Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
27 April 2016
Steam reviews score
95 (55 853 votes)
92 (440 votes)

“Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning Action-Platformer crafted by Moon Studios.

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Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ @ 2.8 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce 240 GT or Radeon HD 6570 – 1024 MB (1 gig)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 11 GB available space
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Games like Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

Action, Casual, Indie

$9.99 xDr: 49.50

Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG

$12.99 xDr: 55.38

Action, Adventure, Indie

$14.99 xDr: 86.59

Action, Adventure, Indie

xDr: 68.25

Action, Adventure, Indie

$24.99 xDr: 89.66
Same developers and publishers

Action, Adventure, Casual, Racing

$2.49 xDr: 70.96
Download Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition

You can download Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition from this page. Content is not free and distributed on a paid basis by Xbox Game Studios for $4.99. Therefore, you will have to buy it before downloading it.

There are at least two options :

  1. download from official website — http://www.oriblindforest.com/
  2. download from Steam — https://store.steampowered.com/app/387290
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Very fun and beautiful game. The atmosphere is amazing, controls are really good. There were a couple of instances where I repeated the jumps or sequences a couple of times but I never felt that the game was cheating so it never led to frustration. For the current price of 5 euros it is really a bargain.


I loved the effects and story. It is a really beautiful game! However, was frustrating at parts with how many times I died.


the graphics are beutiful and the game fun however lots of jumping so if ur likr me and suck at judging jumps be prepared to die a lot


Didn't appeal to me at first, felt a little slow and emotionally manipulative until the game began in earnest. Turns out there's a really challenging, creative and beautiful game underneath. Tight controls, diverse mechanics and gorgeous levels (honestly, it's the best looking game I've ever seen). Imagine Super Meat Boy, but with a more fleshed out world and an army of artist to breathe live into it. That's basically what this is. I'm late to the party, but I regret not playing it earlier. What a gem! Thankfully, I still have the sequel to look forward to.

Crane jr.
Crane jr.

This game literally made me rethink how computers work. It's so cinematic I love it. The gameplay concept is really ingenius, it slowly gives you each power slowly through the game so you get used to each one without getting the other ones forgotten. The narrative is really good, you HAVE to play it.


action base gameplay recommand to play this before will of the wisp because lack quility of life abillity in will of the wisp (e.g. climb without hold button


I want to preface this by saying I was hyped for this game When I saw the trailer, I genuienely cried a bit, as I found it just so beautiful.

I started playing about 2 or 3 years ago, and quickly stop; I didn't have a controller for my pc at the time, and playing on keyboard and mouse was attrocius.

I recently started a new game,from start, and finished the game in 5:00:25 in game time.
After 5 minutes, I wanted it to be over, and when the end finally came, I was like don't you put an end credit there, ain't no way is the ending this bad, it cannot be over, and I was laughing, especially when one of the character was clipping through the ground or moving weirdly during an end scene that, I think, was meant to be emotional, but I found it so bad it was comical.

Ori is an Amazing ambient Soundtrack with superb graphics but has the fault of having to be played.

The good:

map/level design: great. It's intuitive, I didn't get lost a single time during my second playthrough, I believe, areas are varied, have differents gimmick, there is a sense of progression, and very importantly, backtracking is not terrible as the areas changes, meaning if you go through an area that you've already visited, you will not necessarily explore it the same way, that is great.

Soundtrack: I almost wish this was the only aspect of the game lol, it's REALLY good.

Graphics: INCREDIBLY GOOD LOOKING, for about 30 minutes. Then it gets old VERY old. The amount of bloom and other flashy thing is ridiculous and often would my screen look like a blurry flashy mess, like a bullet hell type of game, even though there is very few projectile. Also, there is many levels of depth. That looks good for 2 minutes, before you think that the wall of lava is in the background and you run through it, or you try jumping onto a wall that is in the background, or something in the front actually hide your character. like the dog assist trophy in super smash bros (yes I know weird comparison, but english ain't my first language, so it's sometime easier to make weird comparison to get people to understand my point).

The bad:

Punishing vs challenging: This game is not hard, it is punishing. So much of this game, due to the save mechanic or other system like to punish the player for his lack of skill or knowledge. Meanwhile, nothing actually feel rewarding, as it beeing not challenging, I actually don't feel proud when I overcome anything. It's bad when I lose and Meh when I win, instead of meh when you lose and GREAT when you win. This made me quickly stop caring about much and I tried to explore as little of the world as I could, and still ended up finding a lot, as I simply didn't care, nothing felt rewarding enough for me to spend the time to get it and risk the chance of getting punished by losing.

SLOW: So much of this game is slow, this feels like a 3:30 or 4h game stretched to 5h, that feels like 10 hours. For example, every door that you open has an opening animation, that is slow, and sometime you can run through it, sometime not, (I think it depends on your side of the door related to the position of the two door parts). Other example, A lot of time, you need to push some wooden bar down by acting as a hammer on it, well it doesn't take one hit to do it, but always multiple: WHY, the result is the same, it's not more challenging to do it thrice rather than once, it's just more time consumming. I know these sounds like nitpicks, because they are, but There are just so many nitpicks that can be done, they add up to an entire game philosophy that this game has, SLOW THE PLAYER. I am not a fan of that.

Movement: LOVE THE BASH, genuinely one of the best mechanic I have seen in any plateformer ever. The dash, Idk, I unlocked it, very early on, but it never worked. I might have missed something. Every thing else feels either fine or clunky. And that is not a good thing when so much of this game require precise imput, and I am always unsure if my character will actually do what I am asking him to do,

Combat: X to attack. You can also bash enemy projectile. INSANE!!!

Story: It is definelty one of the story that have ever existed.

Overall what I thought of Ori and the blind forest was that it is a great thing that suffer from beeing a video game, as it actually ask of me to play it. I'd recommend just watching a playthrough of it on Youtube or just listening to the soundtrack. If you plan on actually playing it, I recommend playing it till after the first dungeon where you get the bash ability, as this thing is great, don't stop playing before that, I know I almost did.

I recommend this game because I can see some people liking it, and I rarely not recommend game, This is my 41 review I believe, with only two thumbs down, and for a game to receive a thumbs down frome me, it either needs to be an experience that legitemetly hurt me, or a game that offer nothing that I can see of value: This game is neither.

This game has some positive, negatives, evaluate both and know that we all have different opinion and has preferences are subjectives. no opinion is better than any other. I genuinely overall disliked my time with this game, but you might like it, 7 Canadian dollars isn't a lot.

Now as a small Tangent, imma rant for one small thing about story in general that applies to this game (SPOILLER SPOILLER): I fuking hate when they make past events irrelevant just to make sure that every one gets a happy ending. If somoene dies, let them be dead, otherwise, their death isn't meaningful in the first place, and now their life is meaningless as it should've ended. Let us have bad events happened so the character can evolve through their trauma and grow as individual. Rant Over.


A troll platforming game that makes difficulty level absolutely meaningless. You get 1-shot on Easy and 1-shot on Hard. Enemy respawn rate is almost instant even on Easy. Beautiful graphics, poor level design.

Big Tuna
Big Tuna

Good game, love the art style. Gameplay is smooth. All around fun and challenging game with varying options for movement.


Easily one of the best games of the past decade.

Ori defies conventions and makes a platformer that has beautiful visual design.

Introduction of gameplay mechanics happens gradually and at the perfect pace.



Probably the most visually stunning artistic masterpiece of a game I've ever played. On top of that, it is an outstanding action puzzle platformer with a metroid-vania style layout. This game is a masterpiece!


touching story and amazing work of art finally bought it after 4 years on my wishlist, very happy to replay the series.


i still can't get enough of the graphics in this game, they are so well done! they are so bright and beautiful and oh my the sun is so pretty i want to just grab it

é o Helder
é o Helder

Ori is such a beautiful and immersive experience. The story is very simple but it'll hit your emotion as well. The gameplay is very smooth, the monsters are nice to defeat and the progression is very satisfying to do. It's not an easy game if you want to get the 100% achievements specially because of the no death, the 3 hour and the hard mode (because hard is really hard) ones.
I'd say that a downside of the game is that it's not 100% clear on the map where you've to go next, so I found myself spending many minutes in some part of the map trying to pass it while I was not supposed to because I didn't have certain ability yet, but I thought it's just a hard part to pass. And also I'd say that adding more teleports would make the experience of getting the 100% of the map and all the secret areas significantly more satisfying. But still, worth every minute, it's an amazing game.


