The Symbiant: After Stories

The Symbiant: After Stories
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
1 February 2024
Steam reviews score
93 (147 votes)

Take a deep dive into Danya's and Brahve's heat and romance as they visit new worlds together! Resolve old issues, meet new friends, and experience their electric chemistry and passion in The Symbiant: After Stories. A BL / gay visual novel.

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The Symbiant: After Stories system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo, AMD Phenom II or better
  • Memory: 514 MB RAM
  • Graphics: VRAM 8MB
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Go to < find the game ,,The Symbiant Re:union" < scroll down and download the adult patch < go to steam again < open the folder for the game < click on the folder game and put the adult patch in there

Here you go! HAVE FUN! :D

Buttfart Princesspants VIII
Buttfart Princ…

Edit: Adult Patch is now fixed. Really lovely game.

Somehow I've played two dating sim games about blue men this week. Much preferred this one. It's everything that I enjoyed and continue to love from this universe and these devs, and I adore that they added a "bad end" alternate timeline alongside the happily ever after one, because the old relationship break up angst was so delicious.

Adult patch is currently a bit wobbly (this happened with the other games launch and is usually fixed in a day or less), but I haven't found any crashes, bugs or typos. It is very short for the price (I think I'll play about 7 hours in total, when the adult patch is fixed), but it's incredibly polished with voice acting and nsfw lgbt artwork, so I can't complain about the length, and I'm happy to support more content like this on steam for a bit more.

If you didn't like Danya and Brahve in the previous game, you won't like this one, but if you're as obsessed with this couple as I am, you'll have more of a good time here.


Aww~ I love the story after everything from the first game! I definitely recommend it, especially seeing the aftermath of both Cayama and Odaria routes. However, I was kinda sad that none of my choices made an impact like in the first game. There aren't multiple endings here, it's simply telling the two aftermaths. That said, if you go into this knowing that, you can enjoy it for what it is - the art is gorgeous, the characters are all really well written, the storylines for the separate paths are genuinely intriguing. And of course the voice acting is just SO delightful.

I really hope that they'll make more games like this or even create another sequel off the Odaria route that has multiple branches and legit danger like in the first game. This couple is great and Oatith has more secrets I want to watch them unlock!


A Good sequel for the previous game, I'm a sucker for continuations, I was excited to see where the story takes these guys, especially after the Cayama ending in the previous game.
I liked how these characters developed and also with the introduction for some new characters too.
Also anything with Brahve and Danya just made my heart flutter, I'd love there to be a continuation again but I know this will probably be the last time I see these characters so this is a good stopping point too.
Definitely good especially if you want to pass the time for a few hours.


There is enough good will not to mark it as negative, though so far I wish there was a neutral button.

As of writing this i have only completed the Odaria route and I am a little disappointed by how linear it is. Seemingly having traded visiting locations for choices. (I feel like even allowing the player to pick a gift or something would have added some interactivity. ) It's predecessor wasn't that branching but there were a few key choices and a central conflict.

In this case there is a conflict but it feel pretty much hand waved and figured out behind the scenes with the main character having little to no input on the situation. Perhaps my opinion will change on having experienced both routes but I found the narrative lacking and choice nonexistent.

That being said for what it was, it was cute, the art is pretty as always and for the price tag I feel it is justifiable experience. I may not have been quite the target audience with the more kinetic novel style but I am sure others may find it more enjoyable.


Somehow even better than the first one, managing to make the Cayama ending feel like the true one. I absolutely love it.
It's like 5 hours of your favorite cute boys being even cuter, I have few complaints and even fewer regrets.

In summary, I need smoking Brahve to use me as an ashtray


Completed both stories and I enjoyed both of them, however, there are some things I'd like to point out.

The plots are linear and there's only one ending for each story, which makes the limited choices you get somewhat redundant. There was a lot to do in the first game, which is aided by its multiple endings, but the choices also felt significant, something which is lacking here.

Having said that, both stories are good continuations of the previous game, but I wish they'd been fleshed out more. I get that having two different stories is a bit like having branching choices, yet I feel like there's much more than could have been done with the stories that have been created here. But each one handled their plots well and I have to give a special mention to the Cayama route here. I'm not going to give away any spoilers, however, there are some heavy topics tackled in this branch and they were done tastefully and thoughtfully (given the limited time we have in the game).

I do recommend purchasing the game if only for the conclusions to each story; they're each satisfying in their own way and I love the art design and VAs. And I'd love to see more of my favourite couple; Brahve and Danya are just so adorable and Brahve's VA continues to leave me breathless (in more ways than one!)

Until then, it'll be AO3 and some well deserved fanfiction until we see a continuation, perhaps...


I think it's important that I write that Danya and Brahve have not left my brain. These two are the gift that never stops switching (COUGH I mean giving) I'm so glad that there are 2 routes that explore 2 of the endings from the last game and I can't decide which one is my favorite. The Cayama route has its own charm. I like how we see the result of what Brahve has been through and the sort of exploration that he had gotten up to in those 2 years that Danya hadn't seen him. I'm sorry Brahve (Danya too) but you're so cute when you're in misery. MY BABYGIRL. Anyway, as always the music and CG art were amazing to experience. The background art makes me want to have it as my screensaver forever. What compelling characters! To no surprise, I'm a permanent fan of Chohra and Riemphea! If there's more DLC, I'm buying it the minute it comes out. The brainworms are not moving, I have to write fanfic about this now. I will absolutely be replaying scenes from this DLC and the previous game till the world ends.


