The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
16 June 2009
Steam reviews score
95 (37 045 votes)
94 (373 votes)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition presents one of the best RPGs of all time like never before. Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game-world ever created. With a powerful combination of freeform gameplay and unprecedented graphics, you can unravel the main quest at your own pace or explore the vast...

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe system requirements

  • OS: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows XP 64-Bit
  • Processor: 2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent
  • Memory: 512 MB
  • Graphics: 128 MB Direct3D compatible video card and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 4.6 GB
  • Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible


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You can download The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Bethesda Softworks for $19.99. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

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Good game, mechanics are fairly simple, aged pretty well, fast travel is a blessing. Leveling system is slightly annoying and all the dungeons look similar. Dialogue is very good and the lore is so expansive and believable. Combat (especially casting) feels a bit clunky at times, but its fine for the most part. 8/10


Literally the best RPG I've ever played in my life! Great story, characters and atmosphere! Yes... The NPCs can be extremely dopey and yes... The graphics aren't as good as other games, but I still think its an amazing game!

In my opinion... Wayyy better than Skyrim! The quests are better in every way... Bigger cities and more people to interact with.... I can go on but you get the point. ;)


Even though this is a step backwards graphically, this is the Elder Scrolls game that really got me hooked. I thought I'd revisit Oblivion with some immersive mods in place to see how replayable it is. I am not disappointed. It's as good as I remember. And with the great deal on bundling all the DLC, you can't lose!


the story, characters, gameplay and etc is just perfect. classic not so hard not so easy game and in the end it really makes you feel accomplish every time you finish anything in the game


Oblivion is like curling in bed with an old favorite book and cup of hot cocoa. A good story - collection of side quests and all. so much fun to be had.


The Elder Scrolls is a quality franchise, but just as the gods of the Elder Scrolls have no idea what they're doing, gamers can't make up their mind about which game is the best, which is why I set out to answer a question completely unrelated to what I've said so far. Is Elder Scrolls: Oblivion a good game? ig idk

Bubblestream Bass
Bubblestream Bass

When Martin said, "So that's it? What, are we some kinda The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion?" I knew this game was gonna be wild.

Ser Aymeric De Borel
Ser Aymeric De Borel

One of my favorite games of all time. I originally played it because my PC couldn't run Skyrim and I didn't have access to my PS4 all the time, but Oblivion captured my heart quickly and successfully. I love all the worldbuilding and dialogue in this game, and although it's a bit outdated, mods can help with that if you so desire. I absolutely love this game and I'm begging you to give this a try.


I am an older player returning to play oblivion for the first time in about 10 years. I can honestly say that if anything, I am enjoying the game more then the first time that i played it. It reminds me of how good games used to be!! would recommend 8/10.


If you enjoyed Skyrim but wanted more RPG elements and depth in mechanics then Oblivion is a great choice, though its dated graphics can be a barrier to entry.


What can I say it's a classic. I grew up playing Oblivion and the game and quests are just as good as I remember. If you've played Skyrim before Oblivion you may not get as much out of the game and probably would want to pass, but if you're willing to move past the dated engine and mechanics then it truly is a fantastic game.


a classic a great game it may get boring sometimes if you have played it to death like i have but still its a good game


The first time I ever played this game was in highschool and my buddy and I spent almost the whole night; we rented it from blockbuster, just creating a character and escaping the tutorial cave... to discover the most amazing and large scale game we had played to that day! Everyone should play this game at some point of their lives!


Still the best elder scrolls game, even if it's unstable on PC and takes some time getting to be stable.

Sorry Skyrim

HSH Briccone
HSH Briccone

The graphics are a bit old but 15 minutes into the game you don´t notice it so much. The play is super and the area is really a sandbox to be discovered. I play the vanilla version but am thinking about Mods after I finish the game I´m playing.
Can´t recommend this game enough. In some ways it is better than Skyrim.


Love this game, but its an absolute dice roll to see if your game is gonna break forever or not. Buggy as f*ck.

Autism Cat
Autism Cat

Why do I come to the Arena? Honestly? I love the way the combatants move. It's like an... an erotic dance. The bodies, the sweat, the... oh. I, um...


This game is a mess. It's janky, unstable, poorly optimised, and undoubtedly has the most monotone and synthetic dialogue in any game i've played.

But...I still love it.

