Chicory: A Colorful Tale

Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
10 June 2021
Steam reviews score
97 (2 452 votes)
100 (23 votes)

A top-down adventure game in a coloring book world full of vibrant characters. Use painting powers to explore, solve puzzles, make friends, and draw on anything! From creators on Wandersong + Celeste.

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Chicory: A Colorful Tale system requirements


  • OS: 7+
  • Processor: Toaster or better
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Pretty good
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Absolutely, yes
  • Additional Notes: This game is heckin' good
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After about 40 hours i've finally finished this game... it claimed a spot in my top 5 favorite indie games list. Most fun i've had with a cutesy psychological "horror" game since Omori. Lots of fun, relaxing, simple.


Wow. This game is incredible. The paint game mechanic is used so well to where you feel more accomplished as you progress in the game. What do I mean by that? At the start, our main character (named after our favorite food) picks up the brush after the world suddenly turns black and white. Why is the brush important? It's the only thing that keeps color in the world and can only be passed down through select people called Wielders. And our character just took it. Oops. The main character uses their dedication to grow stronger and learn more skills, to not only beat the final boss but to defeat their doubts. That is good character development right there.

Seriously, Chicory shines with its creative use of puzzles, cute and thought-provoking writing (two characters debate about capitalism vs communism in a charming cartoonish presentation), combat, and secrets/collectibles. That last point is relevant because I am terrible with backtracking as I find it is not worth my time in most games. This game was different as I wanted to explore the world and color in my surroundings. And when I got new powers, I knew where I should go to see brand-new areas/collectibles. It didn't feel like a slog to color in new areas and I also didn't feel overwhelmed by the backtracking that I had to do using my new powers.

Lastly, I want to talk about this game's themes. Chicory's main themes deal with imposter syndrome and mental health with creators. It also deals with pressures from pleasing others with your job, following someone you admire, and stress created by self-doubt. The game also does commentary on topics like grief, workaholism, and sexuality/identity. For example, one of the NPC characters in the game likes manly colors and wants to be portrayed as a masculine man while also struggling with coming out as bisexual. Another NPC tells our character to have a better work-life balance. These NPC hit close to home for me.

Overall, I think the world, writing, gameplay, music, and well-thought-out game mechanics make for a game that you must play for yourself.


Chicory: A Colorful Tale is a masterpiece, and not just because it provides you with all of the tools you need to create your own within the game. I found myself wanting to savor every minute of this game as if I was eating a gourmet chocolate dessert. This game is an absolute wonder and I could not recommend it enough.


A heartfelt tale of anxiety, depression, and the journey to self-acceptance. The characters are charming, and the hand-drawn art neatly comes to life by your illustration; Chicory portrays the artist's struggle in a unique way, letting you take the brush and paint the world as you see fit. Lena Raine's scoring is the perfect companion, splashing playfully around the scene and at other times drawing you further into the darkness and through to the other side.

The story and exploration are the key drivers of this game. There are lite combat elements, but a convenient difficulty slider allows you to adjust those to your taste. I recommend playing this with a friend or partner - 2p mode allows painting simultaneously (though you may debate about which brushes and colours to use!).


Chicory is an absolute delight. I was expecting a reasonably short, cute enough indie title to pass the time with, instead I got a surprisingly expansive adventure with an emotional, moving narrative and many charming and memorable characters. The game mechanics work fantastically, and the soundtrack from the legendary Lena Raine is obviously wonderful.

I thought I might struggle in parts with my own lack of artistic ability, but the game never expects you to produce anything of high quality, and the drawing tools the game gives you very cleverly disallow a level of precision that might otherwise have triggered my perfectionist anxiety.

I love this game. Quite a lot. I'm really excited to see what Greg Lobanov does next.


really sweet and well done adventure game with a great core mechanic. got me drawing again for the first time in years..... has a Lot of heart


Delightful little game, and can be finished much more quickly if you are not as obsessive about painting the environments as I was.

Smash Bandicoot
Smash Bandicoot

This game is a game that you get as much out of as you put into it. It's like a chill happy coloring book with a cute little story and matching characters to go with it. Even if you don't consider yourself much of an artist, there is fun to be had in Chicory.


i really thought this game would be amazing for me from what i heard/saw from the adverts and i watched an entire playthrough from skurry, but i really just dont like it, also i would never be able to play a game with no music....


This game has a ton of heart in it. It's simultaneously very relaxing as you explore and color the world and talk to it's residence, while also being engaging with it's puzzles, bosses and story.


Simple gameplay, charming characters, and an emotional story. Anyone can play this game and design the world around them however they please regardless of skill.

Twilight Shadow
Twilight Shadow

I feel like this game really helped me grow as an artist, both technically, and emotionally. I highly recommend it to anyone creative (artist or not, but especially artists!) who have ever doubted yourselves.

It's an absolutely beautiful game with a wonderful message


this game is a great picker upper for everyone, not just artists.
while it's quite relaxing when you paint everything in, i was also quite hooked on the story.
the soundtrack just ties everything together well.
however, it gets kind of frustrating to paint sometimes, selecting what to paint is not easy.
everyone should buy this game because i don't think it gets enough recognition


do you like coloring books? beautiful soundtrack? endearing characters? plots revolving around purpose and depression?

if you say yes to at least two of those then you should already own this game


I sometimes got a bit turned around and the side quests are a bit tedious, the story is a bit meh, would be even more fun if you could modify the area colors more. So i would barely give this a positive review and would have liked to give a neutral one. It was fun playing but there are a lot of flaws. I particularly didn't like the boss fights, it just feels like they could have been more interesting.


If you enjoy art or drawing, I highly recommend this. If you're unsure on if you enjoy art or drawing but just want a good story - I still recommend this.


This game is absolutely delightful! It encourages creativity and always tells you you're doing great but in a way that feels real and not patronizing. The entire world is adorable! The puzzles are fun and challenging. The story isn't super complicated and fits into a central theme. The music is incredible and fits each part of the world perfectly. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a chill time. But mostly I would recommend this to artists! No matter where you are in your personal journey, this game feels encouraging, fun, and relaxing. If you can draw photo realistic paintings, play this game. If you can draw stick figures, play this game. Make it yours!

TLDR: Everything about this game is fun, charming, and cohesive. A must play for any artist or anyone looking for a chill time! Highly recommend.


cute game brings out your inner artist

Tickle Me Elmo
Tickle Me Elmo

I don't know much about art, but I know what I like!

The characters are cute and have very healthy dialog. There is a steady progression of mechanics that let you get to new places and keep puzzles interesting. Lots of stuff to find and besides colouring in the world there are many shops that will use your designs.

Everyone just loves the things you draw (however bad it looks to draw with a controller) and there is a character specifically hanging a lampshade for that.

