Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
24 February 2017
Steam reviews score
97 (320 723 votes)
95 (7 102 votes)

Forge your own path in Hollow Knight! An epic action adventure through a vast ruined kingdom of insects and heroes. Explore twisting caverns, battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs, all in a classic, hand-drawn 2D style.

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Hollow Knight system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 (64bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 9 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
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Games like Hollow Knight

Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG

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Same developers and publishers
Download Hollow Knight

You can download Hollow Knight from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Team Cherry for $7.49. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

There are at least two options :

  1. download from official website — http://hollowknight.com
  2. download from Steam — https://store.steampowered.com/app/367520
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Hollow Knight is a 2D platformer/action adventure game. This game has a high abundance of an exploration feature, 2D visuals, unique boss fights and fighting/movement mechanics, plus a great soundtrack as you are doing all of this. If any of these things interests you, I would highly recommend getting this game, as it is not too expensive, and chances are you won't regret it.
On top of that, this is a game with abundant, yet fairly obscure, lore. It does take a fair bit of analysis to fully understand it, but even doing so can be a nice addition to your gameplay experience, if that's what interests you. And if not, then it is very easy to avoid anyway, and you can continue your experience without being bombarded with cutscenes or long dialogue.
Also, if you like a challenge, Hollow Knight can give you just that, as bosses can often prove to be a struggle as they each have a unique what of defeating them. And once that is complete, there is an optional challenge to complete is you want the true ending of the game. I won't spoil anything, but it's nice to know it's there.

big nut
big nut

good game. fire art style and music. runs well on MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)

not a weeb
not a weeb

Amazing Game, 20/10 I loved it from start to finish which was about 14 minutes of gameplay. very good very good


Good game
Interesting Lessons, and more interesting world.
Hope Silksong is good


The greatest game I've ever played


I just want a game like Hollow Knight, I'm tired of waiting for Silksong


This game is so atmospheric and between the NPC's hidden story and the beautiful music in every area, this has become my favorite game easily. I tried to play dark souls but it was a bit too hard for me and while there are area's of this that I struggle with still, overall, it has a rather tame learning curve and even when you do die it doesn't seem that bad. I would recommend this to just about everyone.


nice, beautiful, good story and very funny :)


Nice game with good designs and good mechanics


I can´t even stress enough how good this game is.

The world in this game is absolutely beautiful. The art style makes it seem so cartoonish, yet so deep and immersive, Like it was hand-crafted all the way to the end. It is also pretty giant, and very fun to explore. So many unique areas and colors makes it seem so fascinating. Entering a new area feels like entering a whole another world. Diffrent enemies, structures, characters, and a lot more. No area in thes game is useless, in each of them is some power-up, upgrade, or a major plot point.

This game has a pretty big variation of enemies. Ranged, melee, exploding, flying, and so on. Some are stronger than others, some drop more GEO (the games currency). These serve as just obstacles in your path however. The real focus of this game are BOSSES. Counting the variations, there are 47 bosses in the game. That is a huge number. No two bosses feel the same and every boss has some kind of lore, especially late game bosses. They are very challenging, but very fun to fight and very rewarding if you win. Some drop power-ups, some drop GEO, or unlock new areas. You truly never know what the boss will do, and what will it drop. When you complete the game, you can re-fight all the bosses, because if you defeat them, you can´t fight them again in the same safe file.

This game has a lot of unique features, but the 2 most important are the healing/spell system and charms. Let´s talk about the first one. When ever you strike an enemy with your nail (your sword), you gain soul. You can either cast a spell if you tap the ability button, OR you can hold it down and regenerate a chunk of your health. Therefore it´s up to you if you want to play aggresive, and cast powerful spells, or you heal up if you need to. The other unique system are the charms. Charms are these talismans that give you passive powers or upgrades. They can be defensive, and give you more healing or damage immunity. They can be offensive, upgrading spells or giving you more damage and range on your sword. They can also provide utility, like faster walking, or collecting money for you. Every charm cost notches, that you can get more of later, so you must choose the correct ones to use. You can equip aggresive charms and deal huge damage. If you´re afraid of dying, you can wear defensive ones to survive longer. There are many options and playstyles you can choose to play. Certain bosses feel a lot easier if you wear correct charms that counter them.

i can´t explain in words how unbelievably beautiful the soundtrack in this game is. Hollow Knight has the best score out of any game i have ever played. The tention, the stakes, the drama, the happiness, the sadness, you can feel everything through the music. Christopher Larkin did not hold back. He truly killed it. Every area and every boss has their theme. If you just play some theme after the first playthrough, you can immedietly tell what it belongs to. The songs don´t have lyrics, yet you almost hear the words coming out of the melody.

