (might be fixable with mods)
    • have problems with hearing (might be fixable with mods)
    • are disturbed by themes of anxiety and depression, tense eeional moments
    are transphobic
    • dislike pixelart
    • dislike platformers

In my opinion, the music and art style are great, the plot isn't too deep but still meaningful if the theme (overcoming anxiety and depression) means something to you, and you can ignore it if you don't like it. The difficulty is pretty brutal, and the game expects you to die a lot, but you can substitute talent/skill with patience and perseverance and enjoy the game just fine. There is an assist mode that's mostly legal cheats, but it undermines the game's narrative because struggle is an essential part of it. In terms of accessibility (disclaimer: am not disabled), there's not much: only photosensitivity option (on by default) and no screenshake option; "dash assist" and slowdown are inside assist mode. Celeste itself has nothing for colorblindness or hearing problems, but I heard of mods that fix some of these issues, although wan't able to most of them. Celeste has quite a bit of content outside of the main game and a lot of content mods, so you probably won't run out of gameplay.
In conclusion, I recommend this game unless you're on the list above.

The Letter F
The Letter F

Celeste is a generally loved and praised game, I greatly enjoyed the majority of my time with it as well, however there are so some criticisms I’d like to level against it, the main one you could throw against it is it can test your patience as much as your skill. Short review: This is a great, albeit difficult and at times, frustrating game, if it caught your interest at all, absolutely get it.
Otherwise, read on for more in-depth criticisms against the game.


The game has very simplistic controls: directional movement, jump, dash, and grab. Such simplicity can be deceptive as I often found myself fumbling over the controls and pressing jump instead of dash (or vice versa) all the way to the end, and while generally the controls a very precise and responsive, an issue comes from the dash movement – I often found myself dashing in a direction I had not intended and could swear that I had changed direction to the intended direction before pressing the dash button. There’s a certain… stickyness(?) to the dash.


The sounds and music are all very good. I can’t think of anything to criticise here. In regards to the game – though I will say it’s odd that the soundtrack bundle doesn’t actually bundle the entire soundtrack and you need to hunt down both the b-sides soundtrack and farewell soundtrack if you want all of Celeste’s music.


The game’s pixel art is fine. I have no qualms with it, though I will say I don’t find it particularly interesting either; it just adequately does the job. The art outside of the pixelart is a mixed bag – the animated portraits are often great, with fun little animations and pleasing character art, and a really fantastic moment where a character breaks out of the character portrait box; it’s some lovely stuff.

But end screens and other miscellaneous art can often look straight up amateurish. Like the characters and such will just look a bit odd. Overall I have positive feelings about the art.


The story is of the Character “Madeline” climbing a magical mountain called “Celeste”, she’ll meet some zany characters on the way etc. etc. So the plot is an obvious allegory for any challenge in life and getting through depression and challenging ourselves; The Metaphorical Mountains we all climb.

One Issue I have with this story is it’s written in a very… Children’s cartoon way? It just doesn’t feel like it carries much weight, and comes across as tonally like an episode of Steven Universe. Madeline’s Depression and Anxiety feels so lightly touched upon, while everyone sings the praises of how well this game addresses such themes.

Another issue I have is that most of the characters are not particularly likeable. Madeline comes across as harsh, whiny and selfish; Theo is a hipster who talks about selfies and uses the phrase “yolo”; and Mr.Oshiro tries to murder us and then doesn’t even apologise for it, but it’s all good for some reason?

The only real likeable character is “Badeline” ironically enough, she might have had a barbed tongue, but she always seemed to say things in concern for Madeline and said reasonable things. More Badeline and less Madeline please.

One thing I want to address is the “politics” or trans subjects brought up in this game – in that there is none. Madeline is supposedly trans, but this doesn’t come up at any point within the game and can be completely missed honestly. If you’re going to rave on about “politics in games”, do it in game that actually has something political to rave on about in it.
Also a quick side tangent to this – I see a lot of reviews here can be boiled down to “Transgender people


One of my favourite platformer. It nails everything:
Great soundtrack
Beautiful visuals
Cute characters
Engaging lore
Simple mechanics, dash and jump
Unique level mechanics. Chapter 2 is my favourite.

100% would recommend.


After I bit my monitor and smashed it into pieces, my wife left the house and took my kids with her.


