Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
1 May 2013
Steam reviews score
93 (10 329 votes)
94 (94 votes)

Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives.

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FEZ system requirements


  • OS:Windows XP
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz or equivalent
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:2nd Generation Intel Core HD Graphics (2000/3000), or dedicated GPU with OpenGL 3.0 Support
  • Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
  • Sound:OpenAL-compatible
  • Additional:See https://getsatisfaction.com/polytron/topics/support_for_intel_integrated_graphics_hardware for details on Intel HD Graphics support, not all models are supported. Latest graphics drivers are required to maximize OpenGL feature compatibility.
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Games like FEZ

Adventure, Free To Play, Indie

Free xDr: 88.30

Adventure, Indie

$6.79 xDr: 91.56

Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie

$1.34 xDr: 68.25

Action, Adventure, Indie

xDr: 68.25

Adventure, Indie

$0.49 xDr: 63.83

Adventure, Casual, Indie

$6.99 xDr: 61.50
Download FEZ

You can download FEZ from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Trapdoor for $9.99. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

There are at least two options :

  1. download from official website — http://www.fezgame.com/
  2. download from Steam — https://store.steampowered.com/app/224760
Write a new review

A good experience. I like the idea of how 2D and 3D are mixed. Music is fine, graphics too, not mesmerizing but nice and acceptable. I like the level designs, creative and varied, and there is plenty of levels.

I'll not finish the game, as I got as many cubes as I could easily get, and the remaining puzzles seem obscure, backtracking across all the maps to MAYBE be able to solve a puzzle or MAYBE not does not motivate me sufficiently. If the game had a hint system, I would play on.

I'd still recommend, I had some hours of good fun with it, the game seems lovingly made, others could enjoy it too.

Big plus for me: No killing monsters or other creatures. It's rather peaceful.


Fez is truly an incredible game, the puzzles are ingenious and the platforming is enjoyable. 100%ing this game without google could truly take months.


Frankie Spankie
Frankie Spankie

I remember when I first heard of Fez it was touted as one of the best puzzle/platformers out there. It's really more of a platformer with light puzzle elements. I really enjoyed the puzzle elements but I wish they took more advantage of them. It felt like more of an exploration game.

That being said, it was still an enjoyable exploration game. It was cool spinning the world in a 3D perspective to traverse it in 2D. It reminded me a bit of Carl Sagan's Flat Land theory about a possible fourth dimension. The puzzles themselves didn't really feel mind bending but trying to traverse the world was. The world map was really confusing to read. Fortunately each "level" is very small and can be traversed in just a couple minutes each.

My one major complaint is the jumping. Jumping feels weird, there's a strange momentum that feels slow. Sometimes when you climb onto a platform, you have to give your character a second to get situation before he jumps. If you try to jump immediately, it just won't work and you'll run off the platform. If you fall from a tall height, you'll die an instantly respawn where you fell from. Generally speaking, when you run into those cases where you accidentally run off a platform instead of jumping, it'll be from a height great enough to die and respawn but it still makes it feel a bit tedious.

This is still an enjoyable, albeit more casual, "puzzle/platformer." Indie titles like this always age gracefully, don't let the release date fool you. This will still be worth your time for a long time to come.


genuinely one of my favorite games ever. Amazing soundtrack, unique idea, fitting puzzles, and fun speedrun. What more could you want?


This game is an absolute brilliant masterpiece, from the sounds to the visuals, the gameplay all the way to the actual brilliant game concept, they really did everything the best they could. The game concept is very special and you actually feel like you play something you never played before. An overall lovely experience accompanied by soothing music.


Style = unique.
Gameplay = unique.
Fez = adorable.

Exploration is guaranteed as is getting hella lost.
I wouldn't have been able to complete the game without a walkthrough.

Gigabrain required if you plan to perfect this game.

Pee is the best medicine
Pee is the bes…

Fun puzzles with fun gimmick. Cute little pixel dude. very calming game. helps when I'm tired of the cesspool that is League of Legends

Shadu Weiners III
Shadu Weiners III

Now that FEZ 2 came out, I can finally rest in peace. I do not fear the future, for the Stars do not wait for Me...


A true onion of a game where you can peel off as many layers as you want and probably still feel like you got your moneys worth. It had me filling pages of notebooks and writing code to help generate answers to one particular puzzle. Blind playthrough strongly recommended.


A very good puzzle game with very cool concept.