There are boss fights that seem to get pretty hard, but you can't really lose. Some characters are there to give you hints on where to search for collectibles and you can always call your mom for help on what to do next - really good in-game help systems.

A very wholesome game - try it even if art isn't your thing.


I was given the ability to make a custom brush and immediately made an UwU brush style.

This game is adorable, creative, colorful, charming, and the characters genuinely made me tear up at several points. This is probably one of my favorite games that I've streamed thus far. It's everything an indie darling can and should be: weird, experimental, and dashingly visual in its execution.

It uses the coloring book aesthetic mechanically in a way that was fun and rewarding for the player, while still serving the story in a naturally organic fashion. It dealt with complex problems like depression and mental health in artists, creatives, and everyone in between while still fitting the themes of the story and gameplay.

10/10, need a main character plush. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ


bugs, check
banger ost, check
great graphics, check
feels, check
metroidvania, check

is this silksong??

penis fiend
penis fiend

A wonderful little experience. Around ~15 hours of very enjoyable content surrounding a very unique premise.


Lovely, relaxing game with a somewhat deeper storyline than it first seems. I love the freedom it gives you in either colouring everything, or just filling everything up for ease of movement.
Puzzles were fun, although not super hard.


While I def enjoyed the game, the problem with it is the fact that the character development in it, especially with the main character just does not hit. It's not written in an appealing way, and she quickly becomes unrealistic and annoying, especially since how she was at the start, doesn't make sense with things she says or does later. Sure, it's development, but it's development that doesn't make sense. Feels too forced.

Orkin Nitrox
Orkin Nitrox

Very cute game where you paint the whole world.


By far the best game I've played in the last year. Brilliantly simple yet novel concept executed perfectly.


Don't feel like you need to be "creative" or "good at art" to play this game. That isn't what it's about anyways. A touching and wholesome experience that explores what it means to be creative, and to live up to expectations. Even if you've never so much as picked up a pencil, there's probably still something here for you.


Really good, had my hopes up that it would be gay. However, if you squint, it is.


I've played Wandersong, so I went into this game with the expectation of a good story with a similar sort of appeal. That expectation turned out to be fairly accurate. Like the rest of the game, Chicory's story is themed around art and creativity. It has its sweet and painful moments, and tackles ideas of expression and expectations. I enjoyed it; the story was the main appeal for me.

That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the gameplay as well. Chicory is a top down adventure, a style usually associated with the 2D Zelda games. You simultaneously control both the main character and a magic paintbrush. The brush can color the environment, turning the game into one big coloring book. Most of the gameplay is navigating the world, solving puzzles with the help of your paintbrush and other paint related abilities. The game is very combat light; there are only a few boss battles and no other fighting. You get a few extra abilities along the way which aid in traversal and puzzle solving. Chicory does a good job of making it easier to get through an area you've already cleared, which is useful when a sidequest or collectible takes you back there. A few puzzle mechanics can be a bit janky and serve as mild annoyances in an otherwise smooth experience.

Overall, I enjoyed Chicory. It matched my expectations very well. The story was very good, the characters solid, and the puzzles, navigation, and combat fun far more often than they weren't. I did most of the sidequests and took my time with coloring and drawing, so you could easily beat and enjoy the game in a good chunk less time than I did. If you want a thoughtful story that gives you the opportunity to explore your own artistic expression, Chicory will do you well.


Coloring each page is Cute, calming, and unnaturally satisfying. It's been two hours, and my co-op partner and I just finished the first chapter. A lovely game, we can't wait for more!



What's great about this game:
- Great story, relatable characters
- Fun & creative puzzles
- Great quality of life features, the game takes extra care to put in features that might frustrates players over trivial things.
- Very polished, no bugs encountered at all during my playthrough

What's not so great about this game
- Predetermined color choices for each area. Kinda a bummer when you want to color an area but you don't have any color that matches it.


Beautiful story, great puzzles, amazing soundtrack! I was a little disappointed that I couldn't use all colors to paint at the same time after I finished the main quest, but it made me think more about color schemes. 10/10 would recommmend to anyone.


Hey. It's been a while since I've done this, so I'm gonna ramble for a bit. Consider this a charming (if overly verbose and somewhat annoying) anecdote before the recipe and feel free to skim through until you start seeing some words that look vaguely like unbridled praise. The phrase you're looking for is "And then I played Chicory."

It's rare that a game comes along in someone's life that feels as if it was completely made for them. Three years ago, when I played Wandersong, I felt for the first time in my life that I had truly been seen. I felt as though the game itself had taken a peek inside of my soul and shown me parts even I had yet to discover. I felt a joy - a sheer, unadulterated, all-consuming happiness - that I truly believed could never be replicated or even approached.

Then the world kinda, sorta, maybe ended. Just a bit.

That's a bit dramatic considering I'm lucky enough to still be here, but 2019-2021 was nonetheless a pretty rough period for me (as I imagine it was for a lot of folks the world over). A lot has changed since then, both for me personally and for the world we all live in, and despite my generally optimistic outlook on life it's been admittedly difficult to resist growing just a little cynical and apathetic. Games became a passive hobby for me: more of a way to pass the time than a way to genuinely engage with art and entertainment media. I had begun to wonder if maybe games themselves had become jaded, an industry of profit rather than passion.

Of course, this was partially my fault. I'd devoted myself rather completely to live-service titles or otherwise endless games. Titles which could theoretically be played forever, but that you only really play until you realize it's more of a routine than a passtime. Whatever feelings of fun that once came with the game are long gone by the time you stop playing it. When you finally do close it for that last time, it's less of a fond farewell and more like dropping off a check to pay an overdue bill. I've been feeling this sort of way about games - a dispassionate melancholy, very rarely spiked with moments of long-gone wonder - for longer than I realized. I haven't even written (or even attempted to write) a review for anything in years now. The last time I did was for Wandersong, that joyful spark I was sure I would never feel again.

And then I played Chicory.

You know that scene in Ratatouille? THAT one? Of course you do. Chicory was my first bite of that humble, beautiful plate of ratatouille. Within minutes of beginning, I felt a rush of warmth and nostalgia like I had never thought existed. That feeling - that sheer, unadulterated, all-consuming happiness - did not fade for even one moment of my nearly forty hours with this game. Every single second of this game fills the very fibers of my being with the sense that I am home, where I truly belong.

The art direction is charming and endlessly creative. The music is masterful, marvelous, and moving. The writing is clever, sincere, heart-warming, tragic, playful - fun. The gameplay is creative and constantly iterates on itself in ways which feel intuitive and ingenious at the same time. The game is exceptional in every sense of the word. There is not a single thing which Chicory attempts that it does not earnestly succeed at with flying colors. I would say that the game's only flaw is that there isn't more of it for me to play, but that would be categorically untrue. There is precisely as much Chicory as is necessary and not a single ounce more. Chicory is a bolt of creative lightning that has rocked me to my very core.

