
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
1 January 2024
Steam reviews score
93 (262 167 votes)
91 (3 702 votes)

Palworld is a brand-new, multiplayer, open-world survival crafting game where you can befriend and collect mysterious creatures called "Pal" in a vast world! Make your Pals fight, build, farm, and work in factories.

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Palworld system requirements


  • OS: Windows 10 or later (64-Bit)
  • Processor: i5-3570 3.4 GHz 4 Core
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Dedicated graphics card, GTX 770 2GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 15 GB available space


Recommended requirements are not yet specified.
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Red Mirabel
Red Mirabel

18 horas de jogo e eu ainda estou extremamente entretido. Continuam aparecendo "Palkemons" novos em cada área que desbravo. Sabia que seria divertido, mas não esperava tanto.
Esse jogo mistura pokemon, construção e operação de base e armas de fogo com uma cópia descarada de Zelda BOTW. Claro que seria legal, mas poderia jurar que seria enjoativo e só não é.
Vale cada centavo.


Right now the breeding is ruining it for me. They really need to add items that decrease breeding time and allow you to select specific traits. I've been using 3rd party software to speed up my game and I still am struggling to get the "perfect" pal. I genuinely cannot imagine doing this legit since you only get roughly 2 or 4 eggs a day end up with random or bad traits even though both pals have the same trait you want. Otherwise pretty fun but a little shallow atm. Hopefully with further expansion to the game it becomes more interesting.


It's the kind of thing that cant really be explained.

It's takes the best concepts of all of the games it takes inspiration from and melds them into the kind of game that most AAA studios are to scared to make. A game that gives you the freedom people want. vs one that breaks visual records, or pretends to be so expansive while keeping you in a little fish bowl.


With 400 hours and four different playethroughs to level 50, definitely the game that Ark should have been. Pokemon is honestly a tangent in this game as it just about art style and the way it looks similar. But what they can't take away is the utility from the pals so they don't just stay in your pal box(poke box in pokemon) as storage. Since it's early access, I can say that single player playthrough is by far the best to get your money's worth as dedicated is it counterpart. Super laggy and more bugs on dedicated that pals tend to get sick due to pathfinding and other issues my friends were having in the game. If I had to tell you what makes the game easy is the moment someone posted about breeding combination; opening the possibilities of possessing powerful job pals to automate your base much faster than a average player. Breeding is honestly the most overpowered thing and what once you find knowledge(Palworld Breeding Calculator). The limits in this game is actually insane that I'm already excited for the next major patch! GG Pocket Pair!


For me this game is like a mix of Conan Exiles, Grounded and Pokémon - in both positive and negative ways.

Building needs still a lot of work (like you should be able to place foundations on top of another and there should be more variety in pieces (triangular foundation, please)). Also path-finding of pals needs fixing (they get stuck or drop through the floors in base quite often).

Still ... this game has a lot to boast about and if gaming system is not that innovative on it's own, it's definitely a successful mix from others. For me it keeps interesting even after playing quite some time.

Gotta catch ... well, you know. 8.5/10.


Still in the beginning hours at the time of writing. So here are my biggest PROS & CONS

. Pokemon with guns description is apt despite the core gameplay loop owing more to titles like ARK. Letting the player get involved in the thick of battles is not only great; but makes it feel like the title Pokemon should have evolved in to by now.
. The pals automate alot of the tedium around the crafting survival genre, keeping micromanagement to a minimum & letting you do what you really want to. Explore & capture pals.
. Like grand strategy, crafting survival titles usually bore me at some point, here though it's addictive. Thanks not only to automation from the pals, but also handles progression. You're given a to do list of base upgrades to accomplish & once done, bam you can unlock more research for further upgrades & better equipment.
. Takes the darker elements of it's universe & does what Pokemon refuses to do; embrace them! Kill & eat pals. enslave humans, work your pals like they're in a Chinese sweatshop & the pal Lovander exists in lore & game as blatant (parody) horny waifu bait!

. The pals look like they don't belong in the game's world. Same problem as Sonic Frontiers. The world looks photorealistic while pals & humans are animesque. So there's this jarring clash of artstyles.
. The core crafting gameplay is copy & pasted from the devs prior, & still in early access, game Craftopia. Which itself was basically Breath of the Wild crossed with ARK.
. Bugs & glitches are still fairly common & mar the experience. During the first syndicate raid on my base, one thug didn't even reach it because his foot got caught on a bridge. Then after getting dislodged he kept hovering in the air. This may be in early access but it is very stable so when these happen it can be annoying.