I liked the challenge, the soundtrack, the level design, and the message behind it (or the message I got from it). It's difficult at times, yes, but it is very much worth it in my eyes. I have it on my switch, and got it on my computer a couple years ago, but I still speedrun it, and play it sometimes.


i'm literally watching myself get acne from sitting at my computer screen so long without taking a break but it's ...... cathartic and now i suddenly love my zits


extended super ultra mega boost wallbounce hyper reverse wavedash demo into another super air arthritis grounded ultra celeste bump hidden super ultra mega hyper intense excrutiating jump.

overall 10/10 experience


An outstanding game with good and crisp controls as well as a lovely story. The music is very fitting and the flow of the game feels smooth.


Being trans is pretty poggers. (One of my favorite games and one of the best portrayals of mental illness I've ever related to in media)

feverishExecutant #NOSEPICKER

overhyped story, mid sountrack, annoying controls, platforming difficulty gets lazy and eventually becomes literal 2 minutes of platforming with no checkpoints

game kinda blows


Amazing game. This has genuinely helped me understand myself, as well as the gripping storyline and banger music. Would definitely recommend for platformer lovers.


This is probably not only one of the best platformers of all time, but one of the best examples of story telling in video games. This game is basically infinite video games.


Great Addicting game with compelling story about mental health. Not many games can capture the feeling of accomplishment so well


This game good. Tight controls, satisfying movement, stellar level design, and a story that can change your life if you need it. On top of my time on Steam, I additionally have roughly 200 hours on the Nintendo switch version, and I don't regret a single minute spent.


Celeste is truly a game that is extremely special to me. While it didn't change my life, it is still a very well made game. The art style is really pleasant to look at, the music is astoundingly good, and the story is charming and well written. Celeste also speaks about mental health issues which is great, and the whole climbing the mountain and accepting who you are metaphor with the mountain and Badeline make it so much better. Also, 20 DOLLARS?! Soooo worth it and tbh its worth 60 bucks but yeah if you haven't played it please do, you will love it.



Good game

$Ze Boss$
$Ze Boss$

This is a fun but very difficult game. The story is really interesting and I hardly ever found myself getting frustrated even when I kept dying over and over in certain rooms. Collecting strawberries and finding secrets feels very rewarding.


um once agaoin i dont like how the name has an e in it. you dont pronounce it celesty so why is it there. yeah it looks cool but i look cool too and that doesnt stop people from pointing out how stupid i am. remove it right nopw or im gonna have a fit that no one will care about. im so in credibbly pissed at this name right now im sitting here staring at the steam page for celeste at 11:40 at night malding at it. cool gameplay tho.


- me (a sane person)

11/84 must require jump make
Good game


Just came back and got the moon berry after all these years. I couldn't stay away because this game is just too fun and overcoming the insane difficulty is so satisfying. If you haven't already played this game, I can't recommend it enough.


This is most beautiful game I have ever played. The game was really hard yea but it's ending was so wholesome


If I could erase my memory just to play this game again and feel everything I felt playing, I would...

This game wasn't only fun and challenging, but also beautiful and touching. Not only I got attached to the story of the main character, but also the OST, the level design, the gimmicks, everything makes you feel kinda hypnotized and wanting it to last forever.
The only thing that really pissed me off was chapter nine, which is way longer than the other chapters, but still it was worth playing and going to the end of it.

I really recommend everyone to play this masterpiece

bowling ball
bowling ball

Got this game for free on Epic Games. It was so good that I bought it on Steam. It's an amazing game.

Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro Kujo

fun but i can understand if it isnt for everyone, the difficulty requires alot of patience to overcome

I hef gem
I hef gem

Adored this back in 2017. 5 years later, nothing has changed.
Celeste is leagues ahead of any precision platformer. Whenever you fail, whenever you get stuck, you put all of the blame on yourself, not the devs, and it's owing to one fundamental element - flawless controls and movement. Every mistake you make is your mistake, this sole fact renders the game's difficulty to be amorphous and dependable on the player's skill level. Sure there are some stupid stages occasionally, but the majority of stages/levels are perfectly designed, tailored to be studied and enjoyed. I despise the concept of speedrunning, but Celeste, at least within itself, has turned that negative bias obsolete.
It also features a heart-warming story, sensation of success and an incredible level editor.
Hell, if you don't enjoy precision platformers, make sure to take a listen to the game's soundtrack - it's funky, simultaneously uplifting and depressing (to a safe extent).
Can't recommend this game enough. It deserves all the recognition it got and much more. In the tainted oceans of mediocre, bland platformers, Celeste is that rare immaculate gem.
PS. Chapter 9 though... God protect me from that cursed level...


