The Universim

The Universim
Our rating is calculated based on the reviews and popularity of the game.
Release date
1 August 2018
Steam reviews score
80 (7 421 votes)
68 (98 votes)

Jump straight into managing your own planets as you guide a civilization through the ages. Build the ultimate empire in The Universim, a new breed of God Game in development by Crytivo.

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The Universim system requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 64 bit or Higher
  • Processor: 2.6 Ghz - 4 Cores Mid Range CPU or Higher
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 780/880M/960/1050Ti/1660/2060 or AMD R9 290 / RX 570. Intel Graphics not supported.
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Duh!
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Difficult review to make. I had a genuine feel that this was going to be a big hit in a sea of very average gaming at the moment to say the least. But alas, a deeply boring difficult game simply because they want a simple game to sound like a complex deep game...
Graphics, okay, game explore odd. Ill keep going back to it, but ive got a feeling its got nothing I want at all.


I love that you can control the pace, kill everyone or flourish and choose entirely how your civilization goes by there time.


This is a game to play if you want something casual in a world building sim.

If you want a challenging building sim, I don't recommend getting this. This is a down to earth type of game that you play at your own pace. There isn't a lot to worry about right now other than keeping your nuggets alive; mostly at the start of your civilization. Otherwise, very easy to play.
If you're curious about how long it is to get from stone age to space age with the research system as it is now, it has taken me about 10hrs to get from stone to modern. I actually haven't gotten to space age yet. But this is also subjective to ones play style and pace.

My only complaint I have right now is that when you start getting into more modern age that everything is now spaced out and tracking down where certain buildings are can be a bit difficult when a lot of the things around it look the same. I wish there was a way that you could toggle buildings like you can with events. But that's just me.


Very interesting game. There are some minor bugs like seeing %help.text% on stuff. Seeing this game in full would easily be a top 10 game for me.


It lacks substance, the A.I if you let it will do what we humans are doing right now which is stop breeding. my playthrough is basically just been chucking infected bodys into the surrounding lakes because my cemetarys collapesed because the engineer office didnt have any workers cause my nuggets ALL TOGETHER just stopped breeding, so then you make your whole pop start bangin to save themselfs since they dont have enough workers for anything but since you cant just click the heart icon, then go over to their spouses and click them to make sure they make another nugget all while staying together cause a dev thought it was a great idea to just have you fly around the map hoping you remember where you last saw em. so you end up breaking up so many ppl that a lot of em are severly broken hearted.. and start visiting you.. so your population problem has only gotten worse cause a dev didnt play his own game cause thiers no way they wouldnt have fixed that if they actually played this game, cause i was P*ssed of at it within minutes of playing this game.
the game is NOT worth its price, this game is around 15$USD not 33$USD, they hustling on the price.

the building box and all the other boxes to select buildings is INCREDIBLY SMALL!!! like the boxes are microscopic on a screen with more realistate then nevadas deserts, like the box is a small pebble thats in the center of a desert.. now youre 20km in the air trying to grab this tiny pebble with a chop stic, your gonna click so many times your defiantly gonna get a bit angry at this

NOW IF YOURE LIKE ME AND GREW UP ON A REAL GOD GAME CALLED " BLACK&WHITE" THEN YOU KNOW WHAT A GOOD GOD GAME IS, they took nothing from that game really and put it into this one.

the Nuggets "the civis" are a 3D model of rimworlds half arse attempt at ppl, some ppl like that art i personally think its very lazy.

what is this game? best way i can describe it is that it is actually just spore, well the part of civilization that is cause so far i havent been able to edit my nuggets or basically do anything with them all i can do is research and try to keep them going forward while they seem hell bent on doing the opposite of what i want them to do.. yea if you played spore this game is basically just that, only no actual evolution an stuff like that, just birdeye view while you research and get angry at A.I humans who are some how slower in the head then actual humans.
if this game had more to it then maybe, but for me.. i really want my money back


very good game! I like this game a whole lot because it is very custom and challenging for "The creators"
A very great idea and perfectly executed I love it and i like customizing any thing thanks for the game i love it!