Story? Well it's more like "messages". Pretty cool and trippy messages lol (Well the game is 2D X 3D so you should expect trippy things there)

Cool sound directions. Special music in special rooms is especially super cool

It took 10 hours to complete everything.


Fun puzzle game most of the time, but one puzzle unintuitively requires you to do something in reverse when you have been taught to do it a different way for the entire game, and another 4 depend on the time of you playing to solve and I don't think you can manipulate your system clock to do it so to 100% you might have to be on at 4 in the morning or something. Get it if you want it, but those 2 puzzles I mentioned are a pain if you want to 100%, which it wants you to do so...


I loved this platformer. It's mechanics are unique, The storyline is fun, and it was in that golden zone for difficulty: Not a walk in the park, but also not so hard it made me want to walk away from it.


Fez was amazing. The platforming is pretty simple, but adds variation in different areas that keep it pretty fun. You hop and climb around collecting the necessary scattered cubes, but that's only part of the gameplay. The main event is figuring out the puzzles. And boy, are there a lot of them. Treasure maps to reveal hidden platforms, specific button sequences in certain areas, a secret (solvable) language of letters and numbers, and even QR codes are included. It was a blast to solve and work through.

Some pointers for new players:
1. If you can't solve a puzzle in the moment, come back to it later. Do what you can first.
2. The secret language IS solvable. There is a sentence in English that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once. Keep it in mind as you explore the world ;)
3. Most puzzles are fair. You'll feel bad for looking them up. But a few near the end are ridiculously unfair, like just awful. (The eight cube passcode, the timing of the giant clock, and the 11 ways to unravel a cube). You may need to look those up.

I really enjoyed the game! Good luck if you are going to play!


One of my, if not my favourite game with pixel art graphics. I initially thought this was a 2D-only game going in, literally, despite the description- So you can imagine my utter surprise upon discovering it was in fact, 3D!

Love waltzing around as a little guy, love the art style, love all the areas, love the music, love doing the puzzles even if they're not always 100% clear. The 3D mechanic is bloody fantastic and quite literally gave the puzzle mechanic a new dimension of view, interaction & play. I fucking love this game. It's fucking GOOD.

100% buy it if you like puzzles. 100% buy it if you like platformers. 100% buy it if you like art. 1,000,000% buy it if you like all of those!


A nice game, good game for everyone




Beautiful graphics, fun and original game play, soothing music.



I would be happy if you followed my Steam Curator Page :)


FEZ is a fantastic puzzle game that also makes some of the best use out of pixel art out of any game. Often pixel art is used as a sort of indie staple, that gives it a certain feeling. For FEZ, the pixel art is a necessity, because it is how the game functions. Each level is 3D, but you can only see one side of it in 2D. By rotating the level, you get a new perspective that allows movement to somewhere else.
Frankly, the puzzles are very well thought out. Brilliant use is made of this one core mechanic. The difficulty progression is great, and the later levels really are mind twisters.
One key component is often searching for where to even go next. Because so many things are hidden on other sides of the same level, even finding the next door to go through can be difficult, as there are often many, branching paths. The exploration is never a bore though, because everly level is beautiful, with masterwork pixel art.
Anyone who likes puzzle games should pick this up. It is very relaxing, and easy to get lost exploring through the many branching environments.


Very cool game, mechanics are super unique and make you think at first. Puzzles are fun and the visual style is really cool. I would definitely recommend this game.

Stickman LR
Stickman LR

This game is Astounding! I cant believe this game was made in 2012! The fact that this is better than many games today is really amazing.... but also kinda sad.

Im not even going to give anything away, its better to play it blind.

My only complaint is that by the end, trying to find some of the cubes is kinda hard because you have to back track alot.

Also, the Anti-Cubes are really obscure and it kinda forces you to look up a walkthrough.

But overall, this is one of the not only best indie games, but games in general. too bad there won't be a Fez ii :(

Rating: 9/10


Played the crap out of it until I got all achievements, then realised there was never gonna be another one

Also played more than 1.5hrs, steam hates being offline apparently


为什么看评论很多人说这款游戏简单?这简直是误导!最近我妈问我在干嘛,我总是回答我在玩一款伤自尊的游戏。。。诚然,这个游戏无限生命,哪里跌倒哪里爬起来,但是,一次次往下自由落体也遭不住哇!我承认二维转三维的概念很惊艳,音乐也不错,但咱能不能把难度稍微降降,改成适合慢半拍(或者慢五拍 八拍 五百拍!)的用户:)推荐给心态好的解谜爱好者,不能像我,玩着玩着开始生自己气!