One of the best experiences I've recently had in gaming. The story wasted no time getting me to like these characters, starting with the very first lines from Madeline, chipper on the outside, but with some self-doubt at the end, encapsulating what we can expect from the character and game themes without overlong expositions. Her overall story is at a sweet spot of having relatable issues and experiences, but with enough there to avoid being a blank slate. Theo is lovably goofy, but is still given enough development and serious conversations to be a well rounded character to provide contrast and comparison with Madeline. Conversations is general are organic, there isn't any whining about issues without reason. Events happen which give them reasons to talk about deep things, and in between those things, we get some charming comedy and character building. A Part of You/Badeline is an interesting take on a "protag's dark side" type character that doesn't rely on "this is your evil self, kick it's butt." Making for more nuanced symbol of negative traits.
In gameplay, the difficulty curve is immaculate. I would recommend it to everyone, because it starts approachable and simple despite reaching some extreme endgame difficulty. There are no repeats of the same thing for padding, and it offers a new trick every few rooms, giving you time to get used to it before giving you another, as to avoid being overwhelming. You have enough momentum to feel like you have weight without impeding precise character control. Switching between slower sections of careful movement and super fast moments keeps the pace from being samey, along with new area based tools to give each a gameplay theme along with visuals and story. Fast respawn times let you get right back into things without unnecessary waiting time.
The only thing I disliked were some of the puzzles, a few were clever, but in particular chapter 7 was a tad obtuse. Otherwise, just play Farewell last and enjoy this platforming masterpiece.


it's a challenging game and i quite like it. But the moment Madeline and Theo said "it's climbin time" made the game an immediate 70/10


bought it when it was on sale and i LOVE this game its just so brutally hard in a good way and really addicting but i do not recommend this game for casuals

but my 20 hour save file got corrupted tho


This is the most hyped society has been about mountain climbing, since the first mount everest climber.


Celeste: a game about overcoming personal struggles and internal conflicts. This is the game to play if you seek an extremely difficult, yet equally as fair, challenge. Coupled with a beautifully designed existential story, array of environments, multitude of well-hidden secrets, and soundtrack, Celeste is addictive and compelling, and almost as difficult to stop playing as the game can be to progress through.

Bonzai Bundesbahn
Bonzai Bundesbahn

This better not awaken anything in me.

Ok so I previously had a go at Hyper Light drifter for being annoying and now I'm even more convinced this is the case.

In Celeste, it's easy to see where you went wrong and what killed you. The timing is demanding but your interactions, jump timing, locking the dash angle are easy to pick up with an incredible amount of depth to mastery lying in the potential combo and chaining effects. Tough but rewarding.

I also often find a lot of pixel art platformers hard to read, so I'm very happy to say that this game doesn't do that to you.

Speedrunners, how on earth do you pull it off, theres no way I'm even attempting a b-side lol.

Supreme Commie
Supreme Commie

A beautiful, astounding game with a personal story and stunning visuals. It's rather replayable, and used simply mechanics to enable complex, difficult (and sometimes frustrating) gameplay. Its varied difficulty is a clever part of the storytelling, and works well with the portrayal of Madeline and her climb.
I couldn't recommend it enough.


Got 100% and Im trans
probably correlated somehow tbh

goofy ah self
goofy ah self

honestly worth the price the music is amazing, graphics are really nice while providng a hard platformer for fans of the genre


Great game but it's too addicting to be this hard


Really fun so far! Looking forward to beating this exciting game!


This game is fun and it's gameplay is engaging. Sorry if I sound like a bot, I'm just bad at discribing things. This is also a good way to relive stress


epic mountain yes yes I agree play now or eles te hehe heheheha


This is very good and satisfaying plat-former, i would give it 4.7/5. Hard to get the hand of but when you get it, it's very fun. This game really takes advantages of its movements mechanics, and when you are controlling your caracter you feel better. Sometime i made a jump sequences and i'm still wondering how i pulled it off. I recommend easily this game.


