Chop Goblins

Chop Goblins
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
12 December 2022
Steam reviews score
98 (2 134 votes)
100 (40 votes)

Pursue the malevolent Chop Goblins through time, and foil them with devastating weapons, in this bite-sized FPS from the creator of DUSK, Iron Lung, and Squirrel Stapler

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Chop Goblins system requirements


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • Processor: x86, x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.
  • Graphics: DX10, DX11, DX12 capable.
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Sound Card: Built in
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postal pawjob
postal pawjob

Due to your own hubris you find yourself hunting down an intergalactic time-traveling threat. What's the best solution to fighting back the chopping menace? Stabbing!
Experience extensive stabbing capabilities! You can try to stab:
Trash cans, crates, cars, crowded cars, windows, trash bags, apartment walls, bottles of beer, bottles of Jägermeister, projectiles, trees, buttons, barrels, invaluable artwork, vending machines, furniture, dracula, dogs, & of course at the very least, an assortment of chop goblins. High intensity bloody gore exploding stabbing action! There is probably other weapons too!
Did I say stab projectiles? That's right, you can stab to parry projectiles in chop souls!
Ready up your 3 arms to clean up the mess you caused in the first place.


This should be like the poster child for what is actually meant by I want shorter games with worse graphics because this incredibly silly goofy little 40 minute shooter is so cozy and charming and yet still shows the hallmarks of what made Dusk's level design and gun play so satisfying and special, just in a smaller funnier package for 5 bucks. The soundtrack slaps too!


Short, sweet, and totally ridiculous, Chop Goblins is a great time while it lasts, with plenty of replay value with the extra modes and content that have been added in post launch updates. Buy it, it's like five dollars.

Darth Insanius
Darth Insanius

This game is all about killing and getting killed by "Chop Goblins". It's lots of fun in terms of chop goblins. Chop Goblins is a BOOMER SHOOTER / classic shooter or something like that. It has plenty of secrets, replay-ability, destructible environmental objects, chop goblins, weapons and some miscellaneous interesting stuff.

I think you in particular should play it maybe.

Dana Pink
Dana Pink

Chop Goblins is a tight, short boomer shooter and an absolute blast to play. Sure, you can blaze through it in under an hour, but you could easily put upwards of 5 hours into this. The level design is fun, the guns all shoot in a straight line but feel completely different and actually do have different use cases. Pick it up at full price. Mowing through goblins like this is a deal at any price.

The world needs more one man, frenetic microshooters and less 250 million dollar AAA titles, I think.


I want a subscription service where every week a new tiny game like this gets sent to me. I really liked playing through this and grabbing all the achievements. Definitely give it a go if you're into small retro-shooters.


Like always, I enjoy Szymanski's writing and aesthetics. But from a gameplay standpoint this one is kind of underwhelming.
Took me about 45 minutes on a first playthrough and while it has newgame+ and such, playing it some more I didn't feel it had any real replay value.


"Chop Goblins" is a schlocky and quite solid, albeit short FPS with a silly premise: Get rid of the time-and-space ranging threat of a malevolent goblin species that you freed involuntarily from an ancient artifact. If this sounds like a synopsis from a trashy 80s-flick you are 100% right: It is just about it.
That being said, the gunplay and leveldesign is really nice and the audio and soundtrack is great.
A short and nostalgic shooter trip to nostalgia lane that can be 100% in around 2,5 hours and worth the price!


Chop Goblins is an artistic masterpiece. That's understating how beautiful this game truly is. The way David Szymanski portrays these beloved creatures is a testament to his incredible development skills. One of the greatest aspects of this game is its humor. I recall from my first play through, when I walked out of the museum for the first time and I saw what the Chop Goblins were truly capable of, I was starstruck. I have never been that amazed by a video game my entire life span. The graphics in this game are simply beautiful. While not being up to date with modern standards, they give the game a certain charm that I have been wanting to see for a long time. I could go on and on about how fantastic this game is, but I shouldn't. I just want to touch on one more topic; the sounds of Chop Goblins. When I say "the sounds of Chop Goblins" I don't just mean the goblins themselves, I mean every little piece of sound design this game has to offer. From the crystal clear sounds of the artillery to the simple yells coming from the goblins. The first time I heard a Chop Goblin speak, a large tear formed on my eye and poured down my cheek. I was flabbergasted because I really wasn't expecting such an angelic sound. To end this review off, I just want everyone who reads this to know this is the greatest game of the century if not the greatest game ever. Buy Chop Goblins and everything in your life will get better by a mile.

