Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
30 November 2023
Steam reviews score
80 (3 364 votes)
84 (146 votes)

Rise to the challenge in Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising! This powered up, revamped sequel to GBVS is more enjoyable and accessible than ever before. With simplified input options, even newcomers can engage in thrilling and strategic matches!

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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising system requirements



  • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit OS required)
  • Processor: AMD FX-4350, 4.2 GHz / Intel Core i5-3470, 3.20 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon HD 6870, 1 GB / GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 1 GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset



Recommended requirements are not yet specified.
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im only giving this a thumbs down cause i really wanted to 100% the achievements but apparently i need to do grand bruise and that things queues take years sometimes (i sat in a 10min queue and gave up a few days ago) and offers little exp that i honestly feels it would take 20+ hours just to even hit lv50 required for the achievements


My ninth fighting game, but definitely not my last. This reignited the spark inside me before stomping it out like the abusive girlfriend I had in high school! Neir players are still reigning champions because the wonderfully simple input system and methodical approach to combos allows them to juggle me like I’m a rubber ball with glitter in it, and nothing will ever be done about it. BBW meetup on Wednesday in lobby 7!!


very fast pasted footsies like fighting game that's actually fun to play I've been enjoying my time with the game so far and would highly recommend this game to anyone.other then a couple of pet pieves i have with the game i still enjoy it


Do you know the gif with the monkey who holds the AK and then starts shooting while the guys in the background start running in terror? In this game, you either become the monkey or one of the guys running for their life. If you just want to press buttons and see flashy effects with cool characters this is great. If you want to take this seriously and try to become a decent fighting game player this game is just too much stress. Its too stressful to deal with all the powerful (and often gimmicky) super fast reaction/knowledge checks in a systematic manner. In regards of the fact that you could also be playing SF6 or Tekken who have much larger player bases with likely much better longevity, I personally don't think this is worth all the stress I'm feeling when I try to make reasonable decisions in this survival horror experience.


this fighting game was pretty much my first fast pased one. good for beginners and it was free with a few characters which is absolutely a W because the quality makes this game just unreasonable to be free. maybe im based because it was my first but i dont care this is a amazing usage of my money.


Want to enjoy Granblue Fantasy? It's here
Want to play agisnt players that aren't cheating? It's not here
Want to support Uma Musume, Nier, or Princess Re:link? It's here. (With DLC)
How bout players that infinte combo you? Oh it's here.

TDLR: If you arent sweaty and want to study your characters in lab and Youtube how to play perfectly, then this game isn't for you.

(I got it cause I will always support anything from Uma Musume.)


i like all the funny characters (like Belial) and how some of them walk funny (like Belial) they even have some cool inputs (Belial has a funny claw) overall id say this game is really fun. (my favorite character is Belial) (LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUTT JUTP UIEWTP AHJHHHHHHHH)

Windows Vista
Windows Vista

I love almost everything about this game, especially the art style. Fighting mechanics are beginner friendly but can also be set in technical mode, great to play local with unfamiliar friends.

cons: Paid DLC characters, It's a way to offer more content which is great, but I consider that P2W with fighting games as some characters might have unfair advantages.


En algunas cosas hecho de menos al vanilla GBVS (mejor balance de personajes) pero todo el agregado que tiene GBVSR en cuanto a rollback, crossover, nuevos personajes lo hace un excelente juego. Mis mains son Zeta y Siegfried, traté con Anila pero deben buffearla!


Give Bubs normal run speed

Good game tho, GB deserves this second chance
Great visuals, ton of chars, first ArcSys PC port in a while that didn't have some broken ish on release, if you liked GBVS1 tho try the free ver first, maybe too aggressive in comparison, not for me

Great product tho

Spending on average 3 hours per day on this game over almost 3 months made me worse as a player and worse as a person. I solved all my problems with the unblockable rage quit cancel into ultimate uninstall combo.