I can think of no higher praise for the game than to say this: I followed this game religiously when it was first announced. I carefully monitored the Kickstarter, the Twitter pages of the game and the devs, and the Steam page waiting for any and all news I could get about Chicory. I bought the game as soon as I possibly could when it finally released, and then... life happened. I told myself time and time again I would find a chunk of open time to truly enjoy the game to its fullest, and then a year passed. During that span of time, I heard nothing but overwhelming praise for Chicory from every available source, and despite all of that... Chicory still OVERdelivered.

I don't know that a perfect game exists, but if it does, that game is Chicory: A Colorful Tale.


I don't think I can explain this in any way to convey how strongly this game can affect you if you let it, but it's genuinely a life changing piece of work and can seriously shift your perspective on yourself and the relationships you have in a good way.


a beautiful experience, it tied the emotions of the developers into the world they created. genuinely, if you want a relaxing, inspiring game to whittle away a boring or depressed evening, then this is perfect. after 100%ing the game, there was also nice insight into the thoughts that went behind various elements by the devs, something I enjoyed listening to.

tldr; 10/10 its cute as fuck


i loved this game. the story is incredibly charming and i really grew to love the world this took place in, as well as the characters. coloring does feel a bit tedious at times since the map is quite large, but in reality you can color as little or as much as you want to. this game was amazing, i do not regret my purchase :)


Beautiful game. Wonderful story. Cannot recommend enough


I'm not an artist, but this game makes me appreciate my drawings more

Fortuna Light
Fortuna Light

I absolutely love everything about this game. The gameplay if fun, fresh and unique. The story is touching, relatable, and cute. The art style and the art is super cute and all the characters are fun to interact with. It is not a difficult game I think most players would agree. I completely recommend exploring every inch of this game. Also, the music is one of my favorite game soundtracks of all time I listen to it quite often. Play the game, have a fun time!


I love this game. Everything about it is just amazing to me. It touched me and has helped me with own my personal struggles. I'll keep it in my heart for the days to come. Also you can draw dicks and amongus crewmates everywhere so just buy it great game

hey :)
hey :)

Incredibly charming game, with a metroidvania-ish progression. The paint system starts out a little bit restrictive, but soon opens up and lets you go wild. It's great fun to come back and explore places you previously were not able to visit as you progress the story and gain new abilities.

The story is fairly alright, nothing too outstanding but does a good enough job with pacing and encouraging progression. It does a decent enough job addressing the themes of its story, even if it can be a little bit surface level at times.

There's a ton of little tiny interactions that are very charming and add a lot to the game, such as how the hint system works. Lena Raine's soundtrack is wonderful, as is the sound design to integrate said soundtrack into the game.

All in all, I still had a fantastic time with this game. There are a few weaknesses here and there, but the game was so charming (I've used this a lot this review but I think it fits well) that it managed to put a smile on my face almost all the way through. It took be about 15 hours to 100% the game with minimal external help.


Highly recommend! Everything is great... the art, the music, the characters, the story, the puzzles! It's so chill, just sitting around coloring stuff is so chill. The gameplay has just the right dose of exploring and movement puzzles to be interesting but still relaxing, the collectibles are fun to get, every character in the world has their own little thing going on without it ever being overbearing. And the story hits just the right amount of feels -- about art, creativity, and who we are to ourselves and to each other.


I loved it, didn*t realize just how good this game was really going to get
Loved the riddles and funny characters and the music is just *chef's kiss*
But what caught me the most was how this game deals with more serious topics
As someone with g.a.d. and severe depression this game was a very very nice experience and I can only recommend!


Wonderfully wholesome. I wish you could have chosen your own colours earlier on, but this is a heartwarming tale with a fun and unique gameplay gimmick wrapped around it. The ending truly captures your journey is a way nothing else has and every little detail of your journey is remembered in a simple, yet fulfilling way that a lot of games fail to emulate.

Highly recommended


Very cute, relaxing, charming, and emotionally engaging game. I was surprised with how much I particularly loved the art class parts. The limitations they give you forces you to be creative and I was really pleased with what I was able to come up with. The game rewards exploration which is always a huge plus, and just coloring in the world as you discover new areas feels good. The story touches on themes of insecurity, legacy, self-doubt, and the intrinsic drive for creation and the pressures that society places on it. The boss fights were also pretty creative and fun and a great way to break up the gameplay, and I love that they have the option to make them easier or impossible to lose, or remove them altogether for players that are just looking for a chill easy time.


pickles is an icon
(great game. great music. i love it so much. i cried. )

game abbout a dog and a rabbit with imposter syndrome ((among us refernec/?)


The cutest game I


Great game to just relax, paint and do quests. It's pretty addictive as you open areas of the map, pick up litter, find gifts and journey to be the wielder. I put in quite a few hours and didn't find all the litter, gifts, brush strokes or decor. Very positive messaging.


Going into a game with high expectations and getting them overwhelmingly fulfilled is a fantastic feeling. This little gem of a game truly has it all:

- Relaxing and fun gameplay
- Gorgeous art (complemented with a bunch of not-so-gorgeous art made by myself)
- The kind of music that you listen to for weeks after you've completed the game
- A meaningful plot that resonates with the player in multiple ways
- Amazingly written dialogues and down-to-earth character interactions that feel realistic

The only thing I wasn't expecting at all was for this game to have more and better life lessons than a whole self-help book XD

So yeah, easy 10/10 for this one ;)

P.S: I just noticed that my reported play time isn't correct since I played mostly offline so here's the actual one in case you find it useful: I played for 30 hours to 100% all the content.


Very fun! I liked it when there was paint.


A beautiful game, love the progression that always feels like the game continues to move without taking forever, but also lasts long enough as a game that it is worth the price. The writers for the game are extremely talented, and it is easy to get attached to the characters as you play with their realistic responses to situations they are faced with. Very easy to step away from the game and come back to if you have other responsibilities as well, as the only thing that requires you to respond quickly is the boss fights. A brilliant game with a talented team of creators :)


Chicory: A Colorful Tale truly is a hidden gem; words can't even begin to describe how wonderful this game is. When I first bought it, I only expected it to be an adorable coloring game I could play to destress or ease my anxiety, but Chicory was more than this. It went above and beyond my expectations in every possible way. The game combines so many elements into one game: boss/fighting mechanics; simple platforming; and puzzles all while being a coloring game. Gameplay also is unique and the way you wield the paintbrush is so versatile and fun.

