Death Must Die

Death Must Die
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
14 November 2023
Steam reviews score
92 (15 394 votes)
91 (578 votes)

Descend the nether in search of Death himself! Choose from God-given powers to slay his hordes of minions. Unlock new heroes, collect powerful items and create game-breaking synergies in this roguelite hack and slash survivors game.

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Death Must Die system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-3210
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 10 capable GPU
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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"who tf r u" - Rogue

The dialogue is nauseatingly awful.

Apart from that - the reason I refunded the game - gameplay feels sluggish and less responsive than other games in the genre. If auto-attack is on and you tap in a specific direction for an aimed attack, your next attack will also fire in that aimed direction, instead of auto-aiming as expected. Some enemy attacks are not in sync with animations and disappearance of hit markers.

It's in EA so it may get better before release, but I'm not optimistic based on the dialogue and "storytelling" I've seen so far.

JustBee <3
JustBee <3

Honestly didn't expect much at first but i got sucked in... really really good balance and fresh take on the popular horde survival game sure people might say Vampire Survivors at first but a lot of games came out with similar ideas very close to each other either way the game is great adding that Hades Gods interactions is not even the cherry on top love the RPG equipe the playable character hopefully as the game develops we will see gods power up combinations and so much more the sky is the limit with this formula honestly


The game is good for a good while thanks to the variety you have for builds. I hope new content will drop soon so I can keep enjoying it. The Hades and Vampire Survivors inspiration mixed in with the gear mechanics are a nice fresh take. Fire and Ice are left really weak though, I always see myself altering them.

Gemini Holo
Gemini Holo

If Hades and Vampire Survivors had a baby and then that baby grew up and got married to the offspring of Nomad Survivors and they had a baby which was born with the ability to equip gear. This is what people convinced themselves Halls of Torment is, despite HoT being a shell of a game compared to this. This is a huge recommend for fans of the genre.

It's awesome. Very of little that "+ one attribute but - another attribute" nonsense that you see in way too many of these games. It's almost always straight upgrades. Has that "just one more run" feel down perfectly. I put it in the top there of the reverse bullet hell games alongside VS and Nomad Survivors.


I don't really like that kind of game but for some reason, I like the game play of this one.

It may be the setting, the fact that you keep your items and sense a real feeling of progress, or just the fact that it is a really good game, I don't know.

But what I know is I will continue to play this game. The price is a joke for the time it will give you.



Promising Roguelike Adventure with Areas for Growth.

This captivating roguelike game draws inspiration from various titles, most notably Vampire Survivors. While the gameplay is enjoyable, there's ample room for improvement, especially concerning content. Excitingly, I anticipate further development and have optimistic expectations for the game's future!

- Highly entertaining, offering an immersive experience that can easily absorb hours of gameplay.
- Hero sprite animation is a nice addition.
- Provides a diverse range of appealing options for character development.
- Welcomed voice acting for the gods adds a nice touch.
- Personal favorite: Merris! Successfully defeated Dracula with a well-executed Merris run, specializing in Lightning.

- Currently, there's only one ranged playable character among the five available. (As of November 28th 2023).
- Limited to a single map, creating a demo-like atmosphere that hinders progression.
- Character design could use improvement, and some avatars inconsistent with other playable characters, IE Skadi's.
- In-game subtitles featuring slang text prompts (e.g., "better luck next time :3") may not resonate with all players. Introducing an option to toggle between slang and normal text prompts is recommended, as the design decision to include slang captions feels out of place and odd.


A great Bullet Hell, RPG and Roguelike. The gameplay has a lot of enemies to plow through with different sets of abilities given by the Gods that involves Fire, Conquest, Death, Fate, Cold, Time, Lightning and Balance. You get a roll system that let's you choose between 3 choices. You can also banish, change the God type or reroll choices that you don't like. There are strong choices that can be considered as overpowered with a strong difference between the weaker ones, but I was able to finish the game in the maximum difficulty with a lot of different combinations such as Time/Balance/Conquest, Death/Time/Cold or Fire/Thunder/Balance. They are greatly improved by the item build, but the hard part is that all the items are random. There are some that are definitely better and way easier than the others, so I hope they can balance it out better in the future. You also get 5 different characters with different skills that you choose before the run. The item system used is similar to a lot of RPG's that let you get stronger with rarity progression and different spells/skills that you can acquire, Army of the Undead, Dragons, Black Lightning and even a simple Parrot. All of this still in Early Access, for this price point... If you like this kind of game, it's a must play for me, even got 100% of the achievements!


For early access, this is damn fun. There's a playful mix of rng and buildmaking, rpg-style customization, and vampire-survivors style gameplay. For being a fresh game still in early access, this has a lot of potential. I'll update this in a few months to see how well it lives up to the potential.

