Triple Take

Triple Take
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
6 October 2022
Steam reviews score
93 (33 votes)

Triple Take is a fast 2D precision platformer where the stage evolves as you complete it! Run, wall jump, climb and swim through increasing difficult levels in vibrant colored worlds!

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Triple Take system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1.8GHz Dual-Core CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Integrated graphics
  • Storage: 1 GB available space


Recommended requirements are not yet specified.
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Math Dragon
Math Dragon

This is a tough one. I mostly had fun. I mostly have a positive opinion of this game. But there are just too many things that detract from that positive opinion. (Minor spoiler warnings throughout).

- Things that are too slow. Restarts after you die. Waiting for the boss to scream before it starts. Waiting for cycles (e.g. fire pillars). Far too much dialogue (maybe someone will appreciate this).
- The whole "go into your file system thing"... I get it - it's part of the "story". But every time this came up, I felt very sad. I would very much prefer if these parts were taken out. And while we're at it - the dialog boxes too.
- Hitboxes feel unfair. There were multiple times in the final boss where I died apparently from nothing, presumably because I got too close to an obstacle, yet the obstacle continued to move past me. From what I can tell, the game errs on the side of "if there is any overlap at all between the player's hitbox and the obstacle, then the player died". Which sounds reasonable, but generally always results in hitboxes that feel unfair. Instead, make it just a little more lenient. Give the player the benefit, slightly (or, adjust the hitboxes to be just a little more forgiving). Then adjust the difficulty by designing the levels and other gameplay around this. Unfair hitboxes are the wrong kind of hard.
- I see that a lot of complaints about the bosses, especially the last one. I actually found the bosses pretty reasonable, except generally the hitbox issue mentioned above. And the screenshaking.
- The movement is... fine, but not great. Platforming games with no acceleration and no deceleration at all very often have super precise and finicky controls. This game fits very well into that category.
- Too many obstacles and game elements are exactly what I would call janky. The water - specifically, exiting the water, but also generally moving through the water. Bouncy platforms - specifically, controlling your bounce height (see previous point). Moving bouncy platforms... that you need to ride across spikes or other hazards... that bounce on platforms themselves... just yikes. Vines - specifically, jumping off of them. The cannon things (not sure what they are actually supposed to be) - specifically when they are moving.
- The whole "do each level 3 times" gimmick ended up weak and forced, in my opinion. A large amount of the levels aren't variations of the same level, but are actually 3 completely separate paths that you are forced to take by blocks (or other level elements) that disappear. All of these are literally 3 different levels. Look at Never Give Up if you want to see a game that makes much better use of this gimmick.


An excellent little platformer with a nifty little semi-meta narrative.

Jump in and start taking on each level, completing each in triplicate with elements changing every time - and hints given on what to expect next. Meet a small cast of zany characters and team up with them to take on an unexpected foe. And most importantly: spend no more than 7-8 hours time on this gem of a precision platformer, then walk away wholly satisfied with your experience for the price point!

This is a little piece of buried treasure here on Steam. If you like your platforming fast, clever, and with a bit of unexpected silliness thrown in then do not hesitate!


Absolutely loved the hours that I put into this game. I enjoyed collecting all of the scrolls and the difficulty of the levels (minus a spike from world 4 to 5). However, the third phase of the final boss was so incredibly frustrating and poorly designed that it has tainted my experience with the rest of the game. Spoilers and details ahead. The third phase is reminiscent of the Kraken boss in world 3. In the original fight, you play in a spaceship that has free movement across the screen in any direction. The bullet hell the boss produces is fun to dodge and weave, and you shoot at the boss from below in an attempt to defeat it. You also have 3 hits before you restart a phase (which can be healed by finishing a series of attacks by a dropped heart). Unfortunately, all of this contributes to a horrible whiplash in the final boss. The final version of this boss has you playing the regular 'Player'. You are able to jump and run, but cannot move in any direction like the spaceship could. The bosses attacks are of course 'enhanced' to meet your new skill since this is the last boss. In addition, you do not have to shoot the boss to win and you have 1 hit to defeat the phase (getting hit once sends you back to the start of phase 3). This provides a completely different context with which to beat the fight, but in the worst way imaginable. Going from indefinite health and high freedom of movement to 1 hit and much lower freedom of movement makes this boss a NIGHTMARE. Another thing I didn't mention is that this version of the boss does not pause between attacks, and is fully willing to go from a powered-up set of homing projectiles to a slog of fast-moving rain particles with no breathing room. It doesn't help that things like the new opaque glitch texture and the boss' face moving back and forth make it much more difficult to see where certain attacks are coming from. All of this in total makes for one of the fastest swings from a fun overall game to something I'm not sure I even want to complete. I know I could do it, but I'm not sure I want to spend the time it would take to get through it now that I know what I have to do for that to happen.