This is a brilliant game. I didn't find the story particularly interesting but as a platformer, it doesn't have any faults. You get better as you progress and every new skill you learn improves the gameplay even more. The difficulty can be changed and is suitable for everyone and it's super fun to get all the collectables even after the story has ended. I'd highly recommend this to anyone.

TiJJera Crab
TiJJera Crab

Hard game in high difficulty mode. Beautiful graphics and sound. Smooth gameplay. Requires patience, try-hard. Metroid-vania style.


If there was mixed rating I would use it for this game. I just can't recommend this game to people.

I played half of this game on Steam Deck, half on my big screen. I found the clarity issues to be even worse on a small screen. Otherwise it worked perfectly. On Windows I had to disable DPI scaling in order to be able to select 4k resolution, so it was actually less hassle to play on Steam Deck than on Windows...

The music is fabulous. It has a consistent theme throughout the game.

The story is OK. It's not earth shattering, and is told mostly through few short cutscenes and 1-2 sentence narration here and there. It didn't make me tear up or anything, but I think it tried.

The graphics... Well, you've seen the screenshots, and you've seen the trailers. You know it looks beautiful. While this might appear as a big strength, it is also a big weakness of this game. The lush and vibrant environments hide important gameplay elements, like spikes, enemies, and other deadly things. You can play on big 4k TV, and you still won't notice a tiny spike at the end of the platform you thought safe. You won't realize that this fire is close enough to kill you, on a platform you thought was perfectly safe.

It will also be hard to read the locations. You'll think this lava flowing down is just a background prop, and you'll instantly die when trying to run by. Later you'll find similar looking lava flowing down, and since you did previously you'll think you have to disable it. But no, it's not dangerous, this time. Or you'll see platforms floating in the lava that you have to jump on, then run trough long and dangerous falling platforms, only to find a safe platform to jump on... That is just a background. And you'll fall into the lava and die instantly.

This brings us to the gameplay. The game is full of cheap deaths. There are spikes everywhere, instant death traps, that you won't avoid until you know they are there. Trough the whole game you'll be on 2-3 hits before dying. But often even things that kill you in multiple hits will be death, because they are in a hole you cannot go out of.

You can create a save point when you're standing in a safe spot almost at will. It costs a currency that is very easy to obtain, and there's almost nothing else to use it for. This means the game becomes slog of short pieces of game, where you'll die, and die and die until you memorize the motions needed to beat that section. You'll die to things that are too fast for humans to react, just to replay the scene and this time win since you already know it's there. It's not a fun level design. It's infuriating.

There are few "dungeons" in this game, and each ends with... if you guessed "boss battle" you guessed wrong. A runaway sequence was the right answer. So now you cannot make save spot, and instead you have to do very long escape sequence perfectly, or near perfectly. Those are all littered with instant death traps. You'll be dying over, and over, and over again. Have fun.

The combat system of this game is also painful. You basically have the best way to deal with each monster, and that's the only way it's possible/worth doing so. Otherwise they just take too many hits. While it might sound interesting it becomes tedious very quickly. And there's one frustrating enemy that you defeat by shooting bullets back, but after 2 hits they are left at 1% HP. Why not make it go down in two hits? I have no idea.

You unlock multiple skills on the way. One of the most used is an ability to jump of the enemy bullets, while shooting the bullet back at the enemy. Doing that you might end up airborne for long, long time (and you'll have to do so in runaway sequences). This can often be irritating, if the enemies won't shoot at you when you want them to... and you end up falling into lava and instantly dying.

I also didn't like the controls of the game. Due to the way the bullet jump works you basically need to use the analog for controls. But if you press down during jump by accident, you perform stomp attack, and fall into lava. It's very easy to do with the analog stick. You can also jump off the walls, but due to how it works you might accidentally start walking up or down the wall.

There is a very simple upgrade system with 3 lines, in which you can invest. Most of the skills are useful and you might want them. There are also hidden rooms and items that you have to figure out how to take. There are 3 types of collectibles, each of them are different colored balls of light. Life, energy and skill points. Rather boring.

The maps are quite varied and have some very neat ideas. Too bad those are wasted on a such frustrating game. I liked the misty forest section. I had 350+ deaths in my first run (the game actually counts it for you, so you will know that it doesn't just feel like you're dying a lot). There won't be a second run. It just wasn't fun. It's not even that difficult, it's just infuriating. Also, once I've died many times in one section I started to try less, and dying more, and more. I also found that killing Ori was often the best way to heal myself up, after getting hit on a cheap way, just so I had more health later on...

The map is quite good, but it doesn't show the secret spots you've found, which would be a bit irritating if I wanted to get all the collectibles.

All in all, I can see some types of players enjoying this game. But I think most people will drop it without even finishing it.


Ori is not a complicated game. Its not super deep, nor super long. However, it is a great game. Its fun, simple, beautiful. Has some touching elements to the story. The art style is unique and very pleasing. The gameplay is overall simple, yet fun.

Sometimes i dont always want a 50-100 game to play. Sometimes im in the mood for something simple that i can play over the course of a week or two after work. This fits the bill perfectly. Getting ready for a new play through now.

I do have one complaint. This game stutters alot. I didnt recall it on my first play through when the game first came out but i just played about 30 minutes of the definitive edition and the lag was rough. Googling this seems to show numerous complaints. Im on a 3070ti so its not my machine. Unless i can find a fix, i will not be able to replay this game. Pretty frustrating.


Overall a fantastic game and I had a great experience playing it.
The parkour and combat mix perfectly together and feel amazing.
The storytelling in this game is definitely better than most games I've played lately. The game is certainly worth the price if you enjoy platformers or a good story, both would be even better.


much good ah yes very good.

all jokes aside this game is phenomenal. The beautiful visuals and smooth mechanics create this masterpiece of a game. You have to do a little digging to remap some keybinds but other than that, 10/10


A fun platformer with creative mechanics, though certain sequences can be really frustrating especially when the game doesn't let you place checkpoints.

My biggest complaint is that you can't keep exploring the map after after you beet the game.

Geo likes to eat strawberry cake
Geo likes to e…

I can't. I just can't. I have no words omg. The beauty of this game is something else. Always a huge pleasure to play it! I am so happy i was able to get this game, because once you start to play you just can't stop. 10/10 had tears in my eyes the whole playthrough


Tries way too hard to be a storybook instead of just a game. If you like Metroidvanias that hold your hand and coddle you along with dull platforming puzzles and mostly pretty linear progression, you'll love Ori. It has these little pseudo-cutscenes that slow everything down to a crawl every single time you finally think you're in the mid-game proper, and that maybe you'll finally be left alone to just explore and play the game. After chasing some stupid little spidermonkey dude who runs off with a ball of light you need across a dozen screens, having to pause to re-watch the animation of what he was doing every time I crossed onto a new screen (even if it had already been shown to me multiple times before), I finally bailed.

The art is gorgeous, the environmental fx and atmosphere are top-tier, and the play control is pretty good. Depending on what you value, it might be worth the money just for those things. But it's one of those games that's way too pleased with itself, and its self-indulgent idiosyncrasies begin to grow tedious pretty quickly. In fairness I also thought Hollow Knight was a bore to try to get into, so your mileage may vary. I liked Salt & Sanctuary, Dead Cells, most Metroid games, the classic Castlevanias, Blasphemous, and Rain World (a deeply underappreciated game and probably the best Metroidvania out there right now) -- but these cutesy storybook type Metroidvanias aren't my cup of tea. Too little focus on the actual game, too much on pre-planned animations, cutesy bits of story, and seen-it-a-million-times platforming "puzzles." If you're over the age of 12 and just want a good Metroidvania with strategic depth and a big map to explore and unlock, this isn't it ... behind the veil of its excellent production values, it's a pretty mediocre affair.


Amazing game! Fans of games like Hollow Knight will love this, the pace is faster than in Hollow Knight and the abilities are completely different. There are no boss fights but the story completely makes up for it!


THIS GAME HOLY CRAP!!! I had seen people talk about it before and i heard good things but MAN. Ive loved platformers ever since I was a kid and this game just takes that to another level. The music, controls, graphics, gameplay, story, EVERYTHING, is just amazing. Id recommend this to anyone


Probably my most favorite game. A simple but touching story, incredible illustration and animation, smooth and fun to play platformer mechanics, and an incredible soundtrack. I still can't play this game without crying.


In my opinion one of the best games overall. Just everything is amazing. OST, Graphics, Gameplay, all of it is just amazing.


One of the best games I've ever played. Absolutely breathtaking art, great pacing, fantastic story. Good exploration, fun abilities. Difficult in a good way (not punishing).