Cute af!
Super fun to do with my twitch chat or just some friends :3


An emphatic yes and worth full price! This game delivers with humor and beautiful graphics. Devs work dilligently on it so theres always something new to look forward to. If your reading this and considering, yes the price is steep, but if you're looking then you're a fan and im gonna bet youll not regret it. Its takes a bit of paying attention to learn but its not hard. One of the best titles ive played in a while for sure.


prob best game ive played but i got to the moon and now nothing to do i cant wait for next updait.


This game gets way to..... annoying. The tutorial is annoying, the constant interruption is annoying, the tutors voice is annoying. The way you interact with your Sims is annoying. There isn't anything about this game that isn't annoyingly annoying.

I do not recommend this annoying game, especially for the annoyingly high price.


If you like city builders you will love this game! It isn't a game you can beat quickly. Or rather get to the end game fast would probably be a better way to put it. Definitely a fun buy!


i woul;d rate this game 8/10 it is fun but there are a few bugs here and there like there was a infected zone but no ifected dead body the only way to fix this was to save and reload the game please fix this devs and sometimes iut is slow and it does get annyoing when the nuggits just drink from the lake when you dotn have enof resivors alland all it is a great game


I played a few years ago, but eventually stopped because of bugs preventing my Nuggets from doing tasks. Well, I decided to pick it up again recently and I can say it has come a long way! But I do feel like the progression is too fast. I played for 6 hours straight on a new world and managed to get to the Modern Age in that time. Once you get to the Modern Age, it gets extremely difficult to upgrade buildings as you need Modern resources and lots of them. And maybe this was unique to my playthrough, but I didn't have enough Nuggets to staff the new buildings so it slowed down resource gathering and delivering, construction, and much more.

For those who decide to get this game, I highly recommend that you do your research slowly to give your Nuggets time to catch up. And to space out your buildings in the very beginning because along the way, there will be more buildings that cover a certain radius (most notably the Engineers' Hut, which repairs buildings) and you'll have to demolish buildings in order to make room, costing you resources.

Herr Cabal
Herr Cabal

I gave the game a fair shot and I've played a good bit of the content, and I know it's early access when I say this, but for all the arbitrary god powers thrown in really I feel like all I got for 30 dollars is a really stripped down version of mid-game+ spore, which means just a really *really* stripped down version of civ. I came here to watch dynasties rise and fall and not interact with what feels like a cheap voting system. Diplomacy is a sham and seems to just be a trade button, and the exile "kingdoms" have no real interaction with each other or you other than periodic and arcady tom-fuckery attempts. Warfare comes in with barracks but that's a midgame tech, which just makes the early game a boring session of micro while dealing with the narrator who dreams of being charming and witty but is really just kind of a snob. Well at least the person who writes for them.

Just an fyi but I checked my achievements and the game has a 60% player achievement loss before 250 population, which doesn't determine an exact point in the game to have dropped it, but it can't be too far in since I hit that point at the beginning of medieval age tech (and I typically suck). I have high hopes for what this game could be so it makes the taste in my mouth a bit more bitter but my hope someday is that I will have a reason to change my review.


fun game that makes you think a lot


I've been really wanting to dig my teeth into this game, it's one of the most similar games I've been able to find that compares to Black and White, which you can't really play on modern computers. I've really enjoyed it so far and think the game is very functional for early access, I'm just disappointed that every time I load up the game I can't play my old save file because there's been an update. I get it but... sad times.


I picked this up on a Steam sale because it looked interesting, and I love god-sim games and fondly remember playing Spore and Populous in my youth.

This game may be early access but its very well polished for that. The game atmosphere is excellent and the gameplay simple to pick up.

The progression of your people is natural and doesnt impede the gameplay (ie you dont have to relearn any systems) .

Where the game suffers for me is the lack of information on how some game systems work and some of the UI elements could use refinements but none of that has detracted from my enjoyment of the game.


I bought this a couple of years back and played it for a bit, but reached fairly soon the limits of content available. Three years later, I am positively surprised how this has developed! A large list of buildings, god-powers and surprise-functions have been added. I played a lot of the populous-series in the past and for me "The Universim" is a worthy successor to these. I am genuinely enjoying the game!

Tip Tickler
Tip Tickler

I don't know why, but I always wanted a game like this, where you get to watch a kingdom grow. The game is really good, runs smoothly, and has almost no bugs.


All of my civilizations get to halfway through the modern era and then get wiped out by a plague.