In seriousness I was having a lot of fun with this game up until 2B released who's nightmare of a matchup for my main character. Up until that point I was willing to deal with the silly 66L memes and the dark comedy of nonsensical ground-to-air interactions. I put extra time into solving my problems with this game (and that's all it is: a game) for the last two weeks and it's not fun anymore, especially when every third character is 2B with her out-of-place theme song and janky animations and silly fanservice anatomy on display, and that's all before you even touch how her kit is completely out of sync with the rest of the cast. Give me Lowain and Nier (the other one) any day of the week. This was just just the end of my tolerance and it's going to take a lot to pull me back into this thing above and beyond the FOMO daily goals and battle pass.


Game too janky right now.
Not a kusoge but not far off: weird hitboxes, stuff that should not cross up does and vice versa, balance is all over the place with some very counter intuitive design decisions or straight up lies (like the one about cross dodge beating mids - except Raging Strike which is mentioned absolutely nowhere).

Marshall Law
Marshall Law

I was still enjoying the original version of this game, up until this one released. But this was an easy purchase in a heartbeat.
- All previous DLC characters included at a reasonable base starting price (other games be pricey).
- A free version, adding lots of players and you can sucker friends into trying!
- A Fall Guys clone with your favourite Granblue characters, and it's actually dope.
- Lots of fun extras now like a favourite character to pep talk to you at menus and dioramas etc
- More Granblue Fantasy and a reignited interest for people with proper net code!
So far my experience has been pretty great. I don't usually play multiplayer due to the usual beating I recieve. But the pass with rewards has kept me trying every day and I notice improvement regularly! Give it a try. You can play it for free and get convinced later.

Also game has Narmaya. Had me at that.


I love MK11 and MK1. I failed to get into SF6, DB Fighterz, and Tekken 8 (demo) and other fighting games besides this one (mainly because I think the other ones have combos that are too difficult such as 50 combos or the timing of the moves is too unforgiving). Been playing the free version for a couple hours and decided to get the full version. In terms of modern fighting games, I think this game is the closest thing to classic Street Fighter 2 Turbo (which I loved). I also think it's quite beginner-friendly as the combos don't last forever and while it still demands more precision than MK1 in regards to combos, it feels better than SF6. I still like MK1 more than GBFVR in regards to pure fighting gameplay, but GBFVR is a nice change of pace and it's cool to have finishers and anime style graphics.


Might be one of my favorite fighting games


+ Absolutely beautiful artwork and animations
+ Great music
+ Fun gameplay
+ Lots of content


- Buggy
- Some balance issues
- RPG mode from the first game was completely gutted

I royally suck at fighters, but this is the first one in years that has made me want to actually invest time into and get better.


This game is extremely fun. I've been playing it relatively often for the past few months and haven't gotten even slightly bored with it yet. Visually stunning, clean animations, engaging mechanics, a variety of unique characters, in depth character tutorials, and a consistently smooth online experience. Unlocking customization options for your characters by leveling them up is a great feature as well and doesn't require too much of a grind. I've been able to find matches pretty quickly, so the playerbase seems healthy. The story mode is mediocre, but that's the only real flaw. Arcade mode is decent for single player content anyway and can be helpful for getting used to a new character.

Overall I highly recommend this game. If you're even a little bit interested, get it and hop online. Hope to see you there!


Great game.
Unfortunately I'm leaving a negative review because the predatory battlepass fomo.
If you join late to the party you're missing out on cool costume skins for potential mains.
They should just be dlc. I'd happily fork over cash for the costumes that are no longer obtainable through the pass.


Approachable and Gorgeous.

The art style I feel could hook anyone, but once inside the game offers a lot to newer players, while still providing depth to more experienced players. Game is still new but the pace of content feels good and not too overwhelming so far, for a casual like me at least. BP is pretty affordable too and easy to grind without too much time investment. Still have to try story mode, and haven't bothered with the in game community but the lobby seems like a nice place to hang out. Have had fun with making dioramas as well, and tried a small sampling of Grand Bruise (tho I don't think that mode is for me). It's just a game that looks so good you want an excuse to see more of it, and the extra modes help you do that when not fighting.

Looking forward to a little QoL here and there as DLC and patches roll out. Stuff like a frame meter for replays and training and being able to rewind in replays would be awesome. Maybe more data to study in your online records as well. Also hope Diorama figures get more stuff and even more editing features, but I can see that being stuff snuck into DLC maybe, but hopefully not only.