Although this is an amazing game. Good graphics, story, map layouts, etc. This game isn't very user friendly for older people. This game is made for the young and very skilled. If you have arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, or slow reflexes, STAY AWAY!!! This game will have your hands hurting so bad its ungodly. If you don't have fast reflexes like a young person, some of the levels will be almost impossible. I made it pretty far but now the game auto saved before a major part you have to clear, and I'm unable to clear it, and you're not allowed to save at any part through it because it's considered an unsafe zone. So all my progress was for nothing. If you're young and skilled, this is a fantastic game! If your an OG 70s-early 80s gamer, I would not recommend it. I'm very sad about it too.

Timbo Slice
Timbo Slice

3rd playthrough, completely forgot how much I suck at this game.
(This is a masterpiece, just play it and you will understand)


Beautiful game + soundtrack.
Difficulty is high. I'm dying more often in this game than I do in BLOODBORNE.

But then again, I'm also a fuckin idiot, so maybe it's just me.


This is quite possibly one of the if not the most beautiful games I have ever played between its rich story and beautiful artwork this is simply a fantastic experience and a delight to play on the steam deck!


I don't usually like platformers all that much but wow this game was amazing. The gameplay is super fun, the visuals are mesmerizing, the sound is spellbinding, and the story was soul touching.


It's a great game, great movement, nice story, blah blah everything everyone else has said.

Here are my gripes with the game despite it being great:
1. Ori is too tiny and hard to keep track of sometimes
2. Every god damn enemy and bullet in the game is a glowing orb and it's incredibly hard to tell which glowing orb is which, the one floating beside ori the whole game, your glowing orb bullets, your glowing orb grenades, your glowing orb charge particles, the enemies glowing attack needles, the enemy itself, the enemy's counterable projectile, the enemy's uncounterable projectile, you get the picture. A little more variation and clarity would do the game a lot of good. They try to make it clearer by enemy bullets being a different color, but they all blend together on top of ori in the moment and it's impossible to tell which is which.
3. Needs some bosses. I felt the game could have used a couple of those to really flesh it out. Escape sequences are the "boss battles" of the game, and that's fine, but a couple of actual boss fights would have probably provided a bit of lasting appeal.
4. Enemy variety is pretty lacking. I was getting really tired of blobs designed to have just enough HP to not die before they hit you a couple of times by the end of the game.
5. Don't make speedrun, no damage, no-death, "don't use any of the skills in the game" achievements. Those should always remain self-imposed challenges because this game isn't worth playing for hundreds of hours to become good enough to do that for 99% of players.


If you're one of those sick degenerates who thinks removing checkpoints from games is a good idea, you're gonna love Ori and the Blind Forest.

If you're an actual normal human being though, go play Ori and the Will of the Wisps; it fixes so much from this game that playing Blind Forest is just about worthless now.


Well Microsoft might not be able to make a decent operating system but they sure add help can make games.

This has to be one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, with a touching story to match.

The game is fun and full of action, with a discovery element trying to navigate the world.

The end level was a real pain but the game is most definitely worth a play

Shrödingers Crate
Shrödingers Crate

Ori is an amasing game all the way from art gameplay and sound track i really love this game. HOWEVER This game really has some bullshit moments. More specifically The timed segments it feels like even the smallest of mistakes will Result in a do over, which is even worse when you realize that theres no checkpoint during these segments so you pretty much have to do it flawlessly
a solid 4,5 out of 5 game


It is a heartfilled and beautiful game. The Ending made me cry, and it is the highest Honor I can give a game. I loved it, even when the Controls were at times difficult. If you're unsure, I reccomend checking it out.


This is an amazing game with good graphics and incredible art. It can even run well on this old janky pc I have. The gameplay is tough at parts, even on easy mode, but it's manageable.


Fantastic gameplay - story tugs at the heartstrings and characterizes the characters beautifully. Graphics hold up even after 7 years. If I could play this again for the first time I instantly would. Easy best game I've ever played.


The game hold my tittle of a masterpiece yet the one big critique I give it was the combat of shooting sparks and the same little mini boss. one more thing don't do this game without a controller it is brutal.

schfifty five
schfifty five

Very few games have kept my attention beyond a few hours, but Ori and the Blind Forest had me till the end.

With the talk around the water cooler being that the sequel is even better, I can't wait to pick it up.

As a platformer, this had everything I'd want. A simple beginning with logical progression of skills, and enough challenge to be difficult without being busted.

One of the best aspects of this game is that gaining new skills really makes you want to backtrack to earlier levels to pick up that extra health or ability boost.

The art, amazing. Given how much new games push hardware, having something like this, 2.5D, that runs like a dream but feels like a million bucks, is a rare gem in the 21st century gaming industry.

Having just come off a disappointing platformer/action game, I was a little wary of getting into Ori, but a slightly slow start more than made up for it with the just amazing amount of love and care the developers put into this game.

If I could erase my memory of this game and play it again, I'd do it about a hundred times. Truly a special game.

Kickass Lamb
Kickass Lamb

This game has an absolutely beautiful soundtrack, gorgeous visuals and a touching story line.
The game is very fun to play and levels get more challenging as you progress.
Be warned... You may get frustrated now and then trying to move through some of the levels.
Would highly recommend this game.

Willow~<3 :3
Willow~<3 :3

Boring and mediocre medroidvania.

The visuals and story are adorable but the game itself is very forgettable and underwhelming.

The movement abilities you get are all clustered at the start of the game, and it feels like the developers ran out of them and started making close to useless ones near the end.
The progression is far too linear for a good medroidvania so very little replay value.
The only thing you get from exploring are basic health and mana upgrades and skill points.


A short and sweet platforming game with a phenomenal soundtrack, a heartwarming story, and some gut-punching moments. the platforming requires a bit of precision, but feels so rewarding when you get it right.


Very pretty game. It may not have much in the way of actual bosses but as if to make up for that, features some nasty platforming sections, puzzles, and escape sequences with nearly no room for error. The bash mechanic helps make it feel very different from other Metroidvanias and it's kinda fun to take out your frustration on enemies by continuously bouncing on them, juggling them, or hurling them into spikes. The music and aesthetic very much reminds me of Hollow Knight, one of my favorite Metroidvanias ever. Speaking of which, this helps tide me over until Silksong's release.


The intro already makes me cry, the music and the graphics are unparalleled. Although the latter half of the game is too hard for a game supposed to be chilled. Buy it! You won't regret it.


This game made me cry :'(. And I don't even like platformers very much. Would recommend to everyone. 10/10


this really is a good game – but i think id cap the value at around 15 bucks. i about 100%'d the game, and my casual playtime was really around 12-15hrs. it'd have to have more depth or longer for 5/5 - 10/10 rating, but its still an absolute recommendation, especially at 15 bucks bundled with the dlc an other campaign. switch shop has a good demo.

good story, told well, very effective at the heart string tugs. fluid responsive controls, and easy "bite-sized" play sessions if you want. only 1 or 2 frustrating points, but its always your skill, not the game.

works great on steam deck too, except for some audio "clipping/stuttering" every 5 seconds or so during a few cut scenes. never hard crashed or locked up/reset, even left on stand-by for days. zero gameplay lag or stutter/slow down.

absolutely worth a play :)


- The story was nice, nothing crazy but wasnt boring as well. I enjoyed the journey.
- The movement system had a lot of love by the devs. I enjoyed gaining more and more abilities trough my journey only to use them all at the end with complete control. Really rewards players who are good.
- The achievement system is very clear. I never was confused and knew what to do with each one, Thank you as some games do not follow this and you always have to guess or google for guidance.

- At the start I liked the map very much but at the middle of the journey I stared disliking the map only for the simple fact I couldn't zoom out without going to the world map. How hard it is to implement a zoom out feature ?

I dont have anything bad to say about this game, I did enjoy it and it is worth the price.


The Ori series are some of my favorite games. Pretty solid story, fantastic sountrack, a good mix of game mechanics, and pretty great visuals. Nothing to complain about

Mysterion HATIVONI
Mysterion HATIVONI

excellent game, great soundtrack, great world, very fun. just wish it would've been a bit less complicated and more organized.