Overall I'm glad I got it. The game kicks ass & can only get better as updates are released.


Few things to keep in mind:
1. It's a beta from an indie studio. Keep that in mind while playing, there are spots in the map where you can fall through. I recommend playing on easy or enabling keep items on death just in case of this issue.
2. It's a mix of ARK and Pokemon. Honestly, it's well done, and the multiplayer works well - Highly recommend.


Just finished with all bosses and paldeck complete. Solid start to the game. Clearly still early access. If you want a full fledged game, this is not for you. While it has some jank, as to be expected, it is surprisingly polished in many aspects. However, the AI is what is REALLY lacking here. Whether it's pals freezing at your base and starving while you're away. Or, your in a boss fight and your pal gets stuck inside a pillar (looking at Faleris specifically). There are many things I hope they fix and implement over time, such as improved building, but overall I really enjoyed my experience. As someone who loved other games like ARK this feels like a spiritual successor in a much more stable bag.


This game is great. It's the perfect game for someone like me. I normally forget what I was supposed to do or how to solve a puzzle if I'm in the middle of it and drop the game for a bit because of work. I often wonder what to do and lose motivation to keep playing. Games like this let me just go wherever I want and still feel like I'm making progress. I can play large games and not feel like I won't finish it now.


Got to say it's a great game, and I love the cute designs of the pals! Even though I'm not a very big fan of survival games this one is not bad. And that fact you can use your pal's to automate your base is great use for them after you collect them. I look forward to seeing where they take it from here as they continue to develop it.

A Button
A Button

Version Early Access
It's Pokemon with guns and Fortnite!

Overall Score: 8/10

+ Cute Pokem- I mean Pals
+ Great Pal animations
+ Great customization, although I want more depth like making face type and beard separate.
+ Great graphics, even at low settings
+ Great world and atmosphere
+ Ok UI
+ Ok combat system
+ Ok soundtrack
+ Ok building mechanics

- Assigning Pals can be clunky
- Pals pathfinding
- WANTED mechanic being too basic
- Optimization issues: FPS drop in certain areas
- Some bugs and glitches (from other people. I haven't encountered those so far)
- Capture rate. IDK if the Lifmunk effigy bug is true or not
- A bit grindy (given that this is survival game), although you can tweak and customize difficulty and exp rate.

Things IDC about:
- Public multiplayer. I think this game is not designed for that. It is designed for single-player and co-op experience
- Story. Do we need some?
- "Pokemon ripoff." Like c'mon. Really?
- "Ark ripoff." Like c'mon again. Really?
- "Zelda ripoff." *sigh* no!
- "AI art and asset flip." Hypocrite! ik yall using ChatGPT in your homeworks or resume or coding or whatnot! And this has been debunked lmao
- Slavery and animal abuse. It's player's choice afterall. You can enslave them or not. It's a free country. You do what you want.


It definitely has similarities to Pokemon, but i believe that there are always gonna be games that are similar to another game. I genuinely believe that it has enough differences to be it's own standalone game even if it did take inspiration from some of the Pokemon available.


One of the best games I've ever played.
If you have friends, then it will be pretty easy to reach level 50. It took me around 20 days to reach level 50 with 2 friends and after that it's a piece of cake. but this can also be counted as a con of the game.
Developers need to add more pals in the game. It's still early game so very positive signs. :)

Murder Mittenz
Murder Mittenz

This game is ridiculously fun. Pocketpair has taken the most engaging and entertaining aspects of gaming and thrown them in a blender. I've lost so many hours to this game and I can't even tell you what I spend them on. Doesn't matter. Don't care. Every single minute is an absolute blast. Living for my daily dose of Depresso. Need. Plush. Now.


Honestly, it's great for a game in Early access!

Yes it's buggy af and prone to glitches but even those are fun sometimes.

A nice addition would be a minimap on the top right corner of the screen and maybe a long-range gun like a sniper or sth.

All in all, a solid 9/10 (For early access)

The Tiny One
The Tiny One

It's a ton of fun! There are things that are still a work in progress, and it'll be really nice when they get the xbox/steam cross play going. I'm really enjoying playing as it gets better and better!


Great Game! Well deserved of the hype. Awesome progression. Fun inventory/base management, Solid gameplay. Deep Synergy. Lots of Fun "Pals". Lets See what these developers can do now. My Biggest issue is lack of core building pieces to start with. I want to build more intricate bases but i accept its still only a few weeks old.