The game's aesthetics is cozy - the art is simple but the hand-drawn visuals contribute so much to the overall atmosphere of the game and fits so well. I love the artistic freedom you have to customize so many aspects of the game ranging from your clothes (character design) to environment. You literally get to shape and mold how you want Picnic to look like (given early on you have a set of presets to choose from depending on the area). However, what makes Chicory: A Colorful Tale such a memorable game is the simple, yet so meaningful story and message it conveys alongside with the beautiful original soundtrack.

As someone who struggles with mental health, I constantly allow myself to fall down the rabbit hole of self-hatred while creating unrealistic expectations that I often fail to meet. Chicory reminds me that these moments of self-doubt and anxiety exist in all of us, but may manifest differently as we all have unique experiences. It's okay to not be okay; self-acceptance and asking for help often goes a really long way. The story's dialogue feels like a conversation between friends and flows so naturally, nothing ever feels forced and so many quotes throughout the game resonate so well with me. The way the game discusses depression through such a simple yet powerful means is extraordinary; the artistic symbolism throughout the game is riveting.

You can tell that the developers put so much care and heart into making this game. The original soundtrack is beautiful and features a wide range - different boss battles and areas of the world have its own music. My favorite one is 'Probably Ancient Evil' - I find myself listening to it outside of the game (it's so good). I most definitely would suggest this game to anyone, you don't need to be an artist or someone who enjoys drawing or painting to get the full experience out of the game. The game is so unique, I can't think of any other games that might be similar and wish it got more traction for how beautifully crafted it is. I truly adore this game so much and it definitely has made it to my list of favorite games of all time(^・ω・^❁)


A wonderful experience
good puzzles, good story, and a powerful message to pass on


Great game, the gameplay is relaxing and the soundtrack is extremely good!


This game surpassed my expectations in terms of plot. What seemed like a friendly, gentle game about colouring in the world and maybe some quests was actually a carefully written story which pieces wove together from each corner of the world in quiet, well-paced steps. The art style is funny and the colour concepts were interesting. I loved the collectibles, side quests, and secrets. Story-wise, it did wonderfully expressing how people can deeply feel about their shortcomings, exploring the inner self-critic we all hate and love. How to help a friend in need, being vulnerable and having faith.

giving it an 8.5/10 for the lack of a checklist, only because it can get tricky to navigate collectibles as a fellow completionist


This game is proof that games can be a form of art. And it shines as a masterpiece in its genre.


I am not an artist. I'm a programmer. And yet this game still managed to appeal to me. The concept of just scribbling and painting in everywhere, making cool colors to solve puzzles, it was all extremely fun! Excellent game design that manages to present some level of accomplishment, although it's ultimately hard to actually fail.

The story was amazing, as well. A somewhat traditional hero's journey, but characterized by a wonderful exploration of mental health and generational trauma. All brought together by the absolutely phenomenal soundtrack by Lena Raine. I can't get these songs out of my head!


a delightful little plat former with colouring book feature
never glitched
lots of colors through out the area
charming folks
a nice story


Amazing Game. Loved the art style. The story was compelling and the art/draw mechanics were unique and enjoyable.


An uplifting game with a great novel concept. Best played with a small wacom tablet, if you can find one.


I've ruined an important cutscene because it took me to a room in which I drew an amogus hours earlier. Best game, hands down.

Joking aside (although that *did* happen), Chicory is a beautiful game that tackles important topics, with believable characters and an incredible soundtrack. It was a very positive experience, that'll I'll remember for a long time.
If you want a game to give you the feelies and goosebumps of your life, play Chicory.


Love it. Can highly recommend to anyone who loves to create things-
Fantastic story that brought me to tears :) Wish I can make games/art even just 1% like this game in the future


This game was exactly what I needed to hear after a long bout of artistic burnout. It's a beautiful romp through a world you color in yourself, in any way you desire. It's a deeply relaxing game with a lot to say about creativity, self-loathing, and painting in your own way. Plus the music is absurdly good, probably one of my new faves all in all.


Oh my god this game is amazing!!! An incredibly unique experience. Lots of exploration, great characters, and some of the most unique boss battles I have ever played. The game isn't too hard, but isn't mind numbingly easy either. As someone with depression, I can't help but relate so much to Chicory and their struggles. 100% recommend.

evil wizard
evil wizard

when i first started chicory the first thing i thought of was "man, i'm totally gonna get sidetracked doodling instead of playing the main questline of the game"... little did i know that was the whole point. i won't lie, the control scheme can be finicky at times, and several areas of the game often have frustrating mechanical limitations (little cracks and crevices that require unreasonable precision to color), but nothing worth deeply criticizing when contrasted against the gorgeous visual language of the game as a whole on top of the wonderfully thoughtful narrative it spins. artists should play this. non-artists should play this. the story chicory tells is one that everyone can find a little bit of themselves in, and that's really special. 100% picking up.


What an enjoyable little experience this was.

First of all know that my drawing and coloring skills can barely manage stick figures, so i wasn't going into this knowing at all what i was doing, and the art i did create in the game to 100% it was terrible but i still had a blast throughout the entire game.
So please don't get discouraged from buying it just because you suck at drawing. Nothing in game is going to prevent you from playing it just because you suck. It's a lot more of a puzzle narrative game about overcoming self doubt and learning to love your art and yourself.
I really enjoyed the whole thing, the artstyle was cute and the music was very soothing. I found all the characters to be likable and interesting to listen to.

Some minor issues i had with the game:
I found the platforming to be kinda clunky in some areas and i didn't really like the cloud parkour..
It had some weird framerate issues sometimes when i booted it up but it was very rare.
felt like the boss fights was too samey? Might be because there is so few of them and also i have no idea if there is a fail state for boss fights cause i never got it even when i sucked.

Would have enjoyed having access to a smaller brush size and more variety in colors at the time, but that's just me not really an issue.

Overall i would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys puzzle narrative focused games with a lot of character moments. Fun game!


Chicory is a masterwork in telling a story from a very identifiable perspective. The gameplay is fun, and it aids the unfolding narrative and set of emotions that are so recognizable to so many people. Normally, I'd write more on specific elements that I enjoy or wish were improved. But, in the case of Chicory, it's as much an experience as it is a game, and it feels more appropriate to tell folks to give a try rather than trying to attempt to describe the feelings it gave me while I played it.


10/10 great puzzles and the best video game music in all of video games
would reccomend


Chicory is a very elegant game, with a lot of tricks up it's sleeve to make you smile.

Definitely not Doom.


the best cute art game out there

- good well crafted world full of things happening
- perfect plot and everything, well written narrative and dialogues, characters are believeable and consistent.