Hollow Knight has a pretty good story, but it´s the LORE that makes it so deep. I obviously won´t go into spoilers, just mention some things. Characters in this game connect with eachother in very surprising ways. Some are more plot relevant than others, but all of them are iconic. The great designs are very memorable. Some of the characters often change the places as you expore the Kingdom, so you stumble to them multiple times, and each time they have unique dialogue, giving you lore or just talking about their past or future. It makes you really care about them, and what happens to them.

10/10 best game I´ve ever played. It even has a good price!

Nikos Qrow
Nikos Qrow

24 hours of wandering around like a FOOL, only to die to a boss and not have rested since the last zone.


Well there isn't much to say about this masterpiece other than just experience it yourself.
The gameplay mechanics are really good but the art and level design are phenomenal I mean i really enjoyed wandering around the whole map.
And the story behind it was cool and all but not an amazing thing.
I only did 1 walkthrough but I'm hoping to experience the other endings too.
An 8/10 is an acceptable point to give 👍


This is what a game should be, in a day and age where quality, passion and actually caring about making a game that is fun and memorable. I feel bad not trying it early.


Yes its really good, if you like can't deal with anger AT ALL then prob don't get this but its really good

Shiny Umbreon
Shiny Umbreon

It's a good game with substantial replay-ability, especially if you can get mods working.


An Amazing Game, not for everyone but something that anyone dedicated will appreciate.


REALLY pretty game, has really satisfying gameplay mechanics and tricks you can do that can feel rewarding. Overall, amazing art style, gameplay, and characters.


Good game. only thing i dont like is how far away some save points are so basicly to sum it up i fucking suck and am salty about it


loved the game the music is great and the gameplay is captivating so I can play it for hours .


In the wise words of hornet "Git Gud!"


I frikin love this game. The game play is so smooth and feels really fun to play. At the time of writing this review, I just got to Hornet, but I can already feel that this game has such a beautiful world and story.

Gaping With the Boys
Gaping With the Boys

Steel soul is not as bad as I thought tbh, great game though. Especially if you are impatient and accept you need to look up where maps are and shit


im sorry but i cant fucking recommend this shit bc my fucking controller disconects every fucking mintue i would love to play the game but this shit is un-fucking-playable


Bro this game is just dark souls but metroidvania. This game is a masterpiece. The lore and history is sprinkled like dark souls, it's exploring and bosses and difficulty is dark souls, and its mystery and characters are like dark souls. This truly is an incredible game. Highly recommend to give it more time if you get frustrated. Just playing and exploring and staying calm is an art form of it's own. This game has so much love and time into it for this price it's an absoulte steal. This game truly prepared me for the world of difficult video games, and gave me a small taste. Just play and keep trying. Never giving up is what helped me the most. Now i would recommend try to do other additional quests and challenges. Like delicate flower, or the kingdom's edge, or the Hive, or The White Palace. I highly recommend Doing the nessacary stuff to battle the true final boss. Also do everything in the DLC's. They are awesome. And most importantly, have fun.


finally, i feel emotions again


This game is hard but I love it so much, learning the boss mechanics is surprisingly satisfying, especially once you finally beat them. Also, this score goes hard, Christopher Larkin did such a good job. It is honestly one of my favorite video game soundtracks of all time. This game will blow your mind so try to go into it as blind as possible, I promise it's worth it.


It is nice you know like a tree but more video game like you know like the ocean but you stab stuff


Hollow Knight is quite the experience. Everything from the story to the character design is done with great attention to detail. The game is difficult, sure, but I don't believe it's unfair (except Zote, fuck him). All the characters have fun and unique personalities and even with no voice actors they still come to life. All of the secrets and special quests and story lines give this game plenty of replay-ability. It's one of the best games I've played to date.


You like fun? is fun (2d, no guns)


Stop reading reviews and buy this masterpiece already.


Its very fun to play because of the exploration. the only thing that i dont like is how you die in a boss. you respawn on your last checkpoint wich is a bench. And some benches are miles away. So you need to walk all the way back. its a cool game and there are a lot op bosses. i recommend this game to everyone. but be warned its a hard game


I outran my depression in Path of pain


Really good game, everything is perfect. Enough to do and really grindy game. Bosses are hard but doable. Not to easy to obtain geo but there are good ways to farm it effectively.


---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10


very good game :thumbsup: :skull:


In my opinion, this is one of the best games of all time. You need to play it if you like metroidvania style games.


