Zombie Grinder

Zombie Grinder
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
16 October 2015
Steam reviews score
65 (260 votes)

A cross-platform, cooperative, multiplayer, zombie death-fest. Slaughter your way through many different maps, game modes and enemies - With tons of weapons and customization options!

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Zombie Grinder system requirements


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Dual Core 2.4GHz Processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Supporting Shader Model 2.1 & OpenGL 2.1, with at least 512mb GRAM.
  • Storage: 512 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Standard
  • Additional Notes: 60 FPS


Recommended requirements are not yet specified.
DLC list is empty
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Download Zombie Grinder

You can download Zombie Grinder from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Twindrills for $8.99. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

There are at least two options :

  1. download from official website — http://zombiegrinder.com
  2. download from Steam — https://store.steampowered.com/app/263920
Write a new review
Tea Gamr
Tea Gamr

A cute fun game has Sweet Anime Refrences and tons of stuff i think Gamers and Casual Players would enjoy


Honestly for a 2015 game this is just not it im sorry. The ambience is not there the gameplay is clunky.


One of my most favorite games on Steam. Pixelated, cute zombie death and destruction. Fun to play with friends and diehards. 2-man development team has promised updates, albeit much longer than expected - but I believe updates will still come (I've seen the artwork). Community is angry and toxic, but the game itself is beautiful and it makes me very happy to play and revisit.


This is as a game should be: Fun. It is more for the satirical silly than a hardcore elitist mood.

So the primary question is: Why Zombie Grinder?
There are so many Zombie games, they are a dime a dozen Thousand and some are free (P2W)

For me it was because of Steam Market Items.
I actually did not even notice it is early access. As many of the other Zombie games are flagged as glitchy incomplete messes.

Zombie Grinder is not a damp and dreary (though I do like damp and dreary aesthetic as my Steam Name implies) Zombie FPS (or graphics focused game) which took on too much that they drowned themselves in glitches and “to do’s”. It does not however look like a 80s to 90s style “I have no idea what those pixels are actually suppose to be”. It has more a clean vectored look. (kids might not know this, but that is how flash animation looked before people outsourced it to Youtube pixelization for copyright purposes). This game should not be 2spooky4you. The only scary things are
are those damn vampires

Sure the campaign is short (though they are working on an extension or rework).

The beauty and survival grind forward or replay-ability is in the other game modes.

PvP. PvP however seems quite one sided (especially factoring in version crafting) and heavily ping dependant. Additionally the population does not seems to be quite large enough yet. And many are currently with good reason shy for it.

They even lately (version implemented a crafting (weapon upgrade) system.

The other feature I have not tried or care for, but should note is the workshop potential imbedded.

So in summery: Fun, light casual for murdering many zombies. With the potential to pay itself off

Epic Doom Kitten
Epic Doom Kitten

well i was trying to write a really big, awesome review for this and steam decided to be a dick and erase it so i'm just going to say this until i feel like doing a huge re-write of that shit:

this game is amazing, it has its flaws and could use some more playable content from the devs but it is solid, it is fun, and you can pet chickens for money! oh, and within a day or so of owning the game they gave me a free, indesructible broadsword with +150% damage... so now i can run around 1-shotting almost all the regular enemies. but, many of them are not necessarily a good idea to kill with melee, especially if you're super-inexperienced with melee in this game and don't know how to deal with pixels as distance- or, if you don't mind being blown up or having a poison cloud envelop you... so i still need my guns, and sometimes have to avoid a fight altogether still. i mean the item might be a bit broken but it balances out in my opinion. they give out random indestructible gear, everything from heads/hats to weapons and other wierd items... which you can apparently buy/sell/trade on the market, which just makes it even more amazing.

i do have a few issues with the game but i love it and i'd recommend it to a lot of people. unfortunately steam ate my actual review and i'm exhausted and don't feel i have enough energy left to re-type all that i had typed, so, for now i bid you adieu... hope you enjoy this review and, if you pick it up, the game. it's super-fun


Simple, addictive, fun.