- needed more combat
- needs better art tools, and a bit more freedom for world creation
- needed more dialogue choices in main events


I saw this in a tiktok recommending games
and honestly? was 100% worth checking out one of the nicest games i've played in a while :)

If you value postitive representation for mental health and love art this is a very good game for you

(Also chicory is non binary fight me over it)


The main mechanic is fun and refreshing , the story is interesting (and for me personally very impactfull).
The writing overall is very wholesome and the puzzles are clever.
I am 33 and games like this keep push my interest on the video games media. huge kudos for the devs!
I love this game!


chicory is a fun and charming experience!! as an artist myself, this game speaks directly to me, to be less punitive with my art and let go of feelings that make me feel like i'm not good enough. i felt like a child painting in my coloring book all over again. thanks for this incredible game


This game really is the example of how love and dedication can achieve the perfect experience. The music is amazing, the story is deep, meaningful and impacting, the interactions are really wholesome and the gameplay itself is really fun and allow you to be as creative as you want to. The sidequest are also amazing as they add a lot more depth to the world and its characters. Really one of the best games in history :33
(And let's not forget that little easter egg if you visit your home during your birthday ;33)


This game is really special, I wish more people got to enjoy it.

I have zero artistic talent and it hasn't detracted from the experience.


This game is absolutely amazing! I have already played through it twice and loved every second of it. The soundtrack is killer and I listen to it a lot in my free time. If you love art, cute animals, and food, THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU!


This game is lovely. Its creative, the puzzles are just the right difficulty. The game is light-hearted and cute but still has a serious and emotional story. You can color everything. Including yourself.


absolutely fantastic. top-notch writing & music are the cherry on top for this brilliant 2D Zelda-esque adventure. memorable from start to finish, potently emotional, and packed to the brim with love & care

Project Infinity
Project Infinity

One of my favorite games- the story is touching, the characters are lovingly written (and relatable! aha), and god the way the core mechanic is explored in game is fucking amazing. I literally like
This game made me better at painting!!! By like? A lot???

Fucking fantastic. Play Chicory!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cute game, touching story, unique gameplay. Unfortunately, the story takes a while to get rolling, but in the end it rewards your patience. The music is ridiculously good. In fact, it was written by the same person that also made the music for Celeste (which also has fantastic tracks).


very cute and relaxing, good accessibility options including in-game content warnings, optional boss skips, easy co-op, and the option to turn off wet sounds. it does discuss somewhat sensitive topics but you have the option to skip that dialogue completely. Cosy game with cute character design, relaxing puzzles, and easy controls.


So cute and fun! Goes way deeper than the surface level, while still being funny and lighthearted. 10/10!


played it with my boyfriend, we had a lot of fun walking around and drawing together, even if he was relegated to "another paintbrush"
i'm not an artist, but this game makes me feel like i accomplished something, and actually make me want to draw for once in my life
the story is heartfelt and tackles things like artist block, self-esteem, and impostor syndrome
the game isn't long, but it was very sweet, and i would recommend it to anyone.


if you like good stories and if you like MS paint, this game is for you




While charming and light in nature, the gameplay loop is tedious to the point of monotony. Solve some puzzles using your abilities, fight a boss by dodging its attacks while painting it with a brush and then have a conversation with an NPC, rinse and repeat.

The collecting is cynical in the extreme with items gathered for the reward of getting more items that have no use to the player other than to exist. I get it, Chicory is a game about art and celebrates creativity, but not for its own sake!

There are better, more entertaining action adventure games out there, don't buy this.


Chicory is a fantastic gem of a mostly chill game full of heart. The gameplay progression is that of light exploration and puzzles, where you color in the terrain to achieve a desired effect. But it is in the decent story, a handful of amusing dialogs, and the optional art class drawings where the game shows the most fun and heart. Whether its the relationship with your little sister or with Chicory, the celebration of art and creativity (no matter how small or poor), or the exploration our own flaws.

The art class drawings in particular feel like the most important side activity of the game. And its here that I found the other half of the enjoyment of this game. Where you are tasked to draw some expression or recreate some art (now in color!) and in spite of poor brush fidelity (or perhaps because of it) and a selection of seemingly random colors, you try to create some glorious approximation. While not all of them will be winners, some will succeed in generating some emotion as you create this art. And brilliantly, after completing the painting if you examine your painting (now on display in the world of Picnic) you'll get the option to save it as a gif.

While the boss fights seem a little incongruous with the rest of the game being pretty chill, they do serve their narrative purpose (especially the final one). But if they are not your style, you can neuter them easily via options.
While the way you control your advance movement abilities don't feel as smooth as you'd like, they were never bad enough to be frustrating, even if they were noticeable at times.

It is a great game that certainly gets my recommendation.

two old cat
two old cat

Making people happy simulator. Make me happy too.

Have a good life Beans, you earned it.


Incredibly fun and super satisfying to color everything in. Amazing story that also tackles working on poor mental heath, but includes the option to skip past those scenes. Honestly wish I could erase my memory of this game so i could replay it again for he the first time.

mai bunshine
mai bunshine

i'm still playing through it, but i can already say that i'm loving it!! feels therapeutic in a way aswell. such a sweet and comfy game. love love love it!! ❤


I love this game so much, very well designed and all the characters are gksjfhgakjf


Did not expect this to hit me in the feels... but it did. An amazing soundtrack, great puzzles, and wonderful storytelling. This was an AMAZING experience!!! Strongly recommend and have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop since finishing the game >.


This game hit me in the feels real hard, it's gameplay mechanics, while simple, are pretty fun to play with. The puzzles never exactly puzzled me in the good way, either they're too hard or too simple, no in-between. Gud game.

Rat Juice
Rat Juice

did more good for my mental health in 20-ish hours than my therapist in 2 years, also has a banger soundtrack
10/10 would cry again


I've tried to write a description for this game about 5 times. It's impossible. Be ready for this game to reach into your heart and make its home there. I would absolutely recommend this to everyone I know and probably a lot of people I don't. If you do pick this up, STICK WITH IT. It's worth seeing through, to the end and past it, 100%.


This game is amazing!! The puzzles are a lot of fun and the painting mechanic is surprisingly deep - but beyond that, the story is hearwrenching in the best way, and the music is second to none. Seriously if you're on the fence, give this a try! it's great!

how she lost her job
how she lost her job

This is the best game of the decade.


This game is sooo cute, a coloring book rpg


A delightful game with wonderful art, clever puzzles, an absolutely gorgeous soundtrack, and a sincere story that doesn't shy away from some real emotion.


Very chill 'drawing' game. Music and sounds are very good! Gameplay works surprisingly well. There's several collections and side quests to work on. The drawing and decorating is optional, you get tasks around it, but it's mostly irrelevant what you do. I suppose it's a good metaphor for art...




This is a game where you play OSU, Microsoft paint, and depression at the same time. How fun is that!


so cute so good... draw and paint all over the map + listen to rly nice music + cute story and characters + discuss capitalism sometimes


The game took a turn that i honestly REALLY did not expect, but I really REALLY love the way it went. it was also all complimented by a BEAUTIFUL soundtrack




This game was absolutely amazing to play through, you may think it's an overstatement but it's how I truly experienced it.