I love this game! the soundtrack is amazing and the artstyle is lovable and cute! It definitely gives a challenge and is satisfying once you beat that one boss. A must try if you like platformers.


only took 66.2 hours to get every achievement


One of the best metroidvanias of this decade. From its beautifully crafted world to the fun and fast paced combat this game just does not miss.


best metroidvania I've played also the only one but that's irrelevant

close to amazing platforming with satisfying combat also a cool sometimes bleak but mostly great world with a lot of content for an indie game made by 5 people or something + good music (commas are overrated)


I don't know why some of the boss fights are fair but challenging while other ones are complete bs because the boss doesn't choreograph their attack and their attacks are just complete rng nonsense that you should be able to dodge but with how the rng works cannot dodge half the time.
It's another thing when some of the bosses choreograph their attacks or have audio indications of where they are.
And then you just have Mr. Pinwheel whose pinwheel you can't jump over but you're forced to attempt something completely futile because of the way he just mows the lawn and refuses to remain to hover like he was the majority of the time. On top of the random direction scaling. It follows your position but sometimes it gains extra speed so it technically didn't hit me visually but the hixbox is out of control.
Like I don't play many games like these because of not being a fan of the trial and error.
But then there's shit like this where there's no learning curve because it's just RNG.
I hate RNG especially when it prevents you from getting achievements or certain items.
LIke f*ck off with that.
There's so much crap like that in this game where it's fair enough, and then you just have complete nonsense because you ran out of ideas. Maybe don't put it in the game if it's just nonsense and just retexture something that was already in game.
You already did it several times. What's one more gonna f*cking do? Waste of time.

Captain Geddy
Captain Geddy

Any gamer worth their salt likes either Castlevania or Metroid. That means you'll like this.


DUDE This game is absolutely beautiful looking and as an artist I must say the art style is stunning looking I would highly recommend but fair warning the game is a tad difficult


Graphics are good, but you really have to like this kind of games to have any fun.


One of the most iconic Metroidvania and Platformer games ever made. Simple and welcoming mechanics. Easy to learn, hard to master fighting, controls and abilities. It has a charming art style and an extremely soul-touching and thrilling story. There're also multiple gamemodes and endings. The game is able to be modded, though that feature is outside of the Steam workshop. You have a lot of freedom when it comes to your playstyle. You get so much content for the price you're paying. One product and you get the whole game, including everything, expansions, extras etc. On sale it's about 7,50 euros. The only "downsides" I can think of, is if you're not too fond of lots of exploring, lapse of quest markers and directions, not many tips for enemies and/or bosses and overall a "harsh" environment. Otherwise, please give this game a chance and immerse yourself in this atmospheric masterpiece!


Great Metroidvania, large map, dark atmosphere. On of my favorite games to play.


I reccomend this game to all and thanks to it i even managed to make an amazing friend


I originally played this on PlayStation4 with over 300 hours logged, i can honestly say this is one of the best games i have ever played. Whether you're looking for more combat rich gameplay where you dive headfirst into enemies and bosses, or you're looking for a game that you can explore the world around you with a lore rich story this game is perfect on all fronts. Characters you save or don't save, interact or don't interact with. all has an affect on how you will play the game and based on how hard you play and how much effort and time you put into the game, get different endings. All round i would say this is an excellent game. 10/10 am still playing it


My favorite metroidvania and one of my favorite games of all time. Excellent exploration, combat, music, upgrades, characters, and more. I've beaten this game multiple times on PC and console. Huge amount of content and I can't wait for the sequel to come out.


Lives up to the hype, surprisingly. The simple, high mobility combat is a dream, the dark and gloomy atmosphere is a delight, the power-ups are varied enough to allow for different strategies, just an all around great game.


One of the best games I have ever played


HollowKnight is a game I knew about, but trying it I've realized how much I've wanted to play a game like this. It combines the 2D dungeon crawl of Castlevania with the DarkSouls inspired designs and subtle art. The soundtrack, characters, all are exceptionally good. It's casual enough to not stress about every battle but punishing if you aren't paying attention (souls & progress reset upon death x2). 10/10 [Best of its genre]


its amazing, can be very challenging at times but its a very engaging game and I'm looking forward to the next game in the series Silksong :3


I hate every second of this game.



Enchanting, technical, and beautiful. I loved playing this game.


There is no r34 of hollowknight, but this will do


I don't have the capacity to complete everything there is to do in the game and I still enjoy it.


knight that is quite hollow 9/10


Challenging gameplay with a huge world to be explored.


on my way to slap a moth in the face more than five times, good game

Strike 909
Strike 909

it teaches you 3 main rules of gaming:
1.no button mashing
2.remember your keys
3.expect the unexpected
and the ultimate sigma rule

Headspace Loves You <3
Headspace Love…

I almost cried for a bug that literally has no emotions several times


No sex
Other than that everything is perfect
Genuinely the best game ever made, nothing will top it (Only Silksong is potentionally capable of that)


This game will give you cancer and you will probably want to committee suicide. 10/10


Blasphemy! Rank blasphemy! Thou crawler! Thou cringer! Thou smallest of the small! By what right dost thou trespass here, in this home of the Gods? Shrivel away and begone! Begone!


this game is awesome, worth the $15

Major Strategy
Major Strategy

It's an absolutely amazing game. It can take a bit of getting used to, but once you figure out where you can go, it just becomes a masterpiece. If you haven't played it yet, play it.


