SCP : Secret Files

SCP : Secret Files
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
13 September 2022
Steam reviews score
89 (3 627 votes)
85 (35 votes)

SCP: Secret Files is a collection of paranormal cases from the SCP Foundation, an organization tasked with containing abnormal activities. You join as an assistant researcher for Dr. Raymond Hamm. Make it through a strenuous induction program that will make you question everything you know.

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SCP : Secret Files system requirements


  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Processor: Intel i5-4460 or AMD FX-6300
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 760 or AMD Radeon™ R7 260x with 2GB Video RAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible audio card
  • Additional Notes: Best experienced with headphones
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I genuinely think this game would be a great experience for anyone interested in the SCP Foundation.

Without spoilers, the game is split up into two basic parts - the player character, Karl, starting a job with the records division of the SCP Foundation, and then then a collection of stories you play through as Karl learns more about the anomalies that he is tasked with creating digital records from. The SCP stories you play through are fun, and for a first time studio, it's well polished with only a few minor gripes on my end like some text not populating/writing on screen as fast as I'd like

Your mileage may vary, but for $15 I got around 6 hours of total playtime.

Now for spoiler territory:

[spoiler] The game has 4 stories in almost a vignette style including two of my favorite SCPs, SCP-701 "The Hanged King's Tragedy" and SCP-239 "Witch Child". The other two stories are also awesome, but I don't want to name all 4, just play the game if you've got the spare $15 USD and support these developers. I can't wait to see what they put out next. [spoiler]


I loved just about every bit of this game.

If you're looking for something challenging or with complex mechanics then this definitely isn't the game for you; it's Extremely story-driven, but its storytelling is absolutely top tier. I'm a casual player and a casual SCP fan, I love story-driven games, and I'm not a huge fan of the kind of survival horror that some of the more popular SCP games are. So this thing was RIGHT up my alley, and I had a blast.

Story-wise, I have absolutely no complaints. The way they framed all the files (chapters) is ingenious and basically gives the devs free license to do whatever they want, and they go absolutely Ham. The SCP choices are great and we get to see them from a bunch of different perspectives. The visuals are excellent, they absolutely nail atmosphere, the stories were engaging, and there were some really clever twists and tricks in there that just made the whole thing so good. (They made [REDACTED]'s shtick into a catchy jingle that is now stuck in my head. I'm not over it. I will never be over it.) There are definitely some stories that were a bit stronger than others, but again, they went ham and got experimental with it and personally I love that.

Gameplay-wise, though, mechanics definitely wasn't the focus, and honestly that isn't as negative as it sounds. I can't honestly call this a walking simulator because at least for me, none of it really felt tedious. There's some puzzles here and there, you do a little walking/exploration, but nothing that feels out of place or like it interrupts the story. If there's a specific mechanic or minigame that you don't like then that would probably be a complaint, but I didn't mind any of them. Again though, if you're looking for a challenge, then look elsewhere. If you go in expecting something closer to an interactive story, however, you'll have a great time. Some indie devs think that more mechanics = more fun and overdo it to death, but that is not these devs. This is a nice casual playthrough with some intense moments of action and a couple of puzzles, and I mean that in a good way.

Most of my complaints are pretty minor. None of the dialogue is skippable which is fine for a first play but would still be nice to have for achievement grinding, the text of the D personnel files in the last file appears Painfully slowly with no way to speed it up (unlike the dialogue in the same mission) so I had to sit and wait for it to finish and Then read it every time, the monster in the second file is Way too fast which makes dying multiple times Inevitable and a bit frustrating even if it doesn't really punish you for dying, and figuring out the right timing for the minigame in the third file was weirdly difficult for me at least. Some of the subtitles also didn't match the voice lines, but this wasn't a huge or overarching problem. The very last twist at the very end of the game also just wasn't super memorable for me, it's an interesting twist in the moment but it was At The Very End so it doesn't get much time to shine.