Shotgun Justice
Shotgun Justice

Surprisingly one of the most compelling FPS games I've played.

It's incredibly short (an hour-ish), but what is there has had a lot of love and effort put into it.

Level design, visuals, sound and music* are just exceptionally well done. I like how the dev played with some visual effects, like the CRT TV filter and the neon lights in the Streets level (Among others).

*The music loops are a bit too short/repetitive. What's there is good, but by the fifth time a track loops it can be a bit of a negative.

It's games like Chop Goblins that make searching through indie games worth the effort.


An incredible, infinitely replayable experience. It has it all: awesome music, quirky and variable enemy set, fantastic arsenal, and it's just right length to come back to it again and again.
And I haven't even found all the secrets, nor tried mirror mode, remix levels or anniversary stuff. This game has more than initially seen.
Definitely play it, 10/10, would chop goblins again.


A wonderfully fun and short experience--even to 100% complete!--from one of my favorite indie developers.

If you have $5 lying around and want to shoot goblins in a power fantasy for a few hours, you can't go wrong with Chop Goblins.

Soundest Rex
Soundest Rex

Great example of a bite sized boomer type shooter. The guns had a good feel to them, the level design was properly complicated without feeling frustrating, you will get lost sometimes but the maps are so small you're not likely to stay lost for long.


Overall Impressions

Reviewed after 100%. A short "Boomer Shooter" that plays a bit like Quake, but has a sense of humor

What I Liked

The old-school FPS combat was tight and fun. I never got bored blasting Goblins apart with the shotgun. There are a few neat secrets strewn throughout, but not very difficult to find.

The level design was fun. I found myself stopping to look around and marvel at some of the areas. Dracula's castle in particular.

What Could Be Improved

The game is pretty basic and short. There are only a handful of levels.

Final Thoughts & Rating

Another gem David Szymanski game. I have found myself quite the fan of his work. Play this if you enjoy his other games or the "Boomer Shooter" genre.



It's hard to say anything about this game that isn't already covered in the store description.

It's short, it's simple and to the point. Charming and funny.

Good sound design. Good level design. Cool weapons. Catchy songs.

Well balanced.

Highly replayable.

You deflect projectiles by stabbing them.

Simply solid.

Big Boss
Big Boss

Simple, quick, and not all that difficult.

Coming from DUSK, I was surprised with the simplicity of the game. It's still a fun time. I beat it in about 3 hours. If you're up for a quick pick-up-and-play boomer shooter, you'll probably like this game. It's got more in common with Squirrel Stapler than DUSK, so if you liked Squirrel Stapler or just like David Szymanski's other works, you'll also probably like this game.


This is a great game I 100% completed it in 5 hours. The achievements are a good difficultly and the art style is charming, if you want to have a game that you stab and shoot goblins that say "where's the cheese" while attacking then this is the game for you.


Chop Goblins is exactly the direction that the game industry should be heading in. Games that are small, focused experiences, that are informed by prior entries within their genres. Chop Goblins doesn't give you all the content you could ever possibly want from it, and that's a good thing! Being left wanting more, rather than exhausted by the sheer quantity of content, should be the goal for video games. Yes, player retention is reduced when the player can actually COMPLETE a game, but what does someone do when they cant get any more playtime out of a game themselves? They get their friends to play it, they get their family to play it, they get anyone who will listen to play it! I want everyone to start chopping goblins!

Chopped down a building/10


Realized I didn't review this. Need to start actually reviewing games I finish on steam. Anyway, banger. Simple, effective boomer shooter gameplay, very funny, very charming, and banger soundtrack. Honestly if this game has you interested enough that you're looking at reviews, just buy it.