It's been 15 years since Oblivion released, and it's still one of the most immersive games you can play. It puts you in a vast world that is packed full of lore and details, and gives the freedom to do whatever you want. The world is dense, full of towns, cities, and dungeons to explore, and you can pretty much go anywhere and talk to any of the NPCs. It's graphics may be dated, but it still possesses a warm and serene beauty, perfectly balancing the darker and more mysterious stories and quests. While epic in scale, the main story is slightly generic, but the guilds and side quests are some of the most memorable and varied in any game. All this is enhanced by an otherworldly atmosphere, and an unforgettable masterpiece of a soundtrack. The combat kind of sucks though :(

Whether you decide to follow the main story, one of the many side stories, or just explore the world, you're sure to find discoveries around every corner. Oblivion promises to give you an epic adventure, but what makes it so special is that personal discovery of your own adventure. It's a game that makes you feel like a kid again, living another life full of excitement and mysteries, where you can be whoever you wish to be.

Asriel Dreemurr
Asriel Dreemurr

It just works. I love this game, and I especially love going into rooms with low ceilings and spamming the spacebar to up my acrobatics. God, I love acrobatics.


i hate this game, the artstyle looks like shrek!!!! play morrorwind intead. |THESE OBLIVTARDS!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhHH


the game is something you can really sink your teeth into i played oblivion when it was new on the ps3 as a kid and i still enjoy the game as an adult. the game has a hilarious small voice acting team so you hear the same voices for different characters all the time, the campaign and guilds have their own quest line all are great for the age of the game. Mods make the game so much better not saying the original is bad but it give the game more replay ability. I also suggest getting the DLC


If you're bored and want something to play this is a great pass timer. Old game but still fun to this day.


Definely a 100% must have, one of the funiest rpg's to have besides the memes. Rich story telling + fun combat


Immersive Western RPG game I have ever played. Enjoyed the main campaign and after the main campaign there are several role playing missions to do. The NPCs are goofy and the official modding tools are great

Hereticon Maxim
Hereticon Maxim

I played about 4000 Hours of this game on my Xbox 360 when I was younger. It always seemed like I was able to find something new in the game to do. Then I got it on PC and modded it a bit, I played about 40 hours of the game and spent 14 hours making the mods work. It was worth it though. The fact that I can just choose to play whenever I feel like i s very pleasing to me. I do want to get an original disc copy of the game though, just so I can play offline once in a while. The game has tons of bugs, but there's unofficial patches that fans have made that fix most of them. It's not the prettiest game, but there's tons of stuff to do and a lot of different playstyles. The difficulty has a very sharply increasing difficulty curve if you've never played before, I'd recommend a mod that fixes the enemy scaling, there's a few options. But if you want to play the game vanilla I'd recommend playing on a medium level of difficulty so you don't get killed all the time.


If someone ever asks you if this game is worth it, respond with 'The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Soundtrack - Harvest Dawn'.


A masterpiece of a game. If bethesda would just shovel out the resources to make a total remaster of this game, they would make SO much money. SMH


A dated masterpiece. This game has some of the most interesting quests in any rpg. This game is also hilarious at times, such as the strange quests, weird NPC dialogue, funny glitches, etc (you honestly have to play it to get what I'm saying). It has a unique charm of it's own. This isn't a super serious RPG.

Honestly, this game is not really for everyone and definitely needs polishing if it were to get remade. Anyone who likes RPGs and is willing to get over it's rough edges is going to like this.

Fortunately, I never encountered any game breaking bugs in my years of playing this game (I played a lot on the xbox 360, probably about 200 hours off Steam).


Guard: sToP rIgHt ThErE cRiMiNaL sCuM!!! Why have you not played Oblivion yet? Pay the court a fine and we will give you back your copy of the game. I strongly recommend this course of action....
> Resist Arrest <
Guard: Then pay with your blood!!!!

S0UL: Anyway, for real though, Oblivion is an amazing game. Allows quite a bit of freedom compared to Skyrim. Fans of RPGs will absolutely love this game and sink 100+ hours into this game. The magic system is fantastic in this game, allowing you to craft your own custom spells with multiple effects as you progress in the game. I will admit, melee combat can be a bit clunky and the dialogue between NPCs while walking through cities can be... bizzare to say the least. But a lot of the shortcomings with Oblivion can be improved or outright fixed with mods. I would definetly reccommend the Unofficial Oblivion Patch as a minimum, along with other good gameplay mods (such as Deadly Reflex) and graphical enhancement mods to modernise the game. The major expansion for this game is the Shivering Isles, allowing players to enter Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion of the same name. This is one of the best Bethesda DLCs ever and anyone will have an amazing time. The game combined with its DLCs, I would rate a 9/10.

TLDR; Buy this game already if you haven't (100% recommend) but remember this game came out in 2008 so some parts will be a little clunky. Nothing that mods can't fix!