Fantastic fighting game comprised of heart & soul.
Thank you Cygames for one of my favorite fighters.

Aside: Thank you to NRS for developing such garbage that I've moved on from MK to far greener pastures.

Super Me Angel
Super Me Angel

The game has aspects that are fun but in the end its just a game that will annoy you more than have you having fun with it. The way the game is designed rewards just throwing out buttons playing any form of neutral game just doesn't work. There are characters in this game that will just mash on you and the simple controls not being able to be turned off will lead to you dropping inputs and getting moves you never wanted. I would say if you have a friend maybe it could be fun but overall this game needs balance itself to not be a just throw out buttons fest. 66L IS STUPID AND THE HITBOXES WHEN IT COMES TO CROSS UP FOR SOME CHARACTERS DON'T WORK OR ARE DON'T MATCH MOVES AT ALL ON OTHERS . WAIT FOR A SALE DO NOT BUY AT FULL PRICE OR PLAY THE FREE VERSION ONLY

Kat Gaming
Kat Gaming

currently my favorite fighting game, it's really fun! absolutely gorgeous and the music is as amazing as you'd expect from a GBF game. it has its flaws and people complain about the balance all the time(i haven't really had any issues so far but it might just be a higher level thing), but it's fun and the devs are listening to feedback which makes me hopeful that they will iron things out


Rank B causal. GBVS was my favorite fighting game when it came out years ago, and Rising brings the same level of gameplay with a better feel, more to do and a visual polish that really shines. Plus it has a free edition to try and get your feet wet. 10/10


Holy shit this is gas.
What was already a really solid FG has been improved to an absurd degree. New characters, the amazing new raging strike and raging chain make for literal orgasm inducing combos and most importantly, rollback baby. This has become a GENUINELY god tier FG for veterans and beginners alike (especially since most of the cast is super easy peasy to use). I look forward to dumping a lot of time into this baby and Undernight celes when it drops. Glory to Percival, Ladiva, Narmaya, Metera and Caglisotro.


This game is genuinely funny and easy to get into. If you're new to fighting games, I HIGHLY recommend trying this out! I find myself randomly coming back to it because it's just cute and silly.

I was playing nier against a lowain and the intro went something like "yeah, we're just a couple of studs!" and nier just said "Nevermind, death... Kill these guys."

oh and last thing, if you enjoy playing the free version, then I recommend getting the "deluxe edition", since it comes with the first character pass. Otherwise, you'll be spending $50 for the base game and another $50 for the DLC pack. Kinda funky pricing, that just seems to be the new fighting game marketing trend...

Also sheep girl is my friend, love her.


the core game is great but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix grand bruise, I have yet to even get in a full lobby and 9/10 times so far its been the exact same 3 minigames, and this just makes me not want to grind it out since the progression in the mode is really, REALLY, slow


Fighting games are my favorite genre, and this is without a doubt my favorite among them. My favorite part is how every character feels fun to play, and this is made even better by how easy it is to pick up new characters in this game. I also couldn't recommend this enough as a game for beginners too.

CC Lemon
CC Lemon

Great entry level anime fighter with super simplified inputs and combos. Free tier of the game ensures there's always a relatively healthy beginner playerbase out there - worth a DL if you're curious!

tub of chud
tub of chud

I'm not really a fan of auto combos and I'm not familiar with the source material so much of the apparent fan service stuff does nothing for me. I found the roster to be pretty unappealing as well. This game is geared for people just starting to get into fighting games and yet even then I feel like recent games like Guilty Gear Strive and Street Fighter 6 are much better at doing that than this game. As someone who's at an intermediate level at fighting games, I felt like this game got boring really quick and I just stopped having the urge to play it. I'd recommend new people who are just trying to dip their foot in the water to buy Guilty Gear Strive or Street Fighter 6 instead.


Probably the most beginner friendly fighting game on the market currently (saves for SF6 modern mode maybe) while still being fairly interesting and deep. The EX moves added are great, they makes characters feels a lot more distinctive and help diversify meter usage, two known issues with vanilla granblue. The BP system allowing for stronger mid screen conversion are cool too, gone are the day of your DP punish being just auto combo > C special. Aside from balancing issues that are inevitable (and fixable) for new releases this version is way more fun than how the game was initially.