Wolfclaw Painhowler
Wolfclaw Painhowler

This game is Ark but with a more cartoony vibe, pokemon-like creatures instead of dinosaurs, much smaller file sizes, and it's only in early access so the bugs can be forgiven, overall, this game is fun to play, and a rather enjoyable experience. I would reccomend getting the game before it leaves early access and they decide to change the price


So, just for your information.

Don’t use Digtoise at your mining farm. I repeat, do NOT use this MOTHERF*CKER at your mining farm.

“But Tali, I barely know you, meanwhile all CoNTEnT cReATuRs say he is a beast!”

Well, no, Digtoise SUCKS at mining. Digtoise’s only beneficial trait is that, when YOU summon him from your team he will decently mine some ore nodes.

However, when put into the ranch, the damage output he does to ore nodes is heavily nerfed, from 30/35 to F*CKING 1/2 per hit, which makes him WORSE than Dumud, Tombat, Anubis and basically any other freaking Pal with Mining level 2 or more.

Not only that, but this STUPID ARSHOLE TURTLE eats A LOT, every 1 or 2 spins it will stop his fcking work and go eat, then repeat the same routine, making his stupidly slow mining speed even WORSE.

Just to put some numbers and evidence into perspective, Anubis, he eats around 1 time per 35 ores mined. Reptyro 1 per 25. Dumud eats around 1 per 20.

This stupid turtle eats arround 10 TIMES PER 30, 3 F*CKING ORES AND THEN EATS.

So, stop recomending Dicktoise as a mining farmer, cause he is not, he sucks and should never be used in your base.


Great game, even at it's early access state. On the surface Palworld looks like just another Pokemon clone, but it's so much more. First off, I'm not a diehard Pokemon fan, I've played a half a dozen or so but never completed any. However I thoroughly enjoy open world/sandbox/builder/survival games and have several thousands of hours in these type games.

What i really like about Palworld is the freedom to play the game the way you want to play and you get a sense of achievement no matter what you choose to do. The difficulty scales according to what you choose to do. You can play the core gameplay loop, bop pals and throw spheres, trying to catch them all, or rack up boss captures/kills. Casually stroll through the game or push your skills to the limit. Then there is the meta game, advancing your pals through cross breeding, condensing, pal souls, skill fruit and accessories. The game is easy to play and challenging to master.

There are some warts though. The art isn't consistent or doesn't seem to have any core aesthetic. It feels like they could make a pass on all the models and texture (aside from the pals which are great), and get a look and feel that is more cohesive and less like it was farmed out or purchased from and asset house. There are a lot of minor bugs, occasional a major one and some game balancing issues that need addressing, but for an EA game it is pretty solid. For $27 you can't go wrong. Buy the game, get past level 20 and the game really opens up.


I wouldn't care if these were literally Pokemon models 1:1 ripped and inserted into this game. PalWorld has something Pokemon apparently can't deliver on for almost 20 years: fun.

Maybe they could rip off PalWorld a bit on the next run.


This game is basically ARK + Pokemon. My only major critique is it is clearly plagiarising content from both those franchises and turning them into a great game. Hard to know if this is what the future of gaming in but for now just enjoy the ride


game is fun, needs more customization for key commands, like an inventory key so we can go straight to inventory. also fix things like stairs. cant connect them to my home, so i have to jump in. adding boats or something so we can make a base over water. or some sort of underwater base, caves ect.


open world monster collector game. what's not to like? personally I liked it better when there was wacky glitches to discover, but I also love how we're constantly getting patches to fix bugs... like this game will be fully functional in no time!


The obvious similarities to other games are present and unapologetic, and frankly I don't care about that. This game is *fun*, it liberally takes ideas from successful games, but it meshes them in a really enjoyable way, creating a survival lite experience with a fun taming/breeding element and unexpectedly enjoyable gunplay. This won't be a game of the year on most lists as there's no real story, but their monsters are enjoyable, the game world is pretty, and immediately after launch they began taking action to respond to playerbase requests. That's worth the price of admission, regardless of how many bored internet grousers want to rag on it.


It's amazing. It's a survival game, but it has animal helpers, a factory system, guns, and even characters you can speak to. I love the combat system. I also love how there are places you will just die instantly in if you're too low leveled; the game doesn't baby you.


one of the best games of all time, changed my life. ever since I started playing Palworld I got married, had 4 kids, became the CEO of 3M, ran for president, got a divorce, lost custody of my kids, had 4 more kids, and died at the ripe old age of 8.