It's a good thing my nuggets living in their cave home can attend their local modern university



Stop supporting this trash creator. Ignore the pun. I just got an email from this company stating they just fully funded something called 'Kloa'??? WTF? It has seriously been four years of supporting this game and they still have yet to finish it? Now they are funding other projects? FINISH THIS GAME FIRST! Would not recommend. The gameplay is repetitive and the AI of other settlements are braindead. Adding the Twitch integration was literally pointless to everyone outside of creators on Twitch and I don't see this game popping off on Twitch.... I no longer have hope for this studio and wish I could request a full refund for this game.

Entire thing is a waste of time and I am done playing whatever updates release.

Corvus Corone
Corvus Corone

I got this the day it went on sale, or therebouts.
This game was a POS for so long, and although from the initial concept it has become somewhat distorted.
I think where it is right now...

Shallow learning curve.
You can micro manage most this or let the "inhabitants" deal with the bulk of it.

You have to sacrifice your moral compass to a degree...
They took the Adam and Eve route and thus the planets populous is born from mass in breeding spawning from just two "nuggets".

This is the first god test... can you see these fucked up little inbred monsters worthy of your worship?
(you get cool god powers if you do)
And thus your steam refund / domination of the planet ensues.

It's basically a god sim, city builder based on a micro planetary scale.
Or as the flat earthers might say, AN ACTUAL GLOBE!

If you like city builders and pretty chill games.
Get it.

That being said, It does need some polish, mainly on the interfacing with the populace and the amount of god powers available.
Development seems slow and i hope it continues as although it feels like its 90% a full game, that last 10 percent seems like it could be a long haul yet.


Fun game but has a long way to go. My civilization crumbled because citizens were all too busy moving resources between warehouses to work the power plant. They weren't too busy to join the riots when happiness plummeted from no power though.

Terraria GOD
Terraria GOD

good game, I just wish it didnt delete your save every update


I love the game, and I think it has a lot of potential. Although I got through most of the content within the first 20 hours. I am looking forward for the finished products and DLC that will be added in the fture.


ever tried crack? its like that



but the only con is its hard to recover from the tentacle if you dont kill it in time


After putting double the amount of hours into this game - I am here to rewrite my review.

There are many great parts to this game - the Creator aspect makes it interesting to interact with your people (Nuggets) while they mostly do their own thing. The biomes add some depth to certain mechanics like farming, and I like the idea of having to find and cultivate local flora and fauna. The resource management feels fair, it never feels too easy or too hard to maintain materials. It is incredibly easy to get sucked into this game for hours at a time!

However, as much potential as this game has, it definitely has quite a bit of room for improvement. For every one thing about the game I enjoy, there are double the amount of things I find confusing/frustrating. Many of these things could easily be fine tuned, for example the news system is incredibly annoying (I have 400 people I don't need a notification every single time two of them get married!!), the research categories have strange pacing sometimes (why are cattle farms locked for way longer than electricity? how do I have fancy skyscrapers, cobblestone roads, and a stone age cemetery all at the same time?) and the in-game menus can be hard to navigate (the building menu and nugget menu are incredibly difficult for me to navigate, I spend just as much time trying to find certain structures as I do playing the game, and once the population gets even a little large, it feels like there is no point in paying attention to my nuggets at all. It is difficult to rename them, and I wish I could customize Nuggets like I can customize clones). Also, this is just a small pet peeve, but "looking inside" of the residential buildings gives the exact same boring, stone age interior regardless of how big the building is or what Age we are currently in. I don't think they would have stone beds in a high rise...

Overall, I think this game is incredibly enjoyable and worth a buy. With that being said, it is still Early Access. I have built two civilizations and have already run out of things to do. I think with a little bit of polishing and love, this game could easily be legendary.


Some things are really good about this game. some things are just okay. the AI needs some work, and the scaling needs some work at later parts of the game. and mainly, the way the pollution system works, is a little bit cringe. once you have space tech, you still need to use your god powers constantly to slow down pollution, when you should be able to automate it, like you can everything else, so you can focus on the big picture.

so that's annoying, but over all i've enjoyed my time, i would recommend a couple of plays.