Originally I was on the fence when purchasing this but after playing I would definitely recommend it.


Zombie Grinder is a fun and enjoyable top down arcade-style zombie game with tons of game modes, weapons, skills, items and even hats. If the base game isn't enough already, the game has built-in steam workshop support for when the modding community really kicks off.


This a bit like Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor in a top-down view.
Sadly one of the most overlooked gems I have seen yet, so tell your friends!

Different gamemodes and maps, different kinds of enemies.
Story mode (L4D like), Wave mode (KF like) and PVP modes with and without zombies!

Though it is less gritty than L4D or KF and it is top-down, it gives the right sense of arcadey gameplay and giggles.

Weapons range from Melee, pistols, smgs, shotguns and rifles to flamethrowers, rocket launchers and lasers, even grenades and healing items!

The loot is good and you can get unbreakable items so you won't have to worry about the durability.

you can upgrade weapons, color most of the hats/heads and even the lightsaber thingy! Awesome customization.

The game is freely moddable with Workshop support,
I am making a mod and a map for the game already! I enjoy this game loads.

If you need more content, I got the "Extra Content 292" mod in the workshop, should give you a few more hours of fun.

-Too few people play this gem, please join the fun! I bet it's worth those 5 Euros in your piggybank, when it's on sale. ;3

EDIT: I have now switched my review to being Negative as all development on this title seems to have stopped and the game is unfinished AND my mod has been blacklisted without notice. This is regressive and unintuitive and I am disappointed.


A really great coop/party game with a bunch of content, extremely easy to mod (you can literally call a vote mid game to edit the map), and AMAZING for a 2 man dev team


4 hours straight on my first go, only stopped for work. Look at the list of features, then look at price, and imagine gettimg it on sale. Im very happy with the buy. I buy a lot of games for level editors as well and I feel this one may actually be worth messing with. The fact that this is still early access, was just released (i think), has as many features as it does, and is priced like this... I'm will have to limit anygripe I have to a few short words. Active abilities are a little funny, singleplayer is a little ummm missing, and not enough people playing..... all things I can see changing during development, and again this is first 4 hours of gameplay so I dont fully understand everything.


before game: ________
! O O !
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after game:
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| R.I.P. |
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Even though this game is still an early access, it's a great game to play with friends and helping each other out. It reminds me a lot of like a 2D pixelated version of Left 4 Dead.

Lord Tywin
Lord Tywin

This game needs more players, it is incredible fun. Especially with friends, this game will give you an amazing level of enjoyment.

The Dogaboo
The Dogaboo

One person asked me "How do I level up in this game? How do I earn coins? How do I get good items?" I replied "Read the title of the game."

I'm so funny......


It's a pretty nice game after you figure out the mechanics of the game, which I still haven't..



No update in 3 years. This should be taken off the market. I'm disappointed.

Previous Review:

I am writing this as an Early Access user and this game is only like $5 so keep that in mind.

Skill trees
Gun selection and upgradability
Local Coop is a blast
Lots of different game modes and maps
Addictive gameplay

The game crashes every time I've ever played it.
2/3 of the time I completed a coop campaign nothing happened and I had to exit the game.
The UX is absolutely horrendous. There are too many things to list them all, but the top 3 are: Skill tree, b goes back on some screens/selections, but not others, and the HUD. I play this on a 60 inch TV sitting on a couch 5 ft away and I can barely tell what gun I'm selecting.
The game crashes a lot.

I'm a fan of selective quotation so I'll leave you with this: "This Early Access game is not complete ... you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development."

If the bugs were fixed and there were a few more maps I would gladly pay $10-15 for this.


This game is fun and had a lot of potential.

Graphics are a cool retro style
Customizing your character is fun
Many weapon drops and choices

Online sucks. You rarely can get on servers, and if you do connect, it says there isn't anyone else there.
If you are using a controller, the keyboard controls can be clunky.
It can get a bit repetitive. Some people are into that...I am not.