This is what Steam Greenlight / Early Access was originally billed as: a game that is mostly complete, fun to play, and intriguing enough in concept for people to support its completion. Thank you to the devs for using EA as the tool it was designed to be and not a pre-alpha test for a game that is barely a concept. I've played for 11 hours in the past two days and don't regret that at all.


This game is so much fun. Its like an adult version of pokemon meets Ark/monster Hunter/and even a little Zelda vibes. Its a lot of fun whether you play single player or multiplayer and the price really can't be beat. I hope to see this game expand over the years and I also to see the moddding community get at it and add mroe to the game than it already has.

It has a few bugs but nothing major or game breaking imo. Usually patience or a quick reset fixes any issues. Theres a few small things id love to see improved like pal beds. Either make it to where they can snap together, add bunk beds, or make the system a little better so you dont have just a f*** ton of beds lined up as you progress lol. I cant wait to see what more this game has to offer in the future


So this is a review from a 29 (soon to be 30) years old guy who still playing games (lot of games) and im whole hearly honest about it
So basically saying this as pokemon with gun is correct, cant miss, altho its better describe as Ark gone weeb for how similar they are in gameplay as well as story setting
But lets get to the point:
Good thing:
Despite anime/cartoon style is not my thing in these type of games, perhaps due to my age?, i personally think they blend in well together with its own world
Gameplay is not what i would call new, quite generic even, but should be more than enough for the genre
Music is great, nothing to complaint
Satisfy your childhood's curiosity about eating pokemon
Bad thing:
Various graphical error, such as rock textures seam is obvious even it first stage
only the body of the character got wet, but not from the neck up, also someone might have mistake the wet effect for something else becuz making the character skin looks like they just jump inside a powder keg is not wet
AI need improvement, the wandering merchant walking around my base, go on the bridge, lost his way, drop down to the lake and continue walking but cant get out of the lake
Ragdoll Physic, kill a pal and they just keep on rolling....altho i believe you got everything after you kill them so you dont have to chase them down but well
And lastly, the worse thing i get from playing this game. Character Creation, literally a lesser version of Ark, its such a let down i dont think i need more than 2 mins to realize preset if the most normal thing you can have and even if you are a maniac who want to make weird looking character, its heavily limited as well

So to be honest, personally i will give this a top 7/10 but if i were still in school, perhaps this would be a 9

So its worth to buy it? Sure, even better with friends
Its worth to buy it as an almost 30 years old dude? Sure, EVEN BETTER IF YOU FRIENDS ARE AS OLD AS YOU (if you can handle the style thats it)
Altho for the older guy i suggest waiting for more content

Lord Reverend
Lord Reverend

Satisfactory x Elden Ring x Fortnite x Breath of the Wild and somehow it works so well. It's full of default sounds effects and prebuilt assets, but the experience is so good that you'll ignore it easily. Get this while it's 10% off. Get it later for full price. Just get this.

Unbound Cross
Unbound Cross

This is SO COOL.

It's not handholdy at all, it trusts the player to understand how games work. It drops you in, and just let's you go. Sure, it gives you a nudge to show you the "cycle" of things, but after that it just opens up and allows you to make your own choices of where to go next. The building system is simple but functional. It's not as intricate as something like minecraft where you pick each individual piece, or like valhiem where you have to carefully monitor structure integrity. Instead, it goes for the Ark approach, and you build through the use of prefabs, which I'm perfectly fine with, as there's still tons of room for making things fancy, while also being quick and practical to throw up a quick base together in a few minutes when you first move into a new area.

The Pals are SUPER well designed, even if some of them are clearly drawing on some well known pokemon.

However, if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then this game is already on third base running home. Many of the Pals would be at home in a pokemon game, or are honestly even more memorable designs in some regards.

Given that there are over 100 Pals to find, I'm sure there's tons of room for competitive games when PvP gets launched, as well as massive 32 player wars.

Overall, this game has made a STRONG start and a glowing first impression. I can't wait to play, and see more.


Lets be honest. We all seen this game and figured it would be an absolute meme, but in actuality its an ABSOLUTE GEM!

