Ghost Marriage Matchmaking

Ghost Marriage Matchmaking
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
8 February 2022
Steam reviews score
86 (592 votes)

Ghost Marriage Matchmaking is a game centered around ghost marriages and building your relationship with the two ethereal heroines: Dai'er and Yuan. As a matchmaker, your job is to get Dai'er and Yuan "ghost married".

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Ghost Marriage Matchmaking system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 64bit OS
  • Processor: Core i3
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: HD Graphics
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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The plot makes me feel a lot more bittersweet in my heart than in my wiener. Story writing is undoubtedly the pinnacle for a game like this for the story of the 2 ghost ladies relates to events that are ugly but also common in reality, at least in my country. It's more than just a silly ero game.


Good luck micromanaging the hatred levels, spiritual training BS and doing this in a sensible schedule. You literally need to be perfect to get through this game, and that's no good.

It's not fun having to constantly lose to see how wrong you were in the last few days to discover the optimum route of progression to get through. There is an illusion of progression, in reality it's one route, and you need to be perfect in getting to it.

It'd be different if there was room for error, but there isn't and really the managing of these different UI's isn't fun, it's just something you get through to see the scenes with the cute character, it's not really worth the stress though.


The early language set up in Japanese & it’s a bit confusing for non Japanese speaker. The art is ok. The story is ok too. But the ML’s character is too red flag. I buy it on discount & regret it.
There's also problem with the system where it's not easy to exit and you need to force close. The other thing is the voiceover is overlapping with the script of other characters if you click next.

Empress of Light
Empress of Light

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engineer pro man
engineer pro man

There are text language, UI language and voice language setting at same game. Use 10 minutes to find English.............................U suck this game.


Here's the gameplay loop:
1.) Do something
2.) sleep
3.) Cleanse her
4.) sleep
5.) do something
6.) sleep
7.) cleanse her
8.) sleep
9.) spirit training
10.) sleep
(repeat steps 1-10 ad nauseum)

Apparently SOMEBODY thought that might be fun.
I find it beyond tedious. I can do ONE fucking thing per day? Just ONE?!? I mean unless sleeping until the next day is an activity.

I don't know, maybe the story is the most incredible collection of words ever assembled. I've yet to see ANY evidence of that, though.

A few questions though;
1.) I have my language setting to Japanese audio, and English subtitles. WHY DO I HAVE CYRILLIC LANGUAGE SUBTITLES KEEP APPEARING RANDOMLY DURING GAMEPLAY?

2.) The game says that the ghost can't leave the place where they died due to the emotional charge that place signifies. WHY THEN, DOES THE GHOST START ACCOMPANYING YOU AROUND THE CITY THE VERY NEXT SCENE?

3.) WHO is a big enough masochist to work/sleep long enough to earn the 99,999 gold that it costs to buy a pair of panties to burn?

4.) Is there ANY real point to burn anything? Everything that I could afford to burn just amounted to NOTHING being produced, even though I got "perfects" in the mini-game.

5.) I'm not prudish. However, WHY does the game's store page say that ALL characters portrayed are "over 20 years old," but the game CLEARLY states that the boss of the ghost marriage agency is a teenage girl? That just seems like a dumb thing to be misleading about. I mean the teenage girl is the first person that sticks your dick in her mouth. And masturbates herself furiously simultaneously (according to the text). Again, I don't care if the lore is that she's 14, it's a fucking cartoon, no sluts harmed in the making of...but why lie on the store page? (For the record, it's obvious that she is older than 14. And totally believable to be over 20)

It just stuck in my head because, when I read the words, I groaned audibly, and thought of "Persona" saying, "why does it ALWAYS have to be a teenager?"

I would totally suspect this game was a 'Free to Download' game if I weren't the one to have purchased it myself. (Well, that, and the fact that there's no MTX store). This game FEELS very much like the devs had every intention of selling more stamina and upgrade buffs for cash, but got high as fuck and forgot to initialize the marketplace.