Don't let Chop Goblins' bite-sized nature fool you: it is a very competent FPS with a funny undertone and lots of charm! The combat is satisfying enough that you absolutely won't mind going through the campaign three times in order to get all the achievements. Graphically, it reminded me of the first Serious Sam, and even some levels shared some similarities. It does feel like a labour of love and it absolutely shows with the tight combat design, wildly different levels and catchy music.

If you have a couple of hours to kill and you are looking for a short, rewarding shooter, then look no further!

Himbo Slice
Himbo Slice

I think about it this way - I could buy 4$ worth of Taco Bell, or I could play Chop Goblins.

One of these kicks ass and the other one kicks my ass. I'm still going to play Chop Goblins while Baja Blasting in the privacy of my own throne.

Excellent little game, everyone should play it. 10/10 would chop again.

Strangle McDangle
Strangle McDangle

Honestly, I didn't really get it. DUSK is basically GOAT territory as far as FPS games are concerned. This, on the other hand, was a very tepid experience for me, that had basically none of the qualities that made DUSK so special.

Sullen Bells
Sullen Bells

I can't articulate the methods particularly well, but David Szymanski just has a way of baking fun and engaging ideas into the archaic genre.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that most one-sitting FPS games might have weaknesses: lack-lustre weapons, copy paste levels, lack of polish, but David seems to be either unwilling or unable to resist imbuing his releases, even the smaller ones, with charm and finesse.

Even the eponymous enemies, the chop goblins, are brilliant. They're clearly inspired by (yet not derivative of) the gremlins from Gremlins. They're cheeky, cheesy, and simultaneously lovable and hate-able.

I initially played through on Christmas eve (which was accidentally perfect due to the Gremlins vibe), and I couldn't wait to get back home on xmas day to do the new game plus mode.

Action and laughs are very tightly packed in this game. Nice one, David.

Beautiful Burton
Beautiful Burton

Simple sweet and short FPS from the maker of Dusk. Packs a lot into a short game and while not super deep the levels and enemies are full of charm. The short length will make it an easy game to come back to whenever I have 30 minutes to spare and the urge to shoot funny goblins


Amazingly smooth retro style shooter.

The gunplay is basic, but satisfying and great for aim training.

There is some replayability for achievements, higher difficulties, and exploration. So, for $5 it may be a perfect pickup depending on what you want out of the game.

I finished the main game on 2nd highest difficulty in under 2 hours, so it is a very short game, but again, it is incredibly satisfying to play.


This is literally one of the best games I've ever played. It doesn't need fancy graphics or a super engaging story to be a fun lovable experience that I could play over and over for hours. If I could give every single person on earth a copy of Chop Goblins, I would. I don't care the price I have to pay. Everyone deserves this game. It's worth every cent and much more.


i went into this with no experience with davids games and wanted to try one out. This game has so much soul and passion from everything from character design to music this just feels like a passion project. I love this project so much and have already gifted multiple copy's. also chop goblin is based.


What really sells Chop Goblins is how much game-y it is. Pretty weird thing to say about something that doesn't try to experiment or present some unique with its gameplay at all. The only thing that could be said is that Chop Goblins features lack of jump button just like in first comers of the FPS-genre like original Wolfenstein and first Doom. In that sense, it's definitely retro besides the graphics.
This limitation for the player resulted in more grounded look towards the design of Chop Goblins. While the arenas themselves can't present a challenge for similar game with the ability to jump, here (it seems) player will have to think twice before moving forward. Carelesness is something that most modern shooters try to aboid by giving more options to escape, but this game goes the other direction and asks to just consider your movement.
Strictly speaking, shooters are always about navigation more than anything else. Even the act of shooting a target can't be done without putting your cursor on it. While movement shooters present an additional challenge with more options to navigate, it can be argued that they're temporarily break the 'shooter' gameplay for one moment and become only about 'movement'. Getting rid of options to move helps focus on combat more closely.
Obviously I'm not saying that movement shooters are bad in any way, I just wanted to point that out.

I care for this little silly game too much to admit. It's short and won't waste any of your time.


A nice retro FPS.

In a world full of evil Goblins, you are the hero to chop, stab, shoot to eliminate them. The game starts at a street level with a 3-floor mansion, then goes to a snowy mountain with Greek Palace, to a dungeon with a Dracula boss... Most of the enemies are Goblins, starting from dagger to flying axes to shooting lasers, you also need to deal with evil dogs and un-Goblin bosses.