The game takes inspiration from what makes survival and monster taming genres successful and implements them into something that makes Palworld its own unique thing. There's such a perfect balance in what you will be taking part in. From crafting, exploring, battling, looting and capturing. It all leaves the moment to moment game-play fresh and interesting. While the game is in early access, there's no doubt you will have hours of fun engaging content. If I was to best sum up a comparison: I would say a mix between Pokemon Legends Arceus and Ark Survival.


I haven't had this much fun with a Monster Collection game since Nexomon: Extinction. Being a fan of Legends Arceus, this game really scratches that itch and improves upon that direction. It's also very playable on Steam Deck.


I bought Temtem when it came out thinking it was going to scratch my Pokemon itch.
Paid almost DOUBLE as much as this game for much, much LESS content. It was fine at first, then you later understand the game has barely any middle and no incentives to keep playing.

Temtem is now MORE expensive on top of having a BATTLEPASS. Sure they added new areas, but they didn't add enough content to go along with said areas. That game is expensive, dead, and not worth your time.

Palworld is not only a 'Pokemon itch', it's your favorite open world survival games put together with crafting elements and the inclusion of that creature collector genre that's so popularized by Pokemon.

Palworld attempts to be many things, and it gets them all right.

The price of ~$25 USD for this much content is very fair. The popularity of this game is warranted. This is what happens when you mix multiple genres that people absolutely LOVE on Steam, and don't think too hard on the foundation of the game.

As long as Pocketpair, the devs of Palworld, continue to support the game and price it fairly and don't include subscriptions/passes or any cash-grab DLCs, you're looking at a game that will steal one of those permanent top 10 spots on the Steam daily concurrent players chart. And deserves it in every sense.


Dedicated server seems to have a pretty bad memory leak, but the actual game is really fun, and this is still early access, regardless of what we think about everyone doing early access for free beta testers (or in this case we pay money to beta test the game for them.) But at least this time it's a small indie dev doing it rather than a AAA studio, so I'll show a little bit of good will.

In short, it's pretty much what I wished Pokemon had the courage to do for their older fans. I just hope it's different enough for Nintendo's lawyers; though in my completely unprofessional opinion, I really don't think it is, lol.


Great game, it's everything you expected and more.

Some advice if you are before lvl 20; DO NOT buy the grapple gun, because the workbench to craft it is unlocked at lvl 20, and by then you can get the upgraded version. (Schematics can be purchased before lvl 20)
Also put 4 of the 'Daedream' pals in your party and get the ability band which allows you to have all of them out helping you in combat. You can catch them at night in the starting area. They also rarely take damage or need to be fed.

So much better than Pokemon Violet. And you can skip dialogue.

Have Fun!


The game is fun. But bugs are definitely noticeable with movement and base building. ( its an EA game so its expected.) Tech tree is decent. Creatures are limited to only about 111 at this moment. Hopefully they add more. This game needs mod support, I am confident that the modding scene would be MASSIVE if allowed to thrive. For now i would recommend watching some reviews to see if this game would be fun to you. I like these types of games so this was an easy purchase for me.


game is like a team rocket simulator/dark soul, i got killed in first dungeon where boss killed me in 3 hits. I haven't unlock gun yet but the fiery fox deer boss wasn't having it with my wooden club. Would recommend if you enjoying beating pokemon with your wood.

Limited Edition
Limited Edition

Bad game, No direction, its a scuffed pokemon and survival game. Pixelmon the minecraft mod pack is way better than this game. First pal is a chicken. WOW im so excited to play! A CHICKEN!!! Hooooolllyy surely it evolves!? nope. Its literally a chicken. Nothing beats a chicken except everything. Crafting??? Tutorial??? Doesnt exist. Its "heres the world good luck!"


#69: "Seeking a night of love, it is always chasing someone around. At first, it only showed interest in other Pals, but in recent years even humans have become the target of its debauchery."

What else do you need?


I have been playing this game for a mere 5 hours and I am already in love. Huge open world concept. The Pals are adorable. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a open world builder with creature taming.


currently spending my VACATION LEAVE on this game! one of the games that i did not regret buying. ik this game won't affect pokemon, but gamefreak needs to step up their game... quality wise. it's like they're stuck at the past and they keep refusing upgrade their quality. ill still buy the new gen/rmk once they release a new one but still all their release are half baked HAHAHA


These Devs sure do like to make it obvious of other games that influenced theirs. Thankfully this is a nice combination of games, mainly Ark and Pokemon, but with hints of Rimworld and Satisfactory. All very good games in their own right. Well done. I hope the devs take this opportunity to add lots of good content and frequent updates.