I am pretty sure one of the main focus' of this game is the online play, which is very spotty at this time. I cant recommend it right now because of that.


So fun.

got killed by chickens.


local screen co-op only lets you walk about 10 ft from partner, but maybe its changed, idk.

Panda Dumpster
Panda Dumpster

It is a fun game. I enjoyed it.
The online: not a lot of players are on. I know this is Early Access.
I recommend getting a few friends to get this game and play with them.

Steelz Cloud
Steelz Cloud

This game actually feels like a flash game that you can play online except it has a lot more cosmetics, guns, a big skill tree and character creation. Theres not much to it expect shoot em all with campaign or other people with a lot of unlockable stuff. Its a nice addition that it has quite a lot of varities of zombies but it doesn't really help when you got a gun that can kill anything on its path. I haven't visited the workshop so I am not sure how great the community is but they seem rather friendly from my gameplay expirience on servers. The game just feels too much of cosmetics and less emphasis on shooting up zombies. I doubt theres not much to add on to its shooting criteria. If you like simple top down shooters with a lot of collectibles its okayish in my opinion as I really love collectibles in games but its doesn't do alot of justice in the gameplay aesthetics.


This game would be good if more people played it but right now noone plays it. It seems like a good game, but there noone playing it.


probably a good game if your using a controller of some sorts, didnt really like playing on the keyboard... if you can use the mouse to aim and shoot then i would give it 8/10.

recommended if you use a controller

not recommended if your using a keyboard


Game is a piece of shit. There is no play mode, you watch one player stroll around a zombie sandbox in which you supposedly can control zombies.....after taking the time to create an actual character. The game is shitty and I will be trying to get a rerfund.


First of all, I can't tell where I'm aiming, bullets wasted. Make some aim like or something....Walking slow sucks. Make a run option. Zombie types should be explained before the game starts...maybe in an intro thing...Also, the objectives aren't made clear. I make it to the end of a map, but turns out the game thinks I need to go to a gun shop. Obviously I'm fine without the gun shop if I made it to the end of the level already. Overall, a little annoyed. It's an okay purchase, I just hope they make it better. Also, there should be an open world type thing, be able to enter a building and defend it or something. Or maybe create buildings where you want, enter, and defend those. This is just a game where you walk around and shoot zombies, which gets real boring, real fast. There should also be checkpoints within the levels. Maybe be able to upgrade level things while in-game. Zombies should have tiny health bars above their heads.. All the info that's displayed on the corner is tiny, I don't know when my gun is about to run out of ammo, there should be ammo crates and food on the ground, instead of having to buy it all... Gets repeatitive fast...maybe it's because I got a headache right now...but somehow I feel betrayed by the video, because it seemed better. Cool assests...but all that goes to waste if the game isn't executed in a smooth way..but other than all that...I'd say it's worth it on sale. Which I got it for like $4. But somehow I still feel betrayed.. I wouldn't get the game right now...maybe when the things I mentioned are enhanced, that would be a great purchase, until then, I wouldn't rebuy it.....


Boring, Large graphics take up whole screen. Cant see what your aiming at. Slow. Looks like Super Nintendo. The multiplayer is non-existant. Its horrible.......worth 1.00


This game is straight up terrible. The enjoyment of basic top-down-twin-stick-arcade-style games like these comes from smooth controls and intuitive, fast paced gameplay, however this game does not deliver.

I played this game with several friends expecting the cooperative nature of the game to dwarf any inadaquacies, yet still by minute one there were some severe complaints. Specifically, the controls just arent smooth. All the buttons are just ridiculously out of place - main fire is left trigger, switch weapon isnt y, dash is x, strafe is b... its like they decided to attempt revolutionary button placement. You can of course remap the buttons, but even at their optimal placement, they will still feel clunky at best. To run and shoot you'll need to press and hold 3 buttons while constantly tapping the fire button.
Unfortunately, at least as to the time I made this review, the unpolished glint from this game predominantly overshadows everything I could really enjoy about the game.

3/10 coop experience.