I did have a pretty big hiccup trying to first load the game where my monitor gave me an "Input Not Supported" error, but after some digging for a solution, I was able to use Steam's launch options to manually set the game's resolution, and that fixed it immediately. I don't think this is a common problem because my monitor is like 10 years old and was cheap even back then, hence having to Dig for the solution to a problem that only like One other person seemed to have. The only other bug I've encountered so far (having played through the entire game once and starting to go back and replay some chapters now) was just accidentally managing to run past one of the jumpscares in a dead end of the first chase sequence in the fourth file, so I got to see two of the boss when I turned around before Actually dying like I was supposed to. Pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen, but the jumpscare animation takes a few seconds and doesn't Immediately kill you so...whoops.

Overall a solid, very unique SCP game, and I would LOVE for them to make some DLC for it. It's an 8/10 from me, would absolutely recommend to anyone who loves a good story.


Great game although it was a little short. The way the different SCPs are realized is exeptionel. you can feel the despair and the fear the anomalies and the personel feel.

Void Squadron
Void Squadron

I wish the game was longer! It leaves you craving more! It fits so well into the SCP franchise and highlights less discussed entities. I am hopeful for more going forward.


This game is packed full of lore, and is the most visually stunning SCP game out there. You can tell how much love the developers had for the source material.


A very excellent game for being the developer's first. The voice acting was sometimes a little off, and it felt short to me, but I enjoyed every second and felt truly scared at times. What else can you ask for in a SCP game? It is well worth the price and I can fully recommend all SCP fans to try it.

The Child
The Child

I really enjoyed it, its a great short game, with only some minor problems. Including subtitles not lining up to dialogue, and the voice acting being a bit goofy at times. Overall a great first game by this studio.

Panzerkampfwagen IV
Panzerkampfwagen IV

I loved the scps and the detail of the game it just looked so amazing and i think there should be more to it but i give it a 10/10

Little Dragon
Little Dragon

This game is just fantastic. It perfectly captures the feeling of mystery and the unexplainable, the horrors and the dread, and even the wonders and joy that is the world of SCP. This game quickly rose to be my favorite SCP game of all time. After completing the game, there are just no real words to describe it, for a first title, this is a majorly solid job. I really hope to play more games.


I'm kinda sad that I have to give this game a thumbs down. It's got a lot of work put into it but the content itself is very dull and tedious.


I mean... I like this game. Each SCP with different art style is a great idea but im a little disapointed. Game is too short and i expected more horror aspects but still i dont regret buying it.


Amazing game, that being said, if you are looking for a game that is based on skill than you have come to the wrong place but if you have come to this game for an experience you have definitely made the right choice. This game was by far one of the best SCP games that I have ever played and it was honestly really fun. I have no complaints for this game and I recommend this to any SCP lover.


awesome play through if your int o SCP this is up your ally money well spent. I want more content though

Makka Pakka
Makka Pakka

this game is in the middle for me because i love the idea and gameplay but it was lacklustre in its content because only five levels isn't enough for the price it was, but it does give me hope for the future because i would love to see games based on more type of scp's. it's a solid 6/10


This is the SCP game we have all been waiting for.
every part of the cases you do are fleshed out with voice acting, full complete stories, and wholesome/funny/very creepy moments.

honestly i have no real criticism. only that there wasnt more to play.



Really enjoyed the game so far, can't wait to see what else they will add cause I love the SCP world.
Hopefully they add a bunch more cases


This is not a horror game, but rather a simulator of the SCP Class D-employee experience.
It is novel in that it allows you to relive the stories of these people who only died blandly in the text of the SCP files.

The good:
The maps and presentation are well done. It is an interesting idea to experience different game genres in different chapters.
Especially, the chapter about the Pony Station is well done as a horror game.

not so good:
There is no connection between the chapters, and the game lacks coherence as a narrative. Did they have different teams create the different parts of the game on their own and then combine them at the end and release it?
Therefore, there is no clear axis of what the game as a whole wants the player to experience, and the whole scenario is blurred.
Also, was the chapter on origami dragons intended to be a tear-jerker? The game is an hour-long flip through a picture book that is a terrible imitation of a children's picture book. This is the worst part of the game.

In summary:
The quality is not low, and SCP lovers will enjoy it as a kind of SCP merchandise.
Consumers who are less interested in SCP and are looking for a fun game will be disappointed.
Now, I have to get back to my work, so I will stop writing. Where's my charging plug?