Unlike regular retro games that require color keys, Chop Goblins asks player to turn switches to unlock gates. The map is not complicated and finding a way is simple, there's no map offered but as long as you focus, finding the right path isn't a challenge, finding secrets with weapons and ammo is fun. The dungeon level requires 3 masks keys can be a bit tricky, considering it's dark and enemies are around the corner, this could be a bit exhausting but good news is, the floor map is not big and not made to be a maze, within patience you can deal it in 3 mins.

For the boss, I do love that crazy sedan that follows you on the street level if you don't take it down - it can even enter the house, climb the stairs, do all the tricks to follow you till it takes you down. It's better to take down every enemy you encounter as most of them trace and follow. Seeing a whole building crumble down on a rooftop reminds me of Duke Nukem. This game could be a good salute however it is short.

Interesting enough, this retro FPS offers a peaceful walkthrough WITHOUT enemies. I'm unsure of the purpose but the devs are confident with map design and I agree with them.

My curator page


Okay so, there's goblins and they chop.
Silly, fun, and great for speed-runs.
Chop Goblins is fast and quite stripped back in story and atmosphere, which leaves a pure Action-FPS that may just possibly be the current best of the genre.


Fun little FPS game. Very rudimentary, because the game was made in a short amount of time, but still delivers a fun experience for "boomer-shooter" fans. The biggest bad thing about the game is the inability to save your campaign, so you kind of have to play the game through in one sitting, if you want to preserve your weapons from previous levels.


Not only is this a fun game, but it is incredibly short, if that's something you're not into and want something with more of a time sink, this may not be your game. Either way, it's a fun and silly experience with goblins and time travel. It's always cheap and you dont need a hyper computer to play it.

And if you do end up liking this game, I also suggest checking out David Szymanski's other games, they're worth the look.


Chop goblins is a short but sweet boomer shooter that's like a simpler, dumber (in a good way) version of Dusk. You shoot a whole bunch of goblins over 5 quick well-designed levels. Quite fun but there's not much to say beyond that.

Quick thing about the difficulty: play this on Goblin Mode (yes, this is what the highest difficulty is called) for the best experience since it's almost a different game. I did my first playthrough on this and while it's not too hard, it's much more of a challenge. Not only do enemies damage you much more, the goblins are faster, more plentiful, and spawn as harder variants. Going back through the game to get achievements on the two other difficulties, I definitely think they're way too easy and mindless. The hardest difficulty makes the game more engaging, stretching it from a 30 minutes closer to 1 hour/90 minutes. I wanted to find all the secrets, get all the achievements, and try all of the difficulties so it took me closer to 2 hours to 100% it.

Anyways, solid recommendation from me. It's short and cheap but has a lot of replay value and is really fun way to kill an afternoon.


In the Greece level I saw vampire cats sprinting through direct sunlight with no ill effect. Totally ruined my immersion. 0/10
/jk I can't give this a bad review even as a joke. It's a delight to play.


Simple, quick, repeatable, a formula more games should aspire to. Relaxing without ignoring challenge and excitement, Chop Goblins is a game I can see myself coming back to whenever I need pure gaming fun.


It's a bite-size game by David Szymanski's, if you've played any of his games you probably have a good idea what that means. If you don't, go play DUSK right now.

But chop goblins is a neat 1 hour or so boomer shooter, it's silly and does not take itself seriously at all. I enjoyed it, but would only recommend if you really love boomer shooters or are a big fan of David's other work.

Chop Goblin
Chop Goblin

With daggers of mischief, sharp and sly,
They chop their way, no need to pry.
Chop goblins, wicked, with a mischievous art,
Slyly slicing, they carve into your heart.

No recipes crafted, no meals to prepare,
Yet with every mischief, they declare,
A takeover sinister, a cheesy embrace,
Chop goblins conquer, leaving no trace.

Their laughter echoes in the kitchen's expanse,
As they slice through defenses, in a devilish dance.
With a whisk for a wand, and a heart set on glee,
Chop goblins enchant, with malevolent glee.