Just so misleading the videos and screenshots made the game seem way more interesting then it was sorry not my type of game bought it and refunded after trying co-op with a friend even he was bored so sorry that I did not like your game

Dusty Cowgirl
Dusty Cowgirl

I had to write a review on this as for some reason its reviews have changed to not so great. I love this game, Im not sure why so many people are disappointed in it. Before I bought it I had writen a post on the forums and the dev got back to me same say I posted to let me know this is a keyboard controlled game. ITS NOT BAD though. Ive played some dreadful keyboard only games and this is not one of those. You can even use your mouse in the menu, and can customize your key bindings to make it more suited for your play style.
That being said, the game play is great! Its a great arcade type game you can play with your friends, others, or by yourself. Top down shooter that has great RPG elements. As you level up you can go in and unlock skills for your character, you can buy stylish dogs for them, I went with kitty ears, and can color them how you like. You can upgrade your guns, ammo, turrets, ect.
Theres so many types of gameplay you can do as well. The normal arcade play through mode, wave, dungeon crawlers, even in an actual dungeon with traps, ect.
I took a risk and bought this game unsure if Id like it but its been a great one to play with friends, Several of us got it and have already played it several hours.


Think -Zombies ate my neighbors/ L4d/ HATS!/ GUNS!/steam inventory stuff GET THIS GAME NOW!!! ( When its on sale )


The movements and control feels clunky and irritating. Level design is poor and at times confusing. Game itself lacks of quality in all of its aspects. Wouldnt recommend to people of age 14+


Doesn't seem very good so far. :(

Might check back in a few weeks, to see if the gameplay has improved.


Great game for early access
Dont be discuraged of the bad reviews, give it a try it wont do any harm :>
Good points
+at the start the controls abit werid but you get used to it
+theres many good features like campaign, endless, dugeon mode, pvp ect
+nice varity of hats and guns to use and buy
+a decent upgradeing system
+extreamly great music ^_^
+adictive and fun

for a early access game i reccomend buying this when on sale and with friends and to not stress about the minor things and just have fun. Tho it has it downsides

Bad points
-campaign only has 1 level and 3 maps (for now)
-that weird gas zombie makes you lag better off makeing that animation for it more simple
-in dugeon mode it very repeatative just each time u go down a level the items change and the map changes only abit
-you need to spend skill points for BP space O_o? this isnt tf2 :P
-Glitchy in some ways

BUTT!!!!! in overall if the creators continue updateing this game and makeing it better it will become a popular game. maybe adding more campaign maps, more bosses/ zombies, cosmetic (change the shits), MORE GUNS AND HAT, a zombie vs humans mode, ingame map creator, more modes i guess but these are just the idears i have if the creators ever read this

Samejima ღゝ◡')ノ♡
Samejima ღゝ◡')ノ♡

A good game if you want to relax and shoot the zombies again and again and again and again and maybe again...ehhh just one more Mooom!


Absolutely nobody online but it's kinda fun to play with a friend. The button placement is a little... off, but you can always set the controls the way you want. Overall I'd say it's a good game to get if it's on sale and if you can get your friends to buy it or come over.

***UPDATE*** Game is dead. Devs are nowhere to be seen. Wouldn't recomend unless you get it for free. Waste of money. :(

Hefty Schnoz
Hefty Schnoz

Horrible game. Don't waste your time. The controls, the character interactions, the music, the design is all bad. Wasted a night with friends.


This game has so much content with Campaign (not really story just objectives), Team deathmatch , Gun Game and a randomized level mode. Then there's the long as charcter skill tree and I'm talking about over 50 differrent upgrades!!! With weapon upgrades a little less than chracter uupgrades but still each weapon has it's own upgrade and there is about thousands of guns to upgrade!!! Dude then there's a awesome four player coop which I didn't use yet but all to say it was worth my money. JUST BUY THIS GAME!!!!!


This is a great and amazing game! Definitely worth the buy!

