Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
29 January 2024
Steam reviews score
77 (108 votes)
90 (10 votes)

As one of many kidnapped and enslaved Probants of the Project 13 Group... You need to find Anomalies through your Walk. If you not obey and report , you will be stuck in it forever.

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PROJECT 13 system requirements


  • OS: Windows 10/11 x64
  • Processor: Intel/AMD
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1650 or AMD equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 4 GB available space


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TTV KairosObjective
TTV KairosObjective

This game takes it's inspiration from Exit 8 it seems. Here we are tasked with identifying anomalies in order to escape this facility. I liek that there is a bit of story with this one. The various anomalies are interestin'. This one is a bit more involved than Exit 8 was. I only ever managed to beat one of these types of games (Escalator). Solid game right here.

Gameplay Impressions:

Johnny Spectron YT
Johnny Spectron YT

Very very awesome anomoly game. Definetly putting it on my list of favorite games in the anomoly genre so far. I really love the choice of anomolies here, very scary and cool! Not to mention the graphics are just INCREDIBLE!! Highly reccomended, I just got done beating the game! :D


on my record it says 6 hours but most of the time was just me trying to setup for my stream, so most likely i tried to play it for 3 hours something. it will give you the creeps but after a while of playing and losing progress, it's starting to feel boring and tiring. i didn't finished it.


Project 13 is an amazing experience, as it takes you through a haunted Psych Ward Corridor that keeps looping around and around, and prompts you to keep track of oddities along the way. This game has minor flaws like stuttering and misspelling but it truly excels in terms of making the audience jump with fear and keeping them on edge. With over thirty-five anomalies to find, every walk is full of suspense and surprises. However, some repetition and minor anomalies may slightly kill the joy. Yet, memorable moments like the endearing scruffy dog picture add charm. In spite of bugs with illumination and occasional slip-ups, Project 13 is one in a million-experience worth investing your time into.


Mileage may vary, but I have 3 (Leg in the extinguisher, gremlin painting, demon behind a door) anomalies across all my 13 runs, Seemed more like tense pt. It could be pretty scary, it could not be. I dont know. I didnt see anomalies.


I love this game and cant wait for more! there are a few bugs but for the price its worth it and the repeated updates are keeping the game fresh and even better each time. hope there will be a speedrun mode eventually and a wins counter


I do really love this game, however I'm having trouble with the settings actually saving while I'm in game, and if I use the A and D keys to move the camera does a weird little dip to the side that makes me nauseated. Unfortunately because of that I can only play for very short amounts of time before I have to turn it off because of the nausea. I hope they can actually fix it so that the camera doesn't move at all for people like me who get sick from the camera movements.


Hello obeservation game enjoyers!

If you liked "The Exit 8" and all other obeservation games, this is one you will like as well!

I`ve just bought this game today and had my first ending!
You really need to pay patience on almost every detail. No not the smallest one, nothing to count but sometimes they`re a bit more hidden than other one. But you`ll find them for sure!
You can find 35 different anomalies so far and I will continue to play this game until I have found all of them.

I did not play "The Exit 8" yet but I watched some videos on Youtube and I have to say that this game is better (at least for me). I also have that game, so I need to play it still and then I`ll may edit this review.

Also I wanted to take my comment on someone who said that they had to put the graphics quality way down, because of lags. I had no issues with lags at all, so I guess it really depends on how good your PC/Laptop is.
It is definitely not the games fault. It`s worth to mention, yes. But should not be put into the reviews as a negative point.
(Just get a better PC :P )

So all in all it is a great game, I don`t really know what else you could put new into that game, but I hope the devs could put more new content into it, otherwise it is just a game for some hours until you have seen and reported every anomaly.

I give this game a 9/10!
Really enjoyed playing it!

Rae, go for it!


Fu*k project 13
‏OMG, what are you doing to us? We know that you are playing as same as Exit 8, but it started cracking in an unnatural way. I expected the game to be beautiful and lightly thought out, but did you change the numbers of the Pepsi machine? Is it an IELTS exam or a Steam game? . I enjoyed the game when I memorized how many plants, how many bulbs, and how many doors. Why should I lie to myself? The game is stupidly annoying. Sorry, but I tried to finish it for more than a week, and I wasted my time on something silly. If I followed One Piece, I could have finished it instead of finishing your game, but I don't see it because I’m stubborn , but the important thing is Delete the game, or I hit your square head. Thank you, sorry, bye


It's... okay

I find observation games very interesting, and I think this genre has a lot of potential. This game is very reminiscent of "The Exit 8", but PROJECT 13 is weaker in my eyes.

I think it's much more effective for games in this genre, to be set in places that most people are familiar with. This game is set in an asylum, which has a lot of potential, but the atmosphere and general realisation are very important to stand out and pick up the player, which is only partially successful here, in my opinion.

There are also too many anomalies for my taste. I would have liked to see fewer and less obvious anomalies to make the player doubt whether something has changed or not. But maybe I was just unlucky with the number of anomalies.
The optimisation is not the best either. With some anomalies, you notice right from the start that they are loading, because the game sometimes hangs for a second, which is not ideal for a game of this type. (It's not my hardware).

If you have some money to spare and are looking for a new game of this type, you can give it a try, but don't expect too much. Otherwise I would recommend "I'm on Observation Duty" or "The Exit 8", which are also observation games, but better.

Petrosilius Zwackelmann
Petrosilius Zw…

Warum musste Sensej Wu zweimal sterben? und bitte gebt ihm und dem Franzosen in der letzten Zelle die Hüte zurück.

Kann man die Ratte adoptieren?

Viele werden an jenem Tag zu mir sagen: „Herr, Herr, haben wir nicht in Deinem Namen prophezeit und in Deinem Namen Dämonen ausgetrieben und in Deinem Namen viele Wunder vollbracht?“

Ich mag jesus nicht.