While this game look's short, It's content more than makes up for it. Everything you would want is here, great SCPs, great story, graphics, replayablility and more. This was a wonderfull experience. I enjoyed every moment of it and can't wait for more content.
Truthfully, a toaster.


good, short, game. faithful to SCP format. variety of graphics designs. toaster. This is a "along for the story" type game with minimal/no choices to make. some collectables. bread. fairly easy to complete. I am a toaster. I need to toast bread.


I tried to like this game, I really did but I just can't it is boring to me, it might be someone else's kind of game... It's basically a point and click game with small chunks of actual game play thrown in and a few button prompts... I can't tell you not to buy it, it's not like the game is buggy or unplayable, I just can't personally recommend it.


3/5 Stars. It's not bad, some of the story lines are pretty good. It's frustrating though because gameplay is minimal and the whole thing is basically one big unskippable cutscene.


A great insight into the horrors of what the SCP foundation contains, yet also has a wholesome side in the appearance of more interesting, safe class anomalies. For now though, it is short and worth its play time in gold. My message to the devs: Keep up the good work!


It's interesting but short. Hard to justify buying this if you aren't already somewhat interested in SCP to begin with.


My friend recommended this game to me because we both have an immense love for SCPs. As I started, I was amazed at seeing SCPs that I love that aren't as widely known to be showcased in this game. Dancing with Dragons while playing my penny flute made me tear up. Becoming a toaster was so amazingly funny that the song got stuck in my head. Performing the forbidden play while the hanged king watched was marvelous, and after finishing, it made me want more from this game, to see more SCPs and enjoy the story told by the developers. I can't wait for future DLCs and more content, and I must thank the Devs for a beautiful and enjoyable experience. Now my only concern, which I've heard will be addressed by the devs already, is the speed of the hanged king while you try and run through the stage. I had a friend explain what I needed to do, but I probably would have gotten frustrated with that part if I didn't. Overall I have to give this game 9.5/10. Fantastic work!!!


It is a fun game but it is so short. Wait for it to go on sale, so you can at least get your moneys worth out of it.

[Harbinger] EvA
[Harbinger] EvA

The game is a masterpiece! Just started to get a taste, it ended. Will there be any more updates, stories? Or is that all?

Unwashed Gamer
Unwashed Gamer

burger getting dropped on the floor was one of the funniest things ive seen in awhile.
I do wonder is there will be more content added, like in a DLC or an update. maybe even a sequel.
my only complaint is that its sometimes a little difficult to figure out what to do.

Leelah Ashlan
Leelah Ashlan

There have been several SCP games to come out, but this one is undoubtedly one of the best of the batch. It has such an intriguing story and very interesting gameplay mechanics, and I had a lot of reading about some interesting SCPs! My only qualm with the game is that it’s WAY too short! I look forward to whatever else this game has in store!

Toxic Sparrow
Toxic Sparrow

the storyline is very well thought out, great atmosphere when you play. there are some jump scares but it doesnt lean on them for the majority of the game which is nice.


I honestly can't make a statement about whether you'd like this if you're new to SCP, because i'm not that person. But if you're into SCP already, this is a great adaptation of some really really cool entries. A little toaster also told me that there's a tie-in to one of the best canons on the wiki. But you know this. This is not your first day.


I stuck through it hoping it would get more interesting, but this game is trash. A bunch of levels thrown together with prefab models. Extremely linear choose your own adventure choices. I get the gimmick of swapping around game genres, but it doesn't work if it's not done well. The only good thing it has going for it is the catchy toaster song.




    • Perfectly captures the essence of SCP as a whole
    • Fresh take on an SCP Game
    • Fantastic representation and interpretation of the original SCP Articles
    • Good Story pacing
    • Well-acted, game has an almost-perfect voice cast
    • Varied art styles
    • I am a Toaster (It feels good!)