By far one of my favorite games of all time. Even over other cult favorites, no experience in gaming has stuck with me the way FEZ has. While it's unfortunate the creator decided to abandon the sequel, I would not neglect to mention that the original is a goddamn masterpiece, and worth every minute of your time spent playing it.

Gomez time!


I like this game a lot more than I thought I would! At first, the switching between 2 and 3 dimensions thing seemed like a gimmick, but there's so much variation in every single level. I've played for a couple hours and I feel like I can't stop!


Can't recommend highly enough.


Interesting environments.

Fun puzzles.

Story does what it needs to.

It is relaxing while also engaging.


Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Esse é o Creeper ele chegou para matar
O Enderman muito louco, só vai teleportar
A aranha parkourzeira chegou para te assustar
E o esqueleto uma flecha no joelho vai atirar

Desde a infdev o começo é sempre igual
Coletar madeira, fazer a casa inicial
Picareta de madeira, é o ideal
Depois é só pegar pedra, esse é o essencial
A mineração sempre foi muito explorada
Nós vemos uma luz, e às vezes é dourada
Quando pisamos e acende é avermelhada
Cadê o diamante? Vamos matar a charada

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Agora é a hora de pegarmos madeira
Estamos cansados, quero ver nossa lareira
Sentamos e limpamos toda a sujeira
Hã, que sujeira? Isso é besteira

Chega de decorar, agora é hora de plantar
Plantei umas sementes e elas já vão brotar
Seed de melancia eu ainda vou encontrar
Mano, eu tô com uma preguiça de rimar

Estamos com fome, tem um porco à vista
Vamos matar logo, não serei um egoísta
A minha espada quebrou, modo boxista
Chega de rimar, porque eu tô com preguiça

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Finalmente dessa vez, nós vamos caçar
Um Creeper muito chato dessa vez eu vou matar
Um esqueleto camper conseguiu me acertar
Mas eu me escondi nessa caverna
Chega de fugir, eu vou me preparar
Com armadura de diamante vou me equipar
Já fiz a minha espada, agora vou encantar
O meu arco-e-flecha dessa vez eu vou usar

Eu saio lá fora, um Enderman gigante
Duas espadas mato, seguirei avante
Olha só 3 Creepers, que deselegante
Depois dessa aventura tomo um chá, que relaxante

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft


You'll get lost, you'll get confused and you'll definitely have some fun working with it's unique mechanic, which evolves and gets more challenging as the game progresses.


Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Esse é o Creeper ele chegou para matar
O Enderman muito louco, só vai teleportar
A aranha parkourzeira chegou para te assustar
E o esqueleto uma flecha no joelho vai atirar

Desde a infdev o começo é sempre igual
Coletar madeira, fazer a casa inicial
Picareta de madeira, é o ideal
Depois é só pegar pedra, esse é o essencial
A mineração sempre foi muito explorada
Nós vemos uma luz, e às vezes é dourada
Quando pisamos e acende é avermelhada
Cadê o diamante? Vamos matar a charada

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Agora é a hora de pegarmos madeira
Estamos cansados, quero ver nossa lareira
Sentamos e limpamos toda a sujeira
Hã, que sujeira? Isso é besteira

Chega de decorar, agora é hora de plantar
Plantei umas sementes e elas já vão brotar
Seed de melancia eu ainda vou encontrar
Mano, eu tô com uma preguiça de rimar

Estamos com fome, tem um porco à vista
Vamos matar logo, não serei um egoísta
A minha espada quebrou, modo boxista
Chega de rimar, porque eu tô com preguiça

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Finalmente dessa vez, nós vamos caçar
Um Creeper muito chato dessa vez eu vou matar
Um esqueleto camper conseguiu me acertar
Mas eu me escondi nessa caverna
Chega de fugir, eu vou me preparar
Com armadura de diamante vou me equipar
Já fiz a minha espada, agora vou encantar
O meu arco-e-flecha dessa vez eu vou usar

Eu saio lá fora, um Enderman gigante
Duas espadas mato, seguirei avante
Olha só 3 Creepers, que deselegante
Depois dessa aventura tomo um chá, que relaxante

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft


This game is an acquired taste. The last collectibles you'll nab are built around a language and puzzle system you kind of have to figure out yourself (about a third of all the collectibles if i had to guess), and some of the cubes are just completely absurd.