Its super fun.
Its got local co-op with up to 4 players which can also all be taken into online games with others.
Huge! Skill Tree. With different branches and paths. (& the ability to re-roll)
Awesome Hats and Weapons!

Not many people still play it :/ But definitely not a reason not to get it. HMU if you buy and ill play, and help ya out!


I had a blast playing local multiplayer. Graphics are good, controls well, the game is pretty challenging. There's a good variety of weapons.


Fun to play. Online multiplayer seems to be quiet, but for local co-op it is great to blaze your way through zombies.


Amazing game. Very fun co op with fun solo play. It has steam marketplace which is nice and also community market items which rock. Ive really enjoyed the rpg elements with the fun of a top down shooter!


First off , i really loved this game.
it had big potential.

However.... 6 months without a word from the devs.
Game is pretty much dead.

Dont buy it , never gonna leave EA stage.

Damnet Tony
Damnet Tony

Got blown up right after spawning, 10/10. This game is absolutely fantastic! Keeps you on your toes. So much fun, lots of weapons and customization. Even more fun with friends, get this game, make your friends get this game.


Let me start by saying this game has a lot of pontential; the leveling system, gameplay, all that's together pretty well. There are a few major buts, tho.

First of all, there are no players online. There was literally zero games available to join, and when I hosted a game, one person just briefly came and went... The game would be so much more fun with a good amount of players, but as it stands it's not worth it.

Second, there are some... bugs, dare I say? It is possible make your equipment completely unusable by socketting wrong gems into it (reducing ammo capacity for laser cannon and reducing durability for 100% or more for any gun). I tell you, when you put a million gold's worth of gems into a weapon just to realize you can't use it, it ruins your mood for a while...

All considering, if you have a decent sized group of friends to play with, you're gonna have a good time. Otherwise, meh.


Poor gameplay in a super annoying game, wanted to rage quit from the first second. Now I hate my entire life.

The Furious Mr Hottake
The Furious Mr…

Early Access turned Early Abscess.
Also, offers borderline-roguelike 'maze" mode.
The RNG in roguelikes is the cheaty, teasing, sadistic rogue-DM that only wants to troll us until we break the device (PC, console, phone) and/or die.


An outstanding game, but sadly it's dead. This game needs to get out to the people so we can get a community goin'!


I bought this game because it looked promising, I played 30 minutes and tried to refund it on the same date I purchased it but Steam refused because I have "too many achivements" of it (7)

This is disgusting considering this game went from Free to play -> Paid and is COMPLETELY abandonned.

Mara Jadewind
Mara Jadewind

Game has potential,fun and McLovin it but refunded em, still from time to time come and check for update,content or news. This game giving a vibe like any other fast-cash-grab-goin to be-abandoned early access game.
Dev poke in forum every few month just for showing up sake and tell everyone he is not abandoning the game...
but did not show up togayther with any content,game upadate or patch. He just show up and bought along a comb of banana once in a blue moon for the sake to inform people game still alive but no update or anything has been developed for many moon.
Just keep an eye on the game don't buy yet till it has much more to offer. Maybe consider to buy em when is on 80%-90% discount.


This game used to be fun before the devs left it entirely and abandoned the project. The entire game is buggy and undone and needs to be redone. It is not worth this amount of money and is not worth your time.

It was going to be something amazing, but now it's turned into a worthless game due to dev abandonment. So sad.


Do you like killing pixel zombies? Teaming up with others againsts a lot of zombies? You'll probably enjoy this game.


Fun if played with friends or if you're stuck with a crappy laptop and need a game to waste some time with.

Buy if on sale.

Easily Concussed  D:
Easily Concussed D:

Don't waste your money on this dead unfinished game.

Why Early Access?
“We want to allow the steam community involved in another early access scam! With the game very much under develop, early access allows us to maintain the status of a game and the playability of a demo. Hope that we would ever do the wide-scale changes that almost every small team indie early access "game" promises. This amount of fuckery would not be reasonable if games on steam were required to be completed to be release. This allows the game to continually pump in that moneeeey!!! This game will never evolve with responses to user feedback.”