17 years and still the GOAT. Every time I play, there is content or a voice line that I never knew existed. ( Almost all my time played has been exclusively Xbox).


Good game. Definitely got to get used to this game levelling. It's different from Skyrim. To get more out of your character DO NOT choose the main skills you want to use as Major Skills. Put them instead as minor skills and put major skills as skills you likely will NOT use.. You will thank me later.


I played probably 1000 hours of Skyrim between PC and console (a lightweight compared to many, I know), and despite 3 or so attempts, I could never seem to get myself to play beyond the opening sequence of Oblivion due to the potato faces and general clunkiness. Well, with the help of a few mods, I have finally dove into a proper playthrough of Oblivion, and I have to say that I am very. very glad that I finally took the leap and put in some effort with this game. The world is very charming, and I am beginning to seriously consider the idea that it might actually be the better game compared to Skyrim. The faction system has been more intriguing, the story has me gripped much more than Skyrim's main quest, and the character progression is very deep and rewarding. I am still in what feels like the early stages of the playthrough 40+ hours in, and I am feeling like I just might have to see the main quest through to completion (something I never did with Skyrim somehow after all this time). Very fun, albeit dated and clunky game. Highly recommended for anyone considering looking back on older Bethesda titles after enjoying some of the newer stuff. I might have to keep going backwards and finally try Morrowind after this.


The fact that Todd Howard made this after he joined the chess club really says a lot about society. The Elder Scrolls: Chess Club is a one of a kind creation from the maestro himself, Todd Howard. You can feel that you're in a chess club environment in this game than any other chess club games, not even Skyrim doesn't have this much chess club experience. The first 3 hours of the game really digs you in to the whole chess club theme and it doesn't stop there, it won't ever stop chess clubbing. The whole entire game is a chess club itself. I feel like a chess club. Everyone is a chess club. I EAT, DRINK, POOP AND PISS CHESS CLUB. I LOVE CHESS CLUB.


Frost Vanilla
Frost Vanilla

Just like Elderscrolls Morrowind This Game is superior to it better at everything in Vanilla Versions
It's a must buy Normal Price or Discount Price (Go For Discount!)
190 Hours in this game still haven't Touched Main Quest line because of the absurd amount of things to do !
The Good
Everything !

The Bad
Alt tab = Random Crashes
If you play 10 hours Straight sometimes your game lags don't forget to save often!


One of the best. Although Skyrim as been the summum of this series (at last until now), Oblivion was a milestone in RPG, the best in those days, and still relevant.


Buggy mess. Two game breaking bugs within a few hours. Jeez.


Only 21 hours in but so far it's a pretty good RPG with good mechanics, great scenery and setting (Cyrodiil is beautiful). It's my third favorite Elder Scrolls behind Daggerfall and Morrowind and I doubt the rest of the game could change that but I'd still recommend it at this point.

(Tho they ruined the King of Worms, Mannimarco, his appaerance is such a downgrade from Daggerfall it's crazy)


The unseemly middle bits of Todd's Trilogy. Oblivion is the Lord of the Rings we met along the way.


I am a big fan of morrowind and skyrim but there is something special about oblivion. It feels smaller but filled with more content. The game world seems more varied and regions feel different swampy in the south snowy in the north. The story is just meh to me but honestly I get so side tracked with everything else to do that I often dont even really do the main story. Overall I definitely suggest the game.


saw a mudcrab, horrible creatures


Great game, super fun storyline and immersive for it's age


Elf AND Orc sex??? YES PLEASE!!!!


Picked this up again after listening to FudgeMuppet and other TES lore podcasts while down with covid. I wasn't a big fan of Oblivion in 2006 after sinking months into Morrowind in 03/04, but decided to give it a go again using Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. Made it a ton of fun, nice to get that high fantasy itch when you want to take a break from the weird Morrowind or gritty Skyrim. Also found I'm a huge fan of a melee caster build.


stop right there criminal scum


an emotional roller coaster, unintentionally comedic genius


I would have to remove and repurchase oblivion just to access DLC that it looked like I already installed, and quite frankly while I love bethesda games I hate the hoops I have to jump through just to get them working properly.


It worker for a while but now it just crashes on start, I can't play the game anymore >:(


ive always loved this game since i was child.


This game is way better than Skyrim when it comes to quests, but when it comes to good graphics Skyrim would win unless you mod this game to look as good as Skyrim does. plus you can duplicate a lot of potions and other stuff as well :)
But I will say this, Skyrim is easier to mod than this game.


somehow the most immersive game i've played despite the most vile looking balls glitching up walls