I would recommend this game its worth its money
Sadly i asked for a refund and it was a fun game i just had a bit of trouble with the learning curve and controls

the game is beautiful and the background music is a great ambiance for it the VOICE OVER OMG its great i loved it could listen to a story every day form that voice over had me chuckling giggling and stunned at time was amazing never experienced a voice over like this game had

the controls were a bit hard for me to get the gang of its just too many tabs and the way it was set up was hard to get the hang of quickly for me i'm sure others will not have an issue with it just wasn't a good fit for me also i would get lost in the map a lot and couldn't find my little village for a while and would miss out on the timed stuff because i passed the same areas over and over and didn't know where i was

god power is a little weird to use a few ways to select it but found it hard to get used to how to trigger them and was wasting my god power points quite often but i really liked the concept of it over all the whole concept of the game was a nice remake of a few sim games with a god where you are god and could give your wrath if you even wanted and oh man that voiuce over guy would put in some TWO CENTS that make you chuckle

OVERALL the game is pretty much complete from where i was able to get threw it is on early access but felt complete it is a very good game to what i played I SAY BUY IT and good luck


great game it is really fun and takes long to finish the game so I have something to do now


very good progression, good resource management game


This game is so much fun, I love it.

leon messi
leon messi

its so damn laggy wth is this fix this damn game its so good but it has cpu problems and its so annoying the fps goes from 70 to 2 in just a day, sometimes the fps is OKAY sometimes its complete grabage. Please fix this this game is bueatiful and fun


this is a fantastic casual game i'd recommend for literally everyone. its a bit harsh on the CPU but nonetheless im always excited by the patches and updates.


Interesting concept, poor execution. May be better if they ever iron out the bugs, but based on them just adding more buggy content on top of a buggy system and already buggy content, I'd rather spend my game time elsewhere..


bc its good but can be laggy idk if bc of my pc but its a very good game


if you use lighting on house you gett more power

toxic lizerd
toxic lizerd

awesome concept love what the creators are doing. cant wait to see how it advances great work guys!

Black Iron Seamus
Black Iron Seamus

Love this game, seeing the progress from simple game to a truly deluxe experience is quite a cathartic feeling


Patiently waiting for final release. Great game.


Universim is a brilliant idea, and the graphics and designs are all beautiful. However, in it's current iteration it's also very boring and a step back from god games like Black & White. I've tried multiple times now to get into it and there is just not enough interaction with you as a creator and your people to feel connected. I feel more like a silent observer more than an interfering deity, which is nice for the first five minutes. However, after taking in the beauty it would be nice to do something more than just telling your nuggets to mate.

I want to throw trees and knock down buildings and be a beneficent or malevolent creator and I just feel like those elements aren't there. I just find myself staring at a screen waiting to do SOMETHING. I know this isn't the finished version so I'll give it another go eventually and maybe that will change my mind but in it's current iteration I just find it very disappointing. I preferred the recent game Township more than this, and while that game was also lacking elements that make for an engaging God game I felt like I was always doing something.


Fun game where you get to get to play God!


either the game is bugged with how fast these fuckers get sick or its supposed to happen no matter how advanced you medical shit is or how many reservoirs you place they still drink from the damn lake. either way its not fun to me and I dont enjoy it.


The UI for telekinesis is awful. I have no idea how exactly it works, what exactly I am grabbing, how to grab exactly what I want.
And there are VERY annoying TIMERS that quickly consume the available god powers when you are trying to learn how it works. You have to hurry your mechanical mouse movements, as if this was some kind of action ability game. Power consumption should be based on quantity of resources moved or distance, not on timers.


I HIGHLY recommend this game, I've played for 6 hours, and they were all 6 hours of fun. The game is somewhat hard to master, but you'll get the hang of it pretty soon. I'm just stupid so it took me a few hours.
Other than that, this is awesome. The guy talking to you throughout the game is funny, and the evolution is fun, and I love how you have permanent choices, like combustion power plants or peaceful windmills, in which case I destroyed my entire civilization causing riots and overall havoc just by choosing the worse option. The replayability is SUPER high. You'll play this until you die. You're gonna get in for at least 6 hours or more. If you're on the verge of buying any other god simulator, don't. GET. THIS. ONE. I can't stress it enough, THIS GAME IS AMAZING.



It's thumbs up or down so thumbs down, if it was starts maybe 2.5.

It's just slow to play when when you increase the speed. Long periods of time of just waiting around.

With the randomness of automatically built houses and others buildings (if you use the ministers or whatever) and inability to build your own roads it doesn't feel like a city builder sim.