This game ruined my mentality 11/10 I just have a skill issue


Celeste is pure. Each room offers new challenges, but the solution is always the same jump. Jumping is remixed in dozens of different, exciting ways. Celeste is the very soul of simplicity, and that’s what makes it such a beautiful game. The game is much like any of the souls games, where death is one of the main mechanics. Every time you die, you learn a bit more about how to beat it and how the game works, even after the summit you'll look online and find a new jump you didn't see. This game is a great challenge and i would suggest playing Celeste if ever you can, i put off playing it for too long. (you lose the game)


One of the most creative platforming games I have ever played. Super polished and precise controls.Very excited to see what this studio puts out next! In these days where platforming is becoming more and more into just a fancy jump animation and holding the analog stick UP, its cool to see a game push so many new ideas with just jumping and dashing!Truly incredible game. Now,the game is difficult and it says I died over 3000 times,it is really satisfying to pull off some of the most insane platforming I have seen in a video game.The game has a very generous save point system so you are never discouraged from trying again but the game still fucks you.Its the fun kinda challenging and its so refreshing to play such a title after a very long time.


I am crying for all the right reasons a game should make you cry


One of the best games you can play if you like a challenging single player experience, period. It looks amazing, sounds amazing, I adore the story, the gameplay is fun and rewarding. I got the game free years ago, but I had to buy it here on steam and on a console as well because it's absolutely deserving of that level of respect. If you find the game challenging and don't have the time of day, you can also actually change some settings to make the game a bit more manageable. Overall, I think this is one of the closest to perfect games I've ever had the pleasure of playing.


Soundtrack and gameplay is amazing. My sanity not so much


This is a great game that tested my skills as a gamer (not very good), and resolve as a person.


I've actually played this for around 70 hours because I played on offline mode sometimes. I 100% loved this game. It is challenging, I've got to say, but you get better and better each time you die and try again, and in the end, you'll be amazed when you complete a stage that you thought was impossible for you. That kind of satisfaction is great. And just to explain how the game is like. The game has 9 chapters in total, each chapter has many stages, and there are strawberries in each chapter that you can collect(some are super hard to find). Also, there are three sides for each chapter: A, B, and C. You have to find a cassette in each chapter to unlock it's b side, and you unlock all c sides by completing all b sides.each side has a heart of some name, and you have to find all hearts in the a and b sides of the first 7 chapters and the heart of chapter 8 a side to be able to complete chapter 9(there's a door thing that unlocks with hearts. You could also use a skipping trip to get past the door but I wouldn't recommend that) and chapter 8 b side. The game is hard at first when you are getting use to the controls, but after that, it's not too bad. The a sides for chapters 1-7 are medium difficulty, and 8a(chapter 8 a side)is pretty difficult at first.the b sides are all pretty hard, but once you complete them you'll find that they're not too bad. Chapter 9 has a leap in difficulty, which makes it pretty darn hard, but when you finish it, your skills will be good enough to beat all the first 8 chapters easily. I played the c sides after chapter 9, so personally I felt like it they were easier than the b sides. Though 7c was super annoying bc it had a long path with no checkpoints. After beating every round, you're able to collect golden strawberries, which is basically completing the run hit-less, which is really hard. Overall, the game is hard, but it increases it's difficulty reasonably, and at least I has a great time playing it and I really recommend you to try it out. btw, I've unlocked full achievements and only have some golden strawberries left to collect and I think I'm an average gamer, so if I can do it, I bet you could too. Darn, looking back at what I've written, I feel like I suck at giving reviews. I doubt anyone would read this whole thing, lol. Anyways, this is a fun game, try it out. Oh yeah, just to let you guys know, I died 18.6k times total playing this game, so don't think you suck at this game and quit just because you died a few thousand times, that's completely normal. Just keep on trying and you'll get it.


One of the best games of all time, and moreover it really changed my taste in video games towards platformers and indie games in general (having many years ago been mostly interested in FPS games).

Also, the only game which I recommend the soundtrack to even to people I know haven't/won't play the game itself. Every element is absolutely stand-out excellence.


don't play farewell if you don't hate yourself


Best game i have ever played, love the story and difficulty


Um jogo incrivel do começo ao fim


hoping this doesn't awaken something in me


pretty good game. Don't try to talk to anybody who's "in the community" of this game, because it's a bunch of tranny freaks (ew gross!)


Whether you see climbing Mount Celeste as a metaphor for achieving your long-term goals or a short, fun story, there has never been a game I've seen so comfortable in its own skin. While its story and OST is magnificent beyond words, the meat of the experience is in its crushingly difficult gameplay. The secrets, rewards, extra levels, and bonus content make the challenges all worth it and keep you coming back for more.

Like the mountain itself, climbing it will reveal inner truths about yourself. And how you chose to handle these truths when times get rough will ultimately define your experience.

anisa (gamer)
anisa (gamer)

this game brings you both immense pain and satisfaction. oshiro c side haunts my dreams


Really fun platforming. Whilst it is challenging, the way that you get instantly placed back to the start of the segment after dying makes it easy to gauge your improvement and trial and error solutions. Plus the music is incredible, so you can just get into a groove, which means it doesn't really feel like a grind.