To start off with, you needn't be a great artist or anything to play this game, there are obvious limitations to the drawing system which I am glad are there, it lets things stay relatively simple and easy accessible for everyone without feeling like an artistic failure.

The atmosphere of the game is fantastic, I always went to hear what the NPCs have to say and it really gives the world life. It was actually very suprising what a variety of toppics are talked about, be it humor, serious or both.
I played the game while showing a friend, giving the characters voices and while it may sound and feel weird, I suggest you do, too. It was way fun messing around like that.

But enough of NPCs for now or almost, that is. First I have to mention the amazing relationship between the name giver Chicory and your player (that I named Lasagna). The interactions they have are strong and were my favorite to read.

Alright but now actually what this game is mostly about, the color and drawing.
The world feels empty and desolate at first, as it is intended to. One may not want to spend multiple minutes coloring each individual screen nicely and that's absolutely fine, neither did I but I sure as hell enjoyed having done it multiple times and seeing the nice filled pretty screen.

Sometimes the area based color restrictions may not suit your color taste but even then, coloring a screen with them may make you come to appreciate them.
You also get the ability to use your own colors later on, letting you color whatever you want however you want it which is pretty neat.

The areas were well designed with fun puzzles and the mechanics felt great to use.

A bit heavier topics are talked about and core theme of the game so beware of that or don't, since taking on those things is also big part of it.

Drawing pictures always made me feel like a bad art thief, somewhat messy and silly looking but it still ended up with me being satisfied with the work I have done "Good for the limitations that are present"

I like to collect stuff so I went for 100% and as one would expect from a relaxing, comfy game like this, it wasn't all too hard to do so. Going around looking for stuff, it may not be for everyone but I see it as a must, experiencing all the game has to offer.

Chicory best bnuy

Celestial Pigeon
Celestial Pigeon

An adventure game that doubles as a colouring book! I picked this up on a whim and I'm so glad I did, such a sweet game and I really loved the characters and storyline


I love the cutesy characters and unapolagetic weirdness, MAKE MORE!


This game handles the themes of creation and depression with the peacefulness of a coloring book, the whimsy of a Paper Mario game, and a sincerity that only the Celeste and Wandersong team can achieve. While its mix of gameplay styles may not satisfy everyone, Chicory's commitment to self-expression and affirmation can make this a wonderful experience for almost anybody. Send this to your artist friends, your creative friends, your anxious friends, and maybe remind them how much they mean to you.


Why are you reading the reviews go buy this piece of art


This game made me smile SO HARD. Amazing story, amazing gameplay.

Probably now my favourite game of all time.

The Nightmare Squid
The Nightmare Squid

Indisputably a game that has struck a chord with me on such a deep, deep level that I never thought possible. It guided me through its storyline gently, allowing me to make my own character, who I named Hot Wings. I went through so much with him, so many ups and downs, so many experiences, so many things to do. It took me 7-8 months to 100% the game because I was taking my time with so much stuff to make it look good. This game strongly encourages creativity and gives you tools to do some rudimentary drawing, but it's enough to allow even me - somebody who didn't feel like he could draw anything to save his life - to feel competent at drawing, for once. And the storyline had me emotionally attached to so many, many of the characters and especially Hot Wings as well. I felt his high moments and his low moments. His joy, and his sadness. When he was energetic, I was energetic. When he was anxious, I was anxious. And after I finished the main storyline, tied up loose ends, and finished off working to that 100% it was only after I was headed to Potluck to let him get a lengthy rest (A la me being finished with the save) that it hit me like a train just how much of an impact this game has had on me for the past 7-8 months. I've always been thinking about Hot Wings, making headcanons for him, imagining scenarios, situations, and all the rest of it. He really feels special to me. The feeling was hugely overwhelming to say the least, about how it felt like the end of an era, something utterly liberating. I was just that emotionally attached to Hot Wings that it was such an overload of emotion to realize that this was finally it. I don't regret a single minute I spent on this game. I relished every last bit of it start to finish, beginning to end, cover to cover. And that will never change. Thank you Hot Wings for existing, and thank you Greg, for such an incredible game. One that was made even better by the small, but dedicated team of Em, Lena, Alexis, and Madeline to help with production of the game. I will never forget this game, and there's clearly a damn good reason that it was my GotY for 2021, without question.


I LOVE PUZZLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also god i feel like this game makes people cry and i love it


Another game that made me actually cry in all the good ways possible.

First of all, the gameplay concept is just amazing. It turned the game into a coloring book, that turned the calmer moments into almost meditative sessions, that never felt like busywork, although it took some time for this gameplay mechanic to come to full strength in the 2nd half of the game, when it got at its most effective, while remaining mostly optional the whole time.

While the game started out rather innocent and playful, the story got serious very quickly. The presentation is enough for children to grasp concepts like depression or anxiety, but also intimate and respectful enough for those who have dealt with those feelings and mental states. It threads those difficult waters extremely well while being engaging the whole time.

But even the Small things stand out like the expressiveness of Lasagna, the pun-loaded place names, a very diverse cast of NPCs that manage to fit into picnic almost natually, the wholesome dialogues with the family and the best end credits I happen to witness (really, after spending a whole day in play hours, this was the most validating experience I ever had in gaming).

And I didn't even mention the music, which is varied, immersive, really well done, with the tracks accompanying every place as if they were there since ancient times.

Truly a astounding game by a team of 5 people.


I don't really know how to put to words all my thoughts and feelings on Chicory, but as someone who was an artist of some kind, this game feels really important. It's so well written and directed, it doesn't overstay its welcome, and it is overall just a very pleasing experience.


PLAY THIS GAME! I had so much fun with it, they artwork, the music, the story, everything. I loved that I could paint my own environment, its super creative!

(Side note: Pickle is definitely my favorite character)


beautiful game, wonderful world, creative ideas. I would love to see more games in this style if not an actual sequel at some point. Maybe about how the teaching process goes? As for this game though, it was such a relaxing and emotional journey. And the Frog Detective cameo was just wonderful.

Can't wait to see more. XD


Soundtrack creator is the same as for Celeste, need i say more?


Story was really fun and heartwarming, and the gameplay was unlike anything else I've played. Drawn to life is the only thing I can really compare it to, but this makes the art the player creates integral to the gameplay. Super fun


Oh my gosh, where should I begin??? This game is unbelievably beautiful in every way conceivable. The art, game play, music, and story line are wonderfully and lovingly crafted. This is a journey of healing your inner child both by having complete creative freedom to color the world around you and through the story arch of dealing with complex emotions of fear and self-doubt. I would recommend this game to everyone of all ages! Seriously, I would say that with some guidance for the puzzles this is even accessible to kids. Please do yourself a favor and play this game!