After careful consideration, I have decided a new set of rules for the Jumbo Fungus kingdom. Starting off with rule 1: The Jumboes Fungi, or ever the Jumbable Fungi, have been shown to have multiple consciousness which means you must legally leave them alone. . As they jumb around, the true Jumbo Fungus is the lawful good counterpart of Jumbius Fungus, which fits into rule 2. Rule 2, which decides the fate of all Jumbo Fungi, reads:
Are you a Jumbo Fungus? Perhaps a Jumbant Fungus? Maybe a Jumbized Fungus? Possibly even a Jumbified Fungus? Perchance as it happens to be a Jumbing Fungus? Somehow in some scrunkly parallel universe you simply just might be a Jumblike Fungus? Take a trip down the roads of recollection, I mayhaps take into consideration the possibility of a Jumbism Fungus? If I follow down that train of Rare Fungi thoughts, I might just manage to find a Jumpive Fungus. The roads of remembrance are long, and slathered in hemidemisemiquavers and grease, but if I persist, will I have the knowledge that I will see a Jumbment Fungus? Jumbitis Fungus. If I cross the steaming pipes made of loose riverbank ground with stickers of danger icons within the Ombaverse, I might notice within the corner of my eye a Jumbide Fungus. If I nearly starve and eat the delicacy that happens to just be a pair of artificial cheeseblades on a 114p snowmobile attached by a 15-inch triangular stripling hanging from a wall tile ceiling with several unknown substances that just may include a plutonium dog statue, I will find a Jumbans Fungus. If all is said and done, I will ascend past the need to hang on to eight transparent royal rose-quartz archways paired with several Indian rupees packed with uranium, too many spell casting opaque plant pots to count, and will finally be able to slap the weird dried plants hanging from the ceilling, the cat named "Omba" will grant me access to the airlock and see a Jumbinite Fungus.


i would be willing to pay 200$ for this game, worth the price and a true masterpiece, ive been there since the game first lauched back then, and im still here playing the game that gave me so many memories, thank you Team Cherry

Caesar Likes Anime
Caesar Likes Anime

This game is amazing, very good graphics, a lot to do, a challenge for most, my favorite game on steam (tied with
Terraria). The only flaw is that this game is not very beginner friendly simply because this game does not give stuff out to you, because one of the main aspects of this game is to explore, which can give u a interesting power, or a advantage in battle, speaking of battle this game has A LOT of it, with 47 bosses, at least one of these will make you hooking on to the game such as mantis lords, one of the first hard bosses in the game who is not even a must do boss but, that's what makes it a must do boss, it is so fun with action packed parts in every second in the fight making u want more, so that's why this game is a 9.5/10 for me because it is always finding a way to make me love the game even when having heart breaking losses. I hope that anyone can pickup this game because of this review and have lots of fun!


Gorgeous game with gorgeous music


Just buy it, don't even wait for a sale, its 1am and It feels like I've been playing for 10 minutes, the exploration is awesome and I'm never bored, scenery is gorgeous, boss battles are very difficult but not bang head against the wall feeling, it gives opportunity to try different methods or go back and change your abilities to suit every individual boss. 10/10 from me, this is my new favorite platformer of all time.


Good atmosphere and very interesting gameplay. One of the best games I played ever.


Can't wait for silksong, this game is 10/10 scratches my brain in the right spot


Its hard. It goods. It has a pause button.

What else does it need?


a very well designed game
challenging, but never unfair
you can feel that your learning of the bosses / gears really help you in fights
can't wait for Silksong


10/10 perfect game! waiting for silksongggggggggggg


have mental breakdowns while bugs bully you as banger music is playing in the background


A must play. World building masterclass, and a beautifully constructed Metroidvania. If you haven't tried one before, this is a great place to start.


Crush Crush solos entire hollowverse


shaw deh adielo egale hah git gud


Good Game.
Exploration, boss fights and hidden lore/secrets.


I wanted this game to be good. I had heard such great things about it and, after finishing Dark Souls 2, I decided to give this game a try. I went in knowing this was going to be a different game than Dark Souls, and to be perfectly honest, I really do like the idea of this game. A Souls-esc platformer? That should be fun! But boy was I wrong.
I'll first start with the good stuff. First off, the art direction in this game is simply beautiful. Every area has its own distinct feel, and really immerses you in its environment and story. The music is decent (if a bit repetitive) too.
Now for the bad. I'll try not to go off on a rant, but man, this game frustrated me like no Souls game ever has. First off, platforming. By itself, the platforming wasn't too bad. There were a few areas that I found more frustrating than fun, but overall it wasn't terrible by itself. However, combined with the rest of the games bullshittery, the platforming quickly becomes a haste. To start with, the directional attacks (up for and upward attack, down for a downward one) felt very unreliable, causing huge headaches in certain areas/situations. Don't get me wrong, when those worked, it was fun, but that wasn't often the case. Whats worse (in my opinion) is the knock-back you receive not just from being hit by enemies, but also you hitting enemies. There are many cases in this game where you are forced to balance on these precariously small platforms, usually with spikes or steaming water underneath them. Factor in the ludicrous knock-back, and you have a recipe ripe for disaster. Be hit by an enemy will often result in you falling into the environmental hazard, causing you to lose 2 HP (not sure what its called) in just one hit. Not only that, but you also receive knock-back by hitting an enemy yourself, which can often result in the same scenario as before. Another problem I have with this game is the amount of backtracking I found myself doing. It was very annoying to have to travel back and forth across the map multiple times to find a certain exit or item. A simple bench travel mechanic would've been greatly appreciated. Along with this, I would've really appreciated maps just being a given, rather than having to find a specific NPC located within the area (although, to be fair, he was usually near an entrance). Many of the rooms in a certain area look very similar, and I got lost very often without a map.
Now, maybe everything I have brought up is just a skill issue. And if it is, I fully except that. I'm not that good at platforming, so maybe I was just really out of my element. But, if I'm honest, this game was often just more frustrating than fun. Maybe in a few years I'll give this another try. But for now, this'll have to stay in my backlog. I really wanted to like this game, but, maybe it just wasn't for me.