I love this game! From the first time I played it I couldn't put down the controller! It's a really beautiful game and as someone with anxiety it really depicted that perfectly. I really connected with Madeline and all the characters are written so well. As for gameplay it's so addicting! The game does a great job building up your skills throughout. And the soundtrack is great as well!


the b-sides cause me unbelievable suffering. brilliant. 10/10.

Edgy Zeppeli
Edgy Zeppeli

Whole game is an allegory for being trans. Cringe


Dont be a coward and go for the moon berry


Trans rep

Sir Smoky/PinkPunk
Sir Smoky/PinkPunk

It's a good game if you hate yourself


farewell gave me minor carpal tunnel


I am a 53 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single farther to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game for Christmas in 2021 from his uncle, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So I decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories.


-9 флаг передает вам привет


I don't know why everyone is ranting about this game being so difficult.

I literally never died a single time.

Snorefest but some cool art along the way. 3/10 buy on steep discount only


I don't like platformers, this game doesn't really change that, but it was a really good challenge and felt good to accomplish, I mostly played because I love the games music. I then started enjoying the story, when it comes to gameplay it was very difficult. I stopped playing the game fore ages, picked it back up again to hear the music in action, and a few friend were bugging me to play. If you like the challenge, and want some good music go for it, if gameplay is all you're looking at if you don't like platformers don't get it


best of the best challenge will never failed you


This game is amazing I played it on my switch but I just had to review


m a s t e r p i e c e


i am allergic to strawberries now

Lost Blade
Lost Blade

Really fun platformer amd lovely characters but I recommend you play with a controller I played on keyboard the entire time and got multiple hand cramps

The Imagineer
The Imagineer

I was actually stuck on the opening screen cause I didn't know you had to press C to continue so that sucked. Otherwise the controls are a bit tricky to learn at first but I am now used to them and they rock. Great level design, great platforming. I really like (or rather dislike) the main character. She's kind of a dick sometimes which I dig. The supporting cast is pretty good too. One thing I don't like is the art style when it's not pixel art. It sucks when it's not pixel art. When it's pixel art it's beautiful.


game ain't as hard as everybody says it is.

its still good anyways

Shitting Muhammad Ali
Shitting Muham…

Make sure to download everest client it'll drop your fps from 61 to like 48 at first launch its awesome


Platforming classic for a good reason

anotter random guy
anotter random guy

you know, it's been a good while since I played a game than I can describe as the closest a game has ever reached the rank of a perfect game, celestes hit everything out of the park, and with my 4 structure ranking system (mechanics, appearance, music and story), I'll explain why

the mechanics of a game are like it's bones, without it, the game will be just a video, so to be fun, a game needs to work well, it needs nice and strong bones, with lots of calcium from your store front milk brand, and celestes bones are strong as diamonds, although playing on pc can be a little hard, a hard time from platformers is a very common thing when playing on pc, so it's not something I can blame the game for.

mechanics 9/10, recommended to be played with a controller, or on the keyboard if you like that sort of thing

although to maintain a player, well, playing the game, the mechanics needs to be good, the first thing that will attract someone to a game is usually the looks of it, if the art is really good, then the game has a big advantage, and can hit off a bit more easily, and celeste has a beautiful art style, the pixel art in this game is charming, cutesy and absolutely phenomenal, I can feel the passion of the artists pouring trough the screen, absolutely fantastic

appearance 10/10

the music is like the voice of a game, not many people will care about it, but there's still bunch of people who will love a game, almost solely because of the music, and even though I'm not an music expert, I can say that this game has an phenomenal sound track, when playing, I usually have an video playing in the background, and I mute the game so I can hear the video, celeste has been the only game I refused to fully mute, just so I can listen to the amazing soundtrack this game has to offer

music 10/10

the story of a game can be a complex little thing, some games can be big, and never have a story to begin with, while other games have an incredibly complex world, but don't have an audience that will explore it's nooks and crannies, while celestes story isn't an oscar winning type of story, it is certainly one story that will be stuck with me for a long time, what I love about it is how, no matter who you are, or where you are, this story can hit you deep in the feels, and make you wonder if you've been taking life the right way, to me, this makes this story even more beautiful then it was, the characters are all good, especially Theo, he is my favorite character simply for his humor, this game's story will be one that I won't forget for a long-long time.

story 10/10

overall score 10/10
this game could be defined, in my opinion, as the perfect game, it hits the four categories perfectly, and is an overall amazing game, if you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favor and buy this shit already, yeah, you will be pissed sometimes, it is a difficult game after all, but getting atop that mountain is just worth it, believe me


If you haven't played this game yet I highly recommend it.