Coolest Dog in the World
Coolest Dog in…

Absolutely amazing game, this was so good. I loved sharing this with my boyfriend.

It's such a touching story.


Very colorful (eheh) and chill game.
If you're looking for some wholesome vibes, a stress free game (except some pretty cool boss fights) and a pretty nice story this game is for you.


One of the best games I have ever played!

made in jNanachikov
made in jNanachikov

im no longer normal about this game


Great game with an amazing story. One of the best games I've played in a long time.


This game is quite the masterpiece. I can’t name any games with such drawing mechanics and I especially can name many with such mechanics being a core detail. I’m not even much of an artist but even so, I thoroughly enjoyed the game, because the game never shames you and always lets you be as creative as you want, plus, it’s intentionally supposed to be difficult to draw or look subpar. This game even spoke to me within multiple sequences and events. So it’s not just for artists, it’s for everyone who feels the things this game touches on, especially self-worth.
Not forgetting the true passion in this game, it’s overflowing, really.

The music is always on point as well. (BLESS LENA RAINE WE DONT DESERVE THIS WOMAN)

Now.. buy the game.
Stand tall on the mountain top,
Do the impossible and change everything.


A game that absolutely thrives off of its amazingly executed central gimmick. Painting doesn't feel shoehorned in, it defines all of Chicory for the better - making even menial puzzles super engaging and fun (seriously might be my favorite puzzles in any game, very very few of them are tedious). Even beyond the core gameplay loop there's a ton of fun to be had making paintings at the art academy and it's often relaxing to paint the screen as you explore.

If there's any complaints to be had, it's that the boss fights, while creative, can sometimes feel jank and like they don't really belong in the game...and also that Greg Lobanov's games are underrated af seriously I can barely find any community content for this or Wandersong. Tell your friends about these games people!


my life is better after playing this game


so charming, so creative, so fun, parents stopped fighting, aaaa i love the painting mechanic. please get this game


this game is the best game ive ever played


One of my favourite indie games EVER! Of course people should play this game


Beautiful game overall; aesthetics were spectacular. Exploring the overworld made me want to play Stardew Valley lol. Puzzles were all quite clever too. Never a dull moment in the exploration.
The boss fights were a little hit-and-miss (though the techniques themselves tended to be quite clever), and the way hitpoints (didn't really seem to) work made me feel like I was basically just invincible, which worked against the fun of the fight a bit.
The themes of the game were spectacular as well; I thought the central message got a little sloppily communicated in the endgame, but overall I think it all worked out just fine. I also appreciated the diverse character personalities (shoutout to the wonderful jab at capitalism lol).

In the end, I would strongly recommend this game for anyone looking for a charming puzzle-based adventure game to fill their weekend with; I look forward to pursuing full completion in this game, as well as seeing what other creations the makers have in the future.


The game starts dropping social commentary as you progress.
It's unnecessary and heavy handed, and I didn't want that in a light game about coloring.
I turned it off immediately.

The coloring mechanic is okay.
They did a good job making boss fights feel dangerous and important, but the rest of the game lacks "OOMPH" or anything exciting.

3/10 Skip this game.


10/10 This game gave me some kind of mental illness i think


I used fill tool on everything


I knew about this game for a while but I wasn't sold on the concept. I worried it would stress me out if every thing I drew wasn't perfect, and from an outside perspective, the game seemed too cute. After watching someone actually play a bit of the game I realized that not only is there a lot of darkness in this game, but that I wanted to explore this world myself. So I didn't sleep for a few days and just played this game. It is very rare I relate to a character in media, but as a disabled person who was forced out of the thing I studied my entire life for, I really related to Chicory. This game has a lot of heart and it will likely hurt you. I wish I had played this sooner.

Sir Connie
Sir Connie

this game is like a warm blanket, you don't have to be good at art to make art and that's okay


We need more games like this: relatively non-violent, creative gameplay, exciting boss "battles", and deeper meaning. It's not perfect, but it's good.


This is one of my favorite games I have played so far! The story is great. However, the computer I was playing this on will no longer boot up lol, but at least my data was backed up on the cloud so I could play on my other PC. :>


If you are in your late teens or early twenties, struggling with self-doubt and uncertain of your identity or your place in the world, this game will speak to you and maybe inspire you. The game's message didn't resonate with me just because I'm not at a point in my life where I need to hear it, but it will hit home for some people. I respect the developers for having something meaningful to say.

In terms of the actual gameplay, this is a decent but not amazing platformer with a couple unusual mechanics. It has the hidden collectibles and side quests you'd expect. The puzzles aren't particularly challenging, but some of them require at least a little thought. There are better games in this genre, but this one is entertaining enough that I don't regret my time playing it.


You can paint the world with a custom brush you created that would automatically makes an Among Us Crewmate with a click, 10/10


This game is great, escpecially for people who like drawing :)
it has a very chill vibe, great music and estetic and some cool puzzles and side quests.
only things that are bad i have to say are that the boss levels are confusing most of the time because you can't die and don't have a health bar so the damaging system confused me. and also personally i found it starting to get anoying to color each level as i go through the game while you play for a while, so i had to take breaks to keep my mind fresh and willing to color instead of just playing and leaving everything blank.


best game ever in the entire world



The game is what it looks like on the surface. But also it's a small game with a big heart... extremely thoughtful and well written. Beautiful, charming, cute!


This game is just overflowing with charm!

The game play at it's core is rather simple! You color in the world, coloring certain aspects of the environment can activate things that help with traversing the landscape. It is a metroidvania, you'll gain more abilities as you progress and more areas/challenges will open up. The platforming elements are really well made and fit the various locations in the game well. The few fights in this game were great and simple enough. They never overstayed their welcome and were completed quickly. Plus there are tons of collectibles and side quests scattered around the world to keep exploring fun! For a world that begins colorless, it is such a vibrant game with an enjoyable cast!

The soundtrack of this game is gorgeous. It succeeds at setting the mood for each area and the emotions presented at certain parts of the story.

Achievements are all fairly simple, but some were more time consuming then others! Most are tied to story progression, side quest completion, or collectables.

I bought this game on sale, but I would just as easily suggest this game if it was at full price. Do yourself a favor and enjoy this game!


Think of a coloring book, but rather than just a book to color, the world you explore is your coloring book. Decide the colors of this world cause it's all up to you! Your free to express this world in any color you like. This game drew me in because of my interest in learning to draw. Also I found some topics this game deals with to be relatable to me which made me want to get the game in the first place. My experience with the game has been purely casual and the game play is all about taking your time to freely color when ever you want and using color to explore the world. You'll come across a variety of different characters who will sometimes have light quests for you, can help direct you, or even just catch up with you on life and what's going on.