O maior jogo já feito. Team Cherry, obrigada pela sua existência. Demorei muito pra jogar de verdade Hollow Knight, mas quando imergi, a experiência foi avassaladora. Cada detalhe, a trilha sonora, os diálogos, tudo é perfeito e extremamente pensado. Queria jogar pela primeira vez novamente.


don't buy this game unless you cherish your limited time on earth


Equal parts adorable, and difficult.
It's dark and beautiful artwork will have you wanting to stay for more. Who doesn't like adventuring with some tragic moments sprinkled in?


This game is a masterpiece. Yes as I said this game is a masterpiece. So beautiful, great combat, intriguing lore. Every bit is perfect. The only thing I can say bad about the game that is not really easy to play after a hard day at school or work. I can be quite frustrating at time like when you keep dying at a boss, but somehow when you think of quiting it you suddenly realise your infront of your computer playing and than you kill the boss that gives you the next thing you need to progress and you fill so awarded. It just drags you in it and you can't leave it until you finish it!

Mr. Krystal
Mr. Krystal

First off, Nice.

Second, this game is damn near inarguably a masterpiece, especially for the asking price of $15.00 USD. Though the movement progression is a little slow, it is still impeccable. Please buy this if you have found yourself bored of the games within your steam library. Also really fun to speedrun.


A brutal challenge, but not unfair
This game will make you rage but keep you coming back for more time and again
One of the best games you can ever spend 15 bucks on


Help. It sucked me in. I don't even have a life anymore. It's just Hollow Knight. I've spent like 5 hours on it today. I feel it's only going to get worse. This is a cry for help. Please. Someone.


Great game, awesome mechanics, awesome art, awesome soundtrack. its such a good game and so many things to try that you never get bored, it may not be a game for everyone but i like me a good challenge. and if you do to this is the game. it also is super cheap and so worth it 10/10.


You gotta know this games GOAT'D right...?




Going through this game is such a wonderful experience. Every time you are able to reach a new area you are filled with such wonder with all of the beautiful scenery around you. This was the first metroidvania that I had ever played, and it inspired me to try other games in the genre. Not only is the exploration amazing, but the bosses are also super fun to learn and best. Many bosses in this game seem to be super difficult at the beginning, but once you learn how they attack it feels amazing. Hollow Knight has so much content for only being $15, and I 100% recommend it.


I like the art style, it's clear a lot of work was put into the game as a whole. The story is great, but it's entirely an option whether or not you'd like to pay attention to it. It's simply fun, and there's a lot of skills to master; it's challenging at times, but overall has given me the best feelings of accomplishment I've had in some time.

Blue Angry Bird
Blue Angry Bird

10/10 game. I have played for a little over 150 hours and enjoyed every one of them. the game is very frustrating and difficult but also very rewarding and satisfying.


Some of the best exploration in a Metroidvania. You're not locked from areas except in two cases, and constantly return to places to discover new secrets and progress further. Also the boss battles is pretty intense, with one of my favorite sountracks ever.


One of the best games ever made the 100 hours i have played i LOVED each and all seconds the bosses are not easy and you get lost alot but no matter how hard you rage its hella fun 10/10 but you rage a tiny bit i would really recomend the game now because the 2nd game is comming out soon:)