It took me a while time to finally start playing this game. It has cute graphics and engaging gameplay it doesn't make you fall in love with it outright.
If you give this game a chance though it will definitely grow on you, because the more you play it and the more you give it a chance the more the games uniqueness starts to shine, both in graphics, story and gameplay. Game really is a beautiful experience, and I feel like looking at screenshots or gameplay videos won't do it justice.

First chapter for example looks pretty alright, but it takes some exploration and skill to complete it. But as you do get into it and as you explore and master it, you start to notice more and more all the unique quirks of it. And by the time you're finished, game throws you into the second chapter and builds up on the beauty and challenge you've experienced. This is how both graphics gameplay work. Game knows how to make you love it.
So much so that I thought I would just complete the main story line and stop playing for good. But when I was done game encouraged me to keep playing, a little here and there. It was more challenging, but I could do it. And then, just one more challenge. And another. And another. Until I felt encouraged enough to attempt more difficult challenges.
And before I knew it, I was trying to get all the achievements.
And I have finally done it. After 69 hours I have all the achievements as I am writing this review.

Buy this game if you like a challenge. Or if you want to experience heart felt (and unfortunately relatable) story with amazing music and pixel art.
I highly recommend this game.

Tesco Meal Deal
Tesco Meal Deal

I would rather eat another human being than do the c-sides again


One of the best games ever made, and THE best game OST ever made.


Probably the best platformer I've ever played. The base 7 levels and their story are pretty fun, but it's hardly a fraction of what Celeste has to offer. Chapter 9 is probably the best platforming level ever made, even if it's really hard on a first playthrough. If this game doesn't look that interesting to you, you probably already own it in one of a million Itch.IO bundles, and you should play it, and if you gave it a shot but stopped after the story, PLAY MORE OF IT. Do all of the collectibles! Play through the B-sides! It's all SO MUCH BETTER once you learn the game! Also Maddy Thorson invented trans people and also plagiarized her name from this game called Celeste idk if youve heard of it


The game makes me happy. That's what matters.


amazing platformer, but not for everyone

le strawberry
le strawberry

It’s like Hotline Miami with the amount of times you die


After coming out as trans I still haven't learnt how to double-jump, 0/10 false advertising




Havent beat it yet but the game is a work of art and is the perfect amount of challange.

clean master69
clean master69

Cool game, bad fingers for it. 10/10


very good fantastic story a must have


Dificil pero Gratificante, con una historia simple pero bonita, sta bastante epico


one of my favorite platformers i've ever played and i dont think anything can top it. the gameplay is perfect and the characters are amazing, even when the game is stabbing me in the chest and spitting on my corpse it'll still ask if im alright and thats something i appreciate


Celeste is a really great game. It taught me many things: the importance of friendship and accepting yourself, ways to deal with anxiety and depression, and the most important lesson of all, that trans people can double jump.


The only good quirky indie game about depression.


Amazing story, amazing gameplay and extremely difficult 10/10 for normal people 15/10 for masochists XD


Well that hit way harder than I expected it to


It's difficult, but it's good. You need to go into the game with the mentality that it's a puzzle and you dying is simply taking steps towards solving the puzzle. Thankfully with a few exceptions (Usually the end of a chapter) the save points are very frequent so you're never losing masses of progress.

Abdul gaming
Abdul gaming

This is a great game if you like 2D platformers. It's sometimes punishingly difficult, but always manages to not be frustrating. The art also looks great. I thought the story was underwhelming, although that seems to be an unpopular opinion among people who've it.


Just buy it. It's a challenge, but a wonderful game that everyone should experience.


Great game. I am terrible at it but the game has really nice ways of reminding you to have fun.


Celeste is probably one of the best games that i have ever played, as well as one of the most difficult. I have played all the way to the summit and can say that the view is definitely worth it.


Great game for anyone looking for a challenging platformer. 10/10


After finally completing all achievements, I can safely say that this game is incredible. Very difficult but rewarding. The gameplay, soundtrack, and story all contribute to the experience. It's the embodiment of the phrase "Easy to learn, difficult to master." Play this game if you haven't already.


i like the part where the character did a dash


brrr, che che che, bwaa bubwaaa celest


A great heartwarming game for those up for a challenge. Make sure you play with a controller though, it's much easier than on a keyboard. The music is also amazing, especially on Chapters 2, 3, and 5.