It's just meh.


Great game, but it has frequent save issues, the files become corrupt... usually when saving before spacetravel.


This game is really fun and super entertaning


the problem with this game is the nuggets. they are just SO STUPID and love to kill themselvs. its SO ANNOYING!!!

[JT] gavinx2031
[JT] gavinx2031

When i first started playing i wasnt expecting to actually like the game, but the more i played the more i just couldnt stop.

Great game i would highly recommend people to give it a try.


The tech tree is huge. And I like it.


thought the rate at which growth happens quickly begins to outpace your number of little creatures in your civilization, I do find it relaxing, as I make decisions that actualy help my world, and actually interact with the people.


⸸ Playing god... Now this is my game.... Nuggets are cute but if they don't obey :) nugget juice anyone? ⸸


best god simulator ive played before.


Fun game. Kept me amused for a few hours and I get bored easy.


Great game, love the commentary by the narrator, and how the game looks! The only REAL issue I have is that I have to restart the game.... EVERY time a new update comes out. To me, that is annoying and also never incentivizes me to play it long term; this is especially true since after new version comes ,out after weeks of building up one civ, it will become obsolete.


Very fun God type game;. i would give it 4/5. The tutorial is extremly helpful.


Really Fun game, especially for early access. Plays well and not overly complicated. 81 hours and no bugs or glitches. Killed many nuggets from mistakes made... brutal way to learn. I am sure there will be more options in the near future. This game is good now, should become great with time.


Dear Univerrsim creators I wish you add in my ideas for upcoming updates ill list them all here
*Weapons factory unlocks after hunting and crate polution and unhappyness but gives hunter, soldiers ect weapons and gets upgraded to medevil after blacksmithing and improved after muscat to semi automatic rifles to full auto in the later on the new weapons cost discovery points and improves the fire rate you can add lasers if you please
*nuclear silo this thing is expensive to make and costs the following chemicals, fuel and steel
*modern gas plant unlocks after hot air baloons
*city's can refuse your trade offer even when its good if the city hates your's and you can have peace treeties be sign at the tall hall
*military vehicles with stronger bodies and gets upgrades through garages

these are my ideas please add them and see ya later love JJ


so much fun! love naming all the nuggets with funky names and watching them reproduce through the ages!


Real bad that the lag is too distracting to play the game on a basic computer. No other online games are this bad on a consecutive basis.


Love, love, love this game - and all the updates they have been implementing are both interesting and refreshing. Can't wait to see where the game continues to go!


The game is a lot of fun and has a good mix of difficulty and enjoyment to it. It starts off seemingly simple enough but there is a lot of factors you have to pay attention to as you progress through the time periods, its definitely worth downloading and playing.


It's kind of annoying? The nuggets seem to be incapable of doing anything you tell them to. Lots of materials and couriers but buildings take forever. And it's strange how stone age buildings just keep hanging out in the middle of sci-fi city.
They need sooo much micromanaging and yet at the same time you feel bored from doing nothing impactful and everything going so SLOWLY.
I'm not really sure about this one. Feels a lot like a city game but you can't adjust anything like roads and nothing gets done, the god game aspect is not to be found as apparently you don't care about the planet, animals etc whatsoever. It tapers off hard after stone age imo and soon becomes repetitive and the narrator gives up too.
Gonna have to give it a tentative thumbs down. I'll play it now I have it, and say play it if you really want to see it, but I can't give it a huge recommend.
PS. after the 5000th minute of hearing it. The sound of nuggets bedsprings squeaking in the middle of a city from them "mating" makes me want to kill myself.


It reminds me of the old Black & White game merged with Spore, it's pretty nostalgic. I love it but it's fair to point out the usability of the game is awful. Some buttons don't work correctly & some actions and events are not correctly explain so you need extra time to learn, for example, how to grab a fruit without basically take a whole forest with you. A revamp on the UI will do so much good.


simply put, not close to ready. the new updates actually make it nearly unrealistic to achieve the current end game, and when you do. nothing. just more of the same. as a black and white 2 remake it does a poor job. needs a lot more work, don't buy unless you like a dum version of anno


Beautiful and fun game. Bought it and got hooked right away. It's very fun and has lots of depth to keep you interested. Very excited to see how it will progress in the future!