Finished in 2 days in 11 hours, absolutely phenomenal

- great animated visual, unmatched
- beautiful story, had tears in eyes in the beginning and in the end
- creative and sometimes VERY difficult platforming (both techincally and logically)
- cool metroidvania mechanics. The movement and combat are simple with all the items, yet challenging
- level design. Some levels, like the final Mount Horu, are so punishing that your every neuron will be focusing very hard to not slip up in many of the sections, where you dont have a break for at least a minute. The platforming here is like boss fights in soulslike games, you cant make almost any mistakes and when you do it at 20th time, you end up with a massive heartbeat

- the game doesnt weigh on exploration as much as Hollow Knight, it has quest markers and although you have to find the path yourself, its not difficult
- pretty short
- some obstacle design is not clear, some barriers you can destroy by yourself, for some you have to stomp a nearby lever, for some something else and they all look similar

But those are small nitpicks compared all the pros, definitely a beautiful emotional journey, recommended to everyone

gonna come back and do 100 %


Traversal and combat
Cuteness overload

Those damn puzzle parts where descending means death -_-
Story events may cause The Big Sad

A firm 5/7 over here


Expectations: Cute relaxing easy game.

Reality: A game that killed me more than elden ring, sekiro and dark souls combined with awesome soundtracks.


This game is beautiful. The movement is smooth, and the progression in abilities VS difficulty is done perfectly. It is quite challenging but the puzzles and dangerous paths are very satisfying to conquer. I recommend the Ori games to anyone who likes side scrollers. The music and scenery in both Ori games are wonderful, the stories both beautiful and sad, and I honestly think they are both perfect games in every sense of the word. 10/10


I truly wanted to like this game. It was the first metroidvania game I've ever played and it was something new. Visuals were immersively stunning, soundtrack was emotional, and what I partly experienced of the story and later read about was fantastic, but the insipid gameplay ruined all of it for me. If there's one thing I've always vehemently despised in gaming, it's incessant backtracking and trial-and-error. I play games to have fun, not be forcibly subjected to aspects that comprise repetition and constant/easy death. Good for you if your dick gets hard from a challenge, but such attributes kill a game for me instantly, I don't care how much work is put into the story and visuals.

Navigating the map was nothing but a tedious burden, the jumping was irritating, the acquisition of abilities was uneventful, there was a stupidly unnecessary amount of spikes, there's no blocking or dodging; it's just moving and mashing attack, there's an overabundance of inaccessible areas from the get-go; I defer you to my aforementioned complaint of backtracking, there's virtually no guidance, and you must use up energy, a necessary and integral resource, just to save the game.

Not even 3 hrs is all the time this game is worth to me, sadly.


I love the visuals and soundtrack of this game and for me the gameplay was perfect. It's really nice that you can customize your skill set and features to find a playstyle that works best.

It was an enjoyable experience and the cutscenes were done with a lot of love, too, this game actually caused me to have goosebumps here and there. Definitely recommend it!


I don't think there is a single bad thing that I can say about Ori and the Blind Forest..
The story kept me coming back for more till completion and the movement mechanics are so structurally sound and never felt like just another gimmick.
The combat as tough as it was, felt fair and the variety of enemies made the whole experience quite enjoyable to put it in a way as not to spoil things.
The soundtrack for the game gets you just close to tears even in the main menu and the characters dont even need any explanation as to why they are good.

I would HIGHLY recommend that you pick up this game as it is only at the time of this review £3.99 and that is WAY WAY less than this game deserves, even as old as the game is and the fact this is definitive edition makes it even more of a steal.

Dusty Duster
Dusty Duster

the only good thing about this game is visuals, everything else is pretty horrid, starting with random fps drops, unchangeable gamepad controls, binding 5 different actions on 1 key, game shows one damage with pop up numbers but dealt much more or outright kills you, sometimes same spikes can deal you 1 damage, half your hp or just instant kill you, fell through map and died 3 times, janky physics threw character into textures, weird player hitbox which can make you slide of platforms and not being able to grab the wall.

tldr: game visuals are good; game design, platforming, combat is a mess; story bland.


There are few games that I can give this much respect and approval for. Some of the finest talent in the gamedev industry had to be behind this one.
It's virtually perfect in about every aspect you can measure in a game, and even some you can't.
- Marvelous gameplay, game design
- Splendid visuals
- Exquisite music!
- Touching story

Look, I'm as simple of a man as one can be, but I absolutely didn't expect this game to be so good, that I decided to use the fancy words for my approval of the game!

If you're deciding whether or not you want to spend money on it, it's absolutely worth it!


I can forgive the totally stupid "story" about tree worship or whatever.
The graphics are actually gorgeous.It plays great on Seam Deck.
What earns the thumbs down is the challenge jumps, over death pits, in the dark.
It's fun at the beginning, but eventually ends up being:
Jump, fall, die. Jump, fall, die. Jump, jump, THEN die. Jump, fall, die, RAGE QUIT.


the gameplay is fun but more than anything the cutscenes and some of the moments in this game are fantastic and sometimes jawdropping in the way they build a complete world and bring you into the moment.


Ori and the Blind Forest is truly a captivating experience. While it comes with a few grips (short story, awkward combat, and only in this version did I find cut scene animations play faster than the audio, causing scenes to be out of sync), the core of it all is nothing short of spectacular! Magnificent visuals, smart level design, goosebump-inducing OST, and a gut punch of a story, there is brilliance at work here that the sequel would later refine. I would absolutely recommend this Metroidvania if you're looking for a visual treat.

Ethan Blackthorn
Ethan Blackthorn

Difficulty: Hard
Controls: mouse+keyboard
Experience with such games: None
How many times I died: around 2000 (yeah, I suck)

Opinion: God, I hate and love this game at the same time. Some levels almost drove me to insanity. Soundtrack and level design are gorgeous. During my playthrough I regretted buying this game several times, but in the end, I'm happy that I had this experience.


10/10 would cry all over again.


Absolutely perfect game. I even kinda prefer this leveling progression over the Will of the Wisps.

Linn ♡
Linn ♡

I walked into Ori thinking it was just a normal game to kill time.....turned out it was a masterpiece. Totally recommend this game.


I cried so much whilst playing this game. Everything about it is just perfect. The artstyle, the gameplay, the story, the music. I love it! This is handsdown the best game I have every played in my life and I am really curious about Will of the Wisps! Thank you so much dear Moon Studios.

Vapid Pixel
Vapid Pixel

The short summary: 11/10
At its core, it's a simple platforming adventure. But stunning visuals, masterful music, and fluid controls make this game a masterpiece and a prime example of video games as a form of art. A brilliant game I didn't take the time to play for far too long.

The full review:
The platforming formula is nothing new to the gaming industry, but Ori and the Blind Forest stands out from the crowd thanks to it's gorgeous visuals and atmospheric music. Ori controls smoothly and intuitively, and as you gain new abilities and achieve objectives, more of the labyrinth-like forest becomes accessible to you. Secrets abound, but not so much that it's tedious to uncover them all, and a healthy challenge on Normal difficulty. The adventure is short and the story simple, yet it is told in a manner that doesn't impede gameplay nor require walls of dialogue.

I absolutely love this game. I fell in love with it by the time the prologue concluded and found its story to be mesmerizing despite its relative simplicity. There's enough of an enigma to be intriguing and has left me excited to set forth into the sequel.

If you have any interest in platformer adventure games, please give this one a try. Ori and the Blind Forest may be an older game, but it's a fantastic game and well worth the few hours it takes to play through it.


It looked good and I could jump. 9/10


The visuals are beautiful, the soundtrack is majestic, storyline interesting, characters are lovable. Everything about this game is a masterpiece. Game mechanics are quite easy, but they also require reaction and ability.


A really good game ! I was planning of playing for, like, 30 min, but damn, i got addicted to it, resolving the enigmas, gain powers etc... + it's not a game you'll end in 1h guys lmao, be prepare to a beautiful story and gameplay !


This game is gorgeous. The graphics are amazing, the soundtrack is phenomenal, and the gameplay is super fun and always has you excited! It is quite a challenge though, so be warned, you will probably rage quit at some point. I know I did.. Anyways, definitely worth it! I've played it many times, it never gets boring.

P.S You will cry :')


This game is amazing! Highly recommended!


Great game overall. The controls are fluid, almost too fluid, like a Mario game, the visuals are great and the story is compelling.


If you're a tad soft inside like me, the story is a bit of a tearjerker. Graphics and animations are absolutely wonderful. I suck at platformers so even though I am playing on normal difficulty I find it as hard as playing Cuphead.

This game is so good I actually GASPED multiple times while playing it, because of the unexpected attacks or the story. And that says a lot about how the game draws you in cause I am usually really quiet when I play, unless it's a competitive multiplayer game. This game really brings out your feelings. You're going to have gasps of surprise and cursing when you can't clear an area for the 30th time.

If you don't usually play platformers, I recommend you to go with the normal or even easy difficulty if you just want to enjoy the story and relax. Playing on normal, you can't really relax that much. You have to be aware of your surroundings.