Aranel Surion
Aranel Surion

One of the better Survivors-likes. Feels like a complete game already, very nice artwork, has a good variety of items and heroes, and I really like the Hades, Diablo and Vampire Survivors blend they went for. Grab it.

Shady The Tranquil
Shady The Tranquil

As it is early access we will expect a lack of content for now. But with the content thats there it still feels good in terms of gameplay. The skills work well with basically every character sadly theres only one stage so far but the gameplay is still enjoyable for whats there. Sadly and not to be rude the writing feels off like a 15 year old wrote it to me. And the voiceacting is desperately lackluster in quality. Which doesnt matter to me as I dont read or listen I simply slap skeletons around like its nobodies business. Gameplay is still 8/10 so id recommend it on that itself.


For what it is is is not worth $7 right now. Most of my time playing is afk. Id say I have around 3 hours played. The items could be more interesting, but one thing is the merchant could refresh his items more often and have a better selection or it doesn't feel like the player is getting anywhere. Movement speed stuff is too rare, and moving slower when attaking just feels bad, it doesnt matter if it makes sense or not.

I hope they add more actual content becuse the pixel art is fantastic, music is fine, and dash and boss battles are pretty well done. ADD MORE GEAR. ADD BETTER STATS. Make the game harder later if needed but add more stuff to find more often.

maybe even.. add..some talent trees.. ;)

tldr, game is worth maybe $2 right now.


Absolute BANGER. I really hope we can rally behind this DEV and make this as successful as it should be. Ignore the few bad reviews. Those people are just objectively wrong. Can't wait to see what they can make of this.


Played when the demo was still out so the hours are not the full thing, a great game that combines Hades' gods giving you abilities with Vamp survivors' non stop enemies. The blend works extremely well with each other and is worth the small asking price especially if you were looking for another of those types of games.


The level ups during the run are fun and give a lot of ways to build and attack each run, but I wish it had more meta-character development other than just gear. Can recommend for anyone who enjoys this genre of game. The designs are cool and the gameplay is very satisfying.


Extremely addicting game, I picked this up over the weekend and instantly put 8 hours straight into it on my first day. Consider giving it a try! it's only 7$!

A bit more about the early access Review:
20 minutes a run survivor rogue-like that has elements of Hades, Diablo 2 type game. You can pick up permanent equipment and use them on your characters(5 as of this time) for a sense of loots system. In battle you'll be picking Hades-like Power-up every level up that will change how your character plays depend on which god/elements you get. Currently you can increase the difficulty levels up to level 30 by adjusting sliders of certain modifier in-game to be harder, still very easy and can be beaten fairly easily by most builds or decently challenging depends on how you play by all characters on a lot of different build which is very good for this early access. Devs have stated that they will add a more difficulty mode later for people who want a harder challenge.

Priminister CHarlie
Priminister CHarlie

This is a fun game akin to vampire survivors combined with hades. Its visual style is nice, the music is nice and the characterisation is pretty cool, each character has unique perks and personalities


Very cool indie game. If you like Hades and/or Vampire Survivors this is a no brainer to buy. I paid "full" price of $7 for it. Totally worth it. It even has a gear system similar to old school Diablo. Cherry on top. Stop reading it check it out.


probably the best VS-like game i've played, definitely looking forward to updates.

+ encourages you to explore the stage, giving you buffs/temp buffs/items/health with a dash ability that makes exploration flow smoothly
+ actual mechanics for enemies and bosses/telegraphed attacks
+ loot system much better than other games in the genre with a stash, no well mechanic for keeping loot
+ hades like level up system
+ player progression is pretty solid, modifiers for difficulty, shop/ drops for loot and collecting books, should be expanded on though
+ actually engaging combat that feels better to play aiming w the mouse as opposed to the auto aim mode
+ animations and art is great, am excited to see what they can do with different stages and palette changes

- one stage, most games in the genre have at least three or more which feels jarring
- character diversity is poor, one caster and four melee (one of which seems to just be a better version of another, and the 'rogue' feels busted in comparison to all of them)
- balance is... weird. getting a playthough with lady justice feels like an insta win and so does getting the death blessings if you get the siphon ability w your dash. it's fun to try new things but with the loot system, its important to kill that last boss and get mythic gear. the banish reroll mechanic + the loot entices you to try for the same game winning builds.
-/+ not super serious, the rogue speaks like someone youd meet drunk on runescape and theres a soda popping sound effects on kills of elite knights

still though, probably the most engaged i've been playing one of these games. you wont be afking at the highest level and watching the timer. at such a low price its insane how good it is, go for it.