    • Lots of reading are involved (Not really a Con but for some people this would be a minus)
    • Some mechanics have wonky or vague implementation, leading to slow gameplay even in high-tension scenes
    • Easy puzzles (Nitpick)
    • Not enough time for the "Main Cast" to develop
    • Player choices have little to no effect
    • Not enough bread to toast :(

Overall Score:

8/10 - Officially approved by Site-105's Director. Recommended viewing for new recruits.

I've always thought that the world of SCP would make for some fantastic games and movies. We've come a long way since Containment Breach - now we have numerous short movies and games made about our favorite anomalies. But ever since playing its demo, there's just something with SCP: Secret Files that caught my attention - Just how close its ties are to SCPs roots and what made them special in the first place. I was even more thrilled to find out that it will have other stories in its full release and, if the demo was anything to go by, it would be an SCP Fan's greatest dream. After finally playing the full release, here are my thoughts on SCP: Secret Files.

The Gameplay? When it comes down to it, SCP: Secret Files is basically a collection of several different Minigames.
You won't find any fast-paced combat action here that you tend to see in other SCP Games. A little bit of puzzle-solving is involved here, but honestly they're all practically easy to solve. Most mechanics encountered are usually one-offs and contained within a certain story chapter.
In between these games would be your desk job as an Archivist, where you will be sorting several SCP Files via some point-and-click mechanics. These articles are taken directly from the SCP Wiki, with several new addenda not from the wiki pertaining to the events that you will see and play through. There will obviously be lots of words and reading in these segments, but fortunately does not break pacing as they can be "skipped".
Lastly, there are player dialogue choices sprinkled throughout the game. They however have very little to no effect in the overall direction and outcome of the game, and I kinda wished it does to some degree.

The Story? This I believe is where the game truly shines. At present the game is divided into five chapters, with each containing an original story featuring an SCP from the wiki (it is also worth noting that at present, SCP-7457 is not registered into the wiki, making it a game original SCP). I would like to commend the devs' usage of different forms of gameplay and visual styles to tell the story of each SCP in a way that feels appropriate for it. Because of that, the gameplay never felt stale.
The Studio's choice of SCPs are also to be commended. Not only did they use SCPs that aren't as well know as, say, 096 or the Holy Peanut, their choices also reflect the various nature SCPs can encompass - Some are truly enigmatic, others utterly horrifying. Some reflect beauty and innocence, while others reflect tragedy and sadness. A great catalogue for both newbies and veterans of SCP.

The Characters? There are a lot of faceless individuals within this game. I cannot recall a single moment in the game where I got to see the face of... anybody. A few of them do have character portraits, yes, but other than that, there are no instances where you have face-to-face interactions with any of them. For the record, I'll say I'm fine with it - really adds to the mystery.
First let's talk about Karl Astana, the definitive protagonist of our story. Karl is effectively the player's self-insert into the story whose personality is tied to whatever dialogue choices you make throughout the interim segments. Nothing too special about him, apart from the various in-universe info you'll get about him as you progress through the story.
Next, the characters we meet only through the SCiPNET Chatroom, Karl's Coworkers. The time you spend with them is relatively short, so they aren't fully fleshed out, but I do like their interactions with each other and you in the chatroom. Having done work-from-home scenarios, these little interactions feel just about right to me.
Lastly, the characters we meet in the archives, humans and SCPs alike. The game's portrayal of both human and SCP characters were well-executed and, along with the scenarios they were in, it truly brought their identity to life. All of it made up for great storytelling with only a few immersion-breaking moments.
I also have to say, this game probably wouldn't have worked so well without if not for the voice acting that accompanied it. While obviously not perfect (and perhaps shoddy in some areas), it is believable enough for me to be invested and immersed in the chapters. Honestly, props to the VAs, well done!

The Music? It does the job well in setting the mood for each Chapter. More than a few tracks jump out to me - one for each chapter, really. For story-driven games like this, it's a good sign when the soundtrack sticks with you like that. I'd honestly buy the OST if it's available.

Conclusion? SCP: Secret Files to me is a game that truly lives up to the spirit of SCP Foundation, both as the clandestine organization it is portrayed to be and as the biggest collaborative work of fiction today. The game is friendly to newcomers, and while obviously not the greatest entryway to the SCP Rabbit Hole, I think it can foster interest in it just as well. Its overall effectiveness is hampered by some issues detailed above, but other than those, this is an SCP game worth checking out!