A thoroughly enjoyable game to play in its current state, and much more to come? yes please ^^


step one: build colony
step two: notice mean worm thingy is killing my followers
step three: try to kill worm thingy with lightning
step four: eventually kill worm thingy, and all my own followers as a result of fires from the lightning strikes on the worm thingy.
step five: agony
step six: exit game without saving
step seven: plan to load game from before the fire and try to deal with worms again.

A+ will play again.


early game is good.

mid game kicks you into the soil and would prefer if you did not breathe.

late game is ok.

if you want to play this do it on the lowest difficulty as the enemy AI will ruin you, and only late game can you get to combat them. over all

not good

Shark Tsunami
Shark Tsunami

It's a fun little game, and if the developers can actually go through with their ideas for it, it'll be even better


It is one of the best games i ever played on steam, it is a revolutionary game and i think every one should get it


Very decent Early Access Game.
Kinda confusing at the start, but most games like this are.
Narration is fun and entertaining.

The only thing I didn't enjoy at all was the camera movement, it gets very uncomfortable after a while, especially later in the game.

[HudR] Glowbez
[HudR] Glowbez

Fun and has lots of potential, but there are bugs to be sure.
I'm sure once it fully releases, the worst of the bugs will be fixed.


A great successor to the god games of old.


This game is a lot of fun and I would love to keep playing it, but every time the game is updated you are not able to use any of your saves, so you have to start the game from scratch, I have never played a game that has done this before.

ღ Distracted ღ
ღ Distracted ღ

Such a great game and happy to be along for the ride from close to the beginning! It's been a long journey, but the full release is on the horizon. I'm so pleased to see a developer who doesn't abandon their game, despite setbacks. I applaud Crytivo for developing their own engine with the mechanics that support their vision, and not just relying on Unity, or something similar. The game is coming along wonderfully and I can't wait to play the finished product!


It's a fun city manager with twists. Doesn't become too complicated as things progress though (haven't been to space yet)


great game I could not stop playing plus the game developers are always working on something new


why every time there update the game reset?


One of the best god games I've ever seen.


Cute chill game, sometimes feels like you have no control over things but it's part of the challenge piece of it.


I love this game but it is not acceptable for the save to be obsolete every time there is an update. It happened to me twice so far. I restarted my game a week ago and now in less than 10 days here is another update and I lost my progress and have to start from scratch again. This makes me angry. Why the developers think this is acceptable?


The developer does not care about the players time.
Each update means that progress in the game is deleted as saves are no longer working.
I have 23 hours played in this game, but I ave never reached the end of the tech tree.
It seems like the developer is trying to make the game look way bigger than it is by having long wait times in the game and then resetting saves.

I will recommend not playing this game until this becomes a lot more stable.
True: I have not been able to complete the game in nearly 24 hours played, but I have made a good effort multiple times.
This is bad game design.
I see no reason to do all the boring introduction quest again,
and I don't want to recommend a game to others who have to face the same issues.


only as something to pass some time away! would be alot better if you n a friend or more could co-op!!!

Aiden Mac
Aiden Mac

They need to Make wild fires spread quicker and valcanos have lava pour out but other than that really good I love it

Pretend Ninja
Pretend Ninja

Great game! Definitely worth a buy.


I have been playing this for a few years now and development has been amazing. Simple city building sim for people who don't like micromanaging too much.


The game itself is pretty fun and enjoyable, albeit a little slow overall, but that's great if you enjoy that. The big, and I mean BIG, thing that's annoying me the most is having to reset the game at every update. At every update that adds something, no matter if late or early game, you always have no create a new world. Other games manage to add it without forcing you to start anew. If it's anything that changes basic things, I can totally understand it, but adding late game content and forcing you to delete your mid game world is just annoying and robbing you of your motivation to play this game.


Your save files will no longer be supported when the next update rolls in. Seems like this is a constant issue with this game. I don't mind restarting, but after awhile it becomes tiresome. For once I would like to continue from where I left off and have the game automatically convert those file into the next updated release. I understand this is early access, but maybe look into doing something like this Devs? Hint hint?!?


This game is great! It is fun watching the nuggets progress through the ages and helps pass the time.
I also think that nuggets should also progress through something like the Kardashev scale (all the way to type 7) so that you won't just be constantly colonizing planets, and there will almost always be something new to do.