It certainly is an amazing experience...


An unfathomable experience makes me wanna eat my own seed ( I mean strawberries of course hehe )


Haven't played a platformer for a while and this is a great challenge with all the different levels you can do, besides beating the main story. Lots of replay-ability if you want to try to get all the collectibles. If that's too hard, I know I always have Assist mode I can fall back on. Haven't had to use it for the main game so far, but I expect I'll be begging for mercy with some of the b-side and c-side stuff. The core of the story about struggling with mental health issues is one that anyone can relate to and one I've currently been struggling with lately. Hoping to reach the top of the mountain someday too.


For 20$ I feel like this is a steal lol


Teaches you that caterers and hoteliers are bad people.



Amazing platformer . Love the soundtrack and art style


Cute 2D platformer with nice pixel graphics, and level design, and some friendly faces to meet along the way.


- Fantastic pixel graphics
- Creative and challenging level design
- Great soundtrack
- Heartfelt story
- Pain


i paid 5$ to give my sanity away, i could have just done that for free bruh


The moment in this game is very clean. I just finished my second play through after not having played or fully completed it for a couple years. Getting all of the achievements and 100%-ing the game was a blast. 9.9/10 (screw moving platforms)

Troubled President
Troubled President

I loved this game, and it is, by far, my favorite platformer. With its difficulty, it brought immense frustration as well as satisfaction. It told so much with just the level design, despite there not being long bouts of dialogue and exposition, and what dialogue and cut-scenes there were added to the depth of Madeline's character, mental turmoil, and the motivation for the climb. There was such attention to detail in the placement of the obstacles, berries, and hidden entrances.

The mechanics were smooth and so effective that I never felt as if it was the game's fault I died. On that note, the quick respawn following death only made it more motivating to keep trying, despite dying hundreds of times. It told me that dying was just apart of the learning process, and I had to fall sometimes to get a better run or collect a berry.

Even though the controls were hard to get used to, it really fit the game so well, and now, having one hand on Z, X, and C will always remind me of Celeste. Every chapter with its individual story and levels added a unique obstacle that taught you how to use Madeline's simple, consistent mechanics in a new, creative way. The art would change environments completely in addition to its color palettes, theme, and music. The game embodies the statement: "It's not the destination. It's the journey." - Ralph Waldo Emerson... Well, actually, most games do, but still, I highly recommend playing this one.


This game sat in my library for years, and I finally played it. The reviews are absolutely correct, don't have much to add. I don't play a lot of platformers or controller based games, so there was a steep learning curve, but I got into it and challenged myself to the more difficult levels. Definitely recommend if you haven't tried it yet and are looking for a challenge.


girl is like "wowie, a mountain. i will climb dat bih"


As long as you aren't an obsessive completionist (like I usually am), this game is actually quite a pleasant platformer. Don't worry about dying and collecting all the strawberries, but just focus on learning from each mistake and you'll make it to the top of Mount Celeste. It's a delightful journey with surprising character development!


NO. the most aggrivating game ive ever played in my life!


very good game, tackles alot of subjects like depression and anxiety and uses them in a meaningful way to create one of the best metaphors ive ever seen. extremely hard though but with enough practice and creative problem solving you can get ahead. overall fantastic game.



I can only absolutely recommend this game. I have been mostly actively playing Celeste for about 8 months now, and i can confidently say id love to keep playing this for a few more years. Celeste is a super cute and satisfying game, and it has both managed to be a rage game, and a super calming game for me, depending on what i want to play, and which chapter i pick. Any time you think you are done with most of its content there is more you can do, and the challenges never get too boring. It is a great speedrunning game as well, with all of its super smooth and satisfying mechanics, and the forgiveness of the game. You will never feel like the game screwed you over, because it never will.
If you even slightly enjoy 2d platformers, you will probably enjoy this one, and i absolutely recommend buying it


One of the best games i have played love it


I learned about this game from a youtuber named Atsuover who streamed playing Farewell. I recently got 20 dollars to spare and bought the game. Its a really good game with simple mechanics. The art style is wonderful and the music is very nice. One thing I have to say is that playing with a console controller such as Xbox or Playstation makes the game so much easier as the keyboard controls are a bit tricky, though can be changed to better keybinds, I just prefer controller.