Oh right.. and it's best to play during the night with your window open and lights off, with speakers not headphones. That's how you get that immersive experience. The graphics stand out and look nice when the game is played in the dark.


his game is amazing def worth the money i really recommend

p.s. i cried at the beginning its so wholesome

Mr. Big Head
Mr. Big Head

I'm still listening to the game's soundtrack in the background while I work!
The graphics are something to die for! Both my 5-year old and I loved them.
It was challenging enough to make me (almost) cry at times, but I just had to do it! And boy the feeling that gave me was out-worldly :)


Fun Game play and EXCELLENT story!


If you love being stuck for 15 minutes every 15 seconds at what should be totally innocuous platforming puzzles, because the mechanics of this game were designed by masochists, then you'll love this game. Wall jumping is a nightmare. So is everything else. I would love to know the story of the game, but at the rate I'm going, I'll be lucky to finish it by the time I'm 60.


Unfortunately, I played will of the wisps first, so this just seems unpolished. I can't bring myself to continue playing just because of how much worse it is, and for that reason - I'm out.


Ori and the Blind Forest is such a dreamy game. Any type of frustration you may feel when struggling to clear certain bits of the forest is greatly paid off with gorgeous cutscenes and awesome power-ups. The gameplay is very challenging yet so rewarding; so much care has been put into making this game an unforgettable experience. The story can make anyone cry, I know I did. A must-play definitely.


Excellent .
I suggest to you.


Nice story, Nice artwork, Nice BGM, Challenging stages. Nice game, just buy.
10/10 because weekday and work cant stop me from the game.
play until my controller spoiled lol


Graphics 10 / 10
Gameplay 8/10
story 7/10


game left me crying 10/10

mainly played on steam deck offline


One of the best platformers I've played!


Gorgeous game, gets more fun to play the more skills you get. I liked the story except for blaming Ori for all the bad things that happened.


I always talk about how much i love this game and Ori but still have not finished it though having it for over a year. 10/10 would recommend.


- Visuals are fantastic. The blend of colors, art styles, 3D animations and backgrounds of each level are great
- The story behind Ori and the characters involved have just enough depth to keep you hooked
- The 'puzzle' aspect of certain missions can make you think but is definitely worth it
- Deaths happen, but the save features come in handy
- A must play for those who have not tried this yet


Gorgeous puzzle platformer. If you like tricky stages and jaw-dropping visuals, pick it up.

Neither story-heavy or character-heavy but it makes up for it with gameplay and atmosphere.

Music is ok. I like the high intense moments but I'm not a big fan of the main theme which you'll be hearing a lot.


Gorgeous graphics, tight gameplay, interesting locations to explore, lots of secrets. I personally cannot stand the way the game locks off tons of areas until you get a certain ability. This trademark of Metroidvanias really bothers me and is why I dropped the game. However, if you enjoy that sort of gameplay, Ori and the Blind Forest is a great platformer and has a lot of heart to it. Definitely worth trying out.


I seriously don’t understand what makes this game so highly rated. The character movement is mushier than Ori’s feelgood story, and the game itself is just prettier to look at than it is fun to play. What made me realize that I don’t like this game at all is how ambiguously vague the map is. I’ll summarize.

I began to retrace my explorations attempting to gain entry into previously inaccessible zones after accumulating better abilities. However, the map doesn’t have an indicator for some natural or fortified obstructions. The areas behind these obstructions are just grayed out, as if I didn’t bother to venture that way when I first discovered the area. There’s also no differentiation between some obstructions that require a specific skill or interaction. All I see on the map is a wall that can be broken. In either scenario, I find myself wasting massive amounts of time defeating the same enemies over and over as I navigate my way to something that isn’t even viable to my progression. There’s no way to quick travel either. I lost patience trying to reach something on the other side of the map, (and sometimes dying multiple times in my attempts) only to discover that I arrived there for nothing. So what do I do? I’ve played this out more times than I can stand to and still have fun, so I’m going to uninstall it.

I bought the sequel too, thinking this would be a fun story to play through. This game has killed my interest in that altogether.


Very fun and charming game. The graphics are beautiful and the controls are generally responsive. One thing I like is that (while not intended) the game can be played with two people, one controlling Ori with the keyboard and the other being able to attack enemies with the mouse. There aren't very many characters or much of a story, but it's still simple and nice to play.


This game is amazing and the soundtrack is great too!


I had high hopes for this game. i'll admit! It looks stunning, The gameplay is smooth, the music is fantastic.....but the controls.

The controls/keybinds are absolutely HORRIBLE. if you do play this game, DO NOT play with a mouse and keyboard. This game isn't made for it.

It does have a few "static" options for the keybinds but.....whoever came up with them, clearly doesn't play games. i mean, for cryin out loud, "M" is the standard "map" button, but this game? Nope. it's Tab. and the extra movement buttons are in awkward places and having to juggle the awkward keboard buttons with the mouse is just....frustrating. And the keybinds aren't customize-able, which doesn't help things.

So, if you play, use a controller.

I really wanted this game to be "fun to play", but it's turned into "oh, mama didn't raise a quitter! i'm gonna finish this freakin nightmare..."

Again, there are LOTS of positives to this game. But since it's, arguably, unplayable.....i'd avoid it if you don't have a controller.


One of the best platformers I've ever played. Besides being a fun and challenging platformer, it also has incredible visuals and the soundtrack is legendary.


A must play for any Metroidvania fans


Made me happy and made me smile


Beautiful game but the controls are looser than a cheerleader after prom. Trying to do any timed or tight jumps? Forget it. Has 5 guests including myself try to get past the pink/purple, plant ejaculate, missile stage (timed jumping) and none of us could do it. Turned it off and uninstalled it. Very dated controls.


Amazing artstyle, combat and movement feel great, upgrade system is meaningfull. That being said I did not enjoy myself. If you like metrovenia platformers - go for it. But I have to make negative review to warn other people. It seems an amazing game withing it's genre, but if you are not a fun of that genre, you probably won't have a good time not matter how well this game is made.


so beautiful in every way 10/10 must play


Story: 9/10 makes you cry
Gameplay: 10/10 bash go wooosh
Graphics: 11/10 this is what I see when I close my eyes
Music: 12/10 you forget to escape because you're too busy enjoying the music

more fun with the randomizer tho

Mr. White
Mr. White

Ori and the Blind Forest is a wonderfully beautiful game. The story isn't anything complex, but it isn't bad either. Simplicity works here. The story, to me, isn't the bread and butter here anyways. The gameplay, visuals, and music are top notch. Rarely do I see a game with this pleasing of an aesthetic. I had seen nothing else like it when this came out. Each area of the world is uniquely colored to give each of them their own personality and feel. Same goes with the music and the enemies. The gameplay is nothing short of exciting as well. Fast paced, and responsive, it feels great to move around the world as Ori. Unlocking new abilities to traverse becomes so fun, and by the end, you master it and feel a very satisfying sense of flow. The last thing I would like to mention about Ori is the sense of melancholy you feel while playing. It is the combination of all the aforementioned parts of Ori that give this extreme sense of melancholic immersion through the game. It does a great job of this. in summary, Ori's enchanting atmosphere, and satisfying gameplay provide an absolute worth while experience. Highly recommended.

Doctor Dome
Doctor Dome

Pretty solid metroidvania with some pretty annoying flaws. The controls take quite a while to get used to and feel quite different from other games. Once you start getting abilities, this mostly goes away and becomes a really great game with challenging platforming and exploration. Biggest issues came down to how slow things take to get going, how punishing the game is with deaths and for mistakes and the sheer volume of one shot kills throughout the game. Definitely worth playing though



Good balance of difficulty as well as fun gameplay. Amazing visuals!

<COBRA> 5oClock

the greatest weapon in the universe is friendship

Dopple Ganger
Dopple Ganger

A very fun game to play if you like Metroid-Vanias. A quick exploration game that you can play in about 8 hours on Easy. Though there are a few places that felt cheap at first, one just needs to better understand the controls and tools at one's disposal and find the one way to work things out.


good game overall one of the best I have played in a long time.


My feelings on this game are... strange, to say the least. I'll start with the obvious - this is a playable piece of art. The graphics are stunning and the music is absolutely amazing. It feels like walking around a painting.

The combat is a little bland (you can get through most encounters just by mashing X) with a few interesting abilities to spice it up, but using them is pretty much optional. The environmental puzzles are interesting and the platforming feels pretty good, albeit floaty. The level design is clever, but the map design overall is average (if we're talking metroidvanias).