Cheese is their currency, mischief their trade,
Into your heart, their blades invade.
In the realm of chaos, where laughter starts,
Beware the charm of these goblins' arts.


Chop Goblins. Chop Goblins is a good game I played. Chop Goblins provides a lot of game mechanics like Chop Goblins. Chop Goblins is a well packed shooter game that offers Chop Goblins. I take the liking to Chop Goblins for its well designed maps with each being infested with Chop Goblins depending on what difficulty you choose to play (i personally recommend Goblin difficulty). Chop Goblins features very cute Goblins which the Goblins throw cleavers at you. This makes Goblin a really cute game mechanic to Chop Goblins. I love Chop Goblins for its thrilling shooter experience featuring Chop Goblins. Chop Goblins might be one of the most controversial game titles for its time, as the exposure of Chop Goblins to the audience playing Chop Goblins might affect the average Chop Goblins player base.


Great game.
It is a very goofy game with good game play and level design.
It is very short only 2 hours long but has much replay-ability.
For the price there is no reason not to pick up this game it truly is a hidden gem.
Overall 9/10.

The Uber Camper
The Uber Camper

It's a cheap game, I get that, but considering this is the same guy that made DUSK I figured I could expect something a little higher quality?

+The game costs only $5
+There is some level of comedic value here
+Being able to melee while reloading is cool

-The AI is very primitive, which is okay, but it makes the fights feel same-y after a mere 10 minutes, likely in large part due to how little verticality the maps have (for the first 2 levels anyway).
-You are unable to change any settings whatsoever without backing out to the main menu, no FoV, no keybinds, not even sensitivity. This is pretty heinous considering that this is an FPS.
-The goblin noises and music go from funny to obnoxious very quickly.

This game feels just like one of those obvious Unity asset-flip games that Steam is flooded with, and while I think that it's quite possible that this game is intended to be a parody of them, it still *feels* like one of them which is is not a good thing.

If you're willing to deal with the settings issue, don't mind playing something that closely resembles an asset-flip, and have disposable income, then this game might be worth your time. Personally I can't recommend this game in good conscience when there are plenty of other games out there for the same price that are better and required more work/effort to make.


I adore Chop Goblins. I want more games that are super short but infinitely replayable. Hilarious, loose, surprisingly very fluid gameplay. Out of all the old shooters, this reminded me most of golden age Serious Sam, balancing the wide open sandy locales of the original with the whacked-out cartoony craziness of SS2. Really a wonderful piece of work, a lot of ideas and imagination packed into a deceptively small package.

loaf shanks
loaf shanks

Very good, silly little goblin murder game. Its short, uncomplicated, and well thought out. If you know the dev, you've already bought this game, and if you don't, welcome to slightly weird low-poly indie heaven.


Fun little game. Not the deepest shooter ever (obviously), but it does enough with its levels and enemy layouts to keep you on your toes and engaged for the first few playthroughs and new game+ runs. Difficulties are balanced well (no bullet sponges, just more danger), and the jump from Fiend to Goblin is perfectly described by the in-game text. Definitely play through on Fiend (hard) before moving up; it's better that way.

>Big plus to gameplay by having most enemies get stunned by your attacks, I feel like a lot of retro/indie shooters forget that their boomer shooter forefathers did so, and for a reason. It makes enemies feel more reactive to your shots/stabs and helps add more incentive to sometimes get aggressive/rewards you for hitting your shots.
>Ammo reserves are just low enough to encourage good aim and conscious weapon choice, and pickups are plentiful enough to keep you full between fights. It strikes a good balance.
>Level design is efficient and charming. Fun variety of aesthetics and atmospheres, especially given the short playtime.
>Secrets are fun to find and very rewarding.

Overall, it does a lot with a little and doesn't overstay its welcome. As someone who's dabbled in gamedev and level design, it's an inspiring little project by one talented dude that shows what you can accomplish with relatively minimal manpower and workload.


I don't know why but the concept of this game itself is genuinely hysterical to me. They are Gomblins and they Chop. Also just like straight up better than 90% of FPS games today at less than a tenth of the price


The best Goblin Slayer game on Steam. No need to watch the series (Especially the first episode) to enjoy this. Not recommended for people who literally faint after seeing pixelated textures up close.