Finally, EVERY cloud has a silver lining, here's this cloud's silver lining:
I have learned to NEVER buy a bundle of games again, ESPECIALLY 2D hentai games. As it stands, with ONE game left to go play, I have disliked ALL but 2 of the 7 games in the bundle. Which means that I ended up paying more than double what each game would have cost on its own, had I just purchased each game alone.

For all of the stupid, retarded, moronic, idiotic writing in the 3D porn games, at least there is more to do than stand in ONE room, and be bored until the next cut scene plays.


the story make my heart melty , Any ones can give me a tip to unlock 5th scene? Idk how to unlock it

✠ Vox Angelus
✠ Vox Angelus

Instructions unclear.
I am now on FBI's watchlist.


10/10 Don't mind me, I'm just helping ghosts. *Wink* *Wink*

ani |*‿*)
ani |*‿*)

OH I'm a ghostbuster alright 10/10

Mr Washed up
Mr Washed up

I suspect everyone buys it prefer to have a rather, you know, chilling game with one hand.
But after playing quite bit, it's pretty hardcore lol.
My suggestion to the dev team is, enable an option to unlock all cg and scenes for those just want to chill.






被封面詐欺不爽度 4/10 (畢竟還是可以用,只是有點不太爽但是不影響遊玩.)
CG+立繪實用性 7/10 (20幾張裡面真的讓我覺得有問題的大概一兩張,可以接受.)
音樂 8/10 (中規中矩的感覺)
配音 8/10 (目前只有日文配音,很期待中文配音!)
遊戲性 2/10 (小遊戲依然慘不忍睹的無聊.尤其是逛墓地和公園Orz)
文本 7/10 (和其他視覺小說比起來差不多就那樣.不差,但是沒有特別得出彩. 不過選擇復仇必定BE這點我覺得有點怪怪的.好歹讓復仇對象BE..?)

現在我覺得是可以花錢買了,至少不會花了錢買黃遊還要挑戰Dark Souls那種難度.

Doom Slayer
Doom Slayer

Thanks to the new updates this game isn't insanely difficult as it was at the beginning, very enjoyable, highly recommend.


This game got me scared of sex fr.


Probably the best Galgame from TW so far, nice story, lots of interactions
11/10 big tidy milf is the besttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

This is the 35th review of the Steam Redlight series, a series where I purposely seek out negatively or controversially rated games on Steam to see if they're as bad as the Internet says they are. It's accompanied by a video review that can be found here.

In summary, I can recommend Ghost Marriage Matchmaking, and for a numerical score I’d give it a 6/10. This game features fun and challenging gameplay, detailed visual character design, and some remarkable voice actor performances. It's held back by some messy dialogue boxes, bugs, and some lackluster points of storytelling.


To start, this game is totally doing well now on Steam, but when I originally saw it on release it was sitting at mixed with only a mid-60% acceptance rate among 80 reviewers. I had already started the review by the time I realize this game was less controversial than I thought, but oh well. In terms of playtime, I beat the game on a first completion in about six hours, and 100%’d the game in roughly 12.7 hours with some help.

Anyway, in Ghost Marriage Matchmaking (GMM for short) you play as nameless, but talkative consultant of the Ghost Marriage Matchmaking Center. In this world, you have the special talent of being able to not only see, but interact with those in the spirit world as well, and these talents have aided you in finding partners for the deceased so they can receive support, partnership, and/or rest. Being an opportunist, your character thrives off of the fact that Spirit Power, the life-force of ghosts, is primarily transferred via the clappin’ of dem cheeks. The game’s premise starts with Luna, your boss, assigning you two cases difficult cases as both ghosts, Dai’er and Yuan, hold resentment due to the circumstances surrounding their death. Their resentment needs to be resolved before they can be paired through the GMM Center.