I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes a fast-paced, precision platformer with a great story-line and a ton of hidden secrets and collectables. This is my favourite game by far!


brillient game the only game i have played that i would personally rate as a 10/10


base game cured my depression and then chapter 9 gave it right back


This game made me feel a lot of emotions. Anger, frustration, annoyance, emptiness, helplessness, discontentment, resentment, insecurity, shame, but sometimes it made me feel happy so I'm recommending it.


super fun, only after 1 playthrough i can see how well made and amazing this game is, definetly worth a shot!


died 1178 times
every time I learned what not to do the next time
reached the top of the mountain
worth every penny


I played Celeste and wasn't sure if I'd wake up in the morning.


the mountain was kinda tall but it has pretty good music.


Reminds me a lot of mario maker, trial and error, but it has a great story, difficulty and it is very fun and you can see they made it with love. 11/10


I suffered through the final stage only to find out I had to find more of the collectibles to unlock the rest... 9/10


fun 7-8 hours of base gameplay

kojack nero
kojack nero

Excellent game with great mechanics. It does take a while to complete though.


I just got 100% completion for achievements. This was a great game and recommend it to anyone that likes some fun challenges


Celeste is the most ascetically pleasing plat former


It just works, everything. Gameplay, Visuals, Audio - everything is pretty much perfect. If you don't like Celeste, it's not because of the game, it's because you have sh*t taste. 10/10


Amazing platformer with a focus on mental health, but fun, very, very,very,very fun



swag gru
swag gru

A motivação que o jogo trás para finalmente chegar ao cume é tão grande, que você ignora toda a raiva do caminho. A lore e os gráficos são incríveis e eu recomendo demais.
O jogo é totalmente re-jogável por que temos lados A, B e C, que inclusive ficam mais difíceis a cada um.


One of the best games I've ever played. Cute little story and unbelievable gameplay that leaves you feeling satisfied after every screen you complete. Couldn't possibly recommend this more


This is the masterpiece platformer I've been looking for. Some things like the hearts and C-Sides are kind of unbalanced and C-sides shouldn't be a part of the achievement list but that's the only thing I can find wrong with this game. If you're reading reviews to see if it's worth it, stop wasting your time and buy it as soon as possible

Claudio Torres
Claudio Torres

excelentes mecánicas y uso de plataformas. sencillo pero muy entretenido.


Amazing game play and a great story that builds as the progress.


I don't necessarily believe that this was a masterpiece like I've heard some people say, but hey that might just mean that the game wasn't for me. Even with this belief I still recommend this to people looking for a good challenge, and it feels really good when you finally finish a B side or something super challenging like level 3. This game's soundtrack is one of its greatest strong suits too, and it is a joy to listen to, especially when you feel like bashing your head against a blunt object when you make one stupid mistake just before a save point. Also the art style is amazing and the levels look like actual paintings, (except with pixels obviously). When I get farther in the game I might change my mind but that's what I think at this point.

8.7 out of 10


sub 1000 death for my first run, im pretty good


great game it balances difficulty with the feeling of accomplishment when you finish a room or get a really hard strawberry. Whoever made this game knew what they were doing.


Made me kick my bed so hard that my toe is now bleeding 10/10



Good game would play a B-side again.


Starting this out on a warm summer evening, I consider myself a cisgender male. After a couple of days and overall 8 hours, I can officially say I am transgender. I am proud of myself for being able to come out and say this, but I felt as if you all needed to hear this. After only learning some of the controlls I was already able to feel the estrogen coarsing through my veins. I would have liked to ask my parents and talk about them about maybe getting bottom surgery, but after today, rest assured I dont need any sort of surgery. I now have to bare the responsabilities of being a woman, and especially after roe v wade I am not ready for it. I have brought upon myself a great curse, my actions are my own and the responsibilities of them, I will carry. but I do not know how long I will be able to. If you want to keep your gender, stay away from this game.


What kinda fucking mountain is this


You are a good son, real good. Maybe even the best...
This game, listen to me, is something else. All the compliments it gets? It deserves.
I would say it's the most accessible game I've ever seen.
The base game is for everyone.
The B and C sides are for people who want challenge.
Assist mode is a customizable difficulty, and you shan't feel bad for your skill here, this game is indeed for everyone.




Great game. Extremely difficult at times, but as long as you have a way to calm your nerves and you have the willpower to push through hundreds to thousands of attempts it can be done. Highly recommend.


W game. Now where's Kim and the kids?