Quick Score: 3/5

Notes: Based on the glowing reviews I was expecting a lot more than what I got. The "meta" elements of the game are honestly a bit annoying and don't add a whole lot. The story overall is meh. The gameplay is okay if you like platformers, but its pretty simplistic and not that interesting. Difficulty wise, I finished the game with all the scrolls in probably under 30 deaths if I had to guess, so it's relatively low.

This isn't really a recommendation, but I didn't hate the game. If you can get it on sale it's not a bad purchase, but there are much better games.




Such a nice game. I also recommend having a friendly race about who will finish the game first among your friends. ^^


Great game with some minor frustrations but overall a fun experience, has a pony island meets super meat boy feel to it. the music is fun, comedy gave me a chuckle and the story is spoopy but fun. over all shows a lot of potential, show them some love, grab a copy and lets see where this is going


Lets start by saying, the game is not for people who rage easily or give up after failing once or twice, pretty much u need dedication to be able to play this game till the end. The game is one of a kind, i have never ever played anything like this game at the beginning i was like "huh this theme reminds me alot of undertale" but things took a whole another turn when i started playing, sure there are some spooky stuff in between but no actual jumpscares, sometimes stuff will just appear right infront of u just to progress the story, but istg i do not regret spending a single penny on this game, it is 100% worth the money as well as the time.


It's a nice game. It's pretty short (played the first half of the game in only 1 hour for now) have minimalistic graphics, and gameplay, so nothing crazy but it seems worth the price to me.


Great game!! Had to get used to jumps and controls cuz this is my first time playing a game like this but it's really worth it and fun. Disclaimer: you need a lot of patience. Raged a bit and died a lot but really cool!


Awesome platformer, awesome game. If you like challenging platforming games, you will not be disappointed!


The true sequel of super meat boy.
i downloaded the cracked game but after the first world i decided to buy it for support the beautiful product.


The interactions with the files and out-of-game experience is quite enjoyable, although surprising at first. Loving it so far and cant wait to get to the higher levels


I very much enjoyed playing through Triple Take. I have some complaints, but I still feel that this game is well worth your time and money.

The characters had fun dialogue and I loved all the designs. I wasn't that invested in the story, but I did come here for the platforming so some of that may be on me. I had fun with the 4th wall break that led to you going into your files the 1st time it happened. By the 4th/5th time it felt a little more like a chore. Was the giant hand ever explained?

The main gimmick of the levels is that you're playing each level 3 times, but it changes every time to make it harder. I thought both the changes that were made in each level and the slight changes to blocks/obstacles it became a fun challenge to map out the 2nd and 3rd take on your first run. I felt at times that levels abandoned this format and simply opened up a path for a completely new section so the only same parts between the 3 takes were the start and the flag at the end. There were (2?) levels that had the flying bats off-screen in the path I launched myself from.

The collectibles were a nice added challenge to every level, but most of them didn't make me feel like I did much to collect them. Once you collect the scroll, you have it. There was a level where I died immediately after touching the corner of the scroll and I collected it. I felt that it made easier than a possible option of having to hold on to it until you finish a take. (sorry now I'm nitpicking.)

The movement in this game took a bit to get used to. When using the wall jump pads, if you are pushed against the wall it is on and jump from below, you will get caught at the bottom (still be able to wall jump) which threw off momentum or led to death. The bouncepads gave me more trouble than any other obstacles since you had to be holding jump when you make contact in order to get the higher bounce. This was on my muscle memory so I'm not faulting the game, I'm just used to more of a window while the jump is happening.

The final boss had a funny glitch (I can include a recording of it in the future) where once I beat the harder version of the world 2 boss, I jumped into the exploding boss (brain shut off idk why i did it). I was teleported back to the start where the boss on an infinite loop exploded and killed me upon respawn. I was able to fix it by simply hitting restart BUT I just thought it was an interesting glitch the creators might want to know about

The music was a great addition. The thing that kept me going on the final phase of the final boss was the music.

All in all I had a good time playing through this game. l'm sorry if my review sounds more negative than it is.