Remember, stay sane and always in awe.

Overall, I give this game 8/10 - Recommended play for people new to SCP, alongside Containment Breach (Which is free)
I applaud GameZoo for their first game release. You guys nailed it with this one. Looking forward to your future works, I expect some good things coming!

Cioran Shrugged
Cioran Shrugged

Good game.

But could you please cut some of these repeating parts short? I'd rather play a short game with more contents than play a long game with repeating tasks and meaningless "stories".


This game is great, Plain and simple. It looks great, the gameplay never gets boring, the story is awsome (But confusing) and the voice acting is great. As a huge SCP fan I live for this stuff and I couldn't of wished for better SCP game if I wanted too. I really enjoy the "Here be dragons" and the "I am a toaster" segments showed that SCP isn't just horror. And remember to stay sane and forever in awe.


One of the best SCP games out there. Throughout the game there are different styles, mechanics, visuals and approaches, which makes the game truly a unique experience, especially when you explore something like the SCP universe. Great narrative, I liked the fact that less popular SCPs were included. However, it felt kind of short. As the title of the game says "SCP files" I hope that the dev team expands on this idea and continue working to add more entries to the game

Tim Stonks
Tim Stonks

Fairly short and linear, but does a really good job of immersing you in the world of SCP. Brings the stories of many unique SCP articles to life in a playable form and if they keep adding more like this I'd be excited to play it again!

Admiral Nyano
Admiral Nyano

One of the first major SCP games on steam and it did not disappoint, it was an excellent collection of short SCP story's that kept me enthralled throughout, I was so addicted that i played from the start to the Finnish in one sitting. I absolutely recommend this to any SCP fan.

Very exited for whatever this team have in store for us.


As an Avid reader of the SCP Foundation stories, I try and give any form of SCP media a chance, but this game blew any expectations I had out of the water. The SCP's in the game were all ones I had memorized and were more than familiar with, but the way each one was turned into such a unique adventure gave me a much greater appreciation of those particular SCP's, and the Foundation as a whole. My only gripe about this game was the fact that it ended so quickly. I would have given up thousands of hours of my time had the dev's made this game even bigger. I will definitely be watching these developers, and supporting their efforts in the future. 100% recommend this game for anyone who is even remotely interested in the SCP foundation, or for anyone who's even interested.


Great game! It really sucked me in, and I loved the incorporation of different gameplay styles and mechanisms! Would love to see more, even an expansion on this game. If someone told me this was a long demo for a much larger game, I would believe them and be excited.


this game was a cool story or i guess culmination of stories really enjoyed it honestly guys if youre looking at it well worth the 15 bucks id say but it cant all be good so here goes the things that could be improved upon in the next game they should continue Karls story but keep the same game format no visual novel sequence to fps sequence and then a top down sequence and i suppose again a big thing for the sequel we need more Karl story continuing exactly where this left off but guys if youre reading this and feel so inclined to let me know who agrees or disagrees on my points in the comments


I think the game was really fun, as a big fan of all things SCP I found it really fun to be immersed into some of the SCP world's stories. I do think the game was kind of slow paced and made some of the parts of the game slightly boring to go through. I also think another part of the game that was too slow was the part of the game in the later stages where you played in an aerial view and were frequently shown paragraphs of text that were displayed at a few characters a second. This part was quite tedious to go through just due to spending most of the time waiting for the whole text to load. Overall the entire game was really fun and kept me immersed throughout my playthrough.


This game is terrible. I am genuinely baffled how such a god awful game is being praised so highly, it is one of the worst, poorly written, unfun pieces of garbage I have ever played. The only high point was finding out I was at the end.

Every bit of this game is tedious. Your forced to walk for far too long periods with nothing happening. Every puzzle you come across basic and tedious.

Every game play gimmick is dreadful. At one point your forced to play a rhythm game where the notes don't match and the notes make popping sound. Another has you driving a truck, picking up an object and then repeating over and over for far too long.