Wish there were more games like this.
It's a cute, old school, dungeon shooter.
The voices and lines are truly funny.
The appearances of the goblins are amazing too xD
The guns are pewpew
I just miss the settings menu when in-game
That's all!


i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i'm not kidding

But seriously, this is a really fun little shooter. The only thing I would've liked to see is some disgusting movement tech, but that's more of a ME thing. David Syzmanski continues to absolutely kill it with all these bangers he's been putting out. From Dusk to Iron Lung to Chop Goblins, I love seeing a new game from this guy every single time.


This game was a blast and i recommend you buy this, so much to do, and so much to see, There not may be any addons for this game but it has tons of Easter eggs and + Its made by David Syzmanski An Amazing Talented Game Developer.


Feels like an amalgamation of every classic shooter out there. There’s nothing remarkable about it. No elevator pitch that sells it. Just a game that ticks the bare minimum of checkboxes. It exists. You can play it. Left mouse button to fire. Goblins.

Dusk was a brilliant homage and rethread of the larger and more epic action games of the 90’s. It had a throughline and some real muscles. Chop Goblins doesn’t really find its foothold anywhere concrete, aside from being enamored with the idea behind the shooter. It brings very little to the table, ending up as a patchwork -- lifeless, predictable, and even a little bit boring.

I really love the ethos behind the game design though. That it’s some sort of “micro shooter”, a distilled classic experience you can gobble down in a sitting. I’m all behind that vision. It feels like something that could click very well with me. I just wish I enjoyed actually playing it.


I love this game, it's artstyle is charming and it's quick, pretty fun and inexpensive. I just think that maybe it's too soon to be making a game about the Chop Goblins..? I mean, it only happened a few years ago and I think a tragedy like the invasion should at least wait a decade or two before being made fun of. I applaud the gall one has to have to make a game about the Chop Goblins this soon after the attacks, but it just doesn't feel right in my book. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10. It's a good game, worth the price.


Short but entertaining boomer shooter. The whole game can be beaten in an hour.

Would recommend to those who haven't played many FPSes of this type. The dev packs a lot of content for the brief play through and I think that's the way to go.


Really solid game.

Took me around an hour and a half to fully complete the game and to get all the achievements. The combat felt great and the game was decently hard on the highest difficulty.

The game is only $7, you might as well pick it up and try it yourself I can assure you you'll have a great time.


This is a pretty charismatic game. It's not very long, but it has some replayability value. There are 4 weapons and a melee knife. Lots of ammo and lots of enemies. There isn't a huge number of enemy types, but it's enough to keep the player engaged. Lots of well-hidden secrets, too. There are coins that can be collected throughout each level, but I don't really know their purpose aside from increasing your score and position on local leaderboards. The story and gameplay are both basic and silly, but in a good way. No profanity, no vulgarities, just mindless fun. It's visually pleasing and the Greece level reminds me of Serious Sam.

I'd say the only issue I had personally was that there were no jump or crouch abilities, but I don't know that they were really necessary.


You should have acted, they're already here. The ancient Greeks told of their return. Their defeat was merely a delay. Til the time after Dracula's Castle opened, when the Chest of Containment would be unearthed. But no one wanted to believe... to believe they even existed... and when the truth finally dawned... it dawned in CHEESE!!!




The guns feel good and the enemies are fun to fight! I wish you could access the settings in-game (particularly mouse sensitivity) and it's pretty hard to see what you're shooting at in the last level, but otherwise it was a good time


A bite sized shooter that just doesn't offer enough interesting to justify spending an hour on versus almost any other shooter. The game is extremely basic to a fault. It's hard to talk badly about it because it's so unassuming, but I can't say I'd honestly recommend this game to anyone except for fans of the developer.


Great little game, it's probably a perfect "bite-size" distillation of it's genre, it's got a decent amount of replayable content too, in achievement hunting, finding secrets in levels, getting higher score etc, I almost want to try speedrunning with this game. My only gripe is I wish it had some more interesting movement mechanic, but I don't think the kinda crazy movement tricks is what this game goes for; great shooter though, at the price I'd say you could at least get 5 hours of fun out of it if not more; despite the game only really taking 30 minutes to an hour to beat.
Plus if not you, who will stop the chop goblins?