If you can get down with a game with wack af puzzles, the fascinating mechanics, beautiful art direction, and the pure charm the game resonates will for sure be enough to pull you in (as it was for me, I've 100%'d this game three times outside of steam).

However, if you're not too inclined to crack this game open without a guide, the simple puzzle platforming probably won't be worth the money. And the guy who made the game is a dickhead.

I wouldn't recommend to anyone who I didn't already get the impression of liking this game, but this game means a lot to me. Thumbs up, but kind of a weak and shaky thumb.


A puzzle game where you play as a white man, going on an acid trip with his newly acquired, stylish, hat. On the way he discovers how to read the writings of a long lost civilization. After discovering 32 random cubes, he goes through a portal and the universe resets.

While going into the universe again, he gains magnificent sunglasses, to see things more clearly. In a 32-bit fashion. He starts looking for more cubes to satiate his hunger for completion. Overall he finds 64 cubes, goes through the portal again. He goes deeper into the rabbit hole. The universe resets.

There is still a small empty spot in his stomach, thinking he is still missing something. He enters the universe again. This time, he gets the ultimate weapon. The 3D-glasses. Now that he sees this 2D world in 3D, he tries to find some heart in it. He finds one part of a heart. Then a second. Then a third. Then he stumbles upon a door on a remote island. He goes through the door and finds the Temple of Love. The temple has a massive heart floating inside it. He inputs a code. And then... gains the heart of the developer.


Good game for relaxing, but at some point this year something happened and no matter how many times i reinstall it it just won't open. It asks if steam can make changes to my computer like when you install or uninstall something but then just doesn't open.

The Registry Daddy
The Registry Daddy

Absolute masterpiece in the puzzle genre! This is possibly the most innovative game I have ever played. This game was challenging and incredibly fun. If you like to think and love puzzle games, this is an absolute must play. This game is incredible and the talent that went into its development is phenomenal.

☐ You Forget What Reality is!
☐ Beautiful!
☑️ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don't Look Too Long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☐ You'll be Addicted!
☑️ Incredibly Fun
☐ Fun
☐ Meh...
☐ Starring at Walls is Better
☐ Just Uninstall

☐ EARgasm
☑️ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ EARrape

---{Audience}--- (NOT MARKETED AUDIENCE)
☑️ Kids
☑️ Teens
☑️ Adults
☐ Human
☐ Lizards

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run Paint.exe
☑️ Potato
☐ Budget Gaming PC
☐ Decent Gaming PC
☐ Incredible Gaming PC
☐ Quantum Computer

☐ 1 Brain Cell
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to Learn / Hard to Master
☐ Average
☐ Significant Brain Power Required
☑️ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to Grind
☑️ Only if you need to 100% complete it.
☐ Only if you Care About Leaderboards/ Ranks
☐ Isn't Necessary to Progress
☐ Average Grind Level
☐ Too Much Grind
☐ You'll Need a Second Life for Grinding

☐ Non-Existent
☑️ Text or Audio Floating Around Aimlessly (behind it all there is some clever lore though you can piece together)
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Really Good
☐ It'll Change your Life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long Enough for a Cup of Coffee
☐ Short
☑️ Average
☐ Long
☐ To Infinity and Beyond! (game completion)

☑️ Its Worth A lot More!
☐ Worth the Price
☐ It's free! (BUT in-game purchases will drain your wallet)
☐ If you Have Some Spare Money....
☐ It's a Complete Money Sink
☐ You Could Also Just Burn your Money

☑️ Non-existent
☐ Few Bugs
☐ Can Get Annoying
☐ Bethesda
☐Cyberpunk 2077


Calming. Cryptic Puzzles. Mesmerizing. Self-reflection. One day I will read my steam reviews and remember the time I went haywired and reviewed games in the middle of the night just so I can reminisce times where I would just sit down and enjoy single player games by myself...

Anyways, let me tell you about Yakuza 0-


Great concept and visuals, but gameplay is terribly dull and repetitive. Movement is slow and tedious and world navigation is horrible.