its awesome +2000 hours on switch got this game on steam and its juicy


This game is a masterpiece. 10/10

I played it once on my Nintendo Switch about a year ago and got bored about 40 minutes into the game. I couldn't understand what to do, where to go, or how the combat system worked. This game is definitely not for everyone, and I felt like I was one of those people. I could see the charm and why the game may be appealing, but I just couldn't understand it. I only just recently decided to try it again, and I am so glad I did. The game is a Metroidvania, which means a large majority of the game is simply running around, exploring, fighting occasional enemies, and lots of backtracking. Multiple times throughout the game, you'll say, "Where am I supposed to go?" Depending on your opinion of the Metroidvania genre, this will be either a good thing or a bad thing. I consider myself someone who hates that feeling of being lost in a video game; however, this time, I decided to just push myself out of my comfort zone with this game, and it was extremely rewarding.
This game has a stunning art style, incredibly unique character designs, and amazing atmospheric music. Hollow Knight has a simple and endearing story expressed through minor dialogue and the environment. I enjoy that much more than just being dragged through the story while being told what's happening and not shown. It really feels like I was just thrown into this world and am meant to piece together the story based on my experiences within the game. That kind of storytelling makes the game much more immersive. I really feel like I'm a part of the world.
The game's combat is simple, but just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy. Throughout your journey, you'll encounter some tanky enemies with large amounts of health and very fast attacks that may seem undodgeable at first. You'll soon realize that if you're quick and time your attacks carefully that you'll be able to overcome any foe. Spending some time understanding an enemy's movement and being able to time your attacks to pull off as much damage as possible without getting hit is incredibly fun. Mastering the combat in this game isn't easy, but it will make you feel like a god.
The platforming of this game isn't anything special, but it's still fun. The movement of your character is very fluid, and I almost always feel like I'm in complete control. I especially like when you swing your attack downward and parry off some spikes to cross a gap.
There are also lots of collectibles to find around the game as well. Finding charms, secrets, shops, trinkets, and shards is really fun and very rewarding. The charms in this game allow you to fully customize a build for your character. You can choose between an attack build or a defensive build. You can decide if you want to focus on spell-casting or simply using your nail. Or you could just make your character balanced all around like I did.
The only thing that I would say significantly lowered my enjoyment of the game was the map system. Instead of your map automatically growing each time you discover a new area, you must find and talk to the map drawer NPC. That would be fine if it weren't for the fact that he can be incredibly difficult or just flat out impossible to find in certain areas. Not having a map in certain areas of this game can just feel more annoying than anything else, but what bothers me the most is the wayward compass charm. The wayward compass charm allows you to see your character's location on the map; otherwise you just have to guess where you are while looking at the map. Without the wayward compass charm, the map is basically useless; it's way too much effort to try and pinpoint your location and figure out where to go. It's unfortunate that the wayward compass charm, which seems almost essential to me, takes up a charm slot making it more difficult for me to use other charms. I wish the map would slowly fill itself out over time as you explore new areas, and I wish the wayward compass was just a passive item instead of a charm you have to equip.
Overall, this game has been really fun to play, and I cannot wait to play more of it. If you're unsure if you'll like the game, I recommend at least trying it out. Push yourself to keep exploring even if you're lost; Perhaps you'll find you enjoy it more than you think you did.

Anyways yeah, funny cool bug game. Buy it.


one of the best game I've played. 10/10. Now waiting for Silksong .


honestly AMZAING still havent finished


A very great game that provides an unforgettable and enthralling experience while being equally frustrating!

You get to see all the action and mayhem with your eyes while enamoring yourself with the soundtracks and in-game ambiance.

!!! I get that some people may not like the backtracking and all, though traversing across the map does get easier as you acquire certain abilities and unlock the 3 transportation systems in the game. !!!

As of late I've already gotten 2 of the endings, and am currently preparing my current save file to unlock the rest. And yes, you can unlock all of the endings in one save slot/file as the game sends you back to your last save after getting an ending.

Starry Ari
Starry Ari

I walked into this game not knowing what to expect but honestly, I was very surprised! The game is deceptively simple and very addicting once you get the hang of it, but definitely need to be ready for a challenge. I love the music and the creative boss fights. Though I must say the music has a special place in my heart and is the most memorable thing for me next to the stunning scenery for each specific region.


little fighting bugs make me smile


Hollow Knight is a great metroidvania with tight and engaging combat and a slew of funny and interesting characters you meet along the way in the vast, vast world of Hollow's Nest. While I did thoroughly enjoy Hollow Knight, my enjoyment was dampened by some flaws: the anticlimactic final boss that I was able to defeat after only four tries and was easier than other minibosses, and the mechanic lifted from FromSoftware's Dark Souls where upon death, the player loses all their money and must defeat the 'ghost'' of themselves to regain them - with only one attempt. That's only the first issue with the mechanic unfortunately, because as the game goes on, fighting your ghost to regain money becomes a tedious chore, especially when attempting to fight a boss and having to do this back to back to back. While annoying, these were only only mild disturbances from an otherwise exceptional game that I am happy to recommend!


One of the best metroidvania games already made, for sure!
Great mechanics, arts, music, characters. Everything about this game is really amazing.
The world is huge and you have lots of lore and upgrades to discover.
Gameplay is very dynamnic and you can adapt it the way you like.
The game is very challenging. You will fall and get hit a lot, and you will also die a lot.


One of my favorite games of all time. 10/10 would recommend, still waiting for silksong.