The reason for the early access triggers me,



* This review may be outdated. This game might have worse graphics than the latest as of 2019, and would probably have been reviewed differently because this game is older than 1 year. *

Zombie Grinder:
┅¦ $ Price ¦┅
☑ Full
☐ Wait for sale

┅¦ ☀ Graphics ¦┅
☐ Potato
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☑ OK
☑ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece

┅¦ ✪ Audience ¦┅
☐ Kids
☐ Adults
☑ Everyone
☐ Tryhards

┅¦ ツ Difficulty ¦┅
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn but Hard to master
☑ Hard
☑ Very Hard

┅¦ ۞ Game length ¦┅
☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours)
☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours)
☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours)
☐ Long ( 12+ hours)
☑ Endless

┅¦ ❀ Story ¦┅
☑ It doesn't have
☐ Bad
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Fantastic

┅¦ ϟ Bugs ¦┅
☐ Game itself is one BIG bug
☐ Bugs destroying the game
☐ Lot of bugs
☑ Few Bugs
☑ No bugs that is destroying the fun
☐ Nothing


I was a long time member of the dev team ever since the game was on Indie DB. I did basically all of the sprite work and art for the game. The reason why it was never finished was because our coding members ran out of tutorials to help expand the game and fix bugs.

I write this post as an apology to every single one of you suckers that bought this.

7/7/2018: Developers have still not done anything for the game despite aruing with and threatening me.


Game looked fun. played alright.
However never finished and abandonded. Don't waste your money on this money scam.

Regular Human
Regular Human

Let me get straight to the point:
The game starts fine and is fun for the first hours, but you feel the lack of content and polish (like missing graphics for different type of killed zombies) quite fast. Not sure if and when this game will get out of early access... there haven't been any updates since 2016. If something changes, I'll update my review. Until then, it's a minus from me.


Game was fun back when the developers actively worked on it, but they have since abandoned ship leaving the community to go elsewhere. Save your money and find another indie developer to support.


Bought it when it first came out, didnt play it much, played it recently, then realized why i stopped playing. The mechanics are so slow for arcade shooter. If the games shooting, aiming, and movement where fast enough, then it would of been a better game. Oh well, just had a nice stroll down nostalgia lane when i had money to burn.


after playing it again with some of my friends we enjoyed it but their are some missing audio form time to time


It's sad nobody plays this game anymore.. Nobody remembers it. It used to be on Desura who sadly went bankrupt, and so did the company that bought Desura.. In any case, this game is really nice. It's a really neat design and it works flawlessly. There are no bugs I could find in this game. It's not the perfect game, but it's really good enough to call it money well spent. Unlike most popular games these days with millions of microtransactions..


Bought this game 2 years ago, played for.... not too long.... Can't believe it's in early access still. What a load of CRAP. DO NOT BUY!

𝕓𝒶ᵇя𝒶ℍ𝕒Μ Ⓛ
𝕓𝒶ᵇя𝒶ℍ𝕒Μ Ⓛ

I tried to support this game as a friend of mine said he was friends with the creator. Sadly he didnt tell me the creator was a flake when it comes to finishing projects he uploads to steam. Dead in the water.


im saying no cause other people say dev abandoned this game and i havent played it since like 2017 so


Sadly the Dev passed away after having family issues which led to him temp. stop working on it.


To put it bluntly, I cannot recommend this game.
I have had this game in my library for a number of years, we got a handful of updates. The Dev had stated that he was having some issues personally, no problem things happen, but after a number a years with little news, no updates, and many of us trying to pick up the pieces between various different social media and finding there isn't much to be said. Game was fun, but unfinished and it hurts that it's potential will never come to light. Whatever may have happened to the dev, hope his days are going better. But do not buy this game.

Ninja Platypus
Ninja Platypus


First of all, this game was on other platforms than steam before and I already bought it twice. But the devs abandoned the game, left it unfinished and it will never leave Early Access.

Too bad, it was a fun game at some point.