This game is a visual novel paired with resource management. This game utilizes mini-games to keep resource management engaging, and both you and the ghost have their own set of resources you need to keep tabs on. You have Stamina, Money, and Spirit Power, while the ghost has Favorability, Hatred, and their own bank of Spirit Power. To explain what the most important ones mean quickly, you want to raise Favorability to unlock events, lower Hatred to progress the story, and balance the ghost’s Spirit Power so that it doesn’t hit zero nor exceed your Spirit Power as both will result in a game over.

In terms of how to manipulate these resources, there are actions you can take on the ghost, and ones you can take for yourself. For the ghost, you can Resonate with them — a simple no-gameplay action that increases Favorability and reduces Hatred and Spirit Power. Cleansing and Burning are more gameplay intensive and come with their own benefits and drawbacks. Working generates Money, Spiritual Training regenerates your own Spirit Power, Go Outside lets you visit the shop or explore optional content, and Rest progresses the day and lowers Spirit Power for everyone while restoring stamina. Each of the mini-games are distinctively unique from one another, but I can’t describe them within the 8000 character limit, but my video contains some examples if you care to see.

That’s about all we need for the foundation, so let’s talk about what I liked.

The Good

The thing I liked the most was the gameplay elements — I found myself purposely drawing out the story so I could take advantage of some of the optional content and level up the actions that could be improved. The mini-games felt challenging and engaging and the resource management aspect in its entirety is well-implemented and doesn’t just seem like a basic obstacle to slow down your dream of unlocking your favorite scenes. Overall, the gameplay felt thoughtful and intentional in how it fit in this world.

Next up, I thought the visual design was great. My favorite CGs are the ones that come from the optional content found via the Go Outside mechanic, as they’re stylish and representative to how the main cast conveys themselves. I thought the detailing in the default character art was nice; both Dai’er and Yuan have distinct designs that link back to their story without being too direct. These minuscule features are peppered throughout the game and really show a great intent for detailing in respect to each character’s path.

Lastly, I thought the Japanese voice acting was pretty phenomenal. There’s no other voice acting in the game right now, but the game does handle some heavy topics and the range of the voice actors is appropriately reflected via their tone, pacing, and volume. There are some notable performances reflected by Dai’ers and Yuan’s voice actors; since Luna was less present, she had less opportunity to impress.

That’s about everything remarkable that I enjoyed, so let’s talk about what I found a little less enjoyable.

The Ungood

The lesser of the evils is found in the mess that is the dialogue box. It’s rife with mistranslations, typographical errors, the occasional failed code tag (””), the flip flopping between calling Dai’er by that name or Diane, and lastly the game’s dialogue is heavily extended by its awkward endeavors of detailing sound effects. Some examples would be *goopy air sounds* — what the hell does that sound like? I’ve been hearing for a good couple dozen years and I don’t think I’ve heard anything like that.

Next up are the bugs — there were a couple of times where I was Cleansing Dai’er and her Spirit Power decreased. It happened during the tutorial during my first attempt, which made me play Cleansing incorrectly for several hours since it resulted in a Game Over as Dai’ers Spirit Power went negative. There were a couple of instances where the UI would lock up and became unresponsive, sometimes requiring a force quit or a return to menu. Then lastly, I could never explore all of the Park, Cemetery, or Temple. They get stuck at around 90% (i.e.; 34 / 37) and it never seems to able to be fulfilled. I can’t tell if this is intentional or not, so I can only chuck it up to a visual bug.

Lastly, I have to talk about some of the storylines I felt were contradictory or underwhelming, which is largely spoiler territory. Don’t reveal the spoiler tag if you don’t want to learn about some critical story elements which may include endings.

To try and cover these both briefly, there are a couple of engagements early on where the consultant engages sexually with Dai’er without her consent. I know that’s a hentai thing, I’ve never really liked it, but the problem I have with it is that part of Dai’er’s story has to do with her death being related to fending off unwanted sexual advances. I would have expected a strong reaction from her, in that case. Later on, if you’ve played the game effectively, you can choose one of four endings — two of the four endings feel like hasty conclusions that don’t tie up nearly as many loose ends as the story has created for you, which makes the canonical “choose both” ending seem forced as opposed to letting people be happy with their choice.