This is an incredible Metroidvania and my favorite game of all time. The combat is diverse in the ways that you and your enemies can attack and move around. The exploration will get you lost and then keep you lost even when you find the map. The world of Hallownest is packed full of secrets and even now, I keep finding new, small parts of rooms that I just didn't know about.




good asf these type of games slap


Probably one of the most refreshing metroidvania platformers in recent years. The story is good, but can be overlooked if you're not reading everything or paying attention. My only complain is backtracking sucks! (9.5/10)


hard but not unfair, sometimes it gets boring but it's fun overall

Sleepy Weeb
Sleepy Weeb

Platformer that doesn't feel like a platformer (to me at least). Hollow Knight has really crisp combat and movement mechanics that get more unique as you progress through the game. The difficulty isn't too bad either since one can simply use a more damaging build if they get stuck. Additionally, the soundtrack is truly amazing with how it sounds good and suits the situation. Very solid game with replayability.

I'm sleepy
I'm sleepy



Great game. Gotta push through a little bit, but then you can't stop playing


It's Hollow Knight, what else is there to say? Simple the best game of all time.


Yes I would absolutely recommend this game. I absolutely adore the art style and the gameplay is so damn fun and addicting. So many different unique and difficult bosses to fight.


Made me remember the feeling of playing Hollow Knight. Which was a fun game released back in 2017. Also Silksong got announced :----)


a game where you a god child must return to god state and fuck moths 9/10 would god again


very fun, a little boring at first but gets into a huge gameplay


Don't recommend:
Not enough fall damage
Where's the fast travel

Don't play this game ever it's not good don't play it ever ever don't


The only game I regret buying on sale. I just want to give the Devs more money! Buy the game if you haven't already.


one of a kind indie souls rpg . Finally defeated after 21 hours. Worth Every Penny (10TL) !


When you eventually buy this game, find the path of pain and finish it, trust me the reward is amazing...

Go Food Enak
Go Food Enak

Holy is this game good.

From the design of the game and the overall enjoyability its just fun overall. The bosses in this game are just so godamn clean and the longer you play once you flawless a boss that you were stuck on for hours in your early days is JUST SO GOOD!?!?!?!. AND NOT TO MENTION THE MUSIC ITS SO GOOD WAY TOO GOOD FOR THIS GAME ITS CRAZY. AND THE BACKGROUNDS AND GRAPHICS IS FUCKING CRAZY


Greatest game to ever exist. Just buy it and enjoy it as much as you can.


Game crashed in the middle of path of pain.


This game was worth everything I spent for it (got it at 50% discount lol). It's easily one of the best games i've played till this day and yes I know i dont have many hours on the game but its just too fun i had to review it already.


Absolutely one of the best indie titles I've ever played. If you're into a metroidvania with a really deep lore and a steep learning curve then look no further.

Sportsmann Ede
Sportsmann Ede

As you can see i only played 0,6 hours yet but the game is amazing!
Incredible music and graphics!
I love it!
And.. it runs on almost every potato!
Just buy this game!
Pro Tipp:
Use controller, headset and a big screen like a TV for the best experience


(☐, ✔️)
Need RTX- ☐
Geforcre, maybe- ☐
Meh they are pretty good- ✔️
Dog water- ☐
Trash- ☐
Really Good - ✔️
Good - ☐
Bad- ☐
Sucks -☐
Trash- ☐
You will need 3 lives for grinding -☐
Alot more grind then most people are used to -☐
Only for leaderboards/ranks -☐
Almost never need to grind- ✔️
no grind -☐
In total


Bought this game 3 times, worth it every single time


Hollow knight is an amazing game,with really good music,Epic lore and amazing gameplay. The art and animations fit in perfectly with the gameplay and you never know what you will find behind a door.I think that you just have to be good at combat and always be up for a challenge.I would recomend this game to anyone and i hope i helped you decide if you 'll be this game or not.:)

Morbnum moment
Morbnum moment

if the radiance infected me and the dream was of playing hollow knight for the rest of eternity, I would not wanna wake up

release silksong team cherry please take my money


No mind to think. ✔️
No will to break. ✔️
No pants to wear. ✔️
More sawblades. ✔️
To add to my wicked lair. ✔️


played this game on my switch, absolutely fantastic. bought this game here for 50% off so i have it now when i hopefully get a pc or gaming laptop. absolutely fantastic game, 10 out of 5 stars

Fast N Bulbous
Fast N Bulbous

Little Elden Ring + Big Metroidvania Map + Zelda Inventory/Mechanics = 11/10 game

Reff orz
Reff orz

Amazing, the Overwhelmingly Positive Reviews Is not a lie.


grindy but thats one of the reasons its so fun to play, and new progress is very satisfying


just an amazing game overall
its a dark dive into a deep dark area
hallownest is an amazing place, although there are some creepy things :)
best game


10/10 would wait for Silksong again


one of the best games ever made

HD Gaming
HD Gaming

Zelda 2 with updated graphics and more areas

Overrated boring game where you play over the same level thanks to the dated 90s game desing. I also lost all 500 of my money which I won't grind back beacause It's not fun nor rewarding. The beetle guy's attacks are never explained well and the death system too. You can see the most players of this game worship it some kind of idol of the gaming industry even though it's just zelda 2 with better graphics and more places to explore, not the masterpiece its told as. You see no bad reviews as mentioned before because of the toxic fanbase of this game. 4/10


love the atmosphere and challenge and honestly really enjoy finding more lore as i play! however if you struggle with harder games maybe try something less challenging first. but if your up to the challenge id say go for it!