Great game. Had to look up solutions to solve two of the red cubes, but that's kind of expected. Really fun game to 100% and really nice that the world map shows which areas have been completed.


quite literally the only game i would dedicate my entire existence to playing over and over again and solving the language and unencrypting every dialogue and plaque there is


dafuq was that ending scene. game is still pretty good tho. 4.5/5


I liked this game because it was fun, has good music, chill game play and interesting puzzles. Not much to dislike.


I find the game challenging even after years of playing its a great game to go back to if wanting to play a puzzle game


I love this game. It's really, really good. But this version of the game ran HORRIBLY. less than 1 fps despite many many attempts at fixing, you're better off playing on switch, xbox, playstation, or even ios. good game, bad port.


Don't buy if you are expecting puzzle game. This is not a puzzle game but a tedious platforming with one trick. Hidden secrets are not meant to be solved but more like to be data-mined.


I've played a lot of good puzzle games, I think. While I didn't spend nearly as long with FEZ as I might have with some of the others, (especially Picross dear god am I a Picross nerd) in that I spent a solid 12 hours 100%ing (well. in steam achievements terms.) the game and doing basically all I wanted to, I still feel like this game, as a puzzle, has done something no other puzzle game has, for me. And that is provide me with a situation where i'm like "holy shit these symbols have meaning.. I NEED TO TAKE NOTES ON THIS". And I mean that entirely genuinely positively. It was super rewarding to solve puzzles by putting together details that I've actually encountered in the world, develop hypotheses, get proven wrong, learn how it actually works, and figure things out on my own, and solve things. That's super rewarding to me. It's not perfect by any means, some things definitely stumped me and I couldn't figure out how to do important things and then I looked up how to do it and I'm like "well i'll be damned. if i paid attention to that detail I might have figured that out. I just didn't really know to pay attention to that specifically." to varying degrees of being miffed about just how cryptic the detail was. Some things I just never thought to try. Anyway, that's a sometimes thing for me. The puzzles I did solve on my own did feel very rewarding to figure out, and I can still appreciate the thought process behind some of the things I didn't figure out. All of this so far is to say nothing of the other various very nice things about this game, like how it looks with the 2d - 3d voxel / pixel mix and all, and the wonderful soundtrack by Disasterpeace. It's a very peaceful game. Very cute. Very detailed, there's clearly a lot of effort put in to the world and the things in it, and I love that. Even if you don't crack the codes for everything and figure out the significance of things, you can still clearly tell, abstract and stylized though this world may be, there are things that exist for a purpose, monuments to things that you don't quite fully grasp the significance of immediately, places where people once were but no longer are. Anyway, all that comes together to make a game that I enjoyed my time with. Solid indie title.


---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10


Genius game!
Had a great time playing it, I dont care if one of his creators is a crazy loon, game can be done in maybe 5 hours, not too hard and not too easy, just perfect.

Peter Yiffin
Peter Yiffin



This game is gorgeous, beautifully crafted, hand made, unique... Fez players that wanted the most of it didn't google the answers, they kept a small diary, a book, a bunch of notes, deciphering the puzzles and making sense of the alphabet and the sequences system.. Its been years and I still remember this game with a smile and I treasure it... so many games and this is still one of my top experiences playing a game.. ten / ten

It is unique.

Raise your hand if you found yourself with the game paused for long periods of time while you wrote thing in your notes


Cute design and concept but too slow paced for my taste. Also the map is confusing.


If you want to get a headache and spin around yourself for 10+ hours in a vast pixel world with challenging puzzles, go for it!


First Time playing this game was back in 2013. I was a nine year old boy with an Xbox 360 and a fathers credit card. I loved Minecraft and bought any game that looked like it in any similar way. Fez fortunately caught my eye and unlike any other game I bought, this game made me feel funny. I remember waking up on Saturday mornings with the sun not risen yet, bluish hue from the outside bled through my living room blinds, Turning my Xbox on to immediately play Fez. This game was an escape from reality. Fez breaks the rules of platformers and reinvents them in its own unique and interesting way. The gameplay is smooth and polished,The somber nostalgic-esque music compliments the stunning visuals, the puzzles are fun and creative, and the amount of dopamine you get from collecting a cube is unmatched. I highly reccomend this game to people who love a slow and calming gaming experience.


The game is good in terms of solving puzzles, art style, and music. The atmosphere was also very well done in creating the mood.

The puzzles were very well crafted.