Let's adress the elephant in the room - this game can get very difficult, expecially if you don't really play platformers all that much like me. I truly started to enjoy myself after around 2/3 of the game, when I mastered the controls and got some of the more interesting abilities (like dash, for example). Before then I got stuck quite a lot, but you could blame that on me being pretty shit at platformers.

Overall, it's a beutiful and interesting game. I mostly played it 'cause I wanted to experience the story myself before getting around to the sequel, but I still enjoyed it nontheless.

Junior creep
Junior creep

Good game that lasts over time


If you're reading this and still don't own this game, you're doing it wrong.

The sequel is all right, but this here is the real deal folks. Also plays lovely with a controller.

Best platformer on the PC in years.

By far


the definitive edition make the storyline touches the heart and makes you feel the want to keep on playing. my finger is about to break, and i'm still drinking water at the silver tree.


some fat fluffy dude died. thats all i have taken away from this game


a good fun time and it ended up with a sequel that is my favourite game ever


i have played so little at all but i still had a good time definitely recommend if you dont get this you will die of large sad


Disregard play time, finished it. Cute and beautiful, a bit stupid, but not too long, so overall a nice experience.


I liked Ori and the Blind Forest (Def.Ed). It delivered on what I wanted: A 2d-platformer Metroidvania style. I did not get in the story that much but I had fun searching for the secrets and power-ups. I was also frustrated many times during the non-stop quicktime events and I sometimes lost time trying to get secrets that I could not get until later. But overall, I had fun, the music is great and the game is beautiful. A nice title to replay in many years maybe!


And another game for the list of games that make me weep uncontrollably!


my absolute favourite game, I've completed it at every difficulty now (except for one life cause I'm scared) and it is such a gorgeous and well-made game; from the sound track to the graphics to the story. 10/10 would reccomend.


Simply love the Ori games, and wish there were more.

I DO wish that the game was more "forgiving" - many many times it seemed like pressing a button a millisecond too early or too late would cause poor Ori to die, and re-start from the previous checkpoint - but occasional use of a CPU throttler made this game quite enjoyable.


I have been playing the game on easy as a very bad platformer player and it is absolutely "georgeous"! I don't mind failing at difficult bits (that I tend to do a lot) and the game gives a million crutches to be able to progress at a steady pace. Sweet music and very pretty visuals, though occasionally hard to tell the "hitboxes" of some things I ought not be touching.


its fun play it if you like platforming or metroid games and the story ohh myy goooosh it is amazing


This game is lagging on a i9-12900k + nvidia 3080ti + g-sync 144hz.
F* this. Got a refund.


I've been wanting to play this game for years and I have to say, I'm not disappointed. The soundtrack and the art are beautiful, and game play are exactly as portrayed and easy to use. I ave not finished it yet but I would definitely recommend this game to anyone and everyone. Can't wait to reach the end and start on Wisp.


Honestly, I think Ori was a great game on its release and it has a lot of great things it did for metroidvanias, but having only played it around 2020 made the game feel a little dated for me. If this was one of the first action-adventure platformers I ever played, maybe I would have liked it more.

The thing I dislike the most about it is probably the visuals. The extreme amount of brightness and bloom everywhere feels hurtful to look at the screen sometimes, while the fact that everything is extremely detailed made it rather hard to acknowledge which things would actually damage me - which felt a bit frustrating more than once.

The story is pretty cute though and the bash mechanic is amazing, slinging around with it was a lot of fun.

I don't think Ori is a bad game. I just think it's hard to recommend given what other great metroidvanias are around.


An older game by this point, but still one of the best I have ever played. I would 100% recommend this to anyone who's even considering picking it up, it's so much better than I expected and I loved every minute of it.


This game made me cry. and I haven't even finished it like wth,
also this game is beautiful, I love it.


Very good story line and wonderfully designed game play. Would recommend.


This games Overwhelmingly Positive score needs to be brought down. It's tedious, combat is boring, and frustratingly difficult. Not fun difficult. Just annoyingly difficult. I love platformers, I did not love this. Maybe worth the price if below 15$.

Stupid ass forest fucking dumbass "spirit tree" fucking game fuck you Ori.


things so annoying.
- Sluggish movement
- Improperly key mapping
- Also unable to remap
- No cut-scene skip
- Repeating cut-scene again and again if you die
- Nothing skill-based, just trial and error. Repeat until you remember everything.
- Same instructions keep showing and blocking your screen till game ended. I'm on a fight bro, I don't wanna know if B can save or B can open Ability. Stop taking half of my screen with those instruction
- A foreground/middleground/background stuff seem cool but not practical. In some fights, foreground entirely overlay on the enemy and make it a non-sensed unpredictable attack.
- a lot more, i will add them later.

Carlos Cool
Carlos Cool

Before I start my review, I must address that I played this game on the hardest difficulty, which I now think was a mistake for me. Although took away from my enjoyment of this game, it also highlighted some of its flaws that I wouldn’t have caught otherwise.

-as one can probably see from the screenshots the game looks absolutely stunning. The backgrounds and environments have some of the best art in a game I have ever seen, which greatly contributes to Ori and the Blind Forest’s amazing atmosphere
-unfortunately for my taste the game sacrifices too much visual clarity for its aesthetics.
-your attack’s big and bright flashes, which have no reason for being this visible because you do not have to aim your attacks, overlap with enemy projectiles, making it hard to dodge.
-sometimes objects/enemies having the same visuals do not mean they follow the same rules and pattern

-A+, very atmospheric

-the story was very emotional and impactful. Although it was told with the help of only a few cutscenes and the environments, I think it is the reason why many players absolutely fell in love this game
-a small point of critique is that the theme is pretty basic (light vs darkness, themes of corruption, etc.) but it was executed really well

-the jumping felt sluggish (because of a long and slow air time) to me and it was often times difficult to control where Ori lands because of her small model, which is unusual for a platformer
-the small model also can make you lose track of her when a lot is happening on screen
-some enemy attacks are too quick to dodge, which encourages a passive (and boring) playstyle, like repeating attacking and running away, or hiding behind the safety wall to attack
-the fighting consists of senseless button mashing and keeping a safe distance
-in some aspects the game is really slow, like:
-opening doors taking a long time
-a lot of level design is made through waiting for obstacles to be passable
-the game is made with the thought of tanking through hits, as you get a huge health bar throughout the game (which is not really possible on the high difficulty, because you get oneshot a lot), instead of actually learning how to defeat each enemy
-sometimes you get attacked from enemies that are not visible on the screen (especially at the top and bottom), or fall into enemies and their projectiles with no time to react )
-the platforming had a pretty good difficulty most of the time, but there were also a lot of times where you suddenly have to make perfect, unforgiving jumps, especially when it involved spikes as obstacles
-i think there was way too much fighting for it to be so monotone
-the ideas and the types of puzzles are great, but the finetuning of the platforming is lackluster
-the quality of level design is also inconsitent, the worst parts usually being a lot of enemies dumped after another

-the skill tree being split into three lines, while having vastly different skills within those lines is frustrating and missing out on general utility because you want to level your fighting or being weak for half of the game because you want the utility first is not enjoyable
-your ability to create checkpoints shares the same resource with an ability to attack and an ability to open doors, so it can happen that you run out of said resource and have to either search around the map for nodes for said resource, or you’ll have to complete a difficult passage without any checkpoints. How this system made it into the game is honestly mind boggling to me
-when dying, the game does not remember what you picked up after the last time you saved, so you will have to retrace your steps every time and there is a good chance of missing a pickup because you forgot collecting it again
-I don’t understand the necessity of map stones (revealing a small portion of the map after finding a hidden pickup), there was no situation i found it useful
-pickups from defeated enemies despawn after a short time which can be annoying
-enemy respawning happen to frequent for my taste
-why is there a cooldown on saving the game?

-there are pop up tutorials for eeeeverything, for example you get a pop up for every major pickup you collect, even if you collected 5 of them already
-the font used doesn’t suit the game
-there is a lot of teasing the player with rewards they cannot get, because they haven’t gotten the ability yet, which doesn’t bother me and is a nice incentive, but it really happened A LOT
-unskippable cutscenes, which get really frustrating, because they play anew every time you die and get to that point again

In conclusion, this sounds like I wouldn’t recommend this, but it is the opposite. When I write reviews I tend to focus on the negatives. This game was frustrating for me a lot of the time, but I attribute that to my own stubbornness of not changing to an easier difficulty. Ori and the Blind Forest’s strongest points are definitely its story and its visuals. The platforming is good for the most part and while I did not enjoy the combat, it will be more tolerable on an easier difficulty.


fantastic game, wish combat was more fleshed out and i wish there were some boss fights. luckily will of the wisps delivered on both of these things


One of the absolute BEST games ever!