Many things are very badly implemented. At times your forced to watch as text is typed out on the screen. Slowly. You can't skip it or speed it up. Your just forced to sit there for ages as the dialogue text slowly types out. It's maddening.

The story is written terrible. Plot holes everywhere. Characters actor stupidly and cliches everywhere. Like it has two rick and morty quotes and a matrix quote ffs, I bet someone thought they were writing gold with those. Bad dialogue galore.

And if your a big SCP fan then stay far away, this game is extremely unfaithful. They confuse the Hanged King with the Ambassador, kill off all the dragons in Hear Be Dragons meaning the original SCP document can't happen, and my god they screwed up Witch Child. They literally rewrite it and leave out the whole spellbook aspect making her a generic reality bender, and then create a plot hole by naming stuff to do with her "witch ____" when she isnt even a witch in this. Not to mention that the foundation wouldnt even have carried out that project on her because they have far more powerful reality benders than her by the truckload that work for them. That entire story is so far removed from everything it may aswell be it's own thing. Not to mention when they DID make their own thing and assign it an SCP number that doesn't belong to it. And the containment cells and reality anchors are well described several times over on the wiki, they did a terrible job representing them. And oh god don't even get me started on the Hanged King one. Why would they try to alter reality themselves using the hanged kings play as a base. They knew what that would do, they literally have a document about it. What a terrible story.

Certain mechanics are very unintuitive. Trying to dodge the hanged king is literally down to chance.

this game was a chore to play and the only time I felt happy was switching it off. A genuine travesty against game dev.

The Unknown
The Unknown

It's a very well made game and interesting game, i only wish their was more content, but it's good as is.


Honestly this game is great. However my game has been very slow when loading in a new level bit. I have everything on low. My system isnt exactly the best but its able to run more resource heavy stuff than this.
I do reccomend the game but if anyone has an answer to my problem let me know!


This is the worst and most low-effort game I have ever played. The whole storybook part with the paper dragons was by far the most insufferable gameplay experience I have ever had, and the graphics are terrible for pretty much everything. Charging more than $5 for this is an absolute travesty. You really need to make all the dialogue skippable if it's going to be that poorly written, as well. And that's not even counting the typos.


This game is really, REALLY good for people who enjoy SCP content; and if you do enjoy that type of content; aka mysterious anomalous stuff- I'd give it a go.

Otherwise, It's a mid "game". It's more of a graphic novel than a game, but it's well worth the price of a graphic novel. I mean, seriously! When I was playing, I was more immersed than most of the other games I've played. I've played plenty of RPGs too, so that says quite a bit in my book. The story is amazing to go through, and I think that it was a proper experience I think all SCP fans should indulge themselves in at least once. However, despite this wide amount of praise I've given it so far; it has it's downsides.

I wouldn't call this a "horror" game. It's not particularly scary. There were only 4 or 5 memorable parts where I can say I was properly scared, and that was through the first half of the game. Second half was more just stories and interesting lore that I enjoyed. (Mostly because I've enjoyed SCP content half my life though.) Near the end it got very silly, and wasn't really a horror game anymore. More just a graphic novel with a few extra steps to it.

And there's one part that's just unbearable to sit through; and it's unfortunately about SCP-1762. Here be dragons, now known as here were dragons. I wish this part wasn't as grueling as it was. The story is amazing, and mystical, and wonderful; however I feel as if it was just put there because it was a popular SCP that got a lot of traction. Sort of like peanut or old man larry, but they didn't want to put peanut or old man larry. No clue if they did or not though, because there's a myriad of different routes (I think) you can take throughout the game. Assuming the 4 empty slots in my SCP gallery aren't there for future updates, at least.

Other than those two things, I can't really criticize it further. Besides a few nit-picks like not being able to see yourself in first-person, the "game" is great. I'm going to be referring to it as a graphic novel from here-on-out, because really; that's what it is. It's a great D-Class simulation, and I hope to see more games like this release in the future with even more SCPs and easily accessible stories. This was a great experience, and besides my complaints above; I'd recommend this to anyone who's remotely into the SCP foundation.