The Tie-Dye Narwhal
The Tie-Dye Narwhal

One of the best uses of 7 dollars. The game is incredibly polished for early access. The characters are charming, the upgrades feel powerful, and the permanent progression is expansive without being completely over powered. id highly recommend to anyone.


Very good game. Sucked me in. I know it’s freshly early access but I’d love to see the following additions:

- skill upgrade evolutions/combos like vampire survivors. Not every game has to be VS but I think that’s definitely a very desirable feature in this genre

- crafting - the more unique items shouldn’t be craftable but maybe lower rarity you Could spend a rare currency to change one of the modifiers. So often I really want a particular modifier to be switched out on an item bc i can’t afford to part with the one I have since it has other particular ones. Again it won’t replace the need to find the rarest items but it could make gameplay a bit more tweakable and interesting leading up to final stages of end game

- more unique high level items- the kind that drastically impact builds and gameplay mechanics. Like the summon a dragon one. Perhaps this is even how we could alter certain skills to make them “evolved”?

- a mount or two (even if it’s just a cool version of a new dash skill).

- visual/armor customization - either by equipment changes showing on character or unlockable skins.


Great game! Breaking new ground for the genre with higher quality art / voice over / story / characters. The difficulty level is fairly high for the genre but in a good place. Once you collect a few reroll / alteration / banish options on your gear it gets much easier.
Currently pretty short on content with only one level but I can't wait to see more. The character classes all come with their own unique sets of abilities / talents and story lines so that's pretty cool.

I'm not sure I am a fan of the inventory management aspect of the gear / randomized shop. I thought Halls of Torment had a better solution here with the of unlocking items. It gets a bit tedious to try and manage the inventory of all my characters.


i played demo since then i love this game. the game is really great. good story , cool characters , funny dialogues , awesome vibes , pixelated diablo and many more... and good price. if the developers add online section it would be super duper fantastic :)
100% recommend!!!


I've really enjoyed playing this game. As a fan of Hades, I got immersed in the combat very quickly. I bought the game after the nerfs, so I don't know what things were broken. However, there still are gods who're arguably overpowered (Time, Mort) and those who need a buff (Summer). The quips between characters are funny, but the lore books you can collect are even better! There's love and heartbreak, lusty orcs (Skyrim reference), the undead corporate ladder and more. This is one of the stupider things I really want to see more of in the full release.

Also, as quite a few people have mentioned, there's not a ton of content, though being EA and with the low price makes up for it to me. Though of course, I really wanna see more regions and bosses. There's only a single region right now. As for combat, I don't think there's much that distinguishes the melee fighters mechanically, though Nixi is still hands down my favorite. Lastly, there's not really a narrative yet. Completing runs only opens some dialogue with characters, and there isn't all that much of it.

Overall, I definitely recommend it! Most shortcomings I see are just a consequence of it being EA. Give it a try!


Have'nt played that much yet but I must say that I find it way much better than any other game of it's kind. It offers a shop that you can sell the items you loot, the classes are entertaining and really fun to play and you even have stash to put the extra gear you loot. Super fun game yet.


A fantastic mix of Vampire Survivors, Hades, and Diablo (loot). This game will only get better with more content (characters, maps, modes, items):

+ Outstanding gameplay loop
+ Solid Itemization
+ Dialog between characters/gods is actually well done, along with lore books and item flavor text
+ While balance is suss sometimes, so many skills feel fun together coupled with items a character can use to supplement them
+ Unlocks feel good and progress does as well, if albeit a smidge too quickly
+ Shires / loot are extremely well done and embrace multiple runs better than most

- Eventually one map and static spawns can get a little stale, even with the spice of difficulty scaling
- Need more range characters
- Story is somewhat lacking (to be expected) but the introduction of characters could be elevated for sure

Amazing game for $6. Easily could charge $10+ and it would still be well worth it. Kudos to the Devs.


Very good and polished VS-like with a fair share of Hades & Mini Healer-esque style thrown in.

Gearing, run and content variation are the only clear shortcomings the game has right now, but for an early access game it has more than an acceptable amount of content to be worth its asking price.

Ethics Mann
Ethics Mann

Great game for the price, shows a lot of promise, one of the best new roguelikes to hit steam in a while. Feels like it takes inspiration from Halls of Torment, Hades, and Vamp Survivors(ofcourse).

Aside from the hunger for more content I am happy with the way the game feels, the challenge is good and the runs feel rewarding when the build works.

I would like to see some sort of indicator of status effect stacks, maybe I am missing it but I don't see an option for this yet.

Also the ability to choose which god appears first, (again maybe I just haven't seen it yet) would be a welcomed feature to me.