Beautiful and challenging 10/10


A great game! Very pretty! Metroid-vania. Felt short, but as long as it needed to be. There were some parts that felt like trial and error were essential. The ending in particular. Move a little. Die. Move a little more. Die. Die. Die.... Die. Die. Die. Move a little more. Die. Etc. It just wasn't fun at some point. I've done all of this before, but now I have to do it 5 more times before I make any progress. It completely contradicts your ability to save whenever needed. There are a few other times like this, but this end bit is definitely the worst. Despite this, loved the game. Super good. You should try it out.

Dr. Cringe
Dr. Cringe

Simply beautiful. Every aspect of it.


Amazing game if you're into platforming and metroidvania style progression. There's some combat but it's not a major part of the game. Gorgeous visuals.


pretty fun game. the combat is basic and i don't like the saving system, but it has amazing platforming, visuals, and a simple but heartfelt story that's well complimented by the beautiful soundtrack.


Magical game, can't wait to play the sequel! The open, free will type, navigation takes some getting used to but it's actually kinda a vibe.


Beautiful game. It's fun, has it's little puzzles and a simple easy to follow story .


I went through the 5 stages of grief playing this game. I was livid at the start, then I just started laughing at myself because I miss so many jumps. I truly recommend. I've never felt a mad-happy combination until I played this game.


It's just a beautiful, delightful and incredibly sweet game and I can't recommend it enough. Play it, you won't regret it, it's just... wonderful :)


A really good start for the series! Great graphics, awesome music, satisfying platforming...
Only issue I could find was that the combat was lackluster, but even then it's still worth trying this out before Will of the Wisps!


Honestly this is my favourite game. I've never played a game more enjoyable and satisfying and beautiful as this one, so go buy it, you won't regret it.


Amazing game. Haven't played such game for long time. Visual effects, sounds, musics are simply spectacular. I hope there will be a lot more games like Ori


This is an absolutely beautiful game. one of the best metroidvania's i have ever seen. the atmosphere created by both the music and the environments you play through is one of the most restful, haunting, and moving things i've experienced in a long time. this reminds me very much of hollow knight, albeit a much brighter version. less numb, more feeling and emotional. the soundtrack is so gorgeous that i am literally about to buy it. i don't know how a game can be so beautiful. whoever wrote the music... whoever had the vision to create such a game... thank you. you've helped me to feel something that seems truly healing in a way. totally going to keep playing this, and i am excited to see how the will o the wisps plays afterward. bravo, moon studios. this is simply a masterpiece.

The Witch
The Witch

Game's good, but (poorly designed) One-Life mode is insane to the bad.


A beautiful Metroid style Platformer with a Amazing storyline paired with hearwarming and hearwrenching music. A class of its own. Perfect and ingenious gameplay added to the mix and we got this masterpiece


amazing gameplay, artstyle and polish as expected from moon studio
amazing music -> gareth coker is a beast

my favourite part is when you got drowned
definitely give this one a go if you want to play the second game Ori and the Will of the Wisp, its not that you have to play this one to understand the second game story. its just that the game felt 100% better if you play the first one, it gave that nostalgia feeling.


I love everything about this game


Great game. Though I hope Microsoft gave them a lot of money to not code the ps4 controller, only the xbox.


Beautiful and very engaging. Loved every minute.

Fenrir the Plague Doc
Fenrir the Pla…

I don't know what to say except that this game is absolute masterpiece.
Artstyle, music and etc. is literally toptier.
Plot is simple, yet has very good message/moral.
I don't usually admit this but ending made me burst in tears.
To conclude, remember kids, revenge isn't good thing to do.


The puzzles are fun, the platforming is great, the music and art are amazing! Everything about this game is wonderful including the storytelling as well! Highly recommend!


some parts are very difficult to physically move the controls at the right timing.

But a great game anyway.


Some parts of the game are quite difficult and infuriating but is still a great platformer.


This game is so beutiful in the chromatic lights and dont even get me started abt the story
Hooooooly fk, this game is so fking good


A very fun game, I absolutely love it. And I am only 3 hours in with a lot more of the game ahead of me. Plus the sequel. 100% worth buying


Awesome visuals, but gameplay is annoying af

Serval Tom
Serval Tom

This game feels like a combination of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Rayman: Origins to me, which is to say a combination of two good games. Great story telling and overall experience as well. I'm interested in playing the second game.


Beautiful game, beautiful story, beautifully brutal platformer


Éste fue el primer metroidvania que terminé, al principio no me estaba gustando mucho porque lo sentía algo tosco, pero cuando comencé a obtener habilidades y mejoras se hizo mas divertido, su combate es simple pero se entiende porque está enfocado en las plataformas, visualmente se ve muy bien, en general no es muy difícil a excepción de algunas partes en donde debes moverte rápidamente por el escenario, completar el 100% me tomó unas 13 horas así que no es muy largo, esta bueno para iniciar en este genero


It's all fun and games till you die during the final escape sequence in one life mode



A short but very nice little platformer. The platforming never gets hellishly difficult, but there are sections that are challenging enough to be fun, particularly the white-knuckle setpieces that conclude each 'chapter' and that require you to tie together all the movement skills you've gained thus far, and that feel really satisfying to complete after dying a bunch of times. Ori's movement through the air has a very acrobatic and flowing, graceful feel to it, without sacrificing clean and responsive controls.

The other main strength of the game is the gorgeous visuals and music. They're great.

There are also a few minor puzzle elements, and there's combat but it's very simple (the combat is at its best when it's integrated with the platforming, e.g. in places where there is an enemy making it hard for you to jump somewhere, or where you have to decide whether to kill an enemy or use it to help you move around the environment).

The most fun and rewarding movement ability in the game is "Bash", which lets you grab onto an enemy, projectile, or falling rock, and shoot yourself off of it in one direction while also shooting it off in the other direction; this both gives you tons of options for creative things to do and also has the potential to mess up your plans in unexpected but fun ways (like when you have a great idea to blast an enemy's fireball back into its face, but you didn't anticipate that that would also make you blast yourself into some spikes... or when you want to use an enemy's fireballs to bounce yourself higher and higher, until you accidentally kill that same enemy with one of its own fireballs).


I recently completed this game on switch, with about 14 hours of playtime I think, and damn what a beautiful and enjoyable game. You have to be prepared for some trial and error for some of the sequences, and you have to accept that death will happen, and to get over it, especially if you don't play a lot of platformers (Like me).
The controls are great, and easy to get used to, the visual design is gorgeous, the game play design is impeccable, the story is fascinating. Altogether, just a really great game and had to play the second game immediately after. (even better game play, but ten times more heart wrenching)

Will probably play both games again in a few years, once I've finally forgotten enough of the story and game to be able to rediscover this absolute gem of a game.


One of the most happiest/sad/beautiful games I have ever played. 10/10 would cry again


Okay fine I'll say the obvious thing first. This game is goddamn gorgeous. Even a cursory glance demonstrates one of the most visually stunning games in the past few years. The game bolsters this with a intensely atmospheric range of biomes and a large scale orchestral soundtrack that is all very good. Ori and the Blind Forest is almost worth playing for the spectacle alone.

However, I do feel like it's necessary to bring up gameplay for a game this long. Ori and the Blind Forest advertises itself as a Metroidvania Platformer. Ori's movement and platforming is basic, but has a lot of movement comboing to keep things fast and energetic. The part I find confusing is the Metroidvania part of that. The game is pretty linear in terms of where you can go next and exploration is usually only rewarded by the occasional health upgrade. It's not a deal breaker, but expect this game to be a platformer first and foremost.


So far this is the only game to make me come close to crying. I'm not very emotional, but man this story was awesome.


This is one of the MUST-PLAY games in my opinion.

The story is great and immersive, the game looks absolutely gorgeous right from the start all the way to the end.
Gameplay is super fun, you get a bunch of movement abilities and options to play in whatever style you prefer and there is just so much to discover.
Honestly to me this game was really flawless and an awesome experience and as I already said, if you are into gaming, this game right here is a must-play for you.


A very heart warming game. The plat former and fighting aspect is very fun and challenging enough to not get board. The graphics and the music are great and get you immersed with the game. The game also doesn't give you direct instructions on how to complete it which is very fun. Would recommend to those who like playing plat former games and having some action in them.


A poetic experience. Just perfect!


Escape sequences take out all the fun of an otherwise great game.