The End

Anyway, that’s the end of the review. My favorite kind of adult game is one that has a strong gameplay with a well-crafted story that just happens to involve sex. This game delivers on most of those desires, but admittedly is held back by its prevalent weaknesses.

If you’re into curator groups, we have one of those. Did you like this written review? Watch the video review which does have some different coverage not talked about here:


I have always been a proponent of ghost girlfriends. I now have the power to point at this game for my arguments.

Ghosts are hot. No Cap on gaw fr fr.



Hung Liam $ Sign
Hung Liam $ Sign

I came to fap and I stayed for the plot.

Don't get me wrong some of animations are beautiful.
But, this was more than fapping material.


how to get cg in first page on second row


Needs a difficulty setting on day 47 and the game gets very unbalanced.


After progressing story a bit.
Dai'er (Dale), Her story really moved me, About being Bullied and got Killed with unexpected incident.
Waiting for revenge over the years, and what she saw at the end?
her Senpai who make her like that in the first place, Even a Scumbag/ragtag/crum/KUZU person is always have a good deeds. what should i put here, a repentance(?) . He really change to a 180 degree person after Dale Died.

absolutely Recommended. This title really mixed a feelings, being Horny , Mad, Angry, Sad, Charmed.


Its pretty hard at the start when you dun know what are u doing, once u understand the mechanic its actually quite manageable. This game have good voice and cgi. I suggest that the dev can try lower down the difficulty for someone who just want to enjoy the game.


luna is pog
daier is sad but pog
yuan is big sad energy but the poggest
overall 69/10, pp is satisfied


This game has great art and animation with a fantastic story. The game isn't afraid to get serious at times and Dai'er's story is deeply moving so far. I also found the mini-games and management portions of the game fun as well.


The game starts off good, but after a bit the ghost gaims insane amounts off spirit power and you get game over.


now i love ghosts, can i marry them?


So I haven't finished the game (about 2.5 hours into it) but so far I am thoroughly impressed and really enjoying it. I absolutely love the artwork, there is a ton of voice acting and it is very well done, the characters are interesting, some dialogue I found to be quite funny or interesting, and the story is engaging. I even like the little mini games - they are not too challenging but fun enough where I don't view them as just a needed chore to get back to the story (which is generally how I feel about mini games). So far, I am very much enjoying it and I think it is worth the price (although, obviously it's still a good thing to get in on sale when possible).

I guess my only complaint is that there is a bit of glitchiness here and there; for example, one time I saw broken font. But the glitches are hardly game-breaking and don't take away from the experience for me.

Also occasionally there are typos or somewhat bad translating in the text. For instance, one time a character meant to say "I tripped down the stairs" but the text was "I stripped down the stairs" and that made me very confused for a moment! Haha. But other that that, it's easily understandable and most of the dialogue is pretty natural.

I highly recommend this one.


The game is hard in the beginning but my dong is harder. Nut myself to sleep every night after playing this game.


This game is really good... and for an H-game, REALLY hard (especially with the first girl). Almost everything is top-tier; especially the CGs. My only complaints are that I wish there were more CGs. (Or that they were easier to unlock - especially with the first girl, with how on the cusp of failure you're likely to be by the end of her arc, taking the time to unlock her CGs are usually not a luxury you'll be able to afford. Which somewhat relates to my next point....) Secondly, cleansing can be a bit of a bitch, as you don't get much time to click the icons and if you're using the integrated mouse of a laptop... oof.

That all said, the difficulty is actually quite nice - everything feels earned; and makes the story beats, the items you buy, the CGs... every little thing feels significant. And for an H-game, that's pretty damned impressive.


game over no matter what you do no thanks


I realize something, ghosts can be fucked.
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