Extremely laggy and sometimes crashes when I open it


I think the game is very fun! It can be challenging - especially as technology advances. I made it to the Space Age and have unlocked almost everything. The thing I didn't figure out how to solve until later was pollution and the riots. I used the rain to reduce pollution. I use telekinesis for riots, but sounding the alarm (and possibly having a bunker) is actually more effective. There was one bug I encountered in the game when picking up an item for the battery during the electricity quest. It will be stuck on a circle without the ability to press the ESC button as well as unable to do other things when the timer runs out while attempting to pick up the item at the same time. But that was the only bug I encountered during my gameplay. I still enjoyed the game regardless.


This game has one of the most annoying narrators who over-explains the most useless details, but never explains anything ACTUALLY important. And yells at you for being a pervert because some fucking hut way off in the corner of the screen, far from where you're looking, happens to be bouncing.

By the time you hit stone age, you better hope your nuggets have built 47 reservoirs (Which the game never fucking tells you about, because why spend time making a decent tutorial when you've already spent your entire budget on the thousands of pointless voice lines for an extremely annoying narrator), or you'll have to deal with your pea-brained rockdolts drinking from a lake that is 0% polluted, infecting the entire village with the dreaded virus; badgamedesignitous.

This game has also been in development for about 7 years. And the way they update the game is absolutely terrible. Every time a significant enough update comes along, all of your old save games are no longer functional, and you have to start over... again. I get that this was an early access purchase, but this is the first game I've ever bought into EA where the devs genuinely don't care about saved game issues after the first year or so. The engine has some fundamental problems if, after five years, players still have to start from scratch AGAIN any time you add some new asset, no matter how big or small.


not good at all the dumb roots


AMAZING game. AWESOME story and development. Once you figure the game out its easy to manage a proper environment on Mother Planet while still building life on the moon. I hope they expand it and make more planets to move to. It would be awesome to have multiple instances to manage in the future. It starts out as a challenge, gets easier, and then become a challenge late game. Its all on how you manage your god powers late game to keep the trees and water filled until you can build the transforming devices. My only hope is to have more interaction with the other exiles. Maybe a way to buy out their settlements like Spore or Civ. Until then i will continue to destroy them as soon as they spawn XD 2 thumbs up on this game.


Fun game, i love it, i hope it get more features, more god powers, and get more complicated (such as plagues, more type of natural/man made disaster


its good but the progression gets super slow. once you get like not even half of the way through caveman stage the progression just slows down to a halt. and it starts to get tedious. the game is constantly advertised for its space stage but your lucky if you even get close. but its a good game the progression is my its major issue and if the devs fix it this could be one of the best games of all time.


very fun this game is like a colony survival and i am really fun game


This was one of my first games purchased on steam and i'm super happy with it. With the constant weather changes and different random challenges it makes it never ending fun.


Enjoying it, but so far my games become a problem when I hit the modern era and things fall apart. I have only been playing for a few days, and there is a learning curve. If you like God games, you might enjoy this.


If you don't respect my status as the god of literally everything and everyone on this planet, I will ninjutsu magic yeet you into the cult grinder and make you into actual nuggets


After reminding yourself that this game is still in a beta stage, it will blow you away! I have enjoyed watching my little universe grow and the game mechanics are understandable and quick to learn. The game is engaging and enjoyable! Also, the team is very responsive on Discord if you have any questions or run into any issues (remember, it's in beta still! Although, to be honest, it's been incredibly stable for me!)


started watching you tube videos of this game and had to play it for myself, the most fun I've had in the past 2 days.


if you want to terrorise your citizens/nuggets and destroy other civilisations then this is the perfect game for you


Good amount of content and a refreshing spin on a colony sim game


lots of good fun for the family. I enjoyed making my sivilisashon


great game for people who love simulation/god games


It's addictive and chill. Very much enjoyable. Also it looks and runs nice.
Combat is dull.


Such a brilliant city building game. Loads of research to unlock and the game moves along at a good speed. I like how you don't have to build houses or roads, the "nuggets" build them themselves. Nice graphics and peaceful music. I've played for 10 hours so far and I'm loving it. Very stable game too with no bugs found yet.