The game features a rotation mechnic, where you rotate "the world" for a different view of the land. This is mixed with 2D and 3D things. Where a 2D object will disappear depending on the angle. Things will reveal themselves from a different angle of rotation. The rotation is automatic, whereas you push the rotate button and it rotates 90 degrees.

The only negative thing I have to say, is that the game quickly devolved into "jump up to a place and rotate 4+ times before moving on and quickly repeat a short distance away". You do this the entire game.
If you don't, you will be missing out on secrets, easter eggs, solutions to puzzles, puzzles, collectibles, and so on. This could be a turn off. If there were markers to show you where puzzles are, then you begin to solve it. This will cut down on the constant rotation everywhere you go.
Finding the puzzle I'm sure will be part of the "exploration" people will argue. Yes, that is true. I agree to a point that the rotation was very well utilized to create interesting scenarios for the player to enjoy. The mechanic itself is used too often. I enjoyed the game more by actually solving the puzzle. This mechanic was also melded together where exploring IS the puzzle so one can move on.
I feel they have done pretty much everything surrounding the rotation mechanic.

The game was created with lots of love, and it shows all throughout.


This is the best puzzle game i have ever played, made me wonder how to solve some areas for hours, you are free to go everywhere without a true marker as you figure out the story in the beggining, some levels where so satisfying to finish that i had to close the game to admire what i did.


very fun game! every time I think you've finished exploring, you find out there's even more! worth so much more than it costs!!
10/10 will play again


cute little game with some really cool moments


I recommend that you purchase this video game, with the intent of playing it, because Fez is the Bez.


very very fun, really good secrets if you like the kind that make you take out pencil and paper to decipher


Incredibly innovative platformer that combines hard puzzles with a very unique perspective mechanic.
The graphics are great and incredibly charming, as is the music.

Achievements are easy to get IF YOU USE A GUIDE! Some puzzles are very hard to understand and to solve, so I reccomend using a guide! I also love the addition of a map in the game that also tell you if a level has any more secrets!

Also: There is "fall damage" in this game, however, it is to aid you if you dont land a jump and fall all the way down in a level. You then "die", but respawn where you jumped off so you dont have to platform all the way up again!

All in all, amazing game.

Sense The Escape
Sense The Escape

This is one of the best platforming-puzle-games I have ever played. The levels are difficult but fun, the whole athmosphere is lovely and the soundtrack amazing. It is really sad that we have not seen a FEZ 2 so far. Oh well, I guess I just play this one again and again...

Infitialis Perditvs 💀
Infitialis Per…

good puzzle game. I won't elaborate


what a load of ASS! I mean really? what is the point in the game? This game blows.


Beautiful game with incredible environments and platforming. The mechanics are truly innovative and it is quite fun and ingenious. But I got bored before beating it because I just can't get sufficiently sucked into a game without a hint at a compelling story. You need to leave *something* out in the open for players to follow. If you are the kind of person who loves puzzle games for their own sake, or if you have a thing for innovative mechanics for their own sake, Fez is a really great little game. But it's a lot like a piece of dubble bubble chewing gum in that it leaves you wanting just a little more depth of flavor.


I love this game! Every puzzle (sans a notable few) requires only what you learn in the game to solve. Platforming is beginner friendly and there's no punishment for 'dying'. Very chill. Music is PERFECTION. Solve every puzzle you can until there's only a few absolute stumpers left then look those up. (One was only solved by people datamining so that one basically has to be looked up.)


This is my all-time favorite game.


Simply an all-time classic & must-have for pretty much any Steam library.


While I was playing I felt like I had better stuff to do, and this is not the best feeling when you're playing games.


One of my favorite games ever. I'm writing a review to thank the developpers for the wonderful time I've had playing Fez and replaying it now. Every aspect of Fez is brilliantly designed and seamlessly contributes to the exceptional experience that is this game. Its art style is both pretty unique and absolutely gorgeous, to the point that everything in the game is a pleasure to watch. The stunning art direction is also completed by a very nice sountrack. Other than that the controls are very responsive and the puzzles all stimulating, cleverly designed, and rewarding to complete. Lots of them will have you think out of the box, especially if you want to find all the secrets the game has to offer, but I find none of them to be frustrating. The main gameplay mechanic revolving around perspective changes is certainly very fun and interesting to experiment with from the begining to the end of the game.

One of those rare games that brings pretty much every aspect of game design to the point of pefection ! Highly recommand to anyone with even remote interest in platforming/puzzle games.