This game speaks to me on a personal level.

I don't usually play short games. They're either a teaser for something more, a thought experiment or someone messing around in an engine of their choosing. The ideas in them are usually not fully realized or fleshed out, so they leave something to be desired. While that's completely valid from an artistic/creative standpoint, I come out of the experience unsatisfied.

That's where Chop Goblins (or any of David's short games, really) comes in. I clocked in at 40 minutes and the whole thing felt complete. It has a simple premise and executes that really well. There are also a few things in it that would warrant a replays for some people. (Such as parrying projectiles instead of using the guns, not taking any damage or simply speedrunning it.)

David could play it safe. He could announce the next DUSK or something in a similiar vein and gain immediate attention. Instead, he gives us little slices into his creative vision with projects like Squirrel Stapler and Chop Goblins. (Iron Lung is also there, but it's closer to David's other projects in terms of tone.)

Thank you David, for giving us these fun and somewhat bizarre experiences.

10/10, would chop goblins again.


Fun little shooter. Feels good, doesn't overstay its welcome. Doesn't allow rebinding the few controls it has and forces you to have "e" as your use key like a filthy degenerate though. 0/10 great game, don't play it.

Silica gel pack
Silica gel pack

The latest and most lore heavy addition to the Szymanskiverse, Chop Goblins oozes quality.
Usually I can get through a scary experience by reminding myself "it's just a game" but Chop Goblins is a truly immersive and frightening game that doesn't let up.
At LEAST 85% of all the goblins WERE choppy.


As someone else in the review section said, at first glance this looks like a shovelware, but in reality it's a very cute satirical game that made me audibly laugh a couple of times. Pretty simple mechanics and gameplay, but it still has Szymanski's charm and level design, which means there are quite a few secrets to find in every level. It's a very short game, and that's exactly what it's advertised as, so that's not a problem.

I also want to point out how funny it is to me specifically that the female goblins are called Goblinda and attack by insulting you, since a dear friend of mine is a tiny woman with a very strong attitude and she's called Linda


Writing this review after getting all achievements. Very fun, simple mechanics and art style but very effective. There are 5 stages and several difficulties to play, even a new game plus. Lots of secrets to find and hunting the achievements are even fun to go after. I would certainly recommend this for 5 bucks, its worth every penny.


Every weapon feels satisfying, the keyboard controls are superb, and the levels are all very well made. This game is if you took Serious Sam's Aesthetic(with quite a bit of Dusk ofc), but have an enemy layout more on par with the original Quake. It's not about the amount of enemies, it's their design and placement which is the challenge of murdering your way pass these goblins. And the levels you fight them in loop and feel very satisfying to explore.

The goblins and story are adorable :> I enjoy the intermission story bits and (like Descent) tips on a new enemy. I also enjoyed and will continue enjoying returning to this game. It's simple, but with it's scoring system, streamlined controls and pacing encourages returning players to be much more aggressive and faster as they blast through Goblins.

If you love First Person Shooters, this is 100% worth your 5 dollars.


Decent little old school fps. it's pretty short (one playthrough 30-60 min) but also cheap.
Is is perfect? No. It lacks quick saves or any saving at all which is especially annoying on highest difficulty because you die pretty quickly there and if you die you have to restart the level again. So yeah, have fun dying at a boss fight then having to restart the level from the beginning. Also not being able to jump feels weird here. For some reason the game is also lacking an enemy and secret counter.

Dead Gaiko
Dead Gaiko

A quality retro shooter. Short, with only 5 levels, but intelligently designed within a straight forward framework. Buy the game.

Additional notes:

- Played the entire game using a Gamecube controller. Worked really well.
- I have developed a soft spot for the Chop Goblins and secretly wish them well.
- Where is the cheese?


10 bruhs out of 10

David cements his reputation as the Gordon Ramsey of boomer shooters even further with Chop Goblins.