I want more! I've enjoyed both the first and this game loads and kind of don't want the story to end. I know all good things must end eventually and this is going to be one of those but still. This is one of the better made visual novel games I've ever played, the voice acting is spectacular, the visuals are awesome, and the character CGs are amazing! The whole team that made this story and put it all together thank you so much! I can only hope there's more in store! Cheers to you all for this gem of a series of games!


I was so happy to see my favorite cast return! Seeing the updates in my feed and then the end result was incredible. The backgrounds are goooorgeous.

After finishing the main game, I thought I'd only be in the mood for tooth-rotting fluff. After that demo, all I wanted was Cayama. Walked out with feels, a new boyo to cry over, and adoring our beloved snake gf. 10/10, y'all outdid yourselves once more.



Sinceramente, para um jogo de continuidade, há uma grande falta de conteúdo.

Honestly, for a continuity game, there's a significant lack of content.

[PT] Por partes:
[ENG] Let's break it down:

    [PT] Odaria - como continuação direta ao final bom do jogo, estava esperando um novo desafio a ser enfrentado, algo que acrescentasse mais à história de ambos e melhorasse ainda mais a relação que possuem. No entanto, apesar de ter uma premissa muito boa, não foi explorada; pode-se até dizer que foi abandonada no meio do percurso.

    [ENG] Odaria - as a direct continuation to the game's good ending, I was expecting a new challenge to be faced, something that would add more to their story and further enhance the relationship they have. However, despite having a very good premise, it wasn't explored; it's as if it had been abandoned halfway through.

    [PT] Cayama - a estrela do jogo, pela minha teoria, foi o que levou a surgir o jogo “Re:Union”. Um enredo maravilhoso, onde o reencontro com o Brahve faz com que Danya tenha que tomar uma decisão muito importante em sua vida. Divino. Porém, curto demais.

    Tudo foi muito rápido; Danya aceitou e tomou a decisão num piscar de olhos, mesmo sendo algo importante para ele. E não sentimos toda a aflição que poderíamos ter sentido com o Brahve; poderia ter sido mais cruel, como no início da rota, após o Brahve vomitar e insistir para que Danya fique. (EU QUERIA SOFREEER)

    [ENG] Cayama - the highlight of the game, in my theory, is what led to the emergence of the game "Re:Union". A wonderful plot, where the reunion with Brahve forces Danya to make a very important decision in his life. Divine. But, it's too short.

    Everything happened too quickly; Danya accepted and made the decision in the blink of an eye, even though it was something important to him. And we didn't feel all the anguish we could have felt with Brahve; it could have been more cruel, like at the beginning of the route, after Brahve vomited and insisted that Danya stay. (I WANTED TO SUFFER)

    [PT] Ao final do jogo, fiquei me perguntando o motivo de terem incluído a rota de Odaria; se tivessem focado mais em Cayama, que foi o ponto principal do jogo, teria feito muito mais sentido e teria um desenvolvimento muito mais emocionante. E para Odaria, se tivessem colocado a parte da Oatith tentando tomar o Danya para si mesma, teria sido uma experiência muito mais gratificante.

    [ENG] At the end of the game, I found myself wondering why they included the Odaria route; if they had focused more on Cayama, which was the main point of the game, it would have made much more sense and would have had a much more exciting development. And for Odaria, if they had included the part where Oatith tries to take Danya for herself, it would have been a much more gratifying experience.

    [PT] Então, se fosse uma DLC, não haveria nenhum problema, já que seria um acréscimo à história principal. Mas é um novo jogo, e um que não justifica o preço pelo o que foi mostrado.

    [ENG] So, if it were a DLC, there wouldn't be any issue, as it would be an addition to the main story. But it's a new game, and one that doesn't justify the price for what has been shown.

    ENG - Done by ChatGPT.


    This is basically a FD to the original game "The Symbiant", and provides 2 routes for the 2 endings in the first game. As such, its quite short and does not offer any real choices- it's a linear story without any player input.

    +Art is still gorgeous
    +Scenes are plenty and hot
    +Full voice acting

    -Really short
    -Linear story
    -Missed opportunity on the Cayama route for Danya's character development

    While I still recommends the game for anyone who is a fan of the original, I do think the price is a bit high for the amount of content you get in this one. While there are many gorgeous CGs, the story is really really short at around 3 hrs total.


    Although shorter than the first game, I was not disappointed! Some of the achievements gave me a good laugh as I unlocked them.
    Riemphea is GORGEOUS, hopefully in the future we can see more interactions with her and Juni?


    Deeply sorry to admit but I didn't enjoy the game as much as the first one. Probably, my expectations were too high. The plot has only one route, so you won't have any chance to experience good/bad endings like in the first game. I'd close my eyes to all cons but Odaria's part just ruined everything. It was so dull I couldn't play it and skipped almost every scene.

    I think fluff lovers will love it, but it's not my cup of tea. Total disappointment.


    I enjoyed this sequel - though I wish it was a bit longer and we could have choices that might affect the story - but hey, for what it is it's pretty good.

    I must admit I liked the Cayama story much more. There was more going on plot wise and there's something about sad, angsty Brahve that makes me just want to hug him and tell him it's gonna be alright (something about that blue alien man just makes me want to protect him, you know?).

    Plus there is no Oatith when they try to pick up the pieces. I mean, yeah, didn't mind him being in the story in the first game but the fact that in the other route they still have Oatith in the relationship, especially during sexy times (where once again the plant causes some trouble), which stands to reason why he's still around due Brahve studies and his attachment to him but it makes me go "Careful guys, you're still playing with fire here" (can't see that plant the same way after the worse way to go ending).

    Eh, maybe I'm nitpicking. I like happy endings and slice of life too but in Odiara there didn't seem much going on. I did like how we could go around the city and do things with Brahve, just wish I could have the option of giving him a gift too. I love spoiling him. Oh well.