This Game is more like dark souls than metroidvania game but it was great experience


The game does not hold your hand and you're mostly left on your own to figure out where to go and what to do. I personally loved that aspect of the game but others might not.

-Great combat and progression systems
-Great enemies, NPCs, and boss fights
-The art and sounds and music are amazing. The devs nailed the atmosphere of the individual zones
-Great price (goes on sale)

-Controls slightly clunky but you can get used to them
-Lots of pointless travel time and backtracking. I wouldn't doubt if half the time I spent playing was going through areas I had already explored just to open a door that I didn't have access to earlier

Overall a solid game.


This game was so much fun until I fought the watcher knights, and now I don't have a door


This is probably one of my favourite games I have ever played.
The entire presentation is just stellar from top to bottom, It has my favourite soundtrack in all of gaming.
The artstyle is both ominous and cute, and has so much personality. Every single character is likable, even the weirdo ones. There is so much love and care put into this game.
It plays like an action focused metroidvania, with some platforming, and a lot of bosses.
I would say the base game is pretty okay difficulty wise to get through by the average gamer (which isn't me, im fairly new to gaming).
It does have some very difficult parts, especially in the dlc, for the ones that seek more difficulty.
I wouldn't say the combat is very deep in hollow knight, but it is very polished, and it does give you a variety of playstyle, like melee focused, nailarts, spellbuild, minionbuilds. You can customize your character to a certain extend but it's not the most complex system ever, which it doesn't have to be.
I personally really enjoy the simplicity, since its easy to pick up as a newcomer.
I love the charms systems and especially how every charm has a distinct look in the menu so it's easy visually to pick them out so you don't need to spend a lot of time reading through menus.
The map is fun to fill in, and i enjoy how they handled it in the game.
Sound design is excellent! Especially with headphones you can hear so many clues for secrets. Like grubs, items, hitting walls so on.
Story and worldbuilding is very sparse and cryptic, but i personally liked having to put everything together, and to people who say there isn't anything here, they are just lying. There is clearly things being told to you if you pay attention. All the dialogue you have with the npc's are also fantastic, I really enjoyed finding them across the sprawling map.

Huge enemy/boss variety. A lot of different locations, with different moods. Again i just listen to the soundtrack on repeat outside of playing the game, thats how good it is.
Some of my favourite moments:
Walking into dirthmouth for the first time and hearing the sad piano melody start playing and talking to elderbug.
Sitting with quirrel at a specific bench (if you played you know which ;) )
Defeating the final boss(es) and just... the music.. yum
Climbing up the abyss.. Birthplace sequence... so great storytelling and worldbuilding!

Please get this game! It's really cheap compared to the amount of content you get (4 DLC packs for free??? Team cherry plz)


honestly my favourite game I've ever played its challenging and yet no matter how many times i die i'm still motivated to keep playing. love the worldbuilding and style just an overall good experience


This is a new account because my other one got hacked. But this is the best game i played.


Just got to Dirtmouth, looking good so far


it is very easy to lose yourself in the vast detailed world of hollow knight. everytime you reach a savepoint while exploring the depths of the map feels is such a rewarding feeling. as someone who isn't a huge fan of platformers, it's nice to say that this game is much more combat focused. this game is a real gem that i can't recommend enough to someone looking for an atmospheric well crafted experience.


Game so good, I bought it three times


Very nice looking game, feels like a mix between a 2D metroid and Darksouls. Its easy to sit down and start playing this game non-stop.

Venomous Python
Venomous Python

A solid Metroidvania with plenty to discover, a great art style, and an intriguing story. The skill level requirements for the game are not too excessive for new people; and while there are tough challenges that demand a lot, the most intense fights are not a requirement for finishing the game.

Definitely worthwhile for anyone who enjoys good platforming, combat, and a big map to explore!

Dry Accident
Dry Accident

Ugly and boring. Stiff controls and jumps... gonna return this game.


"patamas geo"

truer words have never been spoken


Nothing really i can say that hasn't been said before.
Perfect Metroidvania, the map, exploration, new powers and all the mechanics in general.
beautiful art style, not straining on the eyes, very unique design.
and more that i can't even put into words.
this is a must play for every gamer.


Awesome game hard but not too much so, Would and have recommended to friends