What starts as a very basic gameplay vibe begins to emerge depth, albeit nothing mind-blowing but much more than you would expect from a game that costs around 5 bucks. If you like any old school FPS, youll settle right in. What I really like about this whimsical game is it allows David to let his creativity run wild and Ive heard this called the Dai Katana Remaster lmaooo, but yes, the environments are pretty darn atmospheric for such basic graphics.

The weapons you acquire ramp up til you get the games equivalent of the BFG, and baby it works great for clearing out Chop Goblins, I am a HUGE Dusk fan, so keep that in mind in my praise, but remember... if you like retro FPS and "boomer shooters" and maybe youre curious and youre looking to dip your toes in the world of Davids imagination... this is a great place to start.

10 Chops out of 10


This is a game you'll want to play if you want to just have fun shooting things. You can finish the game in maybe less than an hour if you don't care about exploration and in a few hours if you want to explore, find secrets and get all the achievements and I think for the price it's all I could ask.

The game, like others have pointed out, it's like what if Gremlins was an FPS? It starts in 1984 and from there it jumps to different places and times. The game doesn't take itself seriously and neither should you, which is not to say the gameplay is not taken seriously because the game plays great.

I only had one bug and it was a couple of times I died and I couldn't get back to the main menu, but other than that it's just a great experience if you want to have fun. I can say I chuckled at the goblins and their one liners and when the big goblins came out saying the same things, I laughed because it was so silly but it works!

So yeah, highly recommended.


I'll be real -- I haven't played any of David's other games, though I've heard an insane amount about them. I follow him on twitter, however, and as a result, I picked up this gem of a game. I mean seriously, it's like a big, beautiful, green crystal that glows. It rocks. It minerals. Good lord.

Boomer shooter, retro shooter, blah blah, whatever. Chop Goblins is fun as hell, and reminded me that more people need to focus on microprojects like this one, that just bleed passion and creativity. It's simple, it's packed with content, and it's FUN. It feels like a game, where many indie and big-budget titles feel like chores.

Pick up this big green gem, and support a creator who rocks unequivocally. Or throw it at his head in the form of a review or something, I don't know.


You want to blow through a throwback shooter campaign in an afternoon try this one out the groundwork is solid, the guns are punchy and the music is catchy

As one other guy said this may be the closest we have been to a gremlins fps

Princess BeefBurger!
Princess BeefBurger!

This game is worth every penny,there are goblins who like to chop and you can actually shoot them! And its really fun! A short game but dang a very enjoyable one.
I desire more Chop Goblins,Chop Goblins 2 Please.

Let me Be a Chop Goblin!
110/10 Grimy Gobin Goodness!

Chief Keef2689
Chief Keef2689

0/10 Could not find the cheese

But no seriously this game was a blast. Takes only about 45 minutes to play and the story makes so sense whatsoever. Yet the gameplay is so much fun. Think of it as short of a mini DLC spin off of Dusk. A great lunchbreak Steam Deck game.


Fun and short little game, but lets you shoot plenty of goblins in different forms. It´s very goofy an all the right ways. Just wish it had a jumping since I try to jump things by reflex only to remember I can´t.

The game is very short, so keep that in mind when buying it (took me a bit less then 2 hours to beat, but I also cannot aim, so I assume other people can do it faster). Fortunately it´s very cheap, so I absolutely think it´s worth the money.


A silly Serious Sam type game that doesn't outstay its welcome.

Great SFX and music
Lots of exploration and secrets to be found
Good level design in general
Every level is its own environment which keeps it fresh
Just enough weapons and enemy types

Limited options menu, no audio options or changeable settings once ingame (have to return to main menu to change anything)
Very basic gameplay. You shoot things and occasionally deflect projectiles from 1 enemy type
Maybe a little too expensive... I realise being DuskDev comes with clout and the game isn't pricey but seems too much for what it is.


DISCLAIMER: This is a full review, and NOT a first impressions review

Chop Goblins is a game developed and published by David Szymanski

The game offers some nice graphics and a nice aesthetic, although some ugly glitches here and there, it is pleasant all the same

The game does suffer with some repetitiveness at certain areas of the game but a fun game nonetheless

Chop Goblins overall, however, is a fun game to play, yet sometimes repetitive and it does get boring if being played for a long time, but is a good short FPS action game to play in short bursts!


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