An amazingly deep puzzle platformer, with an unforgettable soundtrack. Just remember that you need to work a little bit out of the box to get 100 %.


La verdad no creí que me fuera a gustar tanto, tenia una idea del juego ya pero no sabia que iban a ser 8h de partida a la primera sdsdahkda


gud, lots to find that I probably won't end up doing


terrific sound track with a game included


This is the greatest 2d pixel platformer ever created (as of 7th of September 2022).
It is rare for me to complete a game to 100% achievement, but I did with this game.
The music is sublime, the puzzles also. The "meta puzzle" of the greater "alien language" is an even greater draw for me as a linguistics nerd studying Egyptian Hieroglyphs for fun. XD


love the game totally great but i got to the telescope room, exited the game and when i came back it was stuck on an infinite load so ig ill never see the ending.


Still has some of the best secrets from any game. Don't spoil yourself and try to figure out as much as you can blind!


An absolute gem of a puzzle-platforming game that first appears to be a simple, but, if you're up to it, has many layers of depth in its puzzles that can be frustrating at times, but always offer new and unique challenges to overcome.

To preface the review focused on gameplay, it's worth noting just how good this game looks and sounds. Disasterpiece is an absolutely amazing musician that 200% deserves more respect. The pixel art is fantastic, and the semi-3D feature of the environment as you rotate makes everything look great.

Fez is a game all about perspective; not only from each "face" of the cube-world, but in its puzzle design. It's great for people not super interested in the meta puzzles, which require notes and creativity to solve, because it can be as simple as just rotating the world to get the golden cubes/cube bits in the right way and jumping. But for those inclined to look a bit deeper, there's a whole world to understand and get to grips with that asks you to figure it out.

The key element to exploration and beating the game is the map— at first it can seem very confusing, but with enough time, it gives you more than enough information (including which rooms have secrets) that you're well equipped to explore everything the game has to offer. There are also "hidden" doors that link to random rooms, which are probably the poorest element of traversal, but with the many hubs and teleports between, I didn't have too many issues getting where I wanted to go.

The game ends when you collect 32 cubes— or at least that's what it wants you to think. There's an abundance of anti-cubes (32 of those) and red-cubes (3 of those) that provide further incentive to completing the game, with some being quite simple, and some of the others, being mainly red-cubes, having no explainable solution other than the community having brute forced it.

I definitely recommend this game to just about anyone, and if you're struggling with some of the deeper puzzles, I'd recommend Absolute Steve's guide which attempts to give players hints without fully spoiling things.


This game is colorful, fun, and intriguing to explore. The music is outstanding, and the rotation gimmick is fun the whole way through. It's a truly outstanding pillar in the puzzle genre. For most of the time anyways. When the puzzles and world work they work hard, but other times the solutions left me frustrated and wondering how I was meant to solve it alone. If you're okay swallowing your pride and looking at a wiki for some solutions, aren't a completionist, or are a turbo genius this game is well worth your time. If you don't like feeling left without a paddle staring at the screen for a big chunk of puzzles however, this might be best appreciated from a distance.


I am too dumb for this game but it's still pretty good


FEZ is, flawed yet beautiful to me.

This game has eluded me for years, I've wanted to play this since I played its demo on my old now broken PS3 in this games prime in the spotlight, and I haven't tried it until now.

This game is beautiful to me, yet flawed at the same time.

I love its maze-like open area design, it feels open where you can explore in a huge branching world where you can collect tons of collectibles while throwing cool gimmicks and mechanics and don't overstay their welcome. Every area has its own mechanic, which I respect immensely.

However, while on the subject of collectibles, that to me is where this game falls a bit.

This game will make you backtrack to places where you dont even know you have to go to, unless you remember every aspect of each area and know exactly what you're doing. Its a very unwelcoming aspect of the game that is impractical to new people coming into the game on their first blind play-through, so unless you want to take the challenge of doing this, Do not play this game, or alternatively look up a walk-through on how to collect them.

As this is said, I still think this doesn't ruin the game at all, it is still a masterpiece and is a staple of indie gaming history from its time. But be warned, If you want to fully complete this game, it will be tough and very time consuming and challenging, but even still, is a masterpiece, and is very charming.


I played this game about 6 years ago. It was very fun. I liked the puzzles and the look. It's 2D but it feels very 3D. Some of the puzzles are really hard to figure out and I didn't notice any environmental hints that you could use. I still had a good time.