This game is amazing. I absolutely loved the creator's first game Wandersong, so I came into this one with high expectations and they were met. Hours and hours of story, exploring, collecting, and puzzles. The characters are lovable. This game is for artists and non artists alike. There were little deeper messages and life-related reminders everywhere that just kinda made me smile. I cannot wait for the creator's next game!


On first glance, this is a game of a cute dog with a brush in a black-and-white world where everyone is named after food and you get to color all the environments and characters! Painting aside, this is mostly a zelda-style puzzle adventure with focus on traversal/exploration (and has boss battles haha)

The REAL draw of this game though, is how it serves as an experience - as a love letter to creators everywhere. Working in a creative field is rough, and everyone at every level struggles with self-esteem, burnout, imposter syndrome and other hard topics against the love for their craft. This explores a lot of those feelings in its world of lovable characters and has a very satisfying story arc and conclusion.

MUST play for any creator.


This is probably the cutest game I've ever played


It's fun and relaxing! Good story and plenty of side quests


I played the games little demo at pax a few years back.
Happy to see it out and full, I really like this game a lot


Very good game. Amazing narrative, great soundtrack, fun sound effects, surprisingly intricate characters, a well-written story. I really just love the world and all its inhabitants.


The game was great until a bird on a unicycle and a zebra explained communism, why capitalism is evil and why we need a money free society.
I really didn't expect that.


Imagine a massive colouring book, where you can run around, colouring in the world along side beautiful music, amazing puzzles, and a fun plot.
That's Chicory.


Paint dog and Paint bunny made me cry
Amazing Soundtrack by Lena Raine
Please play this game


Zelda meets colouring books - What's not to love? Well, a few things, but it's still a darn good experience!

Starting with the obvious, Chicory is a beautifully illustrated game where you as the player have the privilege of adding dashes of colour. At first, the limited colour palette felt like a bit of a limiting factor, but upon realising that different zones used a different 4 colour palette, it just made so much sense: In a similar fashion to how old school RPGs have zones with different palettes, so does Chicory, which leaves each area you colour in its own unique vibe - Fantastic! Add to that collectable brush patterns, shapes, and a custom brush colour generator later in the game, the potential to put together something unique is near limitless. Add to that collectible cosmetics, trash, & furniture, & you have yourself a game you can get lost in for hours.

From a gameplay POV, the story does a great job of developing your toolbox naturally, without giving you too much to worry about in terms of getting lost. The puzzles are engaging without being over the top, & if you do ever find yourself struggling, this game has perhaps the best tips/guide function built in! Feeling lost? Just call mom for advice, who'll then offer to put dad on the phone if you're really stuck. It's charming interactions like that which further elevate Chicory, & you can find them all over the game.

However, the gameplay isn't always perfect. Clicking on the right thing to colour it is surprisingly clunky at times, & after a few hours or so of playing, I came to the conclusion that the best way to play the game was with a mouse & an Xbox controller... Maybe a Steam Controller/Deck if you have one? Either way, I found myself frustrated at several points throughout due to my inability to get a hover over a tree trunk I was trying to paint, which led to me just giving up on certain screens.

The characters are... It's a mixed bag. There's plenty of fun interactions to be had, & the game has some genuinely funny moments, but it also goes heavier at times with rather mixed success. The "depressive artist" feels a perhaps a tad overplayed at this point, & I can't help but feel that other games have done it better, or maybe it just hits too close to home - It's probably a case of all three. So while I can definitely appreciate what it's trying to achieve, I'm certainly not able to give it full marks for its portrayal, though part of that is surely down to me.

Lena Raine is a genius, & her musical contribution to Chicory definitely kept me playing a little bit longer than I'd planned to on a few occasions. Taking a few moments away from the story to just relax & colour in some trees with her work in the background justifies the price of the game alone, & part of me thinks they only added boss battles so they could get her to write boss music for them!

Oh, right, there's boss battles... They're fine, I suppose. The gameplay isn't all that interesting during them, & I believe there's an accessibility option to disable them entirely (as well as ones to give you extra health, damage, etc), but they're worth experiencing for the music & visual spectacle alone.

Overall, it's a charming game which misses the mark on a few things, but absolutely nails the bullseye with pretty much everything else it's going for. A fun world to colour & explore, a beautiful OST to keep you going, and very natural character growth throughout make Chicory a very good game for folks of all ages. It took me around 12 hours to finish the story & get to 85% completion, & I'm definitely going to double that going back to paint & collect to the chill vibes on offer.


I loved every second of this game, and I haven't been able to say that since my childhood.

You don't have to be an artist to enjoy this game, its like one big colouring book with fun puzzles.
but if you are an artist
it will speak to you on a whole other level.

This is a game I will hold dearly to my heart. (and probably force a bunch of friends to play with me to share the experience with them haha)
I'm not a completionist, but I'm 1000% going to do a 2ed play through to get 100%.


One of the best games I've played. A really underrated gem that has a lot to say about struggling with not feeling like you're enough.


I wanted a feel good game to play. I wasn't supposed to cry, but here I am.

Professor K
Professor K

A wonderful game I'd recommend to anyone, but especially those who are interested in or are a part of any creative hobby or community. This game gets you, and leads you through a creative journey in a supportive and highly engaging way.

I'm in the middle of two playthroughs with different friends, I love the co-op and solo equally, I just want to share this game with everyone I know.

My friend and I were marvelling at the sound design and soundtrack. We agreed that the sound of characters speaking is just right, not too loud and jarring as some games can be. The music is hard not to hum along to, so many great tunes!

If you're looking for a game to practice reading a language in, I highly recommend this one. The text scrolls at proper speeds, and doesn't impatiently continue if you take too long.

The only drawback is that this game has only one save file. There's a workaround, thankfully, and while I understand that it's difficult for the programmers to implement (as said in the forums, not my assumption), it's a little bit nerve-wracking to copy files and change names, hoping that nothing will be lost. I just like this game a lot and happen to be playing multiple versions with friends, and I don't want to spoil the story for one of the other.

I also own it on the Switch, playing between versions is seamless, and just as rewarding. All in all, 9.5/10.


This game is very cute and fun to play. You can color the whole world according to your imagination. Also, you have to solve puzzles with the colors and different abilities.


This quickly became one of my favorite games


when she enters the tower, all her brush colors are gone so that could be a problem


I'm not crying, I just got some paint in my eyes.


this game is just wonderful, it just has some nitpicks and small bugs that need to be fixed but nothing too major. i highly recommend it to people who love drawing (even if you think you're bad or not, its amazing). its worth being finished for sure. though some dialogue could be edited to make this game even better.


Really cute, super fun, adorable characters, neat story


Painting: Fun
Exploring Map: Fun
Puzzles: Decent
Listening to Chicory speak: Please no more

7/10 Good but not that good