Very fun game and a huge improvement from its prequel. But there are a few time that the game drops and disconnected or it takes a long time to getting the second match with the same player like being stuck in the victory screen in rank matches. Otherwise its a good game.


this game having a somewhat lower learning curve has meant being so aware of my own decisions that I've gotten more mad at myself (dog**** input reader aside) than at the game itself for my own stupid mistakes


I will start by saying I know nothing about the setting or characters outside of the tiny bit I've learned from playing this game. The easy input special moves (can do motion inputs if wanted), ability to chose how to block (button AND direction), and being free with character rotation (similar to LoL) make this extremely easy to just try out. I started by playing the free version to find out if it was a style of fighting game I liked and enjoyed it enough that I bought the whole game.
Even if it wasn't my style of fighting game, I'd still recommend people try it out since it's so easy to access. There is depth in the game, for those that want to really get into the systems and frame data and such, but you don't actually have to dive too deep to feel like you can actually put up a fight.


Got to say i missed out the first time around and i was very impressed with how much the first one grew. When i saw they were releasing this update i thought that the free version entry was a fantastic option to try out a game i hadn't before for free.
Low and behold after a few rounds i found myself feeling very comfortable with the controls and the over gameplay systems enough so that i just flat out purchased it for the full experience. Will recommend. Also its so well animated that if your a fan of any anime fighter you should at the very least download the free version and try it out.


I'm just getting into fighting games for the first time and let me tell you the community here is very welcoming. Any fighting game from my understanding is always going to have a difficulty curve and GBFVR is no exception but at least this community seems very willing to assist in the transition from button mashing to combo smashing. Definitely try the demo (excellent feature) and don't be scared off after getting crushed online.


I'm someone who doesn't usually venture into fighting games, I'm more of a fps person myself. But I've been really enjoying my time with this game, It's approachable for newbies like myself and feels really damn fun to learn and master. The only complaint I have right now is that the price of this game and subsequent DLC'S feels a bit much right now.

If you're someone who's always felt too intimidated to try out fighting games, I highly recommend trying the free edition out.

Overall really fun game and I hope to get better at it ^^

dumb ho
dumb ho

This game has a good amount of content which is better than I can say for a large majority of new fighting game releases. The system mechanics take the admittedly bare bones mechanics from versus and improve upon them to make an engaging set of intertwining systems. Additionally, this game has possibly the best implementation of simple inputs that should be seen as a new industry standard. Overall, this game is incredibly fun for casuals and veterans of fighting games plus there's a free version so there's no reason not to at least try it.


Easiest fighting game I've ever played. I knew nothing about it going in, just did the tutorial, picked one of the hardest characters in the game, went online, and won a decent amount. That plus it being free to try out makes it an easy recommend for anyone wanting to get into fighting games. The big boobs are cool too.


The game is really good and really fun, it is also a bit easier to pick up than most FGC games are. So if you are either new to Granblue or new to fighting games; this game is still a big recommend!
I am fairly experienced with all kinds of fighting games, but haven't tried Granblue yet, people told me to wait for this specific installment of the series instead of buying an former one. I must say they were right.
The fanbase also isn't as much overly toxic as some other competitive games are, so I consider that a plus also.
Big recommend, I main Seox tho.


Coming from someone that bought Deluxe Edition from the get-go, I still find it messed up that they charge $25 extra for upgrading from Standard. And now they're adding a battle pass with exclusive rewards that costs $8 per season. Game's fun but I strongly disagree with this approach to monetization. I miss the days where you could just buy a DLC pack and get what you paid for without having to grind your ass off for a month or worry about exclusive outfits going away forever. Now every game's jumping on the battle pass bandwagon and seeing it worm it's way into fighting games is really irritating to me.



Deus Solaris
Deus Solaris

Full price game (50)
Season pass (50)
Color sets (5+5 and probably more in the future)
System voice (20)
Avatar set (13)
And on top of it all, battle passes (8 each)
The game is fun and all but...jesus christ