Great game, cant wait to see what they have in store for it.


i find it very fun and adddictive

PoPcOiN 紅葉
PoPcOiN 紅葉

This game is very fun and interesting, the way u have to balance out the nuggets to do jobs and help around is what makes it so fun and the fact that the game is never still standing there is always something u can do from leveling up to researching something and building or upgrading ur buildings. Watching ur nuggets be dumb and get smarter is also very good and funny and it it definitely something that will keep u hooked...


This game is so much fun and can be funny at times the replay on it is a lot and they are always updating the game if your looking for a very addicting game where you can be God and rule the world however you want get this game


This game has some fun parts but the tedium is exhausting.

The game has a lot of humorous production value. But after 22 hours, I got exhausted by the tedious nature of the game. Hopefully the developers will address the two biggest issues I encountered.
1) When "nuggets" die of old age or other factors, their corpse turns into infectious zones -- even if you have cemeteries with workers -- so every 30-60 seconds, you are constantly clearing the bodies yourself and curing that infected. 2) When you send expeditions, the team becomes consistently "overloaded" with the things they find, forcing you to go in every 1-2 minutes and decide which of the loot to leave behind.

This actions require you to stop and cancel whatever other activity you were focused on, so it's just exhausting after a while. The issue only gets worst as the population grows. Meanwhile, the game is popping up it's own random events for you to solve which are time-based, which only adds to the frustration.

I don't know if it's a need for better balancing or better in-game tips on how to overcome these issues. But having the developer address these would improve the game play considerably.


great game, a lot of content in my opinion and they just keep adding more. would definitely purchase


The last 20 minutes I've spent the whole time clearing infected zones. Every single minute for the last 20 minutes "such and such has wandered into an infected zone". Until they balance the game so they're either limited to 1 every 10, or even 20 minutes, or better yet put in an option to disable them altogether I'm done.


this is a great game! Although it is in beta it still lots of fun and my most enjoyed part is when they fly to the moon! Oh and i hope that they soon will give us the power to fly to mars!


why just why i got this game and expected creator mode to exist BOOM i reached the level to get to it and then ITS NOT THERE why and also ADD REAL PLANETS AND A DIFFICULTY MODE i hope this game dies like a bug with bug spray dont buy this at all settings dont work and just download a game like this but better called before you leave look ok i know you added the moon but why not other planets? and not only that THAT IS WAY TO HARD TO DO ANYTHING IN THIS GAME i just want to do peaceful things in this game and make a nice city WITHOUT INTURUPTIONS LIKE RUNNING OUT OF NUGGETS OR THE STUPID WATER SHORTAGE just make the game better or delete the game worst game i have ever played DONT EVER BUY THIS THIS IS TRYING TO STEAL YOUR MONEY AND WHY CALL IT UNIVERSIM CALL IT CIVSIM THAT WOULD MAKE IT MORE REALISTIC DUE TO THE GAME NOT EVEN HAVING A UNIVERSE! look just NEVER buy this its bad way to hard and it most likley is going to force you to begin the game all over again so DONT PLAY THE GAME i reapeat DONT PLAY


A chill city builder that gives you god-like powers. All in your quest to reach to the moon. I believe more planets are on the way as well leading to more fun that this game will undoubtedly provide>


I liked it enough to start from new once I got the hang of things. Can't say I'm doing the best but I'm hooked until I do.


In love with this game. I am a big fan of city management games personally and I like how when you can get far enough in the game you can walk away from the computer and let the game do its thing.


I have mixed feelings about this game. But I'm more into the positive rather than the negative.

To summarize, this is actually a colony sim/city builder with god power. Your role is to guide the nuggets from the early Adam and Eve era. You help them stay alive with your god power, show them to build what they need to build (because they are not that autonomous) until they could govern themselves, and have a ministry in each division. Even with that, you would still manually place things sometimes.

Because I still need to manually build some of the buildings myself, it takes away the element of surprise. I liked it when they began to build their own settlement somewhere and I thought those Nuggets finally explored the unknown. But no, after several minutes into the game, I realized that I need to guide them on where they should build their next building. Then the game becomes sort of city-building-ish rather than being an observer and a god game.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed seeing the civilization grow.


good game but might need a good computer


This game is so much fun! I love it! Some things are a little fuzzy, like it would be nice if you could hover over certain things like the trade windows and it explain what trading means exactly - what will you get and how this will change your relationship with the other towns etc. Otherwise great game I've already sunk a ton of time into after having only recently purchased.


Its a very fun game if you like city builders.