And lots of puzzles are completely hintless. I can't remember how many times i had to look up a video because the game was unable to explain mechanics or tell me what i had to do.


great game good story, some platforming areas are difficult but for the most part most just take some thinking to get through easily, only downside to the game no story dlc/ side story dlc that i wish the developer wouldve created to make a pre story to the second game


This game is a gift from the God


Story: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Artstyle: 10/10
Atmosphere: 100/10



playtime: I played in hard mode and would consider myself to be an above average gamer (mostly MOBA and RTS but still) and it took me almost 14h to complete the game in hard mode. Some sequences are incredibly hard to pull of with basically 1 life. I heard on remotes the game is easier because u can use both hands: On PC its basically just the left hand and a lot of buttons for 1 hand^^)
graphics: 10/10
music: 11/10
gameplay: 10/10 (great replayability, high difficulty in hard game mode and 1-life-mode, great variety, NEW!! gaming mechanics I have never really felt and seen before: simply said "the game is different and refreshingly new" and not a standard platformer like we all have seen thousands of times)

this is probably among the top3 games i have seen in my life among hundreds played!
just buy it and stop reading! :D


this game is so beautiful, really recommend for platformer kind of game lovers :thumbsup:, note: not recommend for platformer beginners, this game is pretty hard ngl, for normal diff is already hard asf.


Have skipped work to play this last 4 days. Completing 4 times to achieve speed running achievements, 46 hours in total.
Don't tell this to my manager.


I wrote a Positive Review, then changed it to negative, and now back to positive. That's how playing this game will make you feel. You'll love it, and then hate it, and then love it again. Ultimately, this is an amazing game. Beautiful artwork and animations, amazing music, great controls and gameplay. However; it has some challenging parts that you'll find yourself trying over and over and over.

Visually appealing with beautiful and diverse landscaping/level design.
Fantastic soundtrack!
Easy to learn controls (except ground pound... that was annoying).
Learn new skills, gain exp and level up via a skill tree. This adds a lot to the game.
Cute, likable characters with a great story.
Fun boss battles and unique chase scenes.

Very repetitive button mashing combat.

Not a lot of diverse enemies and reusing enemies with only slightly different attacks.

Annoying chase scenes that make you start completely over when you die.

Upgrade your health bar but this doesn't seem to matter. No matter how big your health is... the enemies scale and you still die in 2-3 hits. What's the point?

A LOT of instant deaths. You can have a full health bar... and there are countless ways to die immediately. This gets very tedious and annoying.

Heavy metroidvania game. Tons of secrets that you must wait to uncover until you unlock that ability. I'm not a fan of this style of gamplay. A lot of backtracking, remembering where you need to go, etc. However; they did a good job to make it less confusing than others, and I never felt like I was wandering around for hours trying to figure out where to go next.


Hayatımdan birkaç yılı çaldı, sonraki oyunu oynamak için de sabırsızlanıyorum. Allah belanızı versin.


Excelente juego. Hermosa historia, jugabilidad y aspecto gráfico.


I was expecting a bit of hollow knight but all I got was a platformer with obligatory escape from boss fights and I also did not like the ending, spoilers ahead..... After the tree practically kills 3 of the giant owl babies while attempting to look for the main character, he also kill her while she attempts to save her last baby from the flames.... honestly I hated the ending and the Giant owl had no justice. regardless I was convince in buying this game because some people compared it to the Hollow knight which is mostly false unless the Hollow Knight was only a platformer.

Balloon Game
Balloon Game

Amazing visuals, an incredible soundtrack and a simple but very cute story. In terms of gameplay, it is again really well-made and polished but a bit too focused on platforming for my taste. I enjoy a good bit of focus on combat in my metroidvanias as well; perhaps a gauntlet here, a few bosses there, and maybe some more enemy variety. The enemies themselves are barely a threat compared to the environmental hazards and platforming challenges in this game on the other hand for most of the time, and are almost solely used as a part of the path to get where you want to be after some point (Think of how you can bounce in the air by hitting enemies below you in Hollow Knight for instance, that sort of stuff). Again, this didn't ruin anything. I still find the game quite enjoyable and would recommend, but know what you're getting into.

Kyle Tea
Kyle Tea

Super fun, tough as nails, beautiful platforming game. Works great on deck. 8/10 would die again.


I died so many times but the art and the music are outstanding so yes


It's a beautiful puzzle game. It is not without challenges. The story can be a bit emotional, but the game is amazing. Can't wait to play the sequel after I 100% this game.


To put it kindly, the controls are abysmal. It's a platform game, and you get screwed over by floaty/slippery controls all the time, as well as really inconsistent wall climbs. When your character feels terrible walking on flat ground, you know something's wrong.


Sublime on the Xbox Series X and now even more sublime in the palm of my hands on Steam Deck. In the summer sale so its a must have. Also running it at 60fps and 60hz refresh no problems and still getting over 3 hours battery


Good, quick platforming game. The story is decent while the music is quality. The difficulty is moderately difficult but primarily due to the somewhat janky control scheme (ctrl+shift+x+c+arrows) and no way to customize it. Overall 9/10 game for the price ($5) and 7/10 game overall.

Naked men fear no pickpocket
Naked men fear…

Having completed the original edition once, and definitive one for another time, yet my feeling over this game has never changed: amazed and appreciate. I truly respect every individual involved in this masterpiece. May you all work hard for producing more high-quality products.


Excellent game
For a first timer to a metroidvania style game I found the challenge to be high, but not overwhelming.
The movement abilities are fluid and manoeuvring Ori was a joy, even while grinding my teeth :)
Graphics are excellent and the Music and Sound Design are top notch.


When my friend first recommended Ori to me, I had never heard of it before. I decided to give it a try, and started playing.

The game starts out okay, with a cool (albeit extremely long) cutscene and some typical platformer-tutorial stuff. The first few sections went well, until I got the Bash ability. The problem with this is that sometimes puzzles require you to launch yourself, and sometimes they require you to redirect projectiles in the opposite direction. This was confusing, but at least time stops for a few seconds while you aim.

The real problems began in Sorrow Peak. I genuinely liked some parts of it (for instance, the falling-rock section), but the flying controls are just too damn finicky. If you're going to make your game's controls that complicated and hard to use, don't make the (FREQUENT) platforming sections of said game punish you with a one- or two-shot kill.


This game and its sequal are so beautiful, plus the game is a looot of fun.


I can't believe people sleep on this for games like Hollow Knight.
Ori and the Blind Forest is among the prettiest, most well flowing, and rewarding games I have ever played.

Every part of the map is illustrated in a way that envelopes the player in it's atmosphere. Whereas many metroidvanias like Hollow Knight has its massive map being a mostly samey lost sprawl, Ori's journey is distinct, memorable, and unique from just how diverse its art portrays each part of the game.

Ori's combat isn't his strength, so each stage flow so naturally from area to area where you come to really appreciate the style and music the developers put into the world you inhabit. There was no part of the game that was soul-crushingly difficult, with every item or power-up being rewarding and compelling the player to explore. (Unlike HK)

Ori's Journey is comparatively short with me finishing the game in 15 hours, telling a sappy but neat story (which I had to stop myself shedding a tear or two from) which is only accentuated by its amazing soundtrack. So...

...if you love Platformers, you'll love this game. if you love Metroid, play this game. If you love beautiful visuals and music, play this game.

It's the best $9.99 you can spend on Steam.


Great story, incredible visuals, great soundtrack, a total treat.


A fantastic platformer metroidvania with a very lovely soundtrack. Some parts of the game can be quite challenging but the wonders of a game like this is that every failure is just practice for when you eventually beat the part you get stuck on. The "Run for Your Life" Achievement is easily one of the best and most helpful achievements I've ever seen.
If you haven't already then absolutely pick this game up if you enjoy platformer games.


prologue hit and i started crying so a win for me


A very good Metroidvania platformer game. If you like Hollow Knight, but want something less focused on combat and more on exploration then you'll like this game. Not to mention the beautiful environments, the touching story, and the music is wonderful.

Vic Malicious
Vic Malicious

Glorious, but short game, with a few achievements that take advanced dedication. Dexterous jumping, minor skill tree that ends up maxed out, and adorable story. Graphically beautiful. I finished 100% of the map, fighting challenges, and secrets in


Difficult, yet extremely satisfying game. The combat is relatively bland, but the platforming is amazing.


nice story and music. play it.


This game is absolutely gorgeous. The soundtrack is hauntingly beautiful, the UI is both intuitive and seamlessly integrated, and once you get into a rhythm, it's very satisfying. Pick this one up if you're looking for a challenging platformer/metroidvania.