7/10 in my book. Would rank it higher if it had more to it, but don't expect 40 hours of game-play is all I'm going to say. Graphics are great, nothing bugged, everything was perfect; but in my opinion- the tags could be changed around a bit and some nit-picks could be fixed. Such as audio not matching subtitles, not being able to see yourself in first person, etc. I went into this game expecting a game and got a graphic novel. I'm not complaining though. A quality SCP game is a quality SCP game. What more can an SCP fan ask for?


By far one of the best stories told about the SCP foundation, I'm not an expert whatsoever about SCP's but I've played a couple of games about it before an none come close to this one!!.


If you're a fan of anything SCP this game is for you. Has a mix of horror and whimsical nature depending on the story that's being told. The different art styles of the game are also very nice touch so it doesn't look monotone. Very much recommend this game to any SCP fan.

System Failure
System Failure

This game is light-years above any other SCP game I have tried. As soon as I started I couldn't stop. The graphics, the story-line and attention to detail are out of this world.

The only thing I can find fault with is the gameplay time. It takes about 5 hours to beat. I feel like there should be a lot more content for the price.

Still a solid 9/10.


Game is shithouse (exept for the first hour)

also at the end you have to choose red pill or blue pill, if you pick you pick red pill nothing happens and you get put back into the same decision. Lame as hell ending

solid snake
solid snake

I can't recommend this game. For the price it's way too short (completion can be done under 5 hours) And as I've seen they're gonna add DLCs, which will of course be payable. Will I be buying those? no. Build a solid base game and then expand on it with DLCs and then I'll gladly throw in extra money, for a DLC.
For an indie game it's not bad. The new approaches are interesting, but don't add to gameplay and can be tedious and drawn out (the flute segment absolutely bore me to death. I wasn't attracted to the story in the first place, so if you added some more SCPs and perhaps gave people a choice in which SCPs they'd like to play, that would add to gameplay and people would replay it as well.
I also have to say, The intro is excellent. I love seeing all the containers and I was wondering how the installation will look like, but you only get access to 2 hallways and you're never actually interacting with SCPs, which makes the gameplay tedious and boring and left me seriously dissapointed, if I look at the original SCP game. It is absolutely amazing what people with passion can do, if they love the project.
Also, the name of the game is SCP: Secret Files, but it may as well be SCP: the archivists first day at work.
So in short, Game is worth 5 pounds at best, so don't buy it above that price. The game doesn't live up to the trailers, or the intro when you start the game up.
I hope the base game will also be improved upon. Then I will definitely change my mind, although the tedious gameplay will haunt me, I'll work through it, to deliver a fresh review, hopefully with a positive recommendation.


For a first project, this game is pretty good. It's got a lot of charm and was overall a very good experience. A few liberties were taken with some of the SCPs featured, but I don't feel that it detracted at all from the game. Quite a few parts of the game were surprisingly emotional, and it's clear that time and care was put into making this game fun.

There are however two points of criticism that I would like to go over, in the hopes that the developers will take them into account in any future projects.

First, I'm quite glad that SCP-701 got some attention as it's a bit of a lesser known SCP that I think has a very cool premise. However there's one part of the execution that left a bit to be desired. Firstly, the appearance of 701-1 was a little disappointing. The article always gave the impression it was some kind of sinister figure that stood by silently and observed as the violence explodes around him, so making him into a screaming, charging monster for a chase sequence didn't really sit right with me, especially since I feel the model they chose wasn't nearly as sinister as the picture in the original. Secondly, perhaps it's a failing on my part, but I couldn't seem to run fast enough to escape him when he charged. It lead to a lot of trial and error to get past him the two times he appears, and the second part where he's on the stage was a lot worse. He turned far too quickly to be able to juke him out around the chairs reliably. Dying several times kind of took me out of the horror atmosphere of the first part. I feel that 701-1 would have been far better utilized in a slow "walking toward you" type chase sequence with obstacles or puzzles in the way, and with a kill animation that's more subtle, perhaps having him simply hand you a dagger and you use it to kill yourself.

My second point of criticism is the fact that SCP-426 is the last SCP you interact with. As funny as that SCP is and as much as I appreciate a bit of levity after SCP-239, it simply wasn't a good choice for the final SCP in the game. It creates a tonal issue in my opinion when the climactic final choice is directly after.

Overall I thought it was quite a good experience, but I was left with a feeling of wanting more. I'm hopeful that the dev team has future SCP related projects that are a bit beefier in length.


Great game, although it is rather short at around 4 hrs for a average play-through and leaves me wanting more. It does just cost 15$ at the moment though, which seems cheap for how good it is.


was cool to experience scp lore from a different perspective from most games, short game but a good experience


I'm not one for leaving reviews normally, but I just had to for this game. While it may not be everyones cup of tea, its definitely most people's. If you look for a game here for "le action rpg with rogue elements" generic game, you won't find it. This game easily is in my top games of all time, just as the variety of it alone sells the title. Every SCP "episode" is sold thru every medium involved, realism to stylized to childrens book to top down, with mechanics and visuals to match. Others might find issue with it being less SCP's than one might expect, but honestly that benefits the game, as it can emphasize each and work around it.

The only negatives I could find, and I had to really look for them, is occasionally the voice acting or audio of said acting might be lacking, and there's not a skip cutscene button(which can be quite irritating if you have to replay parts but i digress). I would also say a few more involved gameplay sections would be worthwhile, so its less just narrative focused walking sim. It's definitely worth the 15 bucks.

Also to address some of the negative reviews I read, you're playing an SCP game, not SCP Containment Breach. You shouldn't assume it will all be like that game because "that was the first". Theres like 5 different CB clones, play one of them. I applaud this format of SCP work, and definitely look forward to more from the devs. Keep up the great work everyone!


I liked everything from this game, the soundtrack is very good, the story is entertaining and the graphics are good, the only thing i think this game can improve is the sound while moving but apart from that, i loved this game, i hope we get to see a continuation of the story

Saint Grief
Saint Grief

Best SCP game I've ever played. Couldn't stop when I started and was totally worth it. It's an emotional roller-coaster that perfectly mixes fear, sadness and anger into a game that doesn't stray far from the original content found on the SCP Wiki. Genuinely can't wait for more!

aha_captain pissoff
aha_captain pissoff

In some sense SCP Secret Files feels like a "visual novel." Most of the time you are just moving the character from place A to B and watch the game play out by itself. There are some puzzles and mini-games in each of the levels, but they are all extremely easy. If you expected a lot of interaction and puzzle solving, then this is not the game. But if you are fan of SCP and just wanted a cool visual experience, then definitely give this game a try.
- very good visuals and graphics for a game at this price
- good story telling
- game is very short
- almost no replay value
- very little interaction needed for some levels

overall I'd say the game is ok. The graphics honestly impressed me the most. I will say, however, that at $15 dollars I expected a bit more content, but it is what it is.

Blizzard Husky
Blizzard Husky

I love this!! Amazing game! 10/10! Love the art styles and how it changes a lot, the puzzles are fun though i wish there were more SCP's put into the game, I would have loved to get chased by 049 or even 682!


It's a short but sweet game offering several SCP experiences, each with a different visual style and gameplay. While the voiceacting can be hit or miss and the non-SCP story has what feels like an insanely rushed and out of place ending, I think each of the main SCP tales (including the one original(?) one) are all pretty good, and any SCP fan would likely enjoy experiencing them regardless of how much they know about the specific SCPs chosen. Just make sure you go into this game expecting something closer to a walking sim with the occasional puzzle than a survival horror experience like most SCP games offer.

Gay Dumbass
Gay Dumbass

THIS. WAS. AMAZING! I've been an avid fan of SCP for several years now, it's been my serial reading list since I got into it and I've been waiting to see a story-based SCP game like for ages! Excellent work, if you make any more SCP projects in the future I will be happy to play them!

charcoal connoisseur
charcoal connoisseur

-MOST of the gameplay is fun, even if there are some sections that feel a bit off.
-A lot of detail went into some of the missions, and it really is interesting.
-Ending is too abrupt and makes no sense at all, I didn't even realize the game was over until the credits started rolling.
-Did not like the "Here be